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18039191 No.18039191[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Chapter is about teenage love

>> No.18039217

Imagine missing out on high school romance and fucking. I'd kms.

>> No.18039221

y-yeah imagine bros right haha

>> No.18039224

I don't even know how it's possible to miss out.

>> No.18039228

This. Young love is the most pure

>> No.18039270
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It's certainly sad I never got to experience that, but I'm in my mid-20s now and it's time to move on. I've still got a lot of life ahead of me.

Why kill yourself? After all, you can still experience college love, love in your 20s, middle aged love, old love. And many other things besides. One of my friends had a beautiful middle school/high school girlfriend who he had sex with twice a day. I can't say I'm not a little envious but there's no point dwelling on it now. The only way you can move is forward.

>> No.18039278

This is pure cope. You will be forever orphaned by the teenage loves you never had.

>> No.18039279

I didnt get laid until freshman year of college.

>> No.18039283

i can fuck all the teenagers i want even now

>> No.18039288 [DELETED] 

It's just entirely different, when you're younger the feelings are more intense, small things mean a lot more. I don't know how to describe it, it's just different than as an adult.

>> No.18039291

People rile me up so much but I do not actually hate them. I just do not like how old and aggressive they are and for no reason. She was really a lot better.

>> No.18039293

Nostalgia is one hell of a drug desu

Wasn't really that great

>> No.18039295

*loud and aggressive

>> No.18039296


>> No.18039299

why do you retards care so much about teen romance lmfao

>> No.18039309

Stop caring about the worldly so much, its not meant for everybody.

>> No.18039313

So much cope.

>> No.18039318

Hows mine a cope ? I am affirming that they missed out and life probably will carry on in that way, so the focus should be elsewhere. Not because it is better, but because there is no choice.

>> No.18039319

>proceeds to rip up book and throw it in the trash

>> No.18039328

ITT: highschool is the only reality

>> No.18039336

it's about archetypal and developmental milestones not that anyone actually thinks a high school romance is worth a damn

>> No.18039364
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All my dreams are still about high school. I'm still stuck there, emotionally. It's the scenic foundation of my subconscious. Houellebecq was right.

>> No.18039375

I've had several relationships after high school, both short-term flings and mature responsible commitments but none of them came close to the youthful passion of first teenage romance. Not worth a damn you say? Depends on the perspective. The way I see it, there's little incentive in bonding with a girl once the sweetness has been fucked out of her brain, which is usally the case once they enter college.

>> No.18039386
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This 100%

>> No.18039396

Delusion. A delusion born and perpetuated from desire—and nothing else. Young love is a creation of ignorance; the latent forces at play exist, but we are simply not yet able, or willing, to acknowledge them. Ignorance cannot be the basis of any kind of happiness, else we could attain it by bashing our heads in with hammers.

>> No.18039417

It's a fact, not delusion. Woman's pair-bonding ability decreases exponentially with each new partner. You may base an adult relationship on rationality but that's no love to begin with.

>> No.18039419

>else we could attain it by bashing our heads in with hammers.
Try it, you might be surprised.

>> No.18039437
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>saw an old picture of my grandparents when they got married
>they were in their early 20's

>> No.18039438

t. Michel

>> No.18039439 [DELETED] 

It's true to some degree, it's not ignorance. A girlfriend I had when we were both 13 started dating tons of older guys right after that, and she changed drastically. Her whole attitude and outlook changed and she became difficult to talk to. And to think her father hated me more than any of them. Typical with fathers though.

>> No.18039448

fuck off chad. /lit/ is an incel board

>> No.18039461

can confirm. missing out on love in my teenage years has utterly obliberated any possibility of romance in my life
t. 24 year old virgin

>> No.18039470

honestly at this point, going to a poor eastern european country and just raping tight teenage holes is a serious option for me. I missed out on tasting that beautiful purity when i was a teen but i'll be damned if i die like this

>> No.18039480 [DELETED] 

Won't help, it's only good when you're pure too. You're too corrupted at this point (as evidenced by your post).

