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/lit/ - Literature

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18047589 No.18047589[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>1.400.000.00 citizen
>one of oldest civilizations
>zero good literature

>> No.18047597

I ment 1,400,000,000

>> No.18047614
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>>zero good literature

"Even the loftiest philosophy of the Europeans, the idealism of reason, as it is set forth by Greek philosophers, appears in comparison with the abundant light and vigor of Oriental idealism, like a feeble Promethean spark in the full flood of heavenly glory of the noonday sun—faltering and feeble, and ever ready to be extinguished."
- Friedrich von Schlegel (1772 – 1829)

>"When we read with attention the poetical and philosophical monuments of the East, above all, those of India, which are beginning to spread in Europe, we discover there many a truth, and truths so profound, and which make such a contrast with the meanness of the results at which the European genius has sometimes stopped, that we are constrained to bend the knee before the philosophy of the East, and to see in this cradle of the human race the native land of the highest philosophy."
- Victor Cousin (1792 – 1867)

>"It is impossible to read the Vedanta, or the many fine compositions in illustration of it, without believing that Pythagoras and Plato derived their sublime theories from the same fountain with the sages of India."
- Sir William Jones ( 1746 – 1794)

>"I spend my happiest hours in reading Vedantic books. They are to me like the light of the morning, like the pure air of the mountains - so simple, so true, if once understood."
- Max Muller (1823 – 1900)

>"In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and cosmogonal philosophy of the Bhagavat Geeta, since whose composition years of the gods have elapsed, and in comparison with which our modern world and its literature seem puny and trivial…"
- Henry David Thoreau (1817 – 1862)

>(The Bhagavad Gita is) "The most beautiful, perhaps the only true philosophical song existing in any known tongue ....perhaps the deepest and loftiest thing the world has to show."
- Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767 – 1835)

>"I owed a magnificent day to the Bhagavad-gita. It was the first of books; it was as if an empire spoke to us, nothing small or unworthy, but large, serene, consistent, the voice of an old intelligence which in another age and climate had pondered and thus disposed of the same questions which exercise us."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882)

>"In the whole world there is no study so beneficial and so elevating as that of the Upanishads. It has been the solace of my life -- it will be the solace of my death. "
- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860)

>> No.18047617

> what is the Ramayana
> what is the Mahabharata
> who is Kalidasa
> who is Bhartrihari
Nigger, do your research before writing shitposts.

>> No.18047622

Based and hindupilled

>> No.18047642

Do you mean of the last 100 years?

>> No.18047652

what about something written in the last century

>> No.18047665

Vyasa wrote some good stuff.

>> No.18047676

Their caste system fell apart and destroyed the Hindu high culture and thus their great literature. Some people are trying to recreate it but when you look at the Indian public of today it's no surprise they're struggling.

>> No.18047692

Currycel cope

>> No.18047701

Too busy dominating tiktok

>> No.18047714


>> No.18047715
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Why do old and modern Hindus oppose toilets? On which Hindu philosophy has this been based on? Do you think the Indian Age of Hygiene (Svachchhata Yuga) will happen soon and that toilets will finally be a reality for India?

>> No.18047728

The quote about the soldiers is extremely based. A remnant of their once great culture.

>> No.18047732
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Gitanjali by Rabindranath Tagore

Godaan by Munshi Premchand
River of Fire by Qurratulain Hyder
Train to Pakistan by Khushwant Singh

I am still a pleb but South Asian literary culture is massive. Almost 95% of it don't get translated into European langues.


>> No.18047743

Do you actually speak punjabi and urdu and whatever else? I think a lot of nations like India have literature that simply hasn't been translated.

I don't know what Australia's excuse is. The place is a literary desert despite speaking English.

>> No.18047748

>suggesting novels which were wrote by non hindu "Indians" that renounced India and moved to Pakistan
You're an idiot.

>> No.18047784

>all hindushit
Yea those have practically no literary value outside of incantations and other religious mumbo jumbo. I love how Indian literature of any worth is buried in some unintelligible ancient text passed down by bronze age voodoos, like can pajeets even produce anything unique without wewuzzing to some Vedic-Aryan golden age that occupies their minds 24/7?

>> No.18047797

Retard, Qurratulain Hyder and Tagore were Muslims but both of them stayed in India. They also used tons of Vedic references in their works. And there are more Muslims in India than in Pakistan.
I am a Pakistani and I also despise hindu nationalist cunts. But his doesn't stop me from respecting their arts and old traditions because there is such a huge cultural overlap between both countries. If you read works of artists from Bangladesh, India and Pakistan you will find tons of similar metaphors and other things. Apart from religious references it rarely occurs to me that I am reading the literature from different countries.

>> No.18047800

The same can be said for the bible and if the Anglos hadn't burned 97% of the corpus I'm sure we would have more.

>> No.18047805

You should fuck off Pakistan is and always will be Hindu clay I hope they hit you acid attacking cousin marrying freaks with bioweapons as soon as Israel gives them to them.

