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1805622 No.1805622 [Reply] [Original]

What do you find to be a more powerful image, a gun or a sword? Why? Obviously they aren't the same exact thing. But they're analogous.

Personally I find the sword to be a more striking mental image, and I think it's because when you look at a sword its purpose is very clear. A gun is too mechanical to hit me in the lizard brain. I see the sword as an enduring symbol of power (among other things) that is still useable today despite real-life swords not being commonly used, whereas the gun has the potential to become obsolete as a symbol should the real life object ever slip out of everyday useage. What do you think?

>> No.1805630

>The sword is analogous to the phallus
>You like the cock
>Tee hee

>> No.1805640
File: 7 KB, 144x196, laughingelfman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didnt even realize

>> No.1805654

the sword is more iconic but the gun is more powerful
true it is only relevant in a pretty narrow frame of reference but (especially within western culture) we associate it with far more concrete concepts of power and authority than the sword. Think about the power the cowboy/cop/soldier archetype has in american culture; it's inseparable from the concept of the gun
basically guns are a symbol of the ability to inflict your will on the world from a distance. it's powerful because of its mechanical abstraction in the same way that a car or a remote control is - it gives you the power over another human being that a sword might, but the power is inherent and doesn't depend on you, and comes without dedication or responsibility being a necessary cost of entry
in my opinion a lot of the reason people become so attached to guns is that a gun is basically a remote control that controls the real world

>> No.1805702
File: 25 KB, 240x359, sagittarius..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the sword is more iconic but the gun is more powerful

Are you talking about the real objects, or the concept of them?

perhaps little-s 'sword' and little-g 'gun' should refer to the real physical item, and Big-S "Sword" and Big-G "Gun" should be The Sword and The Gun, psychological/literary symbols.

also, since you're mentioning that the gun's a range weapon, which is a good point....how 'bout dat bow and arrow?