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18052147 No.18052147[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>There’s really no reason to be alive

>> No.18052165

It's simple, it's just that humans are so smart and engaged and interacting with everything that when nothing is happening, they're still grasping at nothings.

We're the mental equivalent of a beaver who needs to chew on wood to prevent its teeth from piercing its brain.

>> No.18052169

thats your fault m8, you're missing out on a lot

>> No.18052174

>you're missing out on a lot
...such as?

>> No.18052175

have sex bruhhh

>> No.18052193

Fucking accurate

>> No.18052213

i mean, just judging by the fact that you feel this way I imagine you've obviously had little experience with, for one thing, the pure unbridled joy that often comes with truly wonderful fellowship and concrete connections with other people, the type that overwhelms your faculties and permeates your soul, that forces you to laugh and smile until it hurts and makes you feel so joyful for a time that it almost borders on a feeling of decadent physical pleasure, and you can reflect and think "there isn't anything in the universe and beyond id rather be experiencing right now " and truly mean it

>> No.18052235

yeah I don't enjoy other people too much. anything else?

>> No.18052236

interesting thought

>> No.18052238

Benefiting from capitalism?

>> No.18052240

>concrete connections with other people
Is there actually such a thing as this? I have felt this with family members, but otherwise connection with others seems inherently fleeting. Obviously you feel something like this during sex for instance, but that feeling is anything but “concrete”. You feel this when having a good laugh drunk with friends, but again, it is completely fleeting. Am I missing something?

>> No.18052248

why are happy people so unnecessarily cruel? You basically just told a cripple how amazing it feels to run and jump.

>> No.18052250

I am split between talking about my worries on the internet and shutting up. Makes me realize how the only "support group" or "person to talk about my problems to" are the anons on 4chan who either don't care or hate me. There's little to no intimacy. It's a bar full of sad bastards

>> No.18052259

Don't feel envious or angry about people enjoying what you don't have; be happy that there exist people enjoying something. It would be a sorry existence if everyone was a cripple, or if everyone had a traumatic childhood. Even then, I would insist it would always have been better to be.

>> No.18052269

i didn't really find it to be cruel at all. as i stated above, i don't really enjoy talking with or really interacting with other people on any level.

>> No.18052273
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>> No.18052284

There's no reason to be dead either. May as well stick around and watch the happenings

>> No.18052288

Would bet a lot of money that you and OP lead similar lives

>> No.18052294

hey man im not even happy, im a fucking mess mentally and physically and have been alone and isolated for years now, im just drawing from experiences i had in the past. after like 10 years of pure suffering im still happy that I lived and had some good experiences with friends i genuinely cared about. sometimes i wonder if nihilists who find it impossible to function because they have no meaning never got to have such experiences and dont know how meaningful life can be, even one dominated by suffering

>> No.18052303

push big rock

>> No.18052336

How do you plan on escaping?

>> No.18052343

I’ve pretty much made peace with that to be honest. What gives me more pain now is the realization that in light of that, I still don’t live, and probably can’t live because of the way I’ve already lived, a life that would at least feel worth it while I’m here.

>> No.18052348 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.18052353

There's every reason to be alive and no reason not to be alive

>> No.18052359
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>> No.18052361

I felt it with a girlfriend once but it obviously was fleeting. I suspect maybe with a really close and intimate friend, but I wouldn’t know. That sort of thing probably happens but is so rare it might as well not happen.

>> No.18052372

I want to believe. I just don’t.

>> No.18052383

well I will either brute force myself into a healthy routine and reverse the damage ive done to myself through my shitty choices so i can engage in life again and experience that wonderful joy more, or fail in that endeavour, keep on the downward spiral, probably kill myself if I end up old and homeless, otherwise just fade away and enjoy other things as much as i can

>> No.18052394

Oh fuck! This sucks because I tend to do everything for a reason! How am I ever going to adjust to doing things just because of random biological drives and material chance? Jesus, never been there before.

>> No.18052404

Enjoying historical processes such as the collapse of western culture

>> No.18052409

alive is not awake

>> No.18052430

Hermes pilled

>> No.18052431

I think living is badass, or at least can be badass, which is good enough reason for me.

>> No.18052533
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>Weird, isn’t it

>> No.18052540
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>One can die, without dying

>> No.18052813

needing a reason is narciccistic imo. look at dogs. they run around snack sleep bark, that's how you should be.