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18036599 No.18036599 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18036610
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>> No.18036616

>Americans did all of this just for BBC
wew lad

>> No.18036632

Just to get away from the tax collector

>> No.18036638

imo slavery was one of the worst mistakes that the empires and American colonies made because it cursed future generations with serious racial woes.

>> No.18036640

That was the excuse, yes.

>> No.18036645

Could have just castrated or killed them like they did in South America and the Middle east.

>> No.18036653

This, they should have just learned from the muslims.

Though there would still be a lot of mutts because of the enslaved concubines kept by slaveowners.

>> No.18036658

That would probably have been the best solution. Do you reckon it could have been possible to civilize the American Indians? I doubt it would have been possible to tame the Aztecs and other South Americans.

>> No.18036666

Tales of the Spanish Main
by Mowbray Morris
not 100% accurate but a great read
good luck finding a copy

>> No.18036677


>> No.18036681

u 2

>> No.18036696

That’s the general drive of the lefty European. To get away from authoritarianism. Find freedom. Recreate the golden age

>> No.18036744


>> No.18036760

>good luck finding a copy
kek $11 on amazon very hard find. tbf I think this publisher is new coming up in the wave of far right twitter publishers who are reprinting lost reactionary novels. He's got a lot of good stuff

>> No.18036761
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You lost. Your ancestors should have just sailed back to Europe.
Be thankful the north didn’t castrate the southerns

>> No.18036768

also make sure you delete the dp at the end that link is from google idk who's referral link that is but dont give them money

>> No.18036770

Lincoln was a white nationalist

>> No.18036776

The southerners weren't beasts, though.
Fuck off with the faggy butterfly shit and let the adults talk.

>> No.18036807

Butters is going to get increasingly vindictive against white men as she approaches menopause. This is happening with an entire generation of women now.

>> No.18036809

Is it a femoid or a troon? What's the consensus on that?

>> No.18036810

Naw. I’ve been here trying to reach this generation of lost boys with a hopeful message. I’m not vindictive like anonymous is.

>> No.18036820

You don’t get to vote on a person’s sex. I have always been a woman.

>> No.18036826

So is this obsessive narcissism disorder, a hero complex, or both?

>> No.18036833

Lmao; so the classic mindless female empathy strikes again. If you were alive in Victorian England, I am sure you would be down in Africa trying to reach those poor impoverished lost boys because the guiding force in society told you that was right.

>> No.18036838

that’s brutal butters, at least men age gracefully

>> No.18036840
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>> No.18036847

The Aeneid

>> No.18036858
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The latter.
I loved Star Wars growing up. Read Campbell?

>Victorian England
I’d be with my comrades sowing the seeds of socialism

Is Jennifer Connelly a man?

>> No.18036876

>I’d be with my comrades sowing the seeds of socialism
Okay Butters, this is legitimately the most pathetic post I have ever seen you make on this website. You sound like every single poltard who preaches about wanting to go back to Nazi Germany and fight the good fight against the Jews. I really do wonder when you will achieve some level of self-reflection and realize how absolutely ridiculous you are acting.

>> No.18036879
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Not only both, but an autogynephiliac as well.

>> No.18036883

Lincoln didn't give a fuck about the slaves. He did it to cripple the south economically.

>> No.18036890

The West needs to be colonized by other races and nations. They need to be saved from their hyper neurotic and domesticated selves.

>> No.18036898

Troons are generally incapable of self-reflection.

>> No.18036906

Having a noble goal of helping humanity turn the page off this awful chapter is “ridiculous”
To a self hating troll who thinks of suicide periodically? Or are you one of those christian larpers?

We know why there was a war.

>> No.18036914

Why do trannies and poltards share so many characteristics? Down to to a tee, same tactics and same worldview, the only difference is poltards want to ensure a new crop of healthy boys to molest and trannies... wait...

>> No.18036924
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Pathological Narcissists can't self-reflect. That's what makes it pathology.

>> No.18036936

Nah classic reprints just scrapes sites like archive.org and libgen sells everything they find. Their quality is home printer tier shitty so I wouldnt recommend buying physical copies from them

>> No.18036940

No. Genuinely believing that you, having a complete and objectively correct understanding of exactly what is wrong in the world today, are some sort of messiah come to cure this generation of its ills is ridiculous. I do not think that *attempting* to act "nobly" is ridiculous. What is ridiculous is that you not for a single second would deign to suppose that there is a error in your ethical code, and unilaterally ride the highest horse when talking to people.

>> No.18036986

Bby, listen. I read up on what’s going on. I am trying to put something together as I discover why this or that turns out the way it does. I already KNOW I am just one person. I surf that. I don’t blow my brains out because things aren’t turning out just right. Things are looking bad for capitalism, just as I thought. Will positive even transpire, and that in my 90s I’ll be able to say things are looking up, or will I have to content myself with the final years of my life knowing this is the final chapter not just of me but of humanity.
I will remain Epicurean about it. I was just one.


>> No.18036996

All these replies and not a single mention of Locke's Two Treatises smdh.

