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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 71 KB, 897x1360, Peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18049449 No.18049449 [Reply] [Original]

>Tells people that it's not okay to be weak.
>Can't drink soft apple cider without almost dying.
Why do people live their lives based on this man's teachings?

>> No.18049496

Because crapitalism decided that actual wisdom was unprofitable, so publishers don’t print anything that isn’t midwit dogdirt

>> No.18049565

Being sick isn't the same thing as being weak. You likely don't have an auto-immune disorder but still waste your entire life being a mentally weak drone despite your clean bill of health.

>> No.18049599

bro, what makes him weak is his inability to read and process marxist and postmodernist thought

there are a thousand good angles from which you can attack them, if you actually read them but as you can see in the debate vs zizek, he has not even read the communist manifesto

>> No.18049618

You can self publish...

>> No.18049631

OP is a weak faggot

>> No.18049637

My point is that he tells people to be as "formidable" and "dangerous" as possible, but that's simply out of reach for most people, including him. Who's scared of a skinny Canadian academic who can't drink apple juice?

>> No.18049675

>out of reach for most people
Yeah you’re definitely a socialist twig

>> No.18049680

Guilty as charged. Next.

>> No.18049688

Didn't the biggest liberal newspaper in the world (NYT) ban him from their bestseller book list for dubious reasons?

>> No.18049689

He’s a carnivore. A lion, at the top of the food chain.

>> No.18049701

Lift some weights and gain faith in your fellow man. They are more formidable than you think.

>> No.18049708

Didn't he get addicted to Russian drugs?

>> No.18049709

hes a shaman just like carl jung

>> No.18049732

hes not even a good shaman he's like the retard trainee standing at the side of the real shaman with a retard gait agreeing in his retard voice everything the real shaman says then he casts a spell that makes his dick explode and cries

>> No.18049752

lol ofc im gonna lift weights because you cunts are and we might have to fight irl but thats some pathetic bullshit enjoy being a autistic retard who breaks out into tears at random in your 50s

>> No.18049755

So? That could happen to a lion too.

>> No.18049765

Do internet commies/nazis really think they're part of some team preparing for a crusade lmao

>> No.18049770

What a stupid definition of weak you have

>> No.18049774

I’m with that commie. Down with liberalism.

>> No.18049778

Sounds like you're just coping because you actually are weak

>> No.18049785

you really think if i'm out at some bar/club and some guy starts saying some remotely nazi shit i'm not gonna respond? and you really think it's not gonna end up in a fistfight?
stay indoors my guy

>> No.18049810
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Pic rel is me breaking your spine after you assault a fellow chud down at the gay bar

>> No.18049855

who the fuck says break your spine? you're not gonna do shit you lil whore one overhand right and your soft lil whore face is fucked, i'm gonna kick your head in while you're out on the ground too

>> No.18049873

>but that's simply out of reach for most people,

Those would be the aformentioned, rudderless, weak people. Actions, not circumstances make weak people.

>> No.18049888

>butthurt commies still coping years later

>> No.18049893

anybody who uses strong language to describe or infer how manly and strong they are are usually weak lil whores just like he is. i mean fuck he admitted to randomly bursting out in tears and people are still following him, that's how brainfucked his followers are

>> No.18050012

>preaches high test manliness
>cries about how individuals suffer for the greater good, while somehow not profiting from it

>> No.18051296
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dude, do you know what is like to have dying wife and dying or dead parents, and being hated by normies?

>> No.18052546

I have faith that my fellow man is more gentle and compassionate than most people would think. We can only move forward if we embrace our vulnerability and love each other. Being strong and formidable is what's got us into this mess.

>> No.18052771


If he’s so weak and such a bad thinker, why do you niggers keep on talking about him in /lit/?

>> No.18052846

>Who's scared of a skinny Canadian academic who can't drink apple juice?
The entire political left.

>> No.18052853

Him and Camille Paglia virtually agree on everything and somehow she gets a pass on /lit/?

>> No.18052856

You fucking sissies need to be dropped into the middle of Africa. Compassion and resilience aren’t mutually exclusive.

>> No.18052999

Oh boy, the daily Peterson thread
Reminder to put his name in your post so I can filter it out effectively. Thank You!

