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18047337 No.18047337 [Reply] [Original]

What is it with people who say you shouldn't read the bible from start to finish? How else would you read it if you want to go through the whole thing anyway?

>> No.18047351

I've never heard that said, could you cite an example?

>> No.18047356

If you read it start to finish, you might figure out how retarded it is

>> No.18047362
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There's nothing wrong with doing it that way, but consider the following:
You aren't meant to read it like a novel, trying to avoid "spoiling" the ending, you're meant to read for comprehension. It's easier to understand the Old Testament when you've read the Gospels, because you can see where Christ's coming is prophesied.

My advice (and what I did myself the first time I read the Bible) is to read the New Testament first (at least the Gospels) and then read the Old Testament. Alternatively, read the first 5 books of the Old Testament, then the Gospels, then the remainder of the OT, then the entire NT (Gospels included again). This latter approach will give you the most complete understanding.

>> No.18047378

If you're religious then a good way to do it is
Gospels->Epistles->Genesis/Psalms/Job/Proverbs->Prophets and then everything else.
It's important to know the theology that you actually practice rather than trudging through Jewish history lessons, and you can only really appreciate the prophets if you understand what they were writing about.
For the average secular bible enjoyer though, and not wanting to delve into the religion, then start to finish is alright because it provides more of an overarching narrative of Fall-> creation of Israel->Jews screw everything up->looking forward to Son of Man and then the climax of the Passion.
Other anons may disagree, but as a christcuck this is how I rationalize it. what is important either way is that it gets read, so the order that it gets done really doesnt matter.

>> No.18047386

Yeah this is a good way to do it too

>> No.18047391

You don't have to read them in the order that they are presented in our modern Bibles.