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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 19 KB, 758x500, utopia1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1804733 No.1804733 [Reply] [Original]

help, please.
i have an enormous graphic project to finish and need to stay awake. so i'm breaking down and listening to an audiobook while i have at it. i'm very interested in reading some form of utopian literature. do you have any reommendations for me, in this vein?
would be very appreciated (and enjoyed, i'll bet)

>> No.1804740

op, here.
the ideal would be some sort of utopian society that in the end has broken down or is shown to be less than ideal
(but they're probably mostly like this anyway..ho hum)

>> No.1804744
File: 291 KB, 1575x1057, Dystopiautopia[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1804745

Island by Aldous Huxley is a must.

>> No.1804747

you're both great
thanks very much
checking these out, now

>> No.1804749
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> Utopia
> Brave New World
> mfw

>> No.1804751

Well, be more specific. Are you looking for utopian fiction, or dystopian fiction?

If you're looking for real dystopia:
"The Windup Girl" - Paolo Bacigalupi (one of my new favorite books)
"Soft Apocalypse" - Will McIntosh
"Shades of Grey: Road to High Saffron" - Jasper Fforde (this is more Young Adult fiction, though)

>> No.1804754

"The Windup Girl" really needs to be added to that list.

>> No.1804755

I'd also "The Giver" by Lois Lowry (even though it's also a YA book) to the Utopian section.

>> No.1804758

yeah i saw that-- but the rest are sounding worth it, probably they meant >>1804745
's Island
(unless they're talking a society which plays itself off as utopian but is to us dys-)
anyway. I don't know what I'm talking about.

>> No.1804762

sorry guy
perhaps it'd be easier if i don't give it a label..
what would be brilliant would be a society that is thought to be ideal but is sort of explored or dived deeper into through the course of the novel, and in the end we/the characters/?? come to the conclusion that it's nowhere near a perfect society afterall.
that help?
(thanks for the feedback)

>> No.1804764

appreciation for the posts

>> No.1804769

If that's what you're looking for, >>1804755 is right up your alley. It's meant for like 6th grade reading, so it isn't particularly complicated or deep, but it's also short.

Our librarian always recommends it, and I'd have to agree.

>> No.1804772

oh hey
bonus points:
the utopian side to whatever society is made possible by highly advanced technology/scientific knowledge, things like the ability to halt the aging process, ect ect (the dystopian side to this could be in the end we figure out the society's become completely stagnant) ..too specific probably but just a bonus point
sorry for asking this, you're all very patient

>> No.1804773

thanks very much
hehh. i actually remember reading groups many years back, and one group was doing this. i'll definitely make sure to pick this one up sometime. probably looking for something slightly higher reading level for now just because i've got that urge for something kind of heady with enlightenment ("Oh!") moments, ect
but will certainly pick this up in a bit