>> No.18047806
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Perhaps their literatium is piss poor, but they have other crafts and skills which are still unrivaled

>> No.18047825
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anglos could NEVER

>> No.18047842

Seethe harder western retard, if you are talking about Vedic religions then Pakistani soil for the most part more Buddhists than Hindu. And Muslims have been here for more than 1200 years. So Muslims have as much as claim to "native" soil as HIndus, Kalash Pagans and Buddhists.

>> No.18047853
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>> No.18047895

>can't even suggest real Indian literature without his obvious Muslim bias showing
>actually trying to trick retards from /lit/ into reading anti Indian Islamic authors
>gets called on it and immediately deflects into how much he hates Hindus
>from a people who were once great conquerers who invaded and enslaved Hindus
>has now been reduced to the country with the most recorded inbreeding on earth
>legislation that oppresses every other religions besides their own
>still claims to be oppressed
>largest exporter of terrorism on earth
>will soon be destroyed by raging Indian sub castes armed with Israeli weapons and that's if he doesn't have acid thrown in his face for pissing off a neighbour
It's doubtful you even live in Pakistan, you've probably left that hellhole for the safety and confort of a western nation yet here you are in sad and extremely transparent attempt at defending clay that you have no right to, historic or otherwise.

>> No.18047906

I'm from India and I can confirm this. The only good literature we have was written centuries ago and that too in sanskrit and India at the time wasn't even India, different people, different culture. Contemporary Indian lit has no value, I wish we had a Dazai, a Mishima, a DFW but maybe that's going too far. Our writers can't even write a story that appeals to anybody that isn't an brainwashed middle class retard. It's all cliches and bad writing and the most popular books are blander than Sanderson's worst novels. And the chauvinism and simple mindedness, it's all sickening bros. I can't wait to leave this hellhole

>> No.18047926

I like Harishankar Parsai
t. Westfag

>> No.18047933

There is a couple names you could add and that would be it. Some random "great novelist" would gather twenty times more genuine praise and influence from other big names. I don't mean it as trashing the texts cited, but listing a dozen quotes of superficial praise by westerners is embarrassing if anything.
In addition, some of these are purely ceremonial acclaim, the equivalent of book/movie/etc reviews using hyperbolic language. While Thoreau was half serious about it, and Shopenhauer pretended to be (he projected his philosophy on Hindu texts), citing Victor Cousin, the high priest of empty eclecticism, should make you think twice.

>> No.18048002

>>can't even suggest real Indian literature without his obvious Muslim bias showing
>>actually trying to trick retards from /lit/ into reading anti Indian Islamic authors
Holy fucking shit, have you even read those writers? Tagore was a mystic. Indian Subcontinent's Sufism is literally Advaita Vedanta for Muslims. And Qurratulain Hyder was your good old romantic who was in love with Vedic metaphors. I don't hate Hindus I just hate religious Nationalists.
>>still claims to be oppressed
No I don't.
>>largest exporter of terrorism on earth
It is called USA.
>>will soon be destroyed by raging Indian sub castes armed with Israeli weapons
Kek, they should try it.
>extremely transparent attempt at defending clay that you have no right to, historic or otherwise.
Huh? You don't know shit about Pakistan. Believe it or not but this country is way more caste orientated than India. No one can win the elections if they aren't from higher caste. So what are you talking about?

>> No.18048173

Sangam literature and Kalapurnodayam for premodern stuff.

>> No.18048399

>Bhagavad Gita

>> No.18048413

Are these guys the predecessors of the "white buddhist" type?

>> No.18048530

how does it feel to be a part of the stupidest, most recent religion?

>> No.18048586

>Muh ebil burger made me blow up those innocent women and children standing by

>> No.18048591

>most recent and stupid
>had more influence on science, psychology, medicine and philosophy than Hinduism
>bigger than Hinduism
>actually use toilets

>> No.18048609

I keep hearing this but I've never seen a source for it

>> No.18048626

why do all threads about indian literature go to shieet and seethe? pajeets need to have their own board for their "discussions".

>> No.18048628

Also, modern Indians are infinitely more successful than mudslimes in pretty much every field you listed in the modern age
Hindus actually got on with the times, muzzies have been navelgazing for last 500 years

>> No.18048653


>> No.18048664

>working minimum wage and being the joke of the world is success to him
>"hindus got with the times"
>rape, drinking cow piss, poop festivals
you're no better than muzzies, ranjpoot.

>> No.18048672

Not putting toilets in your home is common sense if you don't have the technology to go with it. Problem in India is with their customs about purity, making it more difficult to adopt public toilets. I remember Ghandi throwing a hissy fit because his people refused to clean the toilets in South Africa, waiting for servants to do it for them.

>> No.18048687

All scientific and cultural progress during Islams golden age was directly stolen from the Greek, Zoroastrians and South Asians.
Even the Mongols were more culturally and scientifically advanced.

>> No.18048707

Rabindranath Tagore

>> No.18048714

>this nigger basically admits he was conquered by a people inferior to him
Poo IQ

>> No.18048722
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They dont shit in toilets
No reading while dropping a deuce
Significant reading time cut
Far less writers
Less competition
Less drive
No good literature.

