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18059393 No.18059393 [Reply] [Original]

IQ and taste in music correlate well
how do IQ and taste in reading correlate?
are people who read classics or philosophy smarter than people who read YA?

>> No.18059408

IQ is a pseudoscience.

>“IQ” is a stale test meant to measure mental capacity but in fact mostly measures extreme unintelligence (learning difficulties), as well as, to a lesser extent (with a lot of noise), a form of intelligence, stripped of 2nd order effects — how good someone is at taking some type of exams designed by unsophisticated nerds. It is via negativa not via positiva. Designed for learning disabilities, and given that it is not too needed there (see argument further down), it ends up selecting for exam-takers, paper shufflers, obedient IYIs (intellectuals yet idiots), ill adapted for “real life”. (The fact that it correlates with general incompetence makes the overall correlation look high, even when it is random, see Figures 1 and 2.) The concept is poorly thought out mathematically by the field (commits a severe flaw in correlation under fat tails and asymmetries; fails to properly deal with dimensionality and treats the mind as an instrument not a complex system).

>> No.18059410

Does this mean? How do you measure music?

>> No.18059417

top is SAT score which correlates well to IQ
bottom is favorite artist or something
Lil Wayne fans, on the left, are the lowest scorers on the SAT
The highest SAT scorers, not shown, listen to Beethoven the most

>> No.18059418

this. literally just a test invented for jerkoff anglos to feel better about themselves. there's a reason that the people with the highest iq's normally contribute little to society.

>> No.18059420

>Lil wayne

IQ is literally the only field of study in psychology where studies are dependably repeatable. IQ is also easily the best predictor of general life success (yes, better than having a rich daddy)

>> No.18059427

I remember seeing one like this back in the day that had counting crows as the peak midwit band at 100 IQ, but according to this they are brainchads?

>> No.18059434

dependably repeatable

>> No.18059436

you're acting like iq is some kind of immutable thing lmao. success and iq correlate because education and iq correlate, and education correlates with rich daddy.

>> No.18059437

>are people who read classics or philosophy smarter than people who read YA?

Duh. Are people who pull trucks stronger than people who do yoga?

>> No.18059449

I have come to realise that many people who read the classics and philosophy, not all of course, are very often less intelligent than ya readers. They don't actually remember what they read, they can't synthesise what they read, what they digest doesn't spur any creativity in them. Instead, what they spend most of their time doing is regurgitating accepted platitudes about the works they read while pretending that the mere persona of reading such works distinguishes them as 'intellectual'. YA readers are far more engaged and invested in the works they read and actually think about its themes, write fanfiction, create new scenarios where they creatively juxtapose themes and characters in new ways and synthesise what they read to enrich their world. I find it far more enjoyable talking to my friends who read YA and recommend me books they like than talking to so-called 'intellectuals' who rarely have anything personal, new or fresh to say about what they're reading and how it affects them.

>> No.18059451

Nice booger-eating quote from Taleb.


>> No.18059457

Imagine being this stupid. You can give a 6-year-old an IQ test and if you give him another one, let's say thirty years later, the results will be more or less the same (barring obvious things like brain damage). If you think education magically raises IQ idk what to tell you; raising IQ is the holy grail of psychology and if it were within our means to do so it would be done en masse for obvious reasons.

>> No.18059461

IQ correlates more strongly with income than parental income. We also know from that it correlates better with job performance than formal credentials. You actually have to show that each link in your chain of assumptions is true.

>> No.18059476

At least have an image ranking a shit ton of music by IQ, that would get us talking

>> No.18059491

The people that claim to read the classics and philosophy and then regurgitate platitudes don't actually read them they just say they do because it's fashionable

>> No.18059500

i have a measured iq of 162 and i exclusively listen to japanese happy hardcore (or j-core as it is known)

>> No.18059505

>because it's fashionable
since when was it fashionable? and how much coochie can i get from it?

>> No.18059507
File: 101 KB, 609x1199, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erotica haters...are we midwits?

>> No.18059520

No I have seen this in my classes even, if not especially among top-performing students. They say what they say bc they have stake in acting they way they do.