>> No.18039511

>Won't help
That's not the point. The point is revenge. obviously i'm corrupted. i just want to make my bitch schoolmates pay, using poor eastern european beauties as proxies.

>> No.18039530

Based. Go for it.

>> No.18039536 [DELETED] 

You're all sick in the head. Have some morals.

>> No.18039574


>> No.18039607

How can people miss out on this like all you do as a teenager is fuck, right? Haha

>> No.18039627
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H-haha yeah

>> No.18039645

>in postmodernity
kek'd out loud. do you go where you need to go using a fucking chariot too?

>> No.18039675

I didn't fuck until I was 21 and I literally had to travel to a different country

>> No.18039678

Most teenage boys miss out on it.
Women's dating value is very high when they're young, while men's is the opposite, their youth has practically no value.
So it's hard for highschool boys to compete.

>> No.18039681

was it eastern europe and did you rape?

>> No.18039692

lots of cute girls dont lose their virginity until 18 or older

>> No.18039697

Most men dont age nicely either, and getting to fuck because you have money is the biggest cope ever

>> No.18039705

We're already post postmodernity. Stop living in the past.

>> No.18039710


>> No.18039719

you're delsional. the absolute vast majority of females are worthless whores that lose their virginity around 13-15. they probably started sucking dick at 11-12 too. women are literal demons. don't fall for them. use and exploit them. hate them. they deserve nothing better.

>> No.18039725

>their youth has no value
It does when you're a chad. The rest of your post is correct.

>> No.18039734

god you're fucking dumb. if we had reached postmodernity, you wouldn't still be talking about morality you moron

>> No.18039745

Dude you'd seriously struggle to find a mildly attractive 16 year old virgin in Europe or USA

>> No.18039746

I took my girlfriends virginity when she was 16 and I was 20, one of her friends is 18 now and still a virgin, another one of her friends is 19 and recently lose her virginity to a guy

you guys just live in a incel echo chamber, to be fair tho you guys are too ugly and autistic to ever attract a cutie virgin girl so you'd never know

>> No.18039753

same thing in asia and africa too but for different reasons

>> No.18039756

Unironically this

>> No.18039762

>friend told a friend who told her boyfriend she was a virgin
Kek you cretin

>> No.18039764

Learn to read. I said it was over, not that we reached it.

>> No.18039775

can't be over if it hasn't fully begun you fucking nimrod

>> No.18039789

>I've had several relationships after high school, both short-term flings and mature responsible commitments but none of them came close to the youthful passion of first teenage romance
That burden is on you. I have great memories of my hs gf and those from the years after.

>> No.18039791

cope, the average age for a girl to lose her virginity in the west is 16-17 that means theres half that are losing it later than that

>> No.18039793 [DELETED] 

"Since the late 1990s, there has been a growing sentiment in popular culture and in academia that postmodernism "has gone out of fashion". Others argue that postmodernism is dead in the context of current cultural production."

>> No.18039808 [DELETED] 

"The exhibition Postmodernism – Style and Subversion 1970–1990 at the Victoria and Albert Museum (London, 24 September 2011 – 15 January 2012) was billed as the first show to document postmodernism as a historical movement."

>> No.18039813

>gone out of fashion
it's a historical period. you're far out of our element. Read Baudrillard. also

>> No.18039818

HAHA what a bunch of B.S

young love is just everyone being horny and wanting to duck each other. sex is terribly bad, especially for guys who have a clue because the girls dont know jack shit. women also might not enjoy because the little dudes dont know what the clit is and cum in 2 minutes

also the relationships themselves are terrible, everyone acts like a little kid and its rare a relationship lasts more than 6 months kek

>> No.18039820

You're only doubling down on your gullibility there. Lying about her sexual life is woman's second nature, the average is closer to 15 in the West and that's for a mediocre looking girl. By the time they turn 16, around 80% of 6/10+ girls have been fucked left and right.

>> No.18039823

Who cares where it's from postmodernism isn't relevant anymore, go back to writing your shitty postmodern drivel and living your depressing pathetic life that stems from it.

