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18045911 No.18045911 [Reply] [Original]

Some primitive mysterious force is pulling my strings by giving me the illusion of having an "I" and making me think that I am the center of this universe, that my actions are totally beyond my psycho-physiological programming, that I am going to live for eternity, that this "I" is eternal and very significant, that there is redemption in this sinister world and that I am much more than food for worms.

Who is the puppet master of this comedy show, bros? Post books books on this topic.

>> No.18045931
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just acquire free will through constant selfawareness

>> No.18045960
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I am the puppet master. I am eternal and significant. I do have free will.

>> No.18045981
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Constant self awareness is the paralysis of the body. Where there is action, there is no thought and where is thought there is no action.
We are fucked my faggot.

Prove it.

>> No.18045998

It's always surreal to realize that everyone else is brain in a body. You think you are the only real individual within the simulation, but that can't be true can it? Maybe it can. As far as I can tell, I'm the only "true" individual and the rest of you are just - what? I don't know, something else. But I look at myself, and all the rest of you and find myself asking the question, "Why am I in this vessel and not some other?" I don't know. I don't know what real or who is real. I can only tell that its a waste of time to even think about.

>> No.18046006

It’s also interesting to think that this is a very old thought that many people have had

>> No.18046046

The bit I hate the most is even after acknowledging this fact, you still have that little inkling that it’s still just you. That you are the only real viewpoint into the universe.

>> No.18046315

What if I feel just like you?

>> No.18046345

>sinister world
Stop. This is yet another illusion. The world isn't sinister, it's apathetic.

>> No.18046375

Suffering is way too much real anon.

>> No.18046462

You probably do but I have no way of knowing

>> No.18046540

Just live your fucking life, bitch. Read books that get your to stop thinking about useless shit like this.

>> No.18046722

>Just stop thinking bro

>> No.18046775

It only seems to bring you grief

>> No.18046782

>illusion of having an "I" and making me think that I am the center of this universe, that my actions are totally beyond my psycho-physiological programming, that I am going to live for eternity, that this "I" is eternal and very significant, that there is redemption in this sinister world and that I am much more than food for worms.
But all of this is correct

>> No.18046787

How was your 15th birthday last night bro

>> No.18046790

I have no other options or time because death could happen at any moment and I have to prepare for it.

How so?

>> No.18046796


>> No.18046860

You're thinking about useless shit and it just tells me you don't have anything important to think about in your life.

>> No.18046886

>It's always surreal to realize that everyone else is brain in a body. You think you are the only real individual within the simulation
How narcissistic and autistic do you have to be to not realize this?
Everyone is 'real'. Which is why most everyone is a fucking retard.

>> No.18046892

>it's apathetic.
It's not apathetic. Neither is it sympathetic. It just is.

You are only the last line

>> No.18046908

If thinking about death isn't important then I don't know what is important.

>> No.18046978

It's impossible and irrational to prepare for death

>> No.18046981

How will it change your behaviour? What grand insight could justify wasting time on it?

>> No.18047256

So you guys are telling me that all human beings on this planet don't spend their whole lives pondering over philosophical questions in the quest for knowledge and Truth so they could stand fearless in front of death?

>> No.18047290

Then what? You're fearless or fearful and then you're dead. What difference does it make

>> No.18047336

I do agree with you. But life without philosophical pondering sounds really boring desu. I do believe that standing in front of death fearlessly is maybe the most courageous act in this world. Don't know if will find something to stand courageously or not. But moving ahead with philosophical examination is my only option otherwise death winks at me whenever I try look anything else.

>> No.18047348

Golden rule, anon, the best way to prepare for death is just not preparing at all. Live your life as you should live, and die as you should die, in the right moment. You already realized that death is inevitable and grasps on all humanity, thats enough insight. Now go and do what humans are supposed to do.

>> No.18047369

He made you give him a (you), and you didn't even realise it. He's living in your head rent free

>> No.18047979

>Now go and do what humans are supposed to do.
What's that anon?

>> No.18048016

You should always act as if you have an 'I'. It is apodictic.
Think of it this way. How much should you reasonably be willing to bet that you do exist? Answer is everything, since you don't lose anything if you are wrong.

>> No.18048113

Absolute attachment with I is really painful. Sometimes I get this feel of total loss of control. And when I close my eyes all is see is processes going on independent of my intervention. What are thoughts and images? How much role do the "I" plays in the creation and control of it? I know this is a contradiction but I feel totally helpless like a self conscious nothing.

>> No.18048121

*independently without my intervention

>> No.18048155

What I sense is more real than what is "real" because what I sense is the only thing I can prove. Many point to illusions to say that senses are flawed, but I think they say that reality is fraud. In thid loght, determinism is a baseless and frankly stupid ideology and as such should be discarded for the ""illusion"" of free will we feel on a day-to-day basis

>> No.18048185

Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson by G.I. Gurdjieff
Or In Search of the Miraculous if that is too much for you

>> No.18048198


>> No.18048200

>Why am I in this vessel and not some other?"
Wrong question. You are not in a vessel. You ARE the vessel

>> No.18048216

Which is it

>> No.18048238


>> No.18048245

I wore a ring for 2 weeks after many years. The strange thing that happened to me when I took off that ring was I started feeling that I was wearing the ring even two days after I took off the ring. This really made me think of that if "my" brain is lying to me about such simple phenomena, how can I trust the brain in case of "my" inner life? Consciousness is presenting "me" a really cheap model of reality. So how could anyone trust it in matters beyond material appearances and even for material things as in ring case?
I am losing my mind by thinking about such sinister and contradictory bullshit.

>Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson by G.I. Gurdjieff
What this is about?

>> No.18048281

Check out hylemorphism and how it relates to the self

>> No.18048287

What you sense is your only reality

>> No.18048298

>So how could anyone trust it in matters beyond material appearances and even for material things as in ring case?

That's the reason Plato crafted his epistemology (theory of knowledge)

>> No.18048579

The book is about the questions you are asking. Specifically the forces that govern man. Also the potential for real freedom. The intention, as written by the author, is to "destroy, mercilessly, without any compromises whatsoever, in the mentation and feelings of the reader, the beliefs and views, by centuries rooted in him, about everything existing in the world."

>> No.18048589

>And when I close my eyes all is see is processes going on independent of my intervention
Of you empirical intervention, certainly. Seems like you are becoming aware of the natural attitude's disconnection with the actual structure of consciousness. But you have/are a transcendantal Self which is the coauthor of all of your experiences, through the synthesis of all of your mental acts and their structuration into the specific form of transcendantal time.
Your "I" is the ground of all evidence, not in the sense of truth, but to make manifest and possible to explore.

>> No.18048727

>We are fucked my faggot.
don't be mean to me :(

hehe funny froggy. i save.

>> No.18048737

Gurdjieff's philosophy is that human beings are machines that lack individuality, have no "I" (his words), and are controlled by external forces and are completely at the service to them. We dp not see reality for what it really is.. According to him, we have the possibility of gaining real will and consciousness through a special kind of "work."

>> No.18049670
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>> No.18049722

the true answer is that this I-ness is the same one for all of us and that this is what binds together our different consciousness dependent physical worlds. You can be sure that some organism who can refer to an object is conscious, because consciousness is needed to perceive objects

>> No.18049876
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>tfw constantly got INFP on tests
I don't cry, but I feel melancholy all the time.

>> No.18050068

>I can only tell that its a waste of time to even think about.
It's litterally the only thing everyone talks about, it's presupposed unknowingly

>> No.18050088

Ancient Primordial Translation:
Row row row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream

ALARM CLOCK: SIGNAL. SIGNAL Reception assumed. Self-Activation.

>> No.18051304

Carlos Castaneda, only.

>> No.18051318

>be 14 years old
>ask friend if he ever thinks other people are just robots and he is the only conscious person
>blank stare, no
>h-heh me neither

>> No.18051786
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The only psychophysiological programming that you have underwent is that of the puppetmaster Satan, through his Zionistic playground, telling you that the metassistant pat of Sofia is an illusion.

>> No.18051795

It's the demiurge.

>> No.18051887

The Demiourgos is merely a nescient worldsponge which was once already defeated by Sofia and Saturn/Sabaoth; the current primary enemy, who usurped the latter by convening in contract with the former, and who continues to rule the world to this day, is Satan.

>> No.18051992

Nice bro, reminds me of this passage from Moby-Dick

"But wherefore it was that after having repeatedly smelt the sea as a merchant sailor, I should now take it into my head to go on a whaling voyage; this the invisible police officer of the Fates, who has the constant surveillance of me, and secretly dogs me, and influences me in some unaccountable way—he can better answer than any one else. And, doubtless, my going on this whaling voyage, formed part of the grand programme of Providence that was drawn up a long time ago. It came in as a sort of brief interlude and solo between more extensive performances. I take it that this part of the bill must have run something like this:

“Grand Contested Election for the Presidency of the United States. “WHALING VOYAGE BY ONE ISHMAEL. “BLOODY BATTLE IN AFFGHANISTAN.”

Though I cannot tell why it was exactly that those stage managers, the Fates, put me down for this shabby part of a whaling voyage, when others were set down for magnificent parts in high tragedies, and short and easy parts in genteel comedies, and jolly parts in farces—though I cannot tell why this was exactly; yet, now that I recall all the circumstances, I think I can see a little into the springs and motives which being cunningly presented to me under various disguises, induced me to set about performing the part I did, besides cajoling me into the delusion that it was a choice resulting from my own unbiased freewill and discriminating judgment."

>> No.18052276

It's the body itself my friend, with all the innate baggage attached to it through evolution.
The soul, which is capable of observing this illusion, is eternal however, and present in varying degrees within every human being.
Reject the fleshy cage you are trapped in and transcend your base material existence. It's ramadan, and there is no better time of year to fast and pray.

>> No.18053472

>my actions are totally beyond my psycho-physiological programming, that I am going to live for eternity
This is true

>> No.18055140

Mind-Only Buddhism
read Descartes