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18044499 No.18044499[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

they’re good people, but they don’t (seem to?) care at all about logical coherence, truth, etc.. they just seem to care about living a cozy life through expedient means (that’s not to say they’re hedonists).

Whenever I say something like “statistics show Swedes are taller on average than Guatemalans” they hear this as “every Swede is taller than every Guatemalan”.

Whenever I discuss a specific example as illustrative of a point, they view it as the main topic of discussion, rather than the point itself.

In addition I commonly hear things like:

>You’re too black and white (they’ve never told me what this means)
>You haven’t lived [long enough]
>you don’t have enough “experience” (again, I’m not sure of which definition of experience they’re using)
>[concerns about “muh practical”, etc.]
>things like “there are no absolutes”

I’m not even sure if there are any philosophical refutations (or even clever rhetorical attacks) against this. I don’t even know what kind of reasoning this is that they’re using.

Please help, anons.

>> No.18044506

I might make another thread of this later, if I need more answers.

I concede that there’s probably something I’m missing, so please be patient with me. It’s just very frustrating to deal with them.

>> No.18044509

my dad doesnt talk to me

>> No.18044518

and my near 30 yr old brother beat the shit out of me while having a mental breakdown every few months

>> No.18044522

and my mother screams at night in her sleep

>> No.18044533

tuff shit anon, his parents dont care about heckin swedish height stats!

>> No.18044571

So what? They don't need to be some kind of inquisitive truth seeker if they aren't that kind of people. Leave them alone.

>> No.18044585

nice blog retard

>> No.18044607

This, people are how they are, stop whining about it or trying to change that.

>> No.18044613

Yep I expected this kind of response. The trouble isn’t that they “aren’t inquisitive truth seekers”. The problem is that they have strong opinions about stuff they know nothing about.

>> No.18044618
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>they just seem to care about living a cozy life through expedient means (that’s not to say they’re hedonists).
I have a lot of family members like that. Average white upper middle class American, they didn't have to deal with the (((system))) because they were sheltered in there copy-paste suburbs, yet they still defend it because they have good living conditions and there talmudvision tells them everything is alright. A big chunk of this country is in for a rude awakening about the true nature of the world in the next few years. The era of false peace in America can, and will not last forever.

>> No.18044619

Well maybe I can’t do that, but let me say this: if they were apolitical and stopped insulting me with “black and white” ad hominems, I wouldn’t give a shit that they don’t know much.

For example, mentally retarded people don’t bother me because they don’t pretend to be knowledgeable about things they don’t know anything about. Also... they don’t attack me as “black and white”

>> No.18044626

> talmudvision
But I want a Jewish “war prize” anon. :(

Can I just have one?

>> No.18044639

Yeah, I know that feeling.
I think that's just the average human, many times it's easier to talk with a sub-human at least he listens.

>> No.18044647

>I think that's just the average human, many times it's easier to talk with a sub-human at least he listens.
Why do you think that is?

And true, retards are farrrrrr less insufferable.

>> No.18044709
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>> No.18044716

Just don’t stop me anon. And I know a (((girl))) I have my eye on, and suffice it to say she doesn’t look like THAT, kek.

Not gonna post here, cuz I don’t wanna start a trend of filling up /lit/ with faggoty socials threads.

>> No.18044718

OP take meds you're autistic and it shows

>> No.18044722
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here >>18044619
>For example, mentally retarded people don’t bother me because they don’t pretend to be knowledgeable about things they don’t know anything about.
Midwits think they know, while they don't. Under average people know they are under the average because it's very noticeable so they try to assimilate knowledge and try to discuss on your terms, if your terms are of high value then the discussion will also be.
The midwit thinks he can outsmart you ( thru (((social norms))), commonplaces etc... ) so he tries to argue on his terms while you want to bring the discussion to an your higher level. So it won't even be a discussion at this point, you just can't communicate. The only way I solved this is asserting yourself to a point he has to listen to what you say and have a discussion later and if he still uses the retarded normie philosophylet arguments then tell him to 'think' and break the discussion, since you already told him whatever you wanted to argue about he has only to think in his free time about your argument and both go with your day.

>> No.18044726

No. Must spread autism.

>The only way I solved this is asserting yourself to a point he has to listen to what you say and have a discussion later and if he still uses the retarded normie philosophylet arguments then tell him to 'think' and break the discussion, since you already told him whatever you wanted to argue about he has only to think in his free time about your argument and both go with your day.

How does that work in practice?