>> No.18039825

>Lying is woman's nature

>> No.18039828

you apparently don't really know what postmodernism means

>> No.18039841


>> No.18039842
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so what exactly is your evidence for that? I've got studies and personal experience. What have you got?
>waaah im terrified of women but theyre all whores


>The CDC also reports that virgins make up 12.3 percent of females and 14.3 percent of males aged 20 to 24.

>> No.18039864
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First year in high school was the best year of my life. Every day is a lovely day, except sunday because I can't go to school with frens. Just one year but it feels so long, like forever.

>> No.18039872

Not him, and I dont think everybody fucks at 14, but how did they check ? Self reporting is retarded.

>> No.18039882

No, it was the U.S. I actually knew her for 7 years, met her online. She was single at the time and yeah, she was hot and willing. I haven't slept with anybody since. It's kind of hard where I live - a small town in India.

>> No.18039894

yeah its difficult it get a reliable number but its a lot better evidence then some guy that never interacts with women, not to mention any "personal" testimony that you knew a virgin is just dismissed as her lying, you can't win with these incels and the worst part is they barely even interact with women so they wouldn't have a clue how many a whores or not

>> No.18039914

I'm not talking about old men, dumbass. I'm talking about men in their 20s, which is who teenage guys usually have to compete with.
If you're a young chad, you're successful with the ladies despite being young, not because of it.

>> No.18039931

Yeah I get you
You just came to the realization mate. Just be attractive :)

>> No.18039940
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>average age for American women 17.2 years old

>> No.18039958

In reality, I'd bet it's more like 17.5 for males and 15.2 for females.

t. fucked around in high school

>> No.18039992

Hijacking OP's thread as not to waste archiving one with another that only requires simple answers.
What books would teach me to resist a woman's temptation? Or for a more holistic one, books that would teach me about women's nature? It's not just about sexual matters per se, but I feel like every women are spiritually inclined to stir up chaos and mischief, despite that, I think that certain methods of socialization and cultural integrity greatly helps in suppresing this spirit. I for one had the unfortune to be part of a family where each household has no head but regarded everyone as equal, where women can be vocal about their stupidity with no compromise. Not only that, but even outside of our family, women who unironically dresses immodestly, who willingly chooses to show what characterizes their fertility are audacious enough to share their opinions on rape, and how it was solely the fault of the man. How cannot these women see that they themselves are temptresses and are outlets for our virility who arouses our sexual desire?
Anyway, the book doesn't have to be about this subject alone

>> No.18040013

>to stir up chaos
That's the spirit!

>> No.18040019
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forgot the image

>> No.18040021

Just dont give them attention nigger lmao wtf are you doing

>> No.18040074

learn to control yourself commer

>> No.18040103

Nessahan Alita, but he's only available in portuguese.

>> No.18040123

>but I feel like every women are spiritually inclined to stir up chaos and mischief, despite that, I think that certain methods of socialization and cultural integrity greatly helps in suppressing this spirit.
Certain ones yes. And other methods of socialization are actually where many of their predilections for chaos and mischief are born of. Read Madame Bovary.

>> No.18040147

>Yesterday, looking at old chats on facebook
>I found out one with a qt I used to talk a lot with, when I was like 14
>Cringed so hard after noticing how immature I was
>We had mutual interest in each other
>Nostalgia invaded me in a really unexpected way
>Why I never met that girl?
>I probably wouldn't be the retarded incel I am now
>Finally get to the conclusion that something went really wrong at that time and there is no way to fix anything, I am doomed to have a horrible existence

>> No.18040160

Do you guys all have autism ? I know an autist, he also lives in his memories of when he was like 14-16 years old. Or maybe it just because no social experiences have been made ? I think I answered myself.

>> No.18040186

i only have a dream about high school very occasionally and all the kids who used to bully me are actually my friends, also theres always this evil witch hunting me

>> No.18040222

>Madame Bovary

>> No.18040708
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>> No.18040730

All in all, high school is the same for everyone after they've experienced it. The same problems, the same pleasures, it's really what you make of yourself now that matters.

