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1805393 No.1805393 [Reply] [Original]

yo yo yo its ya boy J dawg, here with my recipe for fulfillment in life, nahmean

live yo life with grace and enthusiasm, that's all you need dawg. forgive people (especially yourself) for their mistakes and ignorance, without tolerating cruelty. we ain't be living in no perfect world see, if you be holding everyone up to perfection then yo dawg fo real, you gon be living in despair. approach new things with optimism, and share that optimism with others, but always keep an eye on reality n shit. and most importantly, remember that every single person is locked in their own fevered battle nahmean. don't be forgettin that shit, and dont be dismissin it neither.


>> No.1805409

Ayo you need to get laid, nigga

>> No.1805417

nah son see getting some pussy is one thing, but it aint never gonna fulfill you son. now, i love getting some pussy, but that shit wont make you happy dawg, not for long. people just think it will, just like they think erry other thing they do is going to. nah dawg the only fulfillment in life is by getting yo god damned mind straight, as outlined previously

>> No.1805423

nigga, what the FUCK is fulfillment? ahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahaha

big words ain't gonna get you laid neither, fool

>> No.1805435

>as outlined previously

Way to ruin the 'illusion'. reported

>> No.1805441

yo fulfillment is when you happy to be alive and you be honestly appreciating good things that come in to yo life. fulfillment is being able to handle the bad shit that happen too, dawg. fulfillment is when you aint seeking external shit to make you feel complete. it's when you dont need no book, no video game, no pussy, no approval. and yo dawg when you dont need that shit you free to seek it out and enjoy it honestly. and yo thats some real shit, nahmean

>> No.1805449

Yo, that shit be real. You know what I mean? It be like striking me right through the center of my chest. It's like you speaking Biblical truths and my moms done read me the Bible. I never felt like this befo', yo.

What I do to get this fulfillment? This life out here on the streets. It's hard dawg. I can't keep it up forever. Young bloods be eyeing me.

>> No.1805463

yo dawg its just like i was saying in my first post. grace and enthusiasm, grace and enthusiasm. cause see dawg, they want you to be trying to fill yourself with shit, with mcdonalds and action movies. there aint no conspiracy, its just how things worked out. but yo you cant be doin that shit. you get some grace, forgive yoself for your failures, forgive others for their failures, then dawg you be content. you be enthusiastic, and shit son you become an asset, someone that people want to have around. when you enthusiastic then you become strong, and others will rely on your strength.

shit, you always be like cynical and shit, tearing down erry little sapling, shit no one want to be around that. thats destructive. that shit aitn no good. you be lazy, and complaining, that shit is whack

>> No.1805480

OH SHIT WHAT MCDONALDS? I love that shit, nigga. What yo favourite? Chicken nuggets and fries. You get some honey mustard and some ketchup and you swirl that shit together. Mmm mmm good.

Okay, I'ma turn over a new leaf up in this bitch. You convinced me, dawg. No more sinisism, no more bein lazy and shit, no more complainin. Grace and enthusiasm, here I come, yo.

>> No.1805492

ya fo real dawg that shit taste good, i got to admit. some tasty shit indeed but that shit make you fat.

nigga fo real your sarcasm n shit dont even fool me, nor does it even phase me nahmean. sacrasm dont ever fool me cause yo fo real, people be throwin it up like its some kind of shield. but yo dawg fo real that shit be transparent as fuck. i say yo you gotta have grace, i mean you got to be sincere and deal with shit fo real. yo sarcasm to me is just cheap and petty, its for weak frightened people. and yo i aint trying to judge you harsh and shit, i know what its like to be weak and frightened. shit aint cool nahmean

>> No.1805506

Shit nigga y'all done seen right truuu me, nah mean. Is like I be a mirror to my homies and my bitches, but to y'all, I'm just a raggedy ass sheet of Saran wrap, flapping in the breeze of the bolt-on air-con.

For reals this time, I'ma drop my sarcasm. I appreciate this shit, for real dawg. Thanks for sticking through it with me and breaking my walls down.

>> No.1805512

yo dawg you making me feel foolish and shit. hell maybe i am shit son im just trying to learn and grow as a human being. i aint really appreciate the tact you take but its all cool nahmean.