>> No.18059521

>the holy bible: 900
>the bible: 1050

>> No.18059526

Yes, that's why Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans who don't speak English score higher than Anglos; and why Ashkenazi Jews outside of Britain score higher as well. It's all a giant Anglo conspiracy to artificially prop themselves as a cognitive master race, and that's why so many non-Anglo groups who don't speak English score higher. Brilliant deduction.

>> No.18059527

every extra year of education correlates with an average iq gain of 1-5 points. as one anecdote i remember, michael oher (the guy from the blind side) scored 20 full points higher on the iq test in college than he did in high school. you can give your alternate explanations or whatever but it's just obvious that the skills on the iq test can be taught.

>> No.18059531

>the: 1200
> : 1350

>> No.18059532

It's fashionable only in the right circles, people probably do it more for social capital than strictly to get laid but I have seen it get people pussy though

>> No.18059537

>asians and jews are the most educated ethnic groups by far
>they have the highest iq scores
absolutely shocking if true

>> No.18059538

Whoever made this chart format doesn't like information to be clear. Put it in a table sorted by median score.

>> No.18059541

Psychology rejects IQ as a viable test

>> No.18059550

thank you, psychology
very cool

>> No.18059557

Some of them definitely buy into it but there are others that are just putting on a performance and in neither case do they read

>> No.18059572

Lmao. Maybe in California.

>> No.18059582

na basically everywhere.

>> No.18059588

Serious question: why are Americans so obsessed with IQ?

I grew up in France, Austria, Switzerland and Australia (father was a diplomat) so I've been to a lot of different schools and education systems. Not once was IQ ever mentioned. I only ever heard about IQ through American media.

Why do Americans hold it in such high regard?

>> No.18059593
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>> No.18059598


it's a universal rejection - because it actually doesn't prove intelligence - it proves someone's ability to do well in an IQ test

i've studied psychology at length at university and even did an entire class on intelligence. iq is rejected on an academic level as well as a practical level

>> No.18059613

Doesn't matter if they can be taught. The first ever score you get on an IQ test is your real score, and is your REAL intelligence.

They're the most educated because they're the smartest. Any education "gains" that you might get by going to a prestigious boarding school or a uni are fluff for an IQ test. It's empty.

>> No.18059624

Their claim is stronger than a correlation, it is attempting to isolate the one-way cause of educational length on IQ.

>1 to 5 points.
In other words, 5 points is the absolute maximum they found in anything they looked at. It's around 1.5-1.7 points consistently if you actually read their data, diminishing over a lifetime to 0.8-1.0. Furthermore, something like, say, the racial gap in intelligence is going to be explained less by this than you think. (In the USA, about 13% of whites have advanced degrees and about 9% of blacks have advanced degrees). Furthermore, brown people in the US and Britain (let's be real, this is why IQ is a heated discussion) get heavy-handed racial preferences for school admissions and hiring.

>> No.18059629

>iq is rejected on an academic level as well as a practical level
lol by fucking whom, there being controversy doesn't mean it is "rejected"

>> No.18059630

They don't. IQ has not been relevant since the 60's. Almost no one knows their IQ.

>> No.18059637

buddy the IQ test hasn't been in circulation properly since the 60's. get with the times gramps

>> No.18059638

Maybe (you would have to show this) but the point of my post was not to make a claim about why the intelligence gaps exists, only to point out that IQ data from ethnic groups discredits any notion that it is designed to favor Anglos.

>> No.18059649
File: 194 KB, 894x1390, 01362254-90A7-469A-ADF0-9CD41350CF5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>High IQ
HP Lovecraft, Robert E Howard, Ashton Clark Smith, Nietzsche

>Low IQ
Fag psued stuff + anything written by an Irishmen (Mick)

>> No.18059658

Filtered by Joyce

>> No.18059668

It's rejected because it is a correlative test. You score well on an IQ test and therefore you are intelligent. But that's not how it works. All it can prove is how well you did on the test.
In fact, it is actually far better at demonstrating learning difficulties than as a measurement of intelligence.
Not to mention its systemic bias towards those who receive better educations and live in wealthier areas and how it's been used to categorise demographics of people. You say that's not relevant but it is, because it highlights one of its biggest flaws. It's not a universal objective test.

>> No.18059670

One, it's not rejected, that's just a lie that is easily dispelled by expert surveys. Second, "how well you do on an IQ test" is not considered important in a vacuum and never was by anybody, it's the predictive power that turned out to be impressive and better than any other metric of the same generality.