>> No.18053011

He’s a great waystation between the dumb modern mindset and the truth. Don’t stay too long or you’ll backslide, though

>> No.18053106

More or less

>> No.18053119

>imagine thinking that lifting weights will magically help you in a fight.
Oh boy... I've got some news for you buddy...

>> No.18053170

kek, lift for yourself retard, not for others.

>> No.18053400

Ok gay boy lmao

>> No.18053414

Because he had a YT meme vid backing up some incel insecure MAGA whimps
Of course they worship him ever since, because all their dads ever did was call them sissies for not playing sports and being too pussy to get laid

>> No.18053427

Have sex faggot

>> No.18053471

>'haha the man who was encouraging me to be introspective and work on my flaws has a disability now I don't have to do either'
Pretty ableist of you my dudebro, not cool

>> No.18053473

Do you frequently fantasize about violence against the people who contradict you?
When did this start?

>> No.18053478
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>> No.18053622

I admire his comeback, otherwise I don't like him. He mixes psychology with woo

>> No.18053898
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JP challenges normie narrative, that is why shills were tasked with devaluing him in any way possible. if shills could get anal swab from JP to analyze they would do it.

>> No.18053909

being "weak" is only a failing in a situation where you have to be "strong".

>> No.18053926

What do you mean you haven't washed your penis yet its 1030?

>> No.18053943

Nobody bases their lives on Peterson's teachings. Literally zero people.

>> No.18054018
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No it's that you needed to hear it from someone like him and you don't see the irony in it that's so hilarious

>> No.18054023

>people I agree with are lions

>> No.18054024

A friend of mine does and I imagine a lot of others do also. Peterson is viewed as a gatekeeper, anything that doesn't come through him or associated sphere of influence (intellectual dark web) isn't worth pursuing.
Lobsters aren't lazy enough to not clean their room. But they are too lazy to seek out anything else, or put the effort into thinking for themselves.

>> No.18054045

lotta people do. clean your room basically means own yourself. well, most people don't own themselves, neither mind nor body, but that is another issue, and the reason why "they" hate JP.

>> No.18054427

good luck getting yourself heard

>> No.18054466

He doesn't have an auto-immune disorder

>> No.18054480

His whole thing is just a long-winded version of "bootstraps," which is the normie narrative

>> No.18054532

because even crackheads can give you a good advice anon

>> No.18054549


This is disingenuous
He's talking about mental weakness
As a christian he wouldn't belittle people for physical weakness

>> No.18054566

i think he is a nice guy, roughly speaking

>> No.18055388

The value of JP's ideas isn't in their originality; it's in their motivational and explanatory power. The idea of shouldering one's responsibility and making meaning out of chaos is as old as humanity, and it's a "normie narrative" for a reason. However, normie as it is, most people in today's world don't actually do it. JP is the gadfly challenging modern man to consider if they are really embodying their own self-professed ideals.

>> No.18055395

>if you actually read them but as you can see in the debate vs zizek, he has not even read the communist manifesto
doesn't he say in that debate that he read the communist manifesto when he was younger

>> No.18055408

yes and then he proceeds by ascribing marx positions he actually argues against in the manifesto

>> No.18055435

Never in the history of humanity have words been used as more than excuses.
That's why therapy is a fraud and so is Peterson. You can read all the self-help garbage you want but it will never not in a million years change your life.
The only way words do change you is if they're being yelled at you by a person of authority under the threat of violence or similar harm.
He doesn't challenge shit, he repackages pseudo-spiritual garbage in his own cult of personality and if it wasn't him, it would be one of the other million of self-proclaimed gurus to take up the slack. Stupid is as stupid does.

>> No.18055498

If you don't believe that words have the power to change your life, why the fuck are you on a literature board? What's the point of reading philosophy, political theory, even fiction?

>> No.18055519

Bruh, I only read fiction. Why would I waste my time with anything else?
And the answer is because it's fun. I never expect a book to change my life, I just like reading/writing and the English language.

>> No.18055531

Fair enough, but what would you say about people who HAVE changed their life after a book gave them a particular insight?

>> No.18055548

Nigga the Brothers Karamazov changed my life.

>> No.18055572

NEETche is even worse.

>> No.18055584

you are not welcome at our gaybar. good lick being on the wrong side if history.

