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/lit/ - Literature

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18037207 No.18037207[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So will "she" drink herself to death?

>> No.18037210

Not lit related

>> No.18037212

No. She will get fed up with the state of the capitalist West, move to Africa, and proceed to be brutally raped and killed by the people there for trying to apply her hero complex onto the people there.

>> No.18037213

How many glasses of Franzia are you down, now?

>> No.18037214

Lmao he thinks women's urethras aren't on their vaginas. What a useless tripnigger

>> No.18037219

Only I can fuk her into being not lesbian

>> No.18037222

Nothing here is

>> No.18037233


>> No.18037349

if she can go into unrelated threads and make them all about her i think we are entitled to make containment threads about her

>> No.18037352

Stress and an unhealthy lifestyle will kill her when she's in her early 60s.

>> No.18037417

I don’t drink that much
I’m not stressed. I was stressed in my teen and twenties, but I found Epicureanism. Now I’m oddly cool headed even during stressful periods
Anon makes things about me. It isn’t my fault.

>> No.18037444

Did you know she's a Janny?

>> No.18037450

Post urethra.

>> No.18037471

Yes, of course it is your fault. The whole point of you using a trip is to garner attention for yourself. If not, then please explain why you use one (especially for offhand comments when the connection between posts is not needed).

>> No.18037480

its a literal objective fact that you go into every single thread with the intention of garnering unique attention for yourself, are you retarded? shitty off topic threads like these are literally the only threads you need to be doing that in

>> No.18037484
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If you're going to, then the green fairy is the only way to do it. Tried it for the first time recently and now I understand.

>> No.18037487

Feel relieved that it uses a tripcode. Whenever I see it I just keep scrolling

>> No.18037492

How much absinthe would be lethal?

>> No.18037494

what is your cup size my dear?

>> No.18037501
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>aah yes, I take pleasure very seriously

>> No.18037514


>> No.18037517

butters is literally some old boomer trying to turn this place into facebook

>> No.18037518


>> No.18037535

when "she" realizes that shilling for "her" ideology for zoomers will yield zero fruit

>> No.18037560

I’ve reached generations of litizens. This one you call “zoomer” (in honor of the age of the zoom call) is especially soaked in glyphosate. The poor things

I’m Gen-X. Why would I hang out in Zuckerspace?

>> No.18037563

then why have you made it your personal quest to destroy the one thing that makes this place unique? why do you even browse here at all?

>> No.18037569


>> No.18037575

What is your shoe size my dear?

>> No.18037579

This place was pretty unique back in the day. But you all have made it into a clone of the other boards.

>> No.18037584

we wuz intellectuals n shiet lmfaooooooooooooo

>> No.18037593

why didnt you answer the question? why have you made it your personal quest to destroy the one thing that makes this place unique? and if that is not something you are actively engaging in, then why do you use a tripcode in every thread completely unnecessarily in order to garner unique attention to yourself and make every thread about you?

>> No.18037598


>> No.18037615 [SPOILER] 
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what's his endgame?

>> No.18037631

kek. to be fair, she's as right, as she's wrong. there are two holes in that hole. it's like swiss cheese down there.

>> No.18037635

shut the fuck up idiot I bet you think girls poo too, turbovirgin

>> No.18037658

everyone knows they fart rose petals

>> No.18037663

I suppose you people are having trouble with this because you think of the whole thing as a vagina.

>> No.18037667

Sneedin' feedin' chcukin' fuckin' and suckin'
deez nuts

>> No.18037676
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>> No.18037688

Same as alcohol in general. Thujone is quite a weak toxin.
Not if it has a high wormwood content (which you can still get legally in some European countries). Yes, the stories about hallucination are mostly made up, but it's a very different buzz to just alcohol.

>> No.18037689

>Back in my day

>> No.18037697

>talk is about vaginas
>talk isn't about vaginas
classic doublespeak

>> No.18037705

I love the way she elegantly avoids the tough questions when she is cornered

The more I argue with her, the better I come to know her dialectic. First she counted on the stupidity of her adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, she herself simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, she pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, she changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack this dyke, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck her so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, she couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The woman had not the slightest recollection of the day before, she rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; she couldn't remember a thing, except that she had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day. Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of her tongue or her virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate her

>> No.18037710

If a dozen anons and a naked and unconscious butters were in a room. Would they cooperate or fight to the death to claim her?