>I've studied psychology at length at university
It's even more embarrassing that you would put forth your arguments given that you've studied the field. Kind of like majoring in chemistry and not knowing what electrons are.

>> No.18059680

I guess Raven's progressive matrices, Stanford-Binet, WAIS, WISC, and SAT as proxy for IQ were all myths that were never done. I see that the new strategy for countering IQ studies is outright lying about the results of research and hoping it sticks.

>> No.18059685

>that's just a lie that is easily dispelled by expert surveys.

this means nothing

>it's the predictive power that turned out to be impressive and better than any other metric of the same generality.

it favours rich white families living in rich white areas - that is the predictor of success - being wealthy and living a privileged life with infinite opportunities at your feet

>> No.18059692

Yes, that's why Asians both inside and outside of the United States score higher. You probably are lying about studying psychology because this knowledge is so basic. It's as suspicious as somebody claiming to have taken a bunch of mathematics courses at university and not knowing that you aren't allowed to divide by zero.

>> No.18059702

Midwit, in reality

>> No.18059706

because Asian cultures especially migrant Asian cultures place a huge importance on being educated - to the point of obsession with being as educated as possible. they are taught from very early ages on how to do well on tests

do you think black ghetto families place this importance on education or on finding a safe place to live and something to eat?

>> No.18059713

not literature

>> No.18059724


This is my favourite song. What's my IQ?

>> No.18059785

Midwest fuck though unlike high IQ incels who frighten women with their mental illnesses

>> No.18059792

I swear to God, listening to this sort of music is dropping my IQ day by day. I need music conducive to concentration.


>> No.18059803

what are you talking about? social media in general has only amplified people's urges in all of the english speaking online world to signal that they're superior/smarter/better in pretty much any way they can. they don't use the actual term "IQ" explicitly that often but the posturing about being 'one of the smart ones' is all there, always

>> No.18059896

How many blacks went to your schools?

>> No.18060070

Exactly. The mind is not a machine. Treating it like one is why the entire field of psychology is bullshit.

>> No.18060078

nothing is a machine but a machine
everything is bullshit except for mechanical engineering

>> No.18060167

The question is then how to change black culture. If Asians do better because they value intelligence and education regardless of income and blacks do not, then I would say the Asians have a culture more conducive to success and thriving than blacks do, and it would do well for blacks to adopt the cultural practices that make Asians successful.

>> No.18060196

"""""race realists"""""

>> No.18060214

Asians and blacks have come to the US on entirely different terms and circumstances

>> No.18060218

Euro here. The problem as I see it is a form of racism, but from progressives. Historically blacks were hard workers, had lower unemployment than whites, and even had lower divorce rates. But that changed with the welfare state. For more than half a century blacks have been told by liberal reformers that they are disadvantaged, second class citizens, who deserve to be given free shit just for existing. This is what created the gibs me dat mentality.

>> No.18060227

blacks were slaves on the plantations, asians on the railroads

>> No.18060271

Their past circumstances justify their past and maybe their present, not their future. The goal should be to help them become better and happier, not to bankroll their bad habits.

>> No.18060323

>Iq is a pseudo science
This is objectively true

>> No.18060329

Radiohead is for total pseuds, so this chart is flawed

>> No.18060346

It is not a pseudo science. It is a variation of a statistical tool n-tiles. Meaning someone with an IQ of x+1 will be "smarter" than someone with an IQ of x. It also considers each interval to "contain" the same jump in intelligence. However, "intelligence" itself cannot be measured. It can just be distributed based on the number of questions a person gets right.
The problem comes when IQ is used to push political agendas, personal agendas, etc, and used as "reality" instead of its description, especially when IQ is taken in a vacuum wildly out of context.
Further, what IQ purports to measure is "intelligence". Which is no guarantee of success. It is just a potential to convert and succeed.

>> No.18060351

People who post about IQ or make IQ threads generally have a large chip on their shoulders because they are unironically unintelligent.

>> No.18060362

>Doesn't matter if they can be taught. The first ever score you get on an IQ test is your real score, and is your REAL intelligence.
Sounds like cope. As everything is subject to change.

