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18035130 No.18035130[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where does homophobia come from? Is it true that Christians invented it? What book you know about this phenomenon?

>> No.18035137

I want to cum in a cute boy

>> No.18035146

Define what you mean precisely by homophobia, and it better not be, "If you dislike thing, you secretly want thing, kafkatrap shit.

>> No.18035147


>> No.18035150

Fuck off coomer porn addict

>> No.18035163

I want to be a cute boy (straight).

>> No.18035166

Homosexuals, of both genders, do not posses the ability, when in a relationship with one another, to produce new human life. "Homophobia", as you call it, or more accurately "dislike of homosexuals", is simply the natural response to the growing trend of young, impressionable children being coopted into a movement which directly and negatively impacts birth rates. If allowed to grow without bound (i.e., what has been happening) the homosexual pandemic with have real, tangible affects on the birth rates in the countries which tolerate it. This is of course, not to mention, the various ideas which come along with the acceptance of homosexuality (i.e., hedonism) which are equally damaging to a well functioning society.

>> No.18035175

As far as it concerns our world today, yes. Although some other cultures conceived of homophobia independently. The only reason I could see a non-religious person being homophobic in the present day is if they are young and sexual repressed. If you live long enough you learn that some beta males are happier playing the role of a women and it's up to certain non-beta males to "put them in their place" so to speak

>> No.18035180

homophobia, depending on how you define it, has existed throughout basically all of recorded history, or at least all that i give enough of a shit to investigate. plato famously argued both in favour of, and against homosexual relations in his early and later years respectively. its not a new concept. now fuck off with your coomer bait and talk about books.

>> No.18035191

Why do you think we should have high birth rates?

>> No.18035197

>Where does homophobia come from?
It's innate and biological. It is not learned.


>> No.18035217

Such an unimaginative, tired, old argument. Ever heard of biological altruism? It’s totally possible that those family groups that had a fraction of homosexual offspring would propagate better than those without. Humans are strongly K selection, you fool; our strategy isn’t to pump out as many offspring as possible. Have you ever even considered the positive arguments for homosexuality? If you want to be a serious and critical thinker, then It’s important to try to falsify your own ideas. Just ridiculous and vain postulating. Maybe we’ve all become hedonistic because of the modern world we’ve collectively built? Maybe homosexuals had a vital social role in traditional societies. Of course I’m talking about male homosexuals; lesbians are a myth.

>> No.18035225

Gays either have to perform an enema to fuck a gross man ass or they fuck a poopy ass. Is that something people should deem acceptable?

>> No.18035234

>its gross
This is all it really boils down to. Anything else is pure cope or autism.

>> No.18035246

Only acceptable homosexuality is wanting to fuck traps/femboys since they’re feminine.

>> No.18035248

You should both read The Homo and the Negro.

>> No.18035251

Not all gays do the butt sex, retard.

>> No.18035253

Priests, of male gender, and nuns, of female gender, do not possess the ability, when in a relationship with God, to produce new human life. "Infidelity", as you call it, or more accurately "atheism", is simply the natural response to the growing trend of young, impressionable children being coopted into a movement which directly and negatively impacts birth rates. If allowed to grow without bound (i.e., what has been happening) the Christian pandemic with have real, tangible affects on the birth rates in the countries which tolerate it. This is of course, not to mention, the various ideas which come along with the acceptance of Christianity (i.e., child molesting) which are equally damaging to a well functioning society.

>> No.18035265

No it's because they can't produce offspring which is the goal of our species

>> No.18035267

Looks based anon, cheers.

>> No.18035272

post moar of him

>> No.18035273
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>> No.18035294

why not? i like our form of life and want to see it grow and prosper responsibly

>> No.18035296

It probably just stems out of the fact that homosexuality is unusual. Most adults are exclusively heterosexual, and so they would probably find homosexual behaviour quite strange. Also, since homosexuals are unable to reproduce and carry on the family line, people might dislike it for that reason. Of course, one big reason is that homosexuals often exhibit behaviour typical of the opposite sex, and all pre-modern societies had strict gender roles and relied on people performing in their role. So they might stigmatize effeminate men, as many ancient societies did including the Aztecs, Greeks, etc.

