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/lit/ - Literature

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18054252 No.18054252 [Reply] [Original]

im sure you guys get this one requested alot. Are there books on how to recover from neetdom (with its consequences like a fried brain and internet addiction)?

>> No.18054268

Don't equate neetdom with being a subhuman retard. You can be a neet and spend time reading, learning, etc. What you have is a personal issue.

>> No.18054399

Books will not trigger a lifestyle change.

>> No.18055114

It's called setting an early alarm, exercising, drinking water, and limiting your time spent on the internet.

>> No.18055147

It would be Welcome to the NHK if only Misaki-chan didn’t just fall from the sky. The main character uses his paranoid delusions to envision himself as a sort of heroic figure in the end. That worked for me. I only spent about 2 years as a NEET in-between my sophomore and junior years of college. Ironically, I regret going back to college more than I regret NEETing.

>> No.18055241
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>> No.18055800

Doesnt sound like it works for you

>> No.18055826

I mean, I’m not a NEET and haven’t been since so if the only measure was “did it get me out of NEETdom?” then yeah, it did.

>> No.18055843
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>> No.18055855

In my own experience reading anything at all cures whatever sort of internet or electronics addiction i might be having that day. If it's attention span is too ba maybe get an easier read like YA or pop philosophy

>> No.18055897

Yeah but your regret sounds like it wont hold forever

>> No.18055963

Yeah but to be honest I regret specifically where I went to school, how much I borrowed for it, what I went to school for, and what I did specifically after than simply going to school. If I had gone back to school but made better choices from that point, it would’ve been fine. I regret it because I just went back to school to accrue a mountain of debt for a degree I didn’t want and enslave myself into a career I hate.

>> No.18055965
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Clean your penis OP. Get a job. Find something to dedicate yourself to.

>> No.18055992

okay so you can read books . . . or you can spur transformation though practice, go on an information/dopamine fast. basically don’t use you phone, watch tv, youtube, 4chan, social media (you know the cluster of instantly gratifying shot I’m talking bout) cut it all out for like two months. go camping, read books, go hiking etc. instead. you’ll learn a lot o out yourself and remember how to manage you reward systems again. this is so essential, if you don’t think you can cut it all out for a month at least then you’re beyond hope.

>> No.18055996

How the fuck did that happen if youre that inflective and not a retard

>> No.18056000

this is the only way you can retrain your attention span, after you’ve detoxed from all the junk media and broken the awful habits, then you can begin to climb out of neetdom.

>> No.18056008

Why would some of you want to escape neetdom ? For example I am a manlet, I know life, worldly things are not for me, so why work if I dont have to.

>> No.18056099

Literally nothing wrong with being a NEET. I’m not, but only work part time at a job I like and before Covid would go to the train station to see 9-5 wagies miserable to remember what the alternative is. Just make the most of having lots of free time thru reading, exercise, etc

>> No.18056140

I wish I could tell you in a simple and succinct manner without spilling my life story to you but I can’t so unless you’re interested about hearing about that, I can’t tell you much more beyond saying that it was a series of misguided decisions.

>> No.18056304

That's one of the lessons from Welcome to the NHK. The basic interpretation is that only becoming homeless or hungry will get any person moving.

>> No.18056327

In my experience, part of addictive behavior is the cycle of "I've recognized my problem, next step get a book to read about it" and then whether you read the book or not you don't solve the problem.

I think it's because your brain feels like it's down its solved the problem merely through finding a book or doing research. But then you don't act on anything.

The answer is simpele and you can start now: set a routine including limits on screens (anything with a screen counts) and stick to it hard. If you like, you can start with easier limits (more screen time) and then after a week, lower it, etc.

>> No.18056331

Hope you read the novel and the manga too, it has some differences but it's all fun and short.

I have no idea if there are books like that. Weird if there isn't desu, the levels people get to are so incredible. The only problem is that serious writing invalidates NEETdom because you actually need to do something to achieve it. Maybe NEETdom is forever a mystery.

>> No.18056335
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>> No.18056458

I’ve had a full time job with salary and benefits with zero interruption since I graduated college six years ago. I don’t even dislike what I do. But work is for suckers, it has absolutely no moral
As long as you don’t become physically unhealthy there is nothing wrong with being a NEET.
The only drawback is the potential of not finding a life partner because of your (undeserved) social status.

>> No.18056496

I agree with this too. Just NEET and use that time to write books if you can.

>> No.18056516

Most Neets will never find a woman anyway so that should be no objection

>> No.18056601
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how come the idea of a young male neet protagonist in the digital age seems so cliché and generic nowadays yet there's hardly any related work to point to besides some anime shows?

>> No.18056881

It’s always been like that I think. Even the “everyman” superheroes from the 60’s like Bruce Banner and Peter Parker were actually supergeniuses.
Or that show Chuck, which was supposed to be all about a superficial loser, had him actually being a genius with a run of bad luck.
It’s actually really hard to think of stories that are about extraordinary things happening to ordinary people.
Although I guess it happens in Horror a lot

>> No.18056921

Because the people who publish and buy books don’t want to read and it necessarily has to have elements of fantasy, which is just better suited for genres light novels and manga.