>> No.18040756

I had soem really bad experiences, mine was the kind of girl who faked pregnancy for attention. Idk if that was better than nothing

>> No.18040757

>my girl worshipped me
>I worshipped her
>somehow we broke up
>remember her now and then and wonder how the fuck we didn't marry
Sometimes I feel like we were soulmates but circumstances fucked us over. Still remember her fondly although last I heard she's kind of a lunatic

>> No.18040818

These relationships barely ever work out, but if they do, it's the most genuine and sincere bond there is. I also miss my hs gf, don't think we were "meant" for each other but I never fell in love again, not the same way.

>> No.18040925

>tfw went to all boys catholic high school
>didn't know what a girl was until college

>> No.18040935

you didn't have a mom or any female teachers

>> No.18040986

Love? It's for losers.

>> No.18041058

This is just like when normalfags say sex isn't that great and you aren't missing on anything.

>> No.18041091

I'm an incel but had condomed sex with a hooker one time. it was severely underwhelming. I've had jerk sessions that were a million times better

>> No.18041094

If that happened in the last 6 months youre not an incel, retard. Also condomed sex is shitty.

>> No.18041098

t. not an incel
inceldom isn't nullified by paying for sex and i didn't say when it happened you worthless maggot

>> No.18041123

I kind of get your point, I was being pedantic. Sorry mate

>> No.18041287

i could have been more civil myself. I'm sorry as well brother

>> No.18041411
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I am 26 and still HKV.

There was a woman I liked in college, but she and her friends bullied me and really hurt me. After that I gave up on the women of my country, and plan on getting a Japanese girlfriend.

I will probably go to study to Japan next year, so it is my chance to finally get laid with a qt pie Japanese girlfriend. Wish me luck!

>> No.18041426

Dubs confirm loyal and tight nipppon gf for anon

>> No.18041466

Honestly, from what I observed, it wasn't that great. It was basically practice because most people have to learn things the hard way. Teenagers are honestly retarded. There's no reason to think when you get two retarded people together trying out something as complicated as a modern relationship that it'll be anything but retarded
I'm very glad that I've never experienced love and sexuality yet. I'll be able to save it until I have the maturity for it to be something truly meaningful and beautiful. My only concern is that the woman I finally give my heart to will probably have had previous partners who will have shaped her ability love and have sex immensely. It'll be very asymmetrical if I'm giving her my heart for the first time and she already has a trail of failed relationships behind her.

>> No.18041487
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>I'm very glad that I've never experienced love and sexuality yet

>> No.18041505

29 and same. I kind of accepted it though, and am too busy to even dedicate the effort to the monkey dance that is chasing women. The only regret I have is that I don't think I will ever be able to write a convincing relationship.

>> No.18041533

>teenage love
Literally a boomer meme.

>> No.18041540


Dudes rock.

>> No.18041546

>tfw reading turgenev's first love rn

>> No.18041673
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I understand but I think it is important to experience a relationship and sex at least once. It is a human experience.

>> No.18041676
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You aren't missing out on much. I dated a girl for 3 months when I was 17. I remember thinking to myself that my life didn't feel any better than before I met her. The only difference was that I just felt horny when I was with her. Now, It's been a few years, and I still miss her sometimes even thought I know I shouldn't.

>> No.18041691

If you are serious then holy shit dude kys. How pathetic can a nigger be?

>> No.18041705

Literally an LBH lol

>> No.18041709

Trust me sex in high school is not good, it's awkward, nobody knows what they're doing.

>> No.18041722

Good thing these guys'll be 30 and have no idea what they're doing, if it even happens. At least they didn't miss out on anything!

>> No.18041729
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I am not pathetic fgt. It is a rational decision.
I could get laid here, I just developed some hatred and resentment towards the women here so I just avoid them.

>> No.18041730

It's not about knowing what you're doing it's about innocence and eagerness and passion and sincerity. You get that in high school sex and not in jaded 20s or marital 30s sex.

>> No.18041747

>So it's hard for highschool boys to compete.
Are you implying that most high school girls don't date high school boys?