>> No.18055587

I'm sure they believe that, just like people who believe their particular religion changed their life when it could've been any other one.
This is something counterintuitive, but despite spending our entire lives with a voice in our head, people are not creatures of language. For simplicity's sake it's correct to say that our right-brain does most of the piloting.
But this is a fruitless argument, people who believe it will continue to do so.

>> No.18055589

At least Neetchan coukd eat some fruit...5kg of it... every single day

>> No.18055667

You're right about language being a secondary acquisition rather than a fundamental part of our nature, but it seems to me obvious that sometimes words can spur the brain to make change. It's really just a language-based instantiation of a non-language-based phenomenon. Imagine primitive man seeing a neighbor make an arrowhead in a more efficient way. You're likely to alter your own arrowhead production according to what you have just seen. Books and lectures can accomplish the same process, though on a more abstract level: a speaker explains their way of looking at a problem (or the world in general), and if you recognize an increased utility or efficiency or beauty in their worldview (expressed through language), you may then alter your worldview to be more similar to theirs. The exact same process is at work, and the addition of a linguistic middleman seems unimportant. Would you deny this explanation?

>> No.18055699

That's sensible, but also a far cry from the self-help myth that ticked me off so much.

>> No.18055712

Because he claims to offer something they need. If you aren't soft, scared, and confused you won't have any interest in Peterson.

>> No.18055797

Hahahahahah cringe bro

>> No.18055805

>language being a secondary acquisition rather than a fundamental part of our nature
I'm not sure this is true. If you put children together and don't teach them language they independently create a proto-language among themselves, that would in time clearly become a full language.

>> No.18055830

>Why do people live their lives based on this man's teachings
I don't think anyone does that anymore

>> No.18055867

What exactly qualifies as "remotely nazi shit" in your mind, pray tell?

>> No.18055893

>Why do people live their lives based on this man's teachings?

"Stand up straight with your shoulders back."
"Treat yourself like you are someone you are responsible for helping."
"Make friends with people who want the best for you."
"Compare yourself with who you were yesterday, not with who someone else is today."
"Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them."
"Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world."
"Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)."
"Tell the truth — or, at least, don’t lie."
"Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t."
"Be precise in your speech."
"Do not bother children when they are skate-boarding."
"Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street."

These all seem good to me. And a lot of the terminally online set could do with cleaning their room as well.

>> No.18055911

Leftists are delusional. Peterson may be annoying but he's a hundred times better than terminally online leftist freaks.

>> No.18055927

this skinny Canadian academic is far more powerful and dangerous than you are. And I don't mean how much he benchpresses. Think about that for a moment

>> No.18056045

If I made a pill with amazing stuff in it and a bit of poison and then everyone who took it dies in 10 years would you blame the pill with the secret bit of poison?
Thats JP in a nutshell. Hes still poison just a milder version. Hes also married to a kike, has a daughter who is drugged up and acts like a social parasite begging for money. JP also worked for the UN agenda 21 as well as having ties to Skippy Podesta and MK ultra.

Hes a gate keeping shill who is being thrown out there to distract idiots.

My sentiment you are either a modern national-socialist traditionalist or you are the enemy no exceptions. You can be christian, hindu or a pagan I dont give a fuck as long as you practice a religion and dont race mix.

>> No.18056093

Can someone explain his appeal and why he's become popular or well-known when he has nothing to offer?

>> No.18056132

Maybe most self-help is trash (although there are people who seem to have been positively affected by such BS before), but JP is at least a step up from your typical self-help guru. His recommendations are based in archetypal readings of timeless cultural texts and modern psychological research and understanding of the personality.

>> No.18056160

...someone with an auto immune deficiency who can't drink cider??
Sounds to me like you're just looking for excuses not to better yourself

>> No.18056188

based on what

>> No.18056216

top kek

>> No.18056231

a video where refused to refer to some transsexuals by their preferred pro-nouns went viral and made him popular with manchildren who who blamed their immaturity and dissatisfaction with life on SJW's. Peterson came intro contact with these guys and felt a degree of empathy for them. But crucially, he was aware that they composed a massive, untapped market that would be susceptible to self-literature that he could produce.