>> No.18060363

i've taken lots of online iq tests and i only ever get between 115 and 126, usually on the lower end of that though
i think 115 is actually the most accurate for me, which is just midwit tier
should i give up on trying to do creative work?
should i also give up on even reading as a whole?
i'm honestly pretty depressed about being a midwit

>> No.18060367

>Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans
the reason these bugmen score so high is because they spend their entire life living in a real world mmorpg simulation where they are forced to grind standardized tests and standardized testing procedures for 15+ hours a day in order to be accepted into their society. IQ is measure of test taking skills. If you spent every day of your life since childhood studying 24/7 youd test highly on an IQ test as well. I used to suck at IQ test until I figured out how to game them

As someone mentioned above IQ / IQ testing is just a larp for Anglos to make themselves feel better about themselves

>> No.18060470

Anyone who uses the term midwit is already an unsalvageable retard.

>> No.18060481

pls don't be mean to me i try my hardest

>> No.18060495
File: 73 KB, 604x604, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The highest IQ /lit/ posters read poetry almost exclusively and speak 5+ languages. The lowest IQ posters read Dostoyevsky, Stoner, and German philosophy.

>> No.18060496

>there's a reason that the people with the highest iq's normally contribute little to society.
So does it actually measure something or not?

>> No.18060498

>read poetry almost exclusively

>> No.18060511

see my post here >>18060367
im unironically black, the race that this board and others pitch with random infographs that are cherry picked that have the "lowest IQ" and yet I had to take a professional IQ test in order to get into a private school middle school, and tested at around 128 (I took the WISC back in the early 90s). Mind you, I've been in private school my entire life and i took the test around age 8-9 or so. IQ tests are simply a measure of your education and nothing more. That should be more than obvious considering how there is an entire section on fucking vocabulary on most IQ tests (it makes up 3-4 sections in various formats on the WISC). You don't come out of the womb knowing words, how many words you know is directly correlated to your exposure to them. If you read more / study more / or your parents talk to you using advanced vocabulary, you're going to score better on the test.

as I mentioned before, IQ is an anglo LARP and coping mechanism that is a direct measure of someones protestant system education exposure.

>> No.18060517

How are they rating taste in music? I doubt there’s a correlation really since it seems art has very little to do w IQ ie solving puzzles, etc (it’s something else)

>> No.18060518

Poetry is the acme of literature. Writing good poetry alone filters out most dilettantes; this is not true of prose, where mediocrity is made passable, vid. the likes of Orwell, Hemingway, Nabokov, Fitzgerald, compared to guys of the same time period who wrote poetry such as Pound, Eliot, Yeats. Not even comparable in terms of intelligence and scope of vision.

>> No.18060536

They probably just tested people's IQ and then asked them what music they like.

>> No.18060537

If that were the case, you would expect lower IQ among western-born Asians, but that isn't the case. Additionally, Asians score better than Whites on subtests that are more g-loaded (and less vulnerable to testing inflation), like block design.

>> No.18060542

what's my iq based on this poem i wrote?

Plump cheek pushed up by the back of her hand;
Resting on her wrist she spoke of sleepiness and sand.
Lazy lidded eyes of blue and beauteous bouquets
Fell on me with trust enough to sleep the night away.

And trust she should, so never once dream of some dismay;
The sign of cross and kisses I made before where she lay
Until she rose with blooming eyes and yawning rib cage stretched -
A drink from my heart's well for my love I did go and fetch.

>> No.18060543

The human mind is the most dynamic thing in the entire universe and consistently resists every attempt to be captured by materialistic scientific objectification. Personally I completely reject the ontology of intelligence even though I still might insult someone for being a retard like I just did. The concept of intelligence automatically limits a person's freedom in what they feel like they can do. It is a form of determinism which is cringe, and material determinism at that which is even more cringe. The true value of a particular mind lies in the depth of its thought, something that can be infinitely expanded given the right circumstances. Life is literally what the fuck you want it to be.

>> No.18060552

>implying that tiger parenting or the academic mentality does not exist in western asian culture

You may want to go speak to some asians not on this website and outside of your basement.

>> No.18060553

I clocked that I meant how are they deciding what’s good? Like it wouldn’t shock me if a lot of high-ish IQ people listened to horrible prog rock etc

>> No.18060555

Based off this, 120+; would need a larger sample size to give a more accurate estimation.