>> No.18037008

I can tell that what you just wrote is laden with emotion, and that when you wrote it you probably thought it was intelligible, but it is not. Please rewrite this so that I might understand better what you are trying to say to me.

>> No.18037122
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my bad, I just had an older book and assumed it was forgotten, ironically
>Publisher : Forgotten Books (February 9, 2018)
I meant >>18036666
good luck finding a copy like mine

>> No.18037142

I think “even” was supposed to be “events”
W/e. Put it together

>> No.18037169

You're talking to an aging drunk lesbian. Nothing it says is going to make sense.

>> No.18037170

>someone asks for clarification
>you provide them with an even shorter, less decipherable post

>> No.18037234
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pic related

>> No.18037251
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>> No.18037383

Sorry. Second draft.

Listen. I have been using my precious time to read up on the issues. Figuring out the problems and the best solutions. I already KNOW I am just one person, a drop in the bucket. I surf with that. But I don’t get depressed and think of blowing my brains out just because things aren’t turning out just right. —But hey, things are looking bad for capitalism right now, just as I thought it would. So in the future, when I’m in my 90s will I be able to see things looking up, or will I have to admit these aren’t just the final years of my life but of humanity?
I will remain Epicurean about it. I was just one

>> No.18037426

In this entire thread, I have neither mentioned a) suicide, depression, or any related mental ailment nor b) capitalism. As such, I do not know why you mention those things here. I would like to note, however, that the sentiment expressed in your post exactly mirrors that of the more lucid people who align with third positionism (and I use this term only in lieu of having to say "the right" given that the former means very little these days). My qualm with your posts today and historically is that you do not know for certain whether or not your beliefs are "the best solutions", yet act as if they categorically are when talking to people on this website.

>> No.18037435

Sorry; I meant "the latter" when I said "the former".

>> No.18037460

To be particular; I am not saying that having conviction in what you believe to be true is bad. I am saying that never do I completely dismiss the opinions of those I talk to without trying to have an actual discussion with them. I do not automatically assume that I have the higher ground, and without thorough reason act as if I have moral superiority. And I *certainly* do not act as the messiah come to cleanse the heathens of their incorrect views.

>> No.18037515

The bit about the suicidal type is more in reference to Mark Fisher as any of the sad nihilist anonymous I’ve encountered, and not about you, who I of course don’t know anything about.

I diagnose the problem with the world much the way hundreds of thousands of others before me have. The root causes for the disastrous effects are just the systems we’ve inherited from the primitive past. Money and power. Greed and competition.They’re fuel to the fire and motivators that turn peoples minds to evil or mush

No, more statism, better laws, stronger authorities or parliamentary democracy won’t correct the problems. A different kind of money with the same accumulative properties will still be as corrupting.
I am similar really, believe it or not. (Christian conservative background after all)

>> No.18037524

>t. Never lived in the south

>> No.18037553

How do you propose the world to work without a medium of exchange?

>> No.18037570

Non accumulative currency.

>> No.18037576

Elaborate what you mean by that term, because the word currency appearing seems to me to imply still a medium of exchange.

>> No.18037610
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Labor voucher. Get your voucher for time worked, it’s personalized, so no one can steal it. You take it to to buy a coffee, a minutes worth is canceled out for the time it took to make the coffee. Barista is making her own vouchers for the time she’s putting in.
Like Bitcoin, or so I hear, it eliminates banks. You need a simple exchange of currency, simplify it, and take its teeth out. Stop valuing it above life itself

>> No.18037620

And it is impossible to accumulate the minutes on these vouchers?

>> No.18037638

As the book proposes, it has an expiration.

All that said, I still feel we can go a step further and eventually make it a free economy

>> No.18037666
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this one quite literally laughs at the idea of colonization

>> No.18037715

I think that if my currency expired that would be no different in practice than a free economy, in which case there is the inevitable issue of the 'path of least resistance' as it were wherein any worker would have no reason to work any harder than is needed to secure for them their rationed quota of commodities. If you think that greed is a natural consequence of currency which can be accumulated, is not stifling laziness a natural consequence of a free economy (i.e., currency which cannot)?

>> No.18037763

>be self-proclaimed anarchist
>defending the north acclimating the south into its empire bullshit

>> No.18037771

>he's a soulless city dwelling yank

>> No.18037920
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Not directly in favor of colonization, but an excellent reference when colonialism is presented as a unique genocidal evil.

>> No.18037948

Just saying they could have, rather than believing that peoples ill-deeds are necessarily punished.

>> No.18037959

Sra. Juana Inez De La Cruz- Loa to Divine Narcissus

>> No.18038257


>> No.18038292

It was even better when it was a white ethnostate

>> No.18038427

Ironically Lincoln wanted to ship the Africans back and keep us.

>> No.18038805

Mass immigration is a direct result of colonization. It's bad for both the colonizer and the colonized, we just got tricked into it by greedy merchants who wanted cheap labor and more markets.

>> No.18038839


>> No.18038849

also the aeneid.

>> No.18038977

Are Ian Smith's books any good