>> No.18056255

This >>18049732
Jung was a good shaman. Jung would make tiny model villages with you for fun. Jung would pay your coke bill. Jung would let you suck his cock if you really wanted to. Jung would investigate ghosts with you. Jung would spring you from mental asylum after you helped your gf patient an hero. Jung would know it's not just a cigar. Jung would make furry collages of your mom's pussy with you when you took too much ecstasy together. Jung would hate on Jungians with you and help you crash their conferences to fuck with them. Jung is a much better shaman.

>> No.18057234

He created his own auto immune deficiency by having a shitty diet that no one with half a brain woild recommend

>> No.18057256

>muh god muh country

>> No.18057292

Not him, but I don't want to be heard. I want to be as niche as possible so that only people who actively seek out my kind of writing will find it.

>> No.18057343

People make mistakes.
People have bad genes.
People suffer and develop health issues.

Are you going to recommend people to not make mistakes anymore?
Gee, you're a genius. Why haven't we thought about that so far?

>> No.18057389

Huur no one can do any wrong treat everyone like a baby don't hurt their feelings. As if a fucking clinical psychiatrist doesn't know how fucking addictive benzos are.
faggot you are

>> No.18057394

He’s a good man who genuinely cares about helping people. That is rare.
He’s also human. A flawed human. With a daughter who probably has Munchausen’s by Proxy

>> No.18057401

>He’s a good man who genuinely cares about helping people
Nah he cares about milking his dipshit audience for money

>> No.18057403

>JP also worked for the UN agenda 21 as well as having ties to Skippy Podesta and MK ultra
Can you provide sources?

>> No.18057459

Seems like my message didn't go through.

You're right, people should be completely discredited and even punished for being flawed.
Oh, I know. Better yet, let's pour gasoline up our assholes and try to light it up from inside somehow, we're better off killing ourselves if we're not perfect.

Fuck off hypocrite.

>> No.18057602

The value in having an editor can't be overstated. Without a proper, professional editor who isn't your friend, no one save the truly self-aware will be able to produce anything that isn't self indulgent schlock.

>> No.18057614

Not the guy you were responding to, but there's no way you can watch one of his biblical lectures, for example, and conclude that he's just milking his audience for money. I think he does do that a bit with all his various programs (self-authoring, etc.), but if you listen to his talks and interviews, there's no denying that he truly thinks the information he is sharing is capable of changing lives for the better.

>> No.18057670

JBP is an entry level to thinking about things the average man has not been told or shown.

If you refuse to move on to other thinkers, books and ideas you are worse than you were at the beginning.

>> No.18057706


>> No.18057864
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arguing with zoomers is like arguing with women, both are property out of safe space without real life experience, but thinking they can teach the world how to live properly, just because they are fed good and feel good.

>> No.18059148

it's like a construction worker that can't work on their own home
a psychiatrist should be able to fix himself if his job is literally fixing others

>> No.18059282

it reminds me of Nietzsche in that way. He would talk about the flaws of slave morality and the weakness of concepts like mercy, when the only reason he's alive and capable of writing at all was out of the kindness and mercy of others helping him in his near constantly weakened state. I guess the student has well and truly become the master in regards to Peterson

>> No.18059374

Hes such a milquetoast, self help guy idk why people feel so strongly about him

>> No.18060713

Jesus, take your fake tough guy act somewhere else it's disgusting.

>> No.18060727

Maybe the human mind is more complex than a house?
Dunno, just saying.
Maybe he's working on it but this shit takes time, especially considering his case and all he has been through.

>> No.18060734

What internet fame does to a mofo. I'm sure he would have been fine without it.

>> No.18060765
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>> No.18060789

Maybe he would've been better if his wife didn't have cancer and almost lose a loved one.
Maybe he would've been better if his daughter didn't have all the problems she had.
Maybe he's fine though considering he has at least some mind left to check into rehab where others would've succumbed to the desire for more benzos until they would've ruined even the fragments and pieces of their lives still existing.
Or maybe it's the internet fame.

>> No.18060807
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>People actually type this shit out unironically.

>> No.18060841

Where are the political left, Peterson?

>> No.18060852

Internet fame surely doesnt help with the other issues.

>> No.18060926

I'm not going to lie, I've never seen a more limp dick undergrad attempt at critiquing Marx in my life. I lost a lot of respect for him.