>> No.18041749

>too busy to even dedicate the effort to the monkey dance that is chasing women.
I'm the anon you responded to and I'll admit that I'm in a similar position. I've tried dating in the past and it just feels so tedious and uninspiring. There's also a complete dearth of available young women in my town since they all travel to the college towns in their early twenties and most understandably don't come back since there aren't any jobs here.
I've decided not to waste my time with women that I'm only drawn to because the monkey wants to fuck. Last chick I dated was cute but pretty dumb (although she felt that she was brilliant for some indiscernible reason). I was bored with her after twenty minutes. She literally had nothing to offer me besides being a physically attractive young woman and I need someone I can connect with on a deeper level than that. I've decided that if a woman doesn't read any poets from before WWII for leisure, that it's not worth my time. Even when you do meet a woman who appreciates poetry, nine time out of ten it's fucking Bukowski.

>> No.18041754

I fully stand by this statement.

>> No.18041757

They will not listen to you and will live alone on their own volition. They are a lost cause, forget about incels. That's what they want, in the end. To be forgotten.

>> No.18041819

But other factors come into play later such as income, social status, etc. Teenagers just plain like each other

>> No.18041840
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Young love is pure attraction, passion, discovery of sexuality. Resident incels disgregard as stupid horniness, secretely hoping they'll find "true" love later in life but the cold hard fact it's just settling and calculation at that point - money, status, security, just as you pointed out.

Missing out on teenage romantic experience is the biggest fuck up you could possibly do in your youth, other than murdering someone obviously.

>> No.18041864

i fucked up anons. don't let it happen to you

>> No.18041873

Thanks for reminding me dickhead

>> No.18041875

It's okay man, I love you

>> No.18041877

It's too late if you're here anyway

>> No.18041906

Its not a choice bro

>> No.18041916

im so alone

>> No.18041933

The problem is that the human experience isn't simply the intercourse or the being in a relationship, but the feelings that they inspire or fail to inspire. It's difficult for even the best-looking, most charming and most virtuous people to find a person that is "just right" (not talking about some reductive idea of perfection, just that which inspires a deep passion however it may manifest) with regards to both physical characteristics and temperament but very easy nowadays to satisfy sensual needs through pornography or prostitutes and companionship needs through platonic relationships.

I get that there's a certain tenderness that is arguably not found in either pure sensuality or platonic relationships, but I think we do people a disservice by presenting that as part of the lot of the everyman. Unfortunately, we've come to conflate the universal, primarily utilitarian institution of marriage (which most people, even incels, could traditionally and arguably still can to a degree count as their lot) and romance, which, like status and wealth is really only the domain of the few, though the thought of it is so intoxicating that you get many imitators.

>> No.18042000

fpwp kys

>> No.18042059

>I took my girlfriends virginity when she was 16 and I was 20
Creep as fuck.

>> No.18042064


>> No.18042065

Again, nostalgia

It wasnt good

>> No.18042257
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>> No.18042262

You should watch I'm Thinking of Ending Things.

>> No.18042267

dude you statutory raped a person

>> No.18042270
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>> No.18042294

G-guys, I'm 18, it's not too late r-right?

>> No.18042301

Freshman year in college is your last chance to escape inceldom, though you're already severely handicapped if you've graduated high school as virgin. Get moving Anon, I believe in you.

>> No.18042304

Sorry kid. Welcome to the club.
And remember, you’re here forever.

>> No.18042315

>I took my girlfriends virginity when she was 16 and I was 20
Fucking creep.

>> No.18042367

>I need someone I can connect with on a deeper level than that.
You need a male friend, anon, not a woman. Talking about deep subjects with a woman is a waste of effort 9 out of 10 times. They're more invested in talking about food and sex than anything else, I won't say that I know everything about women but I had and have close female friends and I'm not even joking when I say that their only interests lie in the superficial.

>> No.18042399

why rape them lol? buy a poor russian teen an iphone or something she'll let you do everything and pretend to like it

>> No.18042418

Depends on the country. Also that's not me.

>> No.18042484

Im just saying is creep, no pedo
Would you let your 16 kid fuck an old dude?