>> No.18060558

>Doesn't matter if they can be taught. The first ever score you get on an IQ test is your real score, and is your REAL intelligence.
I can tell your IQ real or otherwise is low.

>> No.18060574

There is clearly a difference in the level of "tiger parenting" between Asians in Asian countries, first generation Asians in Western countries, second generation Asians in Western countries, etc., with the obvious tendency that as Asians become more Westernized, parental demands lessen and are more in line with what the average Western parent expects. Given this is the case, if the IQ advantage seen among Asians is due to their different style of parenting, one would expect to see lower IQ among more Westernized Asians, but that is not the case.

>> No.18060575

Wow, this is the ultimate king of cope.

>> No.18060622

>Asians score higher not because they're smarter, just because they work significantly harder
>If whites worked that hard, we'd do better than them!

Does this help you cope or something?

>> No.18060638

>source my ass

I'm going to assume by "Western Countries" you are primarily referring to the USA. You do realize that most asians in america are second generation as they were banned from Naturalization and Immigration until the late 40s (Technically the 60s with the national immigration act of 1965). There is no difference in the level of parenting at this current time, a century hasn't passed since asians have been allowed to live in America as citizens (thus reducing the academic pressure).

Where in the hell are you even posting from? You're either someone who is clearly uninformed (due to living in some literal who shithole) or underaged or both. I'm assuming a combination of both since you're referring to the West unironically as the "West"

>> No.18060642

>High IQ
my favorite music
>Low IQ
your favorite music

>> No.18060646

Why did you (You) me with this retarded post? Why would I cope about asians having to spend most of their early years face down in a book in order to score high on some arbitrary test created as part of the Prussian Education system to measure a "student's" (read:slave's) acclimation to the said system? I don't give a shit

>> No.18060653

This also correlates to race, but I think we all assumed that.

>> No.18060656

Methodology for this "study" (which is really just some idiots website)

>Get a friend of yours to download, using Facebook, the ten most frequent "favorite music" at every college via that college's Network Statistics page on Facebook (manually -- as not to violate Facebook's ToS). These ten "favorite musics" are perhaps indicative of the overall intellectual milieu of that college. Download the average SAT/ACT score (from CollegeBoard) for students attending every college. Presto! We have a correlation between musical tastes and dumbitude (smartitude too)!

It doesn't ask people what SAT score they got and what music they listened to, it takes whoever is listening to music via some unclear medium (is it even personal use, or is it played in a shared space?), at a set of colleges that does not sound exhaustive or randomly selected, and assumes the same set of people being tracked for their music taste also have the average SAT of the college. Useless information

>> No.18060659

i think you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.18060664

You know people don't study for IQ tests, right? They're incidentally given to students.

But sure, whites are much much smarter, if only they could be bothered in the work!

>> No.18060665

> "random /pol/ logic"
The used is a white band from Orem Utah. The largest ethnic group in Orem Utah is Whites (Non Hispanic), coming in at over 75% of the population.

>> No.18060670
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>> No.18060672

If you had scrolled just a little further, you would have saw the post where I mentioned that I'm not white while quoting my original post that you responded to.

Shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.18060679


I don't care, see >>18060672.

>> No.18060686

>muh source
>there's no difference in upbringing between someone born in asia and born in the west
>u must be shitskin dur dur dur
yeah you're retarded

>> No.18060695

reeks of lastfm recommended artists

>> No.18060700

What if I like both Lil Wayne and Sufjan Stevens??

>> No.18060721

What I mean to say is that race, gender, etc. do not actually matter in terms of intelligence, IQ, tastes, etc; they are arbitrary qualities that should be discarded or at most minimally considered. Listening to Beethoven does not automatically mean you're more intelligent or signifies that you may be, just as reading Faulkner does not either.

>> No.18060728

>implying and did not provide any sort of intelligent refutation
> does not understand that a generation is only 30-35 Years.
> does not understand that familial culture does not change overnight.
Great response, enjoy this (You).

>> No.18060873

wow anon that's very nice of you
i wrote this in the meantime
i hope it does not bring your estimate down

How it hurts to know that time is flowing,
That my bones are but a debt that's owing,
That my spirit only sprouted one wing.