>> No.18048754

>not a single good thinker in there

>> No.18048789

all people that get filtered by Christianity, bible is more beautiful than the bagavad gita, its only relevent because people think they're exotic for liking it

>> No.18048796

Indians make up some of the richest groups in burgerstan and bongland
What are you on about?

>> No.18048802

I’m European. I’m just saying that if you look into scientific and civilizational progress in the Muslim world all of it came from the cultures they conquered. Compare the amount of Persian authors, scientists, mathematicians, inventors etc. to the amount of Arabs (0%).

They were obviously still good enough at war to beat them, but so were the Huns, Mongols and other Primitive nomadic peoples.

>> No.18048806

what is the Ramayana
its alright nothing special though only good thanks to certain translater though
>what is the Mahabharata
dynastiy warriors 3 except longer and containers the familiy tree of every single indian ever to have lived which takes around 5 hours before getting to actualy 'story'

>> No.18048833

I never referred to modern age. First of all, any Middle-Eastern country is more advanced and better to live in than India. India has 1.4 billion people. Mathematically, you will obviously have noticeable successful people. You also haven't suffered from imperialism as much. Don't tell me that Indians are more advanced than Iranians on average. The majority is Indians is poverty, a lack of hygiene, tech support and scams. The big scientists or the CEO's of Jewish companies are the 0.0001% - but again, mathematics. I don't know what "on with the times" would mean, but literally anyone can agree that Qatar, UAE and Saudi-Arabia are more modern and advanced than India. Not that I support modernity.
>Even the Mongols were more culturally and scientifically advanced
Nice bait, keep coping.

>> No.18048889

Because the US only allows the top tier immigrants of India in. Also nepotism. Is your argument for India the US? Not even your country.

>> No.18048944


>> No.18049002

I wouldn't mind reading some Indian lit but I imagine most of it isn't translated and there's like a billion languages there.

>> No.18049042

I agree India has some good stuff but these fags were the equivalent of weebs back in the day.

>> No.18049108

they dont have time to write or think they are too busy getting hit by trains and arranging marriages

>> No.18049127

>these fags were the equivalent of weebs back in the day.
It's interesting to see that Indian mania was mainly a German thing, to a lower and more deviant extend American through theosophy, "meditation", etc.
Anglos, in spite of being the civil and military occupier of India at the time, cared less.
In France Indian things were disregarded, in its place you had Sinophilia and Japanophilia, whereas Germans had little interest in those.

In the US yes, in the UK no. Indian population in the US is not even close to representative.

>> No.18049329

Another thread that’s pure pol tier faggotry.

>> No.18049529

india is a very backwards country
you see, in china, there's corruption but shit gets done. if there's a construction project for like $700m, the guy making it might pocket a few million but the project gets done otherwise the CCP is on his tail.
in India, projects don't get done at all. they just pretend they do to embezzle money.

in reality pajeets should be equal to chinks, but they don't have the infrastructure, GDP, or culture to manage that. this is why everyone kneels to chinks, by the way. there's not one other place in the world where production can happen at such costs. india is the only place and they're decades behind in infrastructure.

>> No.18050963

>He didn't read Kamasutra

>> No.18051049
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>M. Schubert, a very gifted astronomer from the Academy of sciences, Chief librarian, was telling me some day, very soundly, while showing me [Oriental codices] : "How crazy are we to go collect those rags ! The most minor of our European books is of more worth." How right was he. In the very moment I am writing to you, a Moslem Hindu has translated the Principles of Newton in Arabic under the direction of an English mathematician. If Hindus ever get to fully understand this book, they will swoon of laughter if Europeans come to them for counselling.
Joseph de Maistre, October 20, 1807, Letter to the Count of Vargas.

How will orientalists and indomaniacs recover ?

>> No.18051344

"To seethe is the highest purpose of pseuds"

Bhagwad Geeta chapter 69 verse69

>> No.18051351

Based pajeet Tiktok artisans

>> No.18051365

If I wasn't already convinced that the discussion here is happening is bad faith, I'd bother to write a better reply.

>> No.18051399

They were. Semitic religions are an organizational technology that exploits and defeats lesser organized peoples who are stronger and smarter on the individual level.

>> No.18051409

This is all very true. India has great potential but they seem too disorganized to build even simple infrastructure.

>> No.18051687

>who is Rupi Kaur

>> No.18051890
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>> No.18051907

>can't even suggest real Indian literature without his obvious Muslim bias showing
How the fuck is Tagore not "real" Indian literature? Retard.

>> No.18051917


>> No.18051918

>You also haven't suffered from imperialism as much
I bet you’re an American who’s parents are Brahman immigrants. What a horrible take. Keep seething

>> No.18051969


>> No.18052098

if anyone is actually interested in older indian litterature, one of the first indian tales to reach europe is a play by the name of Shakuntala, from the 4th century
highly reccomend it

>> No.18052163

How so?

>> No.18052993

Islamization only ruined rich sanatana and bodh cultures.