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18060394 No.18060394 [Reply] [Original]

How do I show off that I read a lot of books?

>> No.18060398

By not making frog threads on /lit/.

>> No.18060412

cover yourself in books

>> No.18060419
File: 977 KB, 450x250, 26F7DC8B-30F9-4EBA-82C3-8022D3211D53.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right there.

>> No.18060430

Typically, my go to is to interject into conversations typically saying "huh, I was reading about this just recently." Since your average person doesn't read much, I simply make up a title, or cite a lengthy book I know nobody will ever read, then I bullshit about I learned from said book.

>> No.18060516

Get a big book shelf and make sure it's placed behind you when you use your Webcam for shit

>> No.18061311

don't you should hide it there is never any benefit to it - if you're intelligent it comes across without needing to mention or give the impression you read books, if you're stupid people will eventually see through you; If you try to hard to make it known you read people will laugh at you behind your back and view you as a pseud. You should always hide the fact you read when others talk about books let them they'll either out themselves as a fucking moron or give you something worthwhile all of this happens regardless of if you give your opinions.

>> No.18061334

Don't, you narcissist retard.

>> No.18061571

the socially acceptable way in my experience:
you are talking to someone, maybe theyre new, or maybe theyre someone you havnt communicated with in a long time and need to catch up. youre on a date, youre at a social gathering, whatever. if they dont ask you about your interests, you ask them about their interests. when your interests come up you casually mention your interests and include that you love reading among those interests, perhaps as the last installment of your list, leaving it more likely to be picked as a further topic for conversation. chances are they ask you what you like to read, or what your favorites are and you go from there if they ask you specifically what your favorite book is and you want to talk about more than one book you say you have a hard time deciding and shoot off a few of your favorites, at which point they may hopefully ask you what you like about them, what theyre about etc. Mission accomplished

>> No.18061590

Actually I should add one more important detail: that it may not need specifically be a question of "what are your interests" directly, it can be "what have you been up to", if youve actually been doing stuff and arent a neet loser you list off whatever it is youve been doing then add " doing some reading" to that list at the end, if you are a neet loser or someone who doesnt do much you say something along the lines " not much, mostly just binging some tv, movies, and doing a lot of reading" something along those lines, you get the point

>> No.18061697
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>> No.18062271

Pro tip: don’t

>> No.18062469

You could have some big ass bookshelves but you sound like a dork so people probably don't come to your house. Alternatively, try actually learning from what you read and applying it in your daily life by being an intelligent person without the need for bragging. If someone asks you "what are you up to?" or "read any good books lately?" that's fine. Just don't be like "Ha man this is exactly like the time in [Book X] when [Event Y] happened because we've all totally read that, right guys??" because then people will think you're a retard which is the opposite effect you want.

>> No.18062490

>"Ha man this is exactly like the time in [Book X] when [Event Y] happened because we've all totally read that, right guys??
This only works with Harry Potter

>> No.18062494

Why would you want to do this?

>> No.18063527

to flex and make people fawn over how smart you are?

>> No.18063582

I walk around with a Greek New Testament and I constantly put my hand under my chin as if I'm thinking really hard about something. People fear me.

>> No.18063662


>> No.18063670

Become a booktuber if you want aesthetics.

>> No.18063677


>> No.18063699

An instagram lit-dedicated account. That would be my choice as a Youtube account would require filming myself which is a huge no-no! Post an occasional pic of yourself to remind people you’re the owner of the page

>> No.18063734
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you're a tranny LOL

>> No.18063746

Someone that needs that kind of feel good must have no friends to show them to.

>> No.18063753

>turtle neck or a wool scarf
>drinking your coffee dark
>talk with low voice
>slightly tilt your face up so you always look down on people
>look away with a smug face when somebody asks you something, give them a vague request to read [Big Name]
>always name drop Jewish, French, Norman English and Slavish-German surnames
>take a paperback with you and read it in public whenever you have the time
This is how everybody knows.

>> No.18063814

Live righteously