>> No.18035302

But populations are too high already.

>> No.18035306
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setting aside the effects it has on society, it comes from the fact that its fucking disgusting. why do fags and fag enablers not seem to comprehend that dudes shoving things in each others anuses is a repulsive concept? like, i genuinely dont get why this is so difficult

>> No.18035308
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What about infertile people? There should be about as many infertile people as there are homosexuals, about 10% of the population each. Are they to be hated or presecuted even though they likely done nothing wrong, done nothing that would make them infertile? What's the reason for hating a homosexual man when you likely won't hate a infertile woman? Aren't they both innocent, since haven't chosen this fate but had it thrust opon them?

>> No.18035319

populations of asians and Indians and nogs maybe, they are not who I am referring too. right now the only population that matters is completely imploding in every conceivable way and I would prefer it if that didn't happen because, as I said, I like what we are and want to see us grow and prosper

>> No.18035334
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>anon has not yet developed theory of mind

>> No.18035353

It comes from cum being smelly, gross, and giving people diseases and shame but you already knew all that. You just can't process it because you have nothing but buttcum in between your ears

>> No.18035362

>anon hasn't figured out that being capable of empathy does not mean you have to base literally every judgement on empathetic interpretations to the point of pathological altruism

midwit alert holy shit, i bet you actually thought you were being clever here

>> No.18035371
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>Define what you mean precisely by homophobia
I do not know what kind of homophobia is in your country, but I will try to create a picture of an average homophobe from my country (Russia)
Recently I was drinking beer with a friend from my university and at some point his friends joined us
I had such a dialogue with one of them
He says
- Are you a kind of gay defender?
- Well, yes, do you have any problems with gays?
- I am afraid of them...
- Like, you are afraid that if a gay offers you to have sex with him, you will never refuse or what?
- No, I'm afraid that if a gay offers me something like that, I will kill him

This is how it usually looks, so I'm very curious where the tradition of homophobia (this hatred of a certain group of people) came from in different countries.

>> No.18035408

That dude sounds kinda based. But I think people hate the modern conception of the gay (the flamboyant retard as seen in shows like "Modern Family") more than they hate the act of homosexual love itself. They see it as an aberration that should be (perhaps rightly) criticized. It's quite hard to find a traditionally gay man these days who is able to embody a masculine energy and pursue what he feels for himself to be a natural attraction to the same sex.

>> No.18035420

>anal sex is gross so I hate the fags
literal child

>> No.18035450

damn anon I am now self conscious of the fact that i think fags putting things in each others shitholes is a disgusting and objectively unhealthy lifestyle

you have completely altered my perspective on this matter by associating me with children, because mature adults love male feces and rectums and putting things into them

>> No.18035463
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>> No.18035488

>being openly chill about faggotry
Jesus anon
Can't you get killed for less there?
gl but maybe cultivate your opinions in quiet instead of letting others know

>> No.18035493

Based poop-dick

>> No.18035497

The problem is not homophobia, but, rather homosexuality; homosexual individuals are uncannily strange, and repulsive, because no matter how wholesome they pretend to be one knows —whether by instinct, or by reason, or by both— that their sexual predisposition is rooted in physiological perversion.

>> No.18035503

yes I do think its disgusting, contrary to my sarcasm, you're not likely to make me feel shameful or abnormal because i think men putting things into their rectums is weird and gross

looking at you pic though im a little confused by it because you haven't actually put forward any argument while i have, and you are the one autistically screeching because i think dudes playing with each others rectums and shit is repulsive

>> No.18035524

I think your gay
surely you must think so as well
please do hang yourself as a gay ought to do

>> No.18035533

its almost like serial killer vibes, like you know there is something so bizzare and disgusting and shameful just bellow the surface of the persona they put on, which serves to make that persona feel like an fake act that a serial killer might put on to hide what kind of deranged person they really are

>> No.18035543

you fail to normalize it then you move on to cliche
why even bother if this is the extent of your efforts?

>> No.18035550

>No, I'm afraid that if a gay offers me something like that, I will kill him
Living in Russia must be like living in a Dostoyevsky novel, every interaction is so full of soul.

>> No.18035555

Would you be disgusted with a guy who only wanted head from women?