My soul barred from the immortal gentry
Has not the youth to work and earn entry.
Oh, how the weary despise the word 'try.'

>> No.18061122

Average it out to retarded

>> No.18061878

>coldplay on the right

Coldplay is music for the lowest common denominator of educated white people. True widmit music.

Also what the fuck is this as a spread of musical taste?

>> No.18061966

>im unironically black,
You are at most creol or mulatto.

Being a mix of black slaves and their owners, does not make you black.

>> No.18062365

high sat scores are also associated with expensive education and that's where they learn to have sophisticated taste or at least pretend to when they're asked in studies. The chart is worthless and all popular music is equally garbage

>> No.18062386

This was obviously written by someone with low iq lmao

>> No.18062397

back to breadtube with you

>> No.18062410

>claims x is not pseudoscience
>proceeds to define x with terms in quotation marks

>> No.18062411

>Book of Mormon
Biblelets btfo.

>> No.18062417

Then you're based.

>> No.18062432

I think he meant ethnically and culturally.

>> No.18062500

i agree that IQ is not an actual measure of intelligence, but the idea that it is JUST 'how good someone is at taking some type of exams designed by unsophisticated nerds' is moronic. it correlates strongly with lifetime earnings, for example. its more like it measures a specific type of intelligence which is a bit narrow, but which definitely manifests in people's lives beyond the test itself.

>> No.18062514

Level and quality of education correlates with lifetime earnings. That's even if it's worthwhile as an exercise to even contend that more intelligent people will earn more wealth, seems a bit silly.

>> No.18062523

Wow. Idiot.
Wannabe psych major but doesn't actually know anything about the field.

>> No.18062548

Hamlet is for brainlet Shakespeare fans apparently

>> No.18063641

>all popular music is equally garbage

>> No.18063715

fuck you, nigger

>> No.18063723

How is listening to Sufjan Stevens a sign of high iq? It’s pop music

>> No.18063813

Beethoven is much higher up

>> No.18063916

The fear of having a low IQ is enough to ruin you; now you can see where your potential ends without ever experiencing the striving or struggle, so it seems like there's nothing you could or should do about it. But all those with higher and lower IQ's are doing exactly that, moving, not deliberating over whether they should. They likely don't think about you in any capacity unless you are in their vicinity to disappoint them, yet, you think about the idea of them constantly, how you don't have what they do. You will not escape from being. You are either intelligent, and you can be smug, or you aren't, and you can't. Either way, you're alive in reality. Realize what you have, and that your shortcomings are contracts in your duty, as you were born, you can only go onward.

>> No.18063939

Outlaw country.
Seethe faggots.

>> No.18064014

Go back to Twitter, Taleb.

>> No.18064023

>- because it actually doesn't prove intelligence - it proves someone's ability to do well in an IQ tes
this is the most retarded thing and the best proof they have no actual criticism. they are saying that you cant make any abstractions at all. if they had a legitimate criticism they would use it.

>> No.18064039

Rand haters eternally BTFO.

>> No.18064044

>correlate well
"Has a strong observation bias which isn't controlled for in these studies." FTFY. You aren't measuring the natural tendency of intelligent people to individually and independently select music with these sorts of epidemiological surveys.

>correlates well
"Has a strong observation bias which isn't controlled for in these studies."

You do not understand the concept of statistical correlation, statistical experimental design, or how to interpret statistics.

Did France, Austria, Switzerland, or Australia have a founding moral principle that all men are created equal and deserve the same access to life, liberty, and property because of that, but then immediately start doing mental backflips to conveniently redefine the word "all" to "some"? Did they have to continue trying to find knew ways to conveniently redefine "all" to mean "some" for nearly 300 years? Do they have a national identity of success and vigor embraced by the most lack-luster people in history, who need artificial processes of social stratification to prop up the rotting corpse of rugged individualism and competition?
If they didn't, I would imagine they would have never latched so strongly onto an idea that allowed them to perpetuate a myth of superiority.

>> No.18064059

>poetry is the acme of literature
Ironically, poetry is just bad music made by people without the compulsion to learn an instrument.