>> No.18061289

Petersons whole thing is that we should not improve society.

>> No.18061817

he just wants to stay in his lane

>> No.18061884

i remember when i was incel

>> No.18061928

>Tells people that it's not okay to be weak
>doesn't possess any physical or martial prowess
>breaks into tears in front of thousands of viewers because he's confused
If these armchair intellectuals just go outside the library...

>> No.18061975


>> No.18062015

What is improving society? Castrating children?

>> No.18062085

I don't know, maybe because people are exausted of so much relentless progressist bullshit propaganda everywhere they turn their heads on. If the populace actually needed your favourite Zizek associate they would be rich by nwow

>> No.18062119

>the eternal commie motte & bailey
Maybe at some point when it turns into murderous state worship every single time, the fact that it doesn't specifically advocate for it might become irrelevant?

>> No.18062263

>Suggest that destroying the only boat you have to depend on is likely a bad idea
>Suggest caution as everytime we try to build a better boat we sink


>> No.18062280

>Why do people live their lives based on this man's teachings?
Because he generally gives good advice; the problem isn't the advice he gives but that you expect him to be more than a normal human. Peterson is flawed like anyone else because he is human; discrediting his character isn't discrediting his words.

>> No.18062285

took you probably 10 minutes and an editor to write that sentence, you absolute mongoloid :D

>> No.18062300

Post body faggot, I doubt you’d do shit even if I walked up to you and said gas the Jews.

>> No.18062746

personally I clash with Peterson because thinks the modern social environment is 'le ebin Marxism!!'
my libertarian friend is fucking insufferable so I avoid all talk of politics. Y'all are brainwashed.

>> No.18062959

>Y'all are brainwashed.
>*goes to college*

>> No.18063007

BLM leader is Marxist

>> No.18063032

Peterson did the equivalent of preparing for a debate with a Christian theologian by skimming a church pamphlet and watching VeggieTales. It's no wonder that Zizek gave him such a beating that Peterson and his following never recovered.

>> No.18063053

>literally don't argue with him at all
>agree with him at every turn
>or talk about some completely different topic
>such a beating he never recovered
Did we watch the same """"debate""""?

>> No.18064580


>> No.18064590
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>personally I clash with Peterson because thinks the modern social environment is 'le ebin Marxism!!'
So you think it isn't? Try having ANY political conversation on Reddit and see who the majority skews to
Look at who is funding shills and most of modern media as well

>> No.18064610

He thoroughly exposed Peterson for being a hack and not knowing anything about what he rails against. Zizek then proceeded to publicly lead Peterson through the logic of Zizek’s own politics so as to educate and convince the multitude of Peterson fans watching the debate. It worked, Zizek shat all over Peterson and exposed him for a total charlatan.

>> No.18064611

Who's doing the astroturfing

>> No.18064612
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>> No.18064624

You're free to read Zizek refusing to engage with Peterson on any common level of argument as taking the high road if you want, I call it flipping the board.

>> No.18064632
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>Clean your room, bucko!

>> No.18064631

You meant Zizek showed us that as a political comentarist, Peterson is a good psychiatrist. Peterson was tangled by politics, he didn't pursue it. And there is a solid case about how your glorious political theory is low-effort demagoguery spelt by hypocrite narcisists in their pursuit of power. You know, the same way all priests are pedos.

>> No.18064673

Nobody does, all people who claim to are paid shills ultimately working for his daughters egirl empire.

>> No.18064680

He doesn't have an autoimmune disorder he's just mentally ill and has psychosomatic bowel problems.

>> No.18064927

The majority is gross lib shit, which is not Marxism.

>> No.18065260

How does that discredit him? Trying to be as strong as you can so you can cope with pain is an inherent good advice no matter how flawed the person saying it is.

>> No.18065474

Alexander didn't conquer most of the known world at the time by giving lectures, and his soldiers didn't move because they heard him say being brave is one of his 10 rules.
No he lead by example, and while he also had severe substance abuse problems, you never saw him espouse the benefits of sobriety.

If you can't even follow your own damn advice, you're just a laughing stock.

>> No.18066977

Zizek said he never read any of Peterson's books and gave a canned speech he'd already given at a dozen different universities. Neither was actually prepared in any way; if they had been, they would already have known that they actually agree on basically everything.

