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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 35 KB, 496x638, american-psycho-[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1805604 No.1805604 [Reply] [Original]

Someone needs to write an 'American Psycho' for the 21st century. You know, some sort of biting satire that really captures postmodern apathy, popular culture's banalization of reality, corporate globalization, and all this newfangled internet shit, facebook and all that.

Thematically, Fight Club was kind of close, albeit missing a lot. And as a work of literature in general, it was pretty vapid, especially in comparison to American Psycho. (I haven't read the former, but from what I've read from the comments that people who have read it, I gather this is the general consensus.)

It's a big task, admittedly, but someone must be working on it?

>> No.1805606

Infinite Jest

>> No.1805614

Yep. Infinite Jest. Don't bother, though. It's not even as good as anything that came before it.

>> No.1805615

> really captures postmodern apathy, popular culture's banalization of reality, corporate globalization

I'm so fucking tired of these books

all they ever do is mimic what they attempt to satirize and create a banal, mind-numbing reading experience

>> No.1805644

I'm not usually in /lit/ so don't castrate me for saying... but I think the series Dexter is an amazing portrayal of this exactly

>> No.1805647


Dexter = Modern American Psycho


>> No.1805664

>Someone needs to write an 'American Psycho' for the 21st century

elaborate pls

>> No.1805666

is Infinite Jest too obvious an answer? Also, >>1805614 is just silly.

>> No.1805670

U mad, satan?

>> No.1805677

>Implying that good books deal seriously with a social or economic trends like popular culture, globalization, or the internet.

This is why we can't have nice things, you trisomic fuck.

>> No.1805690

No, not really. But yo I got this apple for you and your girl. You really gonna like it I promise

>> No.1805691

American Psycho but replace the videotapes with facebook and make give him an iPad.

>> No.1805695
File: 43 KB, 320x320, 1272309362912.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fiery the angels fell; deep thunder rolled around their shores; burning with the fires of Orc.

>> No.1805696

good post by OP

>> No.1805770

bump for interest

>> No.1805788

Irony is the song of the prisoner who's come to love his cage.

>> No.1805881

Comparison of Fight Club to American Psycho is apples to oranges. American Psycho addressed the popular culture very well, and in comparison Fight Club could be misconstrued as "vapid". But Palahniuk's work truly shines as it showcases the struggle of the gray-collar serving class worker in and the lack of male identity.

American Psycho is about a man seeing the world as crazy and fails to cope with it. It contains gritty and sadistic stream of consciousness writing that can frighten the reader with its gruesomeness.

Fight Club is about a generation of men raised by women, whom are first helped and subsequently ruled by fight club. It contains a disjointed style that jumps around in perspective while being loosely strung together by recurring concepts.

>> No.1806046
File: 71 KB, 670x1024, a-670x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generation A is set in the near future when bees are extinct and is about a group of people who become world famous for being the only people in the last five years to be stung.