>> No.18056962

I remember being a 26 year old neet, and mum yelling at my bedroom door: "stop reading all those books and get a job, any job is fine, you're too old to read all day, what do you hope to find in those books? "

Being a neet was really hell, I'm happy to have a job.

>> No.18056979


>> No.18057024
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NEET is the supreme state of being IF you're clear-headed about your routines and ambitions. I spend most of the day reading, writing, exercising and practicing on instruments, hoping to become a genre fiction writer (already had very encouraging early feedback on this). Would unironically kms if I had to submit to the 9-5 office grind.

Problem is, 95% of the NEETs simply check out of the life completely and get sucked into the misery hole of internet addiction, video games and fapping.

>> No.18057148

>Would unironically kms if I had to submit to the 9-5 office grind.
Yeah well some of us are at this point and we can’t NEET so. I’m probably going to do it in August.

>> No.18057155

I don't necessarily think it's being a NEET that's really killing you, it's the internet addiction. As others have said, there are ways to enjoy NEETdom without degrading into fried mush. Honestly I would try not logging onto the internet at all for a week, I've seen it help others. And then you can take steps from there to detox. I think that may help you more than any single book will.

I'm a 9-5 wagie only because I have to be. I get zero satisfaction of any kind from working or earning a wage, and I say that as someone who also doesn't hate their job and likes their coworkers. Being socially successful and getting a life partner mean nothing to me, I see a partner as just another chain to the rat race and to a life I don't really want. I only work because I need to eat and house myself with those wages. I try not to think too much about how I'll be doing this for the next 40 years or so.

Your only real problem is the source of your funds. If no one is unhappy with you not working, why do so? It's only once the funds run out that you need to maybe worry.

>> No.18057175

There's always an alternative. Do you need to support family or something?

>> No.18057183

i've been neeting since november last year
it's very fun if you have hobbies, friends, and don't depend on the internet for entertainment

>> No.18057293


>> No.18057324

>Do you need to support family or something?

>> No.18057571

Your mom sounds like a dumb bitch. Mine is too, so I can spot them easily.

>> No.18058042
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>> No.18058055


>> No.18058065

Awesome, brb guys, gonna study logic

>> No.18058069
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>> No.18058097
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that was a good read, and seems to align with papers I've read on human psychology of motivation.

7 days of just eating nuts, meditating, and reading seems a little over the top though, and will probably just result in people burning out. It's probably better to make your rules a little less restricting.

>> No.18058122

stop posting this image you incel loser. ruminating on how ugly you are will just make you an annoying scumbag that nobody wants to hang out with.

>> No.18058638

i will be the guy on the left, kissing my gf, one day

>> No.18059340

not him but, i mean you _are_ on /lit/ after all...

>> No.18059356


>> No.18059897

I tried setting an alarm for months and every single day it just my instinctual reaction in my half asleep state to just fall back into bed and immediately lose consciousness
I dont think you understand how far gone people can get

>> No.18059940
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Going outside and interacting with people is better then anything a book could give you, but if your life is this fucked up unironically try 12 Rules For Life by JBP, or try some books about stoicism.

Besides basic self help shit? Idk like i said go out and interact with people, or if you insist you could start with the greeks and work your way up, seeing if anything lands.

>> No.18059980

That post is a bunch of nihilistic nonsense written by some fat incel that's given into despair is is trying to convince others as well. It hardly reflects reality at all.
>one must imagine sisyphus happy
Endless toil is beholden to everyone with death its only release. You can accept or even embrace and enjoy this challenge or you can stew in defeat, but you're objectively wrong to think the devil does pay his due in everyone's life.

>> No.18059993


>> No.18059996


>> No.18060001


>> No.18060053


>> No.18060061


>> No.18060098


>> No.18060104

Ok. Guess this is bye for 3 hours...

>> No.18060299

come on

>> No.18060303

I'm sorry, i just can't.

>> No.18060308


>> No.18060330

That i can do

>> No.18060392

Did you try putting the alarm somewhere where you actually have to get out of bed to turn it off? Sounds like maybe you were trying to adjust your schedule too quickly as well. Try to wake up 10 minutes earlier each day rather than going straight to your ideal time.

>> No.18060986


>> No.18061022


>> No.18061045

I honestly dont know what kind of work would i find atleast tolerable. Theres also 4 years gap which i couldnt explain without sending major red flags. Either way im fucked.

>> No.18061112



>> No.18061119


>> No.18061120
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How can I tell the difference? My wife says it's fine that all I do is study theory and post here, but I still feel guilty about not making money even though she says talking about what I've read when she comes home everyday is more valuable to her than a second income.

>> No.18061663

this is so fucking gay

>> No.18061701


>> No.18062011

Have you understood Engels on Praxis? Try covering most of your basic classical marxism as philosophy (German Ideology; Anti-Duhring) and then discard it as you realise the only method of analysis is either in action or historiographical reconstruction of action (Engel's histories, or Volume 1 on Western Australia).

This should lead you to the conclusion that you can't read your way out of neetdom.

Learn to knit and go to a knitting circle.

>> No.18062019

>How can I tell the difference?

Read more academic articles in specialist journals. Make a scholarly friend. Publish.

Even if you're stuck in a regional area there should be local archives if you're a historian. If you're lit-crit you can work anywhere on anything. If you're a sociologist then fucking kill yourself.

>> No.18062066

Based, roll