>> No.18067012

I hate this ad homminem fallacy, it's more common than one might imagine

>A man says something
>That something is immediately invlidated by the man's credentials
>This is an acceptable way of emiting a judgement


If a hobo comes to me in the streets and tells me "don't do drugs pls they are bad for you", should I doubt his words based upon his persona?

>> No.18067335

I think there's a bit more grist to personal attacks when the work concerns self-help (lol). Under normal circumstances, we ought to separate an author or thinker from their work, but when the whole point of JP's recent oeuvre is to lead young men in the right direction, yet he has a fucked up, lobster-loving daughter and a massive, life-threatening drug addiction (despite being an addiction counsellor), I think we may have reason to pause and pass a bit of judgment on his recent work.

>> No.18067706

you can make your own internet...

>> No.18068908

>you didnt drive to work in a Honda civic because a Chevy Malibu would have worked just as well!
fuck you're dum

>> No.18068941

stop saying y'all you fucking white yanqui

>> No.18068946

identity politics are indicative of a feminine or homosexual mindset. judge the work on its own merits or fuck off.

>> No.18068956

>Being sick isn't the same thing as being weak.
It literally is though.

>> No.18069057

You have not understood, tranny

>> No.18069107

You NEED to be strong and formidable in order to cultivate genuine compassion, my friend. And you need the same in order to be vulnerable. And you need it in order to not live in fear, which is needed to rid yourself of anger and hate.

And on a related note, do not socialize people to be compassionate, ffs. For it will be cosmetic only. It will be a lie. And the harder you push, the more people will avoid it. Genuine compassion can only be instilled in people by gifting it to them

>> No.18069916

I'm not sure who I hate more, men with daddy issues or women with daddy issues, but I think it is the former. Imagine respecting Peterson even a bit after learning what a whore his daughter is or the whole family's insane and mentally ill relation with drugs.

>> No.18070051

We get it faggot, quit riding Jung's wang already. Groveling sycophant.

>> No.18070066
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>“For believe me! The secret for harvesting from existence the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment is: to live dangerously! Build your cities on the slopes of Vesuvius! Send your ships into uncharted seas! Live at war with your peers and yourselves! Be robbers and conquerors as long as you cannot be rulers and possessors, you seekers of knowledge! Soon the age will be past when you could be content to live hidden in forests like shy deer! "
>but apple cidar? I cant fuck with that shit, its too extreme
What did Peterson mean by this?

>> No.18070544

notice to virgin dIscoossers: you must be 40+ to post in this thread.

>> No.18070632

>Egirl Empire
now that's a good title for a book

>> No.18072040

this guy is not any one to look up to any one who marries a highschool crush has 0 perspective on life

like that guy from the cure this guy is the exact same but to another extreme. lissen to the cure instead

>> No.18072053

>soft apple cider
Do you mean apple juice?

>> No.18072113

you're probably fat, short and masturbate a lot

>> No.18072126

I guess he picked up the uncharming neuroticism from his thankfully deceased Jewish wife, which only Spiritual Semite Westerners find endearing. He'll have fun complaining about apple cider with his shit whore wife in hell.

>> No.18072438

>equating self-help books with books in general
>thinking literally no books can change your life
the absolute state of this retard

>> No.18072471

that's not an argument, you're still using personal attack as validation, you idiot
now if i was some pseud i would also add here that i don't care about JP's works for the sake of "proving" to you how i'm being genuine, because god forbid i appreciate his work since then you would again use a personal attack "argument" again and "invalidate" whatever i'm saying
you have to go back

>> No.18072502

because it's still motivating. you can spend hundreds of hours learning about how capitalism makes your life shit or how you're unlikely to become anything in life because you're xyz and because zyx's sole reason in life is to put you back, or how it's okay to suffer and whine about your problems
you can listen to someone telling you that life, even at it's worst, can be good if you put in the effort for it to be good. that despite great odds and terrible circumstances you still have a chance at making it, you still have some control over what will happen to you.
which one is more correct? doesn't matter. most people can't think properly anyway. what matters is how you look at your life, and if I were to choose between waking up believing nothing I do matters and waking up believing that perhaps, if I work hard enough, I'll achieve something - well, I know which one I'd prefer.