>> No.18064095

>hurr durr just how u do on IQ test no extrapolation at all
Do you genuinely believe that a (attempted) measure of your working memory, pattern recognition ability, spatial manipulation ability, etc. have no bearing whatsoever on anything outside of the test? Your argument will inevitably be "the test doesn't measure those well", which will inevitably lead to "you cannot possibly ever measure performance in those abilities ever".

>> No.18064108
File: 284 KB, 503x367, taste.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18064111

This is fucking bull - I love the shit out of Nabokov, Dostoyevsky and Marquez and I know for a fact that I have an IQ of about 92.

>> No.18064123

Machine-learning neural networks (read: wholly unthinking, unintelligent computers running algorithms) are vastly better at each of those things than a human will ever be. I guess neural networks must have giant IQs, and therefore have great intellect.

>> No.18064126

IQ is a dependable enough rubric for measuring intelligence, but at the same time it's impractical to most of daily life and the people who boast about "high IQ" are the same people who perpetuate the "smart but lazy" meme. Actual high IQ people don't want praise for their IQ, they're concerned with actually accomplishing things in life.

>> No.18064164

>Do you genuinely believe that a (attempted) measure of your working memory, pattern recognition ability, spatial manipulation ability, etc.
The first post explicitly mentions that it does great at measuring extreme learning difficulties. So it is in fact pretty alright for filtering out clinical retards.

>> No.18064177

Wrong but ok

>> No.18064372

>wrong but ok
On pattern recognition and spatial manipulation (there's dozens of these, by the way), please see the following:
>Mapping the global design space of nanophotonic components using machine learning pattern recognition, Nature Communications volume 10, Article number: 4775 (2019)
>Neural network pattern recognition of subsurface EM images, Journal of Applied Geophysics Volume 29, Issue 1, February 1992, Pages 21-36
>Determination of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction using pattern recognition and machine learning, npj Computational Materials volume 7, Article number: 20 (2021)

On working memory:
This isn't even a matter of needing to prove anything. Computers have better, most consistent and accurate access to a larger assortment of information than any individual human. No human beings can store and access with 100% clarity literally billions of data points - your smartphone is doing this at this very moment.

>b-b-but they can't reason!
Yes, that's exactly my point. Machine-learning neural networks are absolutely, undeniably better at pattern recognition and spatial manipulation than any human being, and the only thing you need to do to show that is give them a sufficiently large and complex enough data set. They can produce sub-10% error results on inputs with *billions of data points*, something a human being *cannot* do (this is precisely why we use these algorithms in the first place).
Pattern recognition and spatial manipulation are literally trainable skills. We can teach them to computers, and computers are better than humans at these skills. Working memory isn't even in the question - human beings lose so handedly to computers at this that it's laughable.

>> No.18064430

Lmao, what a cope. "Muh real score!!!"

>> No.18064447

So "you cannot possibly ever measure any aspect of intellect ever" is your choice of argument then, congratulations on being so predictable.

>> No.18064746

I think correlations between music taste have more to do with the background of a person. I saw another one of these where electronic music correlated with high IQ, whereas rap correlated with low IQ. But it wasnt the music that makes a person smart, the demographics are what matters since Asians are more likely to listen to electronic music and I wont go into rap

>> No.18065471

East Asians score highest on average but don't produce as many extremes as whites do, so less geniuses and complete dolts too

Not sure about jews though, but they're a subset of whites anyway

>> No.18066276

Asians are really ugly

>> No.18067315


>> No.18067719
File: 19 KB, 316x316, Sufjan_Stevens_-_Carrie_%26_Lowell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sufjan fan
Is this his best work /lit/? I think Illinois is musically his best work, but lyrically it's this one for me.

>> No.18067728

>jazz that low
jazz is one of the hardest genres in terms of musicality and theory. Lots of jazz majors are really into theory and technicalities. Maybe these jazz listeners were (black) ppl from low income areas.

>> No.18067736

cope. I don't use last.fm

>> No.18067758

Terrible graph

>> No.18067833

>from low income areas.
No need to add that part

>> No.18067904

They're the most educated because they place the most importance on education, because they have high IQs and place extreme importance on knowing things.

>> No.18068040

Good bait I like

>> No.18068164

le rym face

>> No.18068397

I feel like an atheist made this chart. There's no way Marquez makes you dumb. Also, make a new chart this one is a mess

>> No.18069190

List iq and fav book pls