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18049418 No.18049418[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is saying some version of “shut up” the right way to resist baseless accusations of “racism, heteronormativity, misogyny” by woke college students?

Because just accepting “yes, you’re right, I’m racist (or misogynist or whatever)” does not seem like a good strategy.

>> No.18049445

My fav strategy is accusing them of being racist etc for some made up reason too, worked pretty good for me

>> No.18049459

Last year I got into the habit of telling people I'm Jewish on my mothers side whenever the accusation of racism or far right beliefs came up I would tie it together with something like "so yes I'm quite traditional but not practising/agnostic" and it immediately shuts everyone the fuck up.

>> No.18049463


>> No.18049475

>Last year I got into the habit of telling people I'm Jewish on my mothers side whenever the accusation of racism or far right beliefs came up I would tie it together with something like "so yes I'm quite traditional but not practising/agnostic" and it immediately shuts everyone the fuck up.
Are you really?
Okay then what do I say?

>> No.18049483

Say what you truly feel. Throw them a bone not by agreeing with them but by responding with a thorough, respectful answer in a way that shows you have considered what they said, even if you disagree. If they show no sign of giving ground and are still lashing out in a seething, confused rage, then say nothing and move elsewhere

>> No.18049488

>Are you really

>> No.18049492

Just go full tankie and tell them that they're useful idiots holding up imperialist bourgeois ideology.

>> No.18049503


>> No.18049507

Kek. Nice dubs.

>> No.18049533

have sex incel

>> No.18049561

I want to, but calling myself “incel” is basically being a quitter. And quitting is for faggots.

>> No.18049690
File: 81 KB, 535x269, 95F4DD54-C328-4FE9-B2C0-B11DB6D13671.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m assuming you’re talking about university OP. Here’s my take:

Leftists are trying to cultivate an unendurable environment of antagonism against straight white people. They want you to react to their constant, obvious enmity so that they can strike you below the belt (get you fired, harassed, attacked, your kids/family attacked) or hasten you quietly leaving so they can take over.

Then they gaslight you into thinking you’re somehow the unreasonable and hysterical one when you point out their impropriety (“OH BOO HOO WONT SOMEONE THINK OF THE POOR WHITE MALES”)

I really don’t have any advice OP. Maybe hold out a little bit longer? The pressure has been building and building since Trayvon Martin. We may have a chance to at least get some revenge against these fucking scumbags

>> No.18049706

Have you even been on a university campus?

>> No.18049718

>We may have a chance to at least get some revenge against these fucking scumbags
How so?

Here’s my disc if anyone wants to talk: Iiii2001#5122

>> No.18049725

Not him, but to be honest, it’s usually not the professors that suck, but the students that the uni admits for some reason: the woke activists. And for some reason these woke types fill up the Honors programs for some reason, despite the fact that a retard is smarter (in a way) than they are.

>> No.18049731

leave this board please

>> No.18049744

I'm increasingly convinced that the only way to win is to start playing along with their bullshit in a way that they know you're bluffing, but which won't allow them to call you on your bluff.

We need a whole generation of straight white male students in college who dress and act like normal white guys but who will insist in a frat boy voice, "Oh yea, no, like I'm a woman. Yea, like a transgender woman. My mind is, like, a woman's, but my body is like a dude's, you know? So, I'm like a sexual minority or whatever." And then in the middle of classes they can always be like, "Yea but like as a woman, you know, I disagree."

>> No.18049760

Dubs checked.

>> No.18049781

Am OP btw. That’s my disc.

>> No.18049786
File: 60 KB, 1024x544, glownigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butchering young innocent female conscripts would be hot as hell. Just imagine how helpless they would be, begging you not to slit their throats as they lay wounded in the snow, crying as they watch you approach. She'd be too badly hurt to get away, and her rifle would be out of her grasp. You could listen to her frantic begging, she just wants to live, she just wants to go back to her family, she'll do anything if it means you'll let her go. But instead you walk up and place your ice- crusted boot over her soft tender neck and push down, slightly at first, then harder, and harder. So that she can't breathe, her fingers desperately gripping at your boot, you can feel them pushing down on your toes, her body thrashing weakly, and you can look into her wide eyes, begging you please just don't do this, just stop. And all you have to do to save her is to step back and pull your foot away. She can still live. She can still go back to her family. But instead you push down harder, until her windpipe crumples like a pine cone underfoot. And her eyes grow glassy as her life, still so young and fresh and full of possibility, comes to an end.

>> No.18049796

You scare me. I’d rather harem her up desu. She’d owe me her life for my mercy, so I could “have” her, and spread my seed more efficiently.

>> No.18049821

This would cause many problems. I like it.

>> No.18049822

Only the cream of the crop get haremed up. The rest suffer and die

>> No.18049838 [DELETED] 

Eh. It’d be fun to cream some meh-looking “trans man” (assuming “he” hasn’t mutilated himself yet) and tell her “who’s a man now” as I get her preggo.

Also... does the (((cream of the crop))) get to get “Goyed” (TM)? Cuz I know one hot (((bitch))) who isn’t any more woke than a normalfag woman, doesn’t even virtue signal about “muh BLM”, and it’d be a shame for (((her))) to go to waste.

Not gonna post pic, cuz I don’t wanna turn this into a cringe /b/ socials thread. If you want a pic add me disc, matey.

>> No.18049843
File: 14 KB, 280x280, 54354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to build a career around dog pussy (preferably fucking them). My plan is to become a dog trainer and be one for a few years and use that as a "hook" for a YouTube channel where I fuck and review dog breeds so companies will send me treats and (sex) toys to shill, since it seems a lot of dog based e celebs are either trainers or groomers.
Does this seem viable?

>> No.18049849

Wir brauchen eine Societät vom Wokeismus frei!

>> No.18049867

Animal fucking is cringe brah.

>> No.18049894

Tell them why they are wrong. Many, if not most, if not all of these people are stupid. And it's easy to spot their flaws and inconsistencies. Don't respond emotionally but slice them cleanly apart with razor sharp FACTS and LOGIC FUCK YEAH

>> No.18049903

Oh, I didn't even read the second part of your post. I strongly dislike racists and the like too, but I also hate those types. So go fuck yourself.

>> No.18049906

How do I know they won’t try and get me expelled or something?

>> No.18049911 [DELETED] 


>> No.18050031