>> No.18072606

>a lion at the top of the food chain for purchasing red meat at a grocery store

>> No.18072677

state of /lit/

>> No.18073130

this is peak cringeposting

>> No.18073783
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why can't he drink apple juice?

>> No.18073887

honestly she needs to gain a little weight so that she can be a good child-bearer

>> No.18074126

Incredibly based

>“A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path; it was trampled on, and the birds ate it up. Some fell on rocky ground, and when it came up, the plants withered because they had no moisture. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up with it and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up and yielded a crop, a hundred times more than was sown.”

Self help is for deluding rocky seedlings they can walk to soil

>> No.18074137


>> No.18075432

do you know what college teaches?

>> No.18075446

well your assuming that homeless people are homeless because of drugs but no you shouldn't

>> No.18075491


>> No.18075499

How is these beautifull girl?

>> No.18075509

Who is this sexy girl?

>> No.18075574

well let me tell you friendo, you ever act with violence towards a so called "nazi" with me in the vicinity, i'll have to spread your guts open in the spot

>> No.18075614

We've got a toasty undergrad over here.

>> No.18075640

If an obese doctor tells you to exercise and eat healthy is he wrong?

>> No.18075715

No, but he is pathetic and, perhaps, less trust-worthy if he cannot follow his own advice. I can acknowledge someone to be correct but fail to respect them at the same time.

>> No.18075735

>anyone left of Stalin is a nazi
Why do you commies think the only alternative to your homicidal totalitarian dogshit spawn of Satan ideology is full blown totalitarian 1488 gas chamber nazism? You freedom-haters are all the same.

>> No.18075749

I'm hoping you're not OP because if you are you just contradicted your original post. I was arguing directly with OP that someone can know what proper path to follow but not have the willpower or ability to do it

>> No.18075772


>> No.18075773

no one thinks this, stop yelling at strawman. Why do rightoids think that government doing anything is literally socialism 1984 (excluding the police, military, and their foodstamps and unemployment benefits of course).

>> No.18075790

>full blown totalitarian 1488 gas chamber nazism

god i wish we could do that again, but for real this time

>> No.18075794

>no one thinks this
Obviously you do since you assumed the other anon who only said he didn't like socialists was a nazi
>Why do rightoids think that government doing anything is literally socialism 1984
Anything the government does is enforced by a gun to the head, so I want it to do the least possible to stop bad actors both foreign and domestic. Also government is inefficient as fuck

>> No.18075901

I think I finally understand him a bit. And like Orson Scott Card said once you really understand someone you can't really hate him. The tragedy of Jordan Peterson is that he is an atheist unable to cope with the cruel callousness of the universe. He's like Mother Theresa on the death bed unable to feel the presence of God any longer, but unlike Mother Theresa he's been in this permanent stage since forever.

In that debate with Dillahunty he talked about how only a certain percentage of people can have transcendental religious experiences while on shrooms. The ones who do come out of it with their neural chemistry changed. The others have no permanent effect.

I think he thinks in our evolutionary history the majority (say 75%) of the people developed something like a religious receptor in their brains (something like Chomsky's universal grammar.) But this neurological structure is not universal. The minority are true atheists and are something akin to religious psychopaths. This is like the bible parable about sheeps and goats. Some just can't be saved.

Jordan Peterson is one of these people, but he desperately wants to be in the other camp. This is why he says "he acts as if God exists" whenever someone confronts him with the question of whether God exists. He can't feel the presence of the holy ghost with complete ontological certitude the way the fundies do and he hates that he can't. So he can only do the next best thing.

Being Jordan Peterson is fundamentally suffering you guys. He's like a nerd with asthma who wants to play sports and date girls instead of being with the other nerds. And he'll get upset when the nerds attack the jocks and he'll defend the jocks even though he doesn't fit in with him.

>> No.18075920

Confrontation culture is part of toxic masculinity. I doubt your SRS/AHS landwhale friends would approve tranny.

>> No.18075955

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks he's an atheist in denial.