>> No.18035564

No, it's the only way to get them to shut up

>> No.18035572

not him but i would without a doubt think less of him, that is genuinely weird and i dont know why you seem to think it wouldn't be
this fall back on "b-but normal guys can be perverts and degenerates too" is so tiresome, its the same thing whores do to deflect away criticisms of their choices

>> No.18035576

Fags rape children and are walking petri dishes of diseases

>> No.18035589

Yeah what a loser, shit and ass water is very important to have on your cock. It is wonderful having your foreskin rip while fucking a man's butt and getting poop juice in your urethra, very awesome much gay pride

>> No.18035588

Debunked by science, idiot.

>> No.18035594 [DELETED] 

Most due, and you know why, because they want to experience the most penetrative form of carnal union with their lover. The "problem" of male homosexuality is the fundamental importance of the anus and penetration of the anus to large number of them. These things, if they exist at all, should be limited to childish explorations. Do you want to know what "gay face", an actual scientific phenomenon, boils down to? It boils down to a guilty expression that is always present in the back of the mind of a majority of homosexual men in the West. This expression may itself be epiphenomenal on pre-existing homophobic conditions, but they are a guiltiness ever present in the back of the mind of gay, by which he simultaneously signals his homosexuality, albeit reflexively or automatically, to other gay men.

>> No.18035621


Most do, and you know why, because they want to experience the most penetrative form of carnal union with their lover? The "problem" of male homosexuality is the fundamental importance of the anus and penetration of the anus to large number of them. These things, if they exist at all, should be limited to childish explorations. Do you want to know what "gay face", an actual scientific phenomenon, boils down to? It boils down to a guilty expression that is always present in the back of the mind of a majority of homosexual men in the West. This expression may itself be epiphenomenal on pre-existing homophobic conditions, but there is nevertheless a guiltiness ever present in the back of the mind of the gay, by which he simultaneously signals his homosexuality, albeit reflexively or automatically, to other gay men. It is in other words, an uncontrollable form of confession produced from a subconscious sense of guilt.

>> No.18035628

Not debunked by statistics, but if you can find some where gays are cleaner and rape less children than homosexuals, feel free to post them.

>> No.18035638


>> No.18035645

>Snopes, Huffpost
C'mon man, that's like posting infographs from /pol/ as proof

>> No.18035648


>> No.18035649

Sounds like you're attempting to describe a transfemale, which is transphobic.

>> No.18035664
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About 1/3 of gay men don't like anal sex. Also gay men look different because of prenatal factors like testosterone. Gay men tend to have higher test than hetero men, that's also why their digit ratio is smaller.

>> No.18035677

You're not gonna tell me that's a man are you

>> No.18035679


>> No.18035690

Fornication is disgusting, and ugly, among other —more important— things.

>> No.18035706

A lot of gay guys are really creepy, and anyone who lets their sexuality be the most important part of their identity is boring

>> No.18035712

Incorrect, gay face is a learned or acquired expression that is obtained following homosexual socialization and homosexual activity. Gay face is not a phenotype, it's a look, an expression, otherwise all children and many heterosexual adolescents would exhibit gay face, but they don't because it's a reflexive physiologic "confession" of what they've been socialized to perceive as sexual-based "guilt": i.e. their active homosexuality.

>> No.18035730

Probably, especially if theyre getting up there in age and thats all they gave a shit about

>> No.18035735

"Homophobia" was not created by Christianity, if anything it would have begun with Judaism, but even then I believe it was more widespread.

Throughout the Mediterranean during the Roman Republic, a prophesy circulated (following the burning of the Sibylline Books with the Temple of Jupiter in the first century BC) among subjugated territories of how the Republic would collapse, and among the "omens" they listed was that "men will sleep with men and boys will be pimped at brothels." This passage can be found in the Sibylline Oracles, which admittedly the earliest surviving fragments are from the 6th century. However, historians have dated these verses back to the second century BC. This comes up in Tom Holland's book "Rubicon".

>> No.18035738
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>> No.18035749
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>he's being serious

>> No.18035758

Homosexuality in the ancient world is grossly misrepresented. For instance, Spartans didn't actually practice it, and certainly not between adult males.

>> No.18035766
