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/lit/ - Literature

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18035889 No.18035889 [Reply] [Original]

Just what title says, outside of school and college i've never picked a book to read out of my own interest, i was never interested in literature in the first place but lately i've been having this itch to actually sit down and read something from start to finish.

>inb4 dumbass faggot zoomer whatever
Better late than never i guess.

As to what would i be interested on reading, honestly i'm open to whatever you anons want to suggest really..

>> No.18035899
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>inb4 read the sticky dumbass

i have, but i want a little more suggestions, just to see what anons in here actually can say and recommend.

>> No.18035907

Go to the library and pick up a book. Don't come back here, please.

>> No.18035918

What if all of them are closed due to kungflu though? last time i've checked around there were no libraries open here.

>> No.18035922

Then skip that step and get right onto leaving here and not coming back. This is a board to discuss literature, you can't discuss anything if you don't read.

>> No.18035930

Find the highschool chart and read those. Highschool reading books are all mostly great, and that's exactly where you should start.
Lord of the flies
Heart of darkness
Brave new world
Animal farm

>> No.18035933

a lot of 4chan types, including me, got interested in literature through lighter reads like catcher in the rye and slaughterhouse 5. they are great. they're easy but you won't be embarrassed that you liked them later down the line. whatever you do, don't start with the greeks.

>> No.18035935

If you read them in school already, re read them because you weren't actually paying attention.

>> No.18035940
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Ellul - The Technological Society

>> No.18035970
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Read dostoevsky. I had the same question years before,His novel brothers kamarazov got me into reading so the same might apply to you

>> No.18036009
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There's only one surefire way to start, always has been.