>> No.18076073
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oh, zoomers gonna discover so much about themselves when they hit the wall, it will be epic, all their pride and naivety documented by internet archives, medical history online

>> No.18076075

Why are you posting my life story

>> No.18076193
File: 49 KB, 564x423, 3e0ce0c57f1ce5cc01ec1d33bd00c99c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the thing about the apple cider incident:

-his symptoms were probably real, his body was having an insane and haywire immune reaction
-however, the steak-only diet his daughter was so gung-ho about was most likely prompted his immune system to go wild because he killed off too much of his gut bacteria by being strict with it for too long

(the more research that goes into gut bacteria, the more apparent it is that it's responsible for supporting the key systems of the body to perform optimally. this includes instructing the immune system on what to immediately react to or not, helping with hormones, mood, proper appetite, etc. we still don't know that much about gut bacteria and supporting its ideal health other than the usual wisdom of eating home cooked meals with some veg in it and staying away from too much refined white flour, sugar, soda, processed junk foods)

-other steak-only dieters have experienced something similar where they become way too sensitive to anything that isn't meat. the merest touch of bread gluten or certain spices on their digestive tract sends them reeling for several hours to days when they didn't have that problem before.
-99.9% of people would NEVER have such a crazy immune to apple cider because their gut bacteria is still mostly intact
-the "lion diet", as his daughter names it, is useful in providing individuals with a temporary rest from inflammation from whatever foods they're eating if they have digestive problems. but the key is that it's only meant to be temporary. most people don't need to go to that extreme and would find the relief they're looking for on something like the AIP diet and usual aids like L-glutamine, colostrum, zinc, and/or gelatin.

Note that his daughter has seemed to ease off of harping on the "lion diet" for the past several months and will likely never publicly acknowledge its role in making her father overly sensitive to the tiniest food particles that aren't meat proteins.

>> No.18076250

nobody gives a fuck about this guy and i don't know why he's still making certain people angry in 2021 it's really bizzare to me

>> No.18076300

It's a matter of context. I get what the other anon is saying (the one you quoted), that as a whole humanity should look towards finding common ground rather than focusing on warfare and machismo. The truth is that balance is always key, and there will always be negative forces in the world. We can only strive for a blissful utopia and lead by example, but never let our guard down enough to become susceptible to those who would seek to take advantage.


>> No.18076305

>comparing the ease of self publishing with the difficulty of creating a world wide web
Literal double digit IQ.

>> No.18076314

God still loves you even if you don't acknowledge it or know it to be true in your spirit.

Seek and you shall find. Listen to your intuition and inner drive. Look for patterns. Connect the dots.

>> No.18076318

Stop this shit. 4chan operates on a don't ask don't tell principle with regards to theists

>> No.18076324

Silence is the language of God.

>> No.18076355


>> No.18077139

what's a shaman

>> No.18077287

>>stop yelling at strawman
>proceeds to yell at a strawman

>> No.18077321

Lifting weights won't make you formidable or dangerous. If you ever get in many situations where it's possible you'll be imprisoned or shot.
Money. Power. Cleverness. Ruthlessness.

>> No.18077331

>Why do people live their lives based on this man's teachings?
Isolation, loneliness and projection. He's a fast-talking grifter who uses big words so midwits don't notice.

>> No.18077347

The best way to win a fight is to gain a vassal and the best way to gain a vassal is to convince them they are an ally. You would be shot in the street and lef to bleed out if your fantasies ever happen.

>> No.18077376

It's always like this with philosophers who try to tell people how to live their lives, they can never live up to their own standards. Nietzsche was a gigapussy IRL

>> No.18078621

he's of scandinavian stock
we aren't designed to eat anything but fish and meat and berries

>> No.18078637
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and mushrooms MUSHROOMS

>> No.18078725

>I lost a lot of respect for him.
why not all?

>> No.18078811


>> No.18078878

Didn’t he convert to Christianity recently?

>> No.18078998

>Tells people that it's not okay to be weak.
That's not what he says at all. Even as a gross oversimplification it's off the mark.

>Can't drink soft apple cider without almost dying.
Are you talking about his daughter's autoimmune disorder, or is this just a random shitpost?

>Why do people live their lives based on this man's teachings?
Another gross oversimplification. His writings have value, why do you leap to the extreme of "people live their lives based on" them?

>> No.18079821

gonna read his book.
What should I expect?

>> No.18081053


>> No.18081087

A restful night of sleep.

>> No.18081092

ha ha

>> No.18081132
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