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18036090 No.18036090 [Reply] [Original]

>read 100 non-fiction books

How do you cope with the majority of people being so hilariously uninformed? The average person seems to know jack shit about jack shit. And as for their political views, they sometimes make me angry with how offbase they are, like how can someone view the world that way? A complete lack of facts followed by obvious biases is not a worldview. If you don't know at minimum basic world history, basic economics and at least a little philosophy you should not under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES be allowed to hold a political opinion.

Sometimes I wish I never read a single book.

>> No.18036094

Its not too late to never read again

>> No.18036127

Don't wish that anon. Become a teacher to the people and bring them knowledge. Style yourself as someone who agrees with them but might have something different to contribute. People follow personas like that and assume their opinions somewhat blindly out of respect; gain at least some knowledge from them, though neither cognition nor any deeper insight makes it into their heads.
At least what they know is the right enough and a good part of the whole, which is rather great compared to what sits in their heads right now. Nothing, or worse, dogma.

It's a positive attitude that'll make you interesting and give you many advantages in life while also improving the lives of the people you know. and in small part the world--would change the world if all people with enough ego to claim to know better, and ability to realise this, acted in such a way.


>> No.18036239


>> No.18036314

>Become a teacher to the people and bring them knowledge

You mean piss people off, get in arguments, get banned from social media sites and subsequently cancelled lol

>> No.18036359

Because they're just vibing their way through life.

>> No.18036375

True, but you still need to read more books.

>> No.18036413

Probably find a girl that’s that ignorant and fuck her into submission as punishment for her ignorance.

>> No.18036454

There are plenty of schools you could legitimately teach at.

>> No.18036498

I became a monarchist pretty quickly as cope for realizing this. I’m tempted to move to a gulf country or something and sell my services and skills to the highest bidding dunecoon because why the fuck not

>> No.18037600

What skills would those be?

>> No.18037612

Sucky fucky 5 dawra

>> No.18037619

thanks for the blog post. tip fedora and leave

>> No.18037923

>read 100 non-fiction books

drop your favorites anon

>> No.18037940

I really want to become more cultured. Please recommend non-pozzed books about history, economics etc. Im only 21, I hope I still have time. My dream is to become as smart as authors were before, they knew stuff about everything. I dont want to waste my time playing vidya or doing random bullshit, I want to aquire knowledge.

>> No.18038792

>You should not under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES be allowed to hold a political opinion

The school system may be voluntarily lacking in those areas, maybe our leaders find it easier to manage us that way.

>Sometimes I wish I never read a single book.
You are Enkidu, Anon, it's too late. The wild beasts are now avoiding you.

>> No.18038823


>> No.18038846

name your stance and viewpoint including all subcategories on every level RIGHT FUCKING NOW

>> No.18038879

>read 100 non-fiction books
You've probably just become misinformed while others are just uninformed.
Most non-fiction books are extremely biased and are usually written with an agenda leaving out information that goes against its general narrative.
Basic economics is probably the best example as it leaves out pretty much every economic theory that shows that a completely free market is not the most efficient way to run a market

>> No.18038916

Not him but here’s what’s sitting on my shelf in front of me rn that I’ve read
>Master and his Emissary
>Barren Metal
>Against Method
>Culture of Narcissism
>World Turned Upside Down
>Liberty or Equality
>The King’s Two Bodies
>Democracy: The God that Failed
>Culture of Critique
>Outlaw Ocean

>> No.18039121


Objective Knowledge: An evolutionary approach
Conjectures and Refutations

The Blank Slate

Gregory Clark: A Farewell to Alms

Richard Hofstadter: Anti-Intellectualism in American Life

Thomas Malthus: An Essay on Population

>> No.18039281

Now think about this, all the information you've read was published because someone was convinced that this is an information that people like you should know.
American Political Science Association for instance was at the beginning mostly funded by a hivenind of "charities" and foundations, with Ford Foundation contributing 90% of these contributions. It was only later in existence when public funding was funneled to them. As such for instance Brown vs. Board 1954 case was:
"brought to court with elite funding legal costs, elite organisations to find plaintiffs, as well as 'science' produced by the elite with elite funding, and it was then determined by the court that the opinions od the elite(of which the court were members) were in fact 'scientifically' grounded and correct. The remarkably un-spontaneous nature of this case is palpable. The question is, then, why was this panto mime acted out in this manner? The answer, from a Jouvenelian angle, lies in the structure of the US government. President Truman had remove racial segregation in the armed forces in 1948, but his ability to do so in the school system was limited by the fact that schools were under state control. The official route for altering this state of affairs was to get Congress to act under the 14 Amendment of the Constitution which senators would not have supported since segregation had broad electoral support. The route taken was a legal one in which we find a scheme of byzantine complexity involving various "private" actors such as foundations and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). The link between the Truman presidency and the NAACP in this dynamic can be seen in the continual support that his presidency provided for its legal en deavours, and the support that he voiced for it."

From C. A. Bond's "Nemesis"

Even if you are informed you're misinformed.

>> No.18039433

The Acquisition of Knowledge - James Russell
Motivation and Personality - Maslow
Psychology and Epistemology - Piaget
The Invention of Nature - Wulf
The Ethics of Deconstruction - Critchley
Climbing Mount Improbable - Dawkins