>> No.18044743

>statistics show Swedes are taller on average than Guatemalans
You sound insecure faggot lol

>> No.18044751
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>debate with Mom about things on the news, trying to enlighten her on positions both to the left and to the right of her views
>just brushes each viewpoint aside with a canned platitude
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.18044754
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Look, anon. Unless you're blessed with incredible circumstances your parents are *not* there for you to be your intellectual interlocutor or anamcara or some goofy shit like that.

Some times- and this shouldn't make you arrogant if your parents have passes as parents in the departments that are necessary- we find that our parents are not as deep, emotionally sensitive and necessarily intelligent.

Much of the time parents just see any exchange as a potential challenge to their authority, or our sensitives and intellectual interests are genuinely bizarre to them.

Your parents are meant to be your parents, you don't have to have deep conversations about anything of consequence with them. If you have an emotional need for that then you should seek it elsewhere.

>> No.18044757

>The problem is that they have strong opinions about stuff they know nothing about

>> No.18044764

Yes, very.
Thanks anon.

>> No.18044767

Actually I don't know how it works in theory, I've talked to my friends like that and it worked fine.
I just had my thesis, and whenever he goes with a retarded comment I put a question 'we need to answer' so he is engaged to know the answer. Basically it's like storytelling your argument.
In the end it's about sharpening your rhethorics, not that I have good 'rhetorics' but it's the only way.

>> No.18044782
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Any time, keep a good evening.

>> No.18044787

>Average white upper middle class American, they didn't have to deal with the (((system))) because they were sheltered in there copy-paste suburbs, yet they still defend it because they have good living conditions and there talmudvision tells them everything is alright.

look at who has the money. Jews are a scapegoat.

The anglos are the problem.

>> No.18044793

The reason I’m so frantic about this is: they vote!
So they can cram down all sorts of violations on me “legitimately” through the ballot box. I feel as if I have to defend myself, because they won’t let me be left alone.
All I want is a huge farm with a wife (or wives, kek), with lots of kids. I don’t need to be a historical “great man”. Why is it so much to ask to be left alone?

>> No.18044800

So be a good rhetorician, basically?

>> No.18044852

Yes, your argument need to be:
It is solid and empty of fallacies and contradictions.
Say it with confidence, you know what you are talking about.
They need to pay attention to you and not their midwit mind.

>> No.18044865
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Your parents are boomers. There is no saving the boomers. The best strategy I have found is to not attempt to engage them with anything more intellectually challenging than, "what do you wanna make for dinner tonight?", to not engage with any of the drivel the comes periodically out of their mouths at what I expect to be the same rhythm with which they flush the toilet, and on the off chance that they ever try more than once to get me to engage with their banal auditory diarrhea, I laugh in their faces and walk away. These people are beyond saving, do not waste any more mental effort thinking about them. Thank them for being the conduit through which you came to exist, but beyond that, you owe them nothing. And you especially do not owe them the favor of stooping to their level to explain that there is nuance in the statement, 'Swedes on average are taller than Puerto Ricans'.

Now that I think about it, most people are like this, even outside of the typical 'boomer' definition. The same applies though: do not engage, ignore their attempts to engage, and if necessary, shut them down with laughter, change of subject, ending the conversation, etc etc.

>> No.18044897
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It’s because you’re a
>pic related
that doesn’t know how to create sufficient cognitive dissonance which reinforced the notion that your peers are bona fide retards

>> No.18044903

>that doesn’t know how to create sufficient cognitive dissonance
Alright, then how do I do it?

>> No.18044905

My gf's parents won't get the COVID vaccine and she's butthurt about it. They spout Alex Jones-tier conspiracy theories about it. What should she do?

>> No.18044908

This is all very true and very useful. But the question arises: how can we perpetually keep these boomers and “boomers at heart” in their place... forever?

>> No.18044909

You can lead boomers to the water so to speak, it just takes a bit of time and careful maneuvring. Like with any normie the key is to appear friendly and noncombative, and ask them questions(in a manner like you want to know their opinion because you think it is valuable, not like you're interrogating them or setting up a trap) that lead them to come to the conclusion you want them to on their own, so they think they are the ones saying it. If you do this correctly after the conversation they will think they always thought the thing and you can add new pieces every time you talk to them. Over a period you can totally change someone's worldview by doing this.

>> No.18044912

>They need to pay attention to you and not their midwit mind.
Alright, so basically be hot. I have a good base for that, am working out constantly.

>> No.18044918

Why do people on this board think they are above others because they read a little philosophy, never had pussy and don't go out? Are you fucks retarded? You aren't special holy shit this is cringe

>> No.18044928

I don’t even care about their knowledge per se: just don’t vote to intrude upon my life and they’ll be fine.

Would it just be easier to get them to “know their place”?

>> No.18044941

Ay my brother is a psycho too, he's only got 3 years on me though and I could btfo him by the time I was 15