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18062546 No.18062546 [Reply] [Original]

How do I accelerate my consciousness? I want to have mega woke, ultra modern, warp speed consciousness. What do I read?

>> No.18062559

>mega woke, ultra modern, warp speed consciousness
What does that even mean?

>> No.18062562

Fanged Noumena

>> No.18063274


>> No.18063411

When you finally have it you will realize that you always had it, that you don't want it, but that you don't want to be without it. There is no turning back.

>> No.18063431

Paulo Virilio and everything on Dromology & Accelerationism

>> No.18063443
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You'll have to eat brains.

>> No.18064144


>> No.18064305

>I want to have mega woke, ultra modern, warp speed consciousness.
What's up with all the newfags lately thinking philosophy is some kind of new experimental drug

>> No.18064373

What do you mean? I could give advice for a sharp mind, but a fast mind? That's something you could only do for specific topics by practicing solving problems rapidly, or in instances where you already have experience with something similar and are able to use cookie-cutter logic to solve the problem.

>> No.18064489
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>> No.18064501

Polygon articles, backwards.

>> No.18064587

You're missing the point of what I said. I meant that we live in fast pace times, where information processing is changing the very shape of our brain. We can't think as deeply anymore for that reason, and for those who seek knowledge, they are bombarded with more than anyone in any other generation had ever accumulated. With this comes the breaking down of old boundaries, rigid forms of thinking. In this accelerated consciousness, we quickly bridge old gaps, and realize a world which is far more complex than we could have ever imagined. In this post-modern, hyper reality, where our consciousness barely has any footing anymore, our very essence becomes inseparable from the machines which we incorporate into our very souls.

>> No.18065172
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read my collage

>> No.18065528

um... bro just read
I totally get what you're saying though