>> No.18037718

my big penis would insert itself into the hairiest cunt

>> No.18037727

One day kids will ask you what the '20s were like. When you hear it you'll think of the 1920s, but they'll be talking about now.

>> No.18037730
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let her make her own choice

>> No.18037737

I suppose you were there when thinking was invented right? Old ass nigga

>> No.18037739

Fight to get out of the room.

>> No.18037748

>in honor of the age of the zoom call
Not even what that comes from, you really can't get a single thing right.

>> No.18037752

>people there
>people there
/lit/ at its best

>> No.18037772


You really haven’t a sense of humor.

>> No.18037776

ayo grmmar be changin n shiet

>> No.18037780

aspergers face

>> No.18037782

what say you?

>> No.18037790


>> No.18037797

>article is named vagina
>opening is called vagina
>outer thing is called vulva
what's the whole thing in your crotch called then?

>> No.18037810

>if she can go into unrelated threads and make them all about her i think we are entitled to make containment threads about her
This is a possible solution. Just keep a « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » thread going at all times, like QTDDTOT.

>> No.18037829
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>> No.18037834

>Some species of butterfly will even consume their own bodily fluids: They'll secrete a liquid onto dried up sweat or a dried puddle of a larger animal's urine so they can lap up the freshly dissolved minerals.

>> No.18037835
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>> No.18037851

It’s called genitalia

I’m not actually a butterfly.
it’s spread labia, not wings

>> No.18037860


I love everything about how transparent the way she acts is. her whole shtick is a desperate plea for validation and proving herself in front of others, and she doesn't exactly try hard to hide it. from posting pictures of herself and identifying as a woman, then maintaining a concrete identity when it is completely unnecessary, the whole thing screams "im a depressed degenerate lesbian, please give me intellectual validation so i can feel good about something, garnering some sort of high ground to feel superior"

i just love how self defeating it all is because she tries so hard to prove her self as something better but goes about it in a way that validates nothing but just about every misogynistic stereotype in the book

>> No.18037871

For me it's when she drops into coomer threads and tries hard to act like one of the guys.

Just transition already.

>> No.18037875

One of her recurring sexual fantasises is to be doxxed and have a bunch of anons turn up and gang rape her for hours if not days.

>> No.18037910

I don’t want to be a guy.

Another bad psychoanalysis from anon.

>> No.18037964

it seems extremely accurate to me, doubly so since you cant even produce an alternate explanation for your extremely jarring behavior. like, you could end this speculation right now by explaining why you obsessively garner attention here, but you wont, and you never do, because there is no alternate explanation, there is no purpose beyond the attention and validation

>> No.18037970

So you admit to having a penis.

>> No.18037979

Wait so, with all respect, what gender are (or were) you originally?

>> No.18037980

Well it’s not. Shelf it.

Men don’t have labia

>> No.18037993

Millionth time. I have always been female.
Only once in my dreary confused christian youth did even consider the idea I might have been born in the wrong body and a I should have been a boy. A cruel test from god I thought. I thought better.

>> No.18037998

why would i shelf it when its the leading theory in the science of butterfly? ill shelf it when a better explanation comes along, that's how this works.

>> No.18038014

>Men don’t have labia
What a transphobic statement. Transmen have a larger labia than you could ever imagine

>> No.18038019

Butt cheeks?

>> No.18038028

>it’s spread labia, not wings
I feel strangely pure for never having realised this.

>> No.18038033

bussy labia

>> No.18038037
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Interesting butters. Now goodnight its slep tiem

>> No.18038038
File: 503 KB, 640x480, 83814681-AA48-4538-B254-B06FD963675A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you know why Nabokov liked them

>> No.18038040

>you could end this speculation right now by explaining why you obsessively garner attention here, but you wont, and you never do, because there is no alternate explanation, there is no purpose beyond the attention and validation

This is so accurate. She even goes on to prove it within this very thread

>> No.18038046
File: 126 KB, 750x640, 0C932B64-5734-4F44-9EDF-2CDA67175C62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodbye off topic thread. Stop posting now

>> No.18038049

whole lot of faggotry and not a whole lot of reading going on here, boys. ignore the femoid and she will wither, and there's no better way to do it than by getting off 4chan and reading a book for once

>> No.18038055

>Stop posting now
you first

>> No.18038060

Shut up

>> No.18038098

Ill tell you one thing, and im not ashamed to say it: My estimation of /lit/ as a board just fucking plumetted.

>> No.18038105

This is the one theory the « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » didn't respond to. Could be onto something.

>> No.18038110
