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/lit/ - Literature

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18034708 No.18034708 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the HP Lovecraft of Japan?

>> No.18034732

HP Rovecrafto

>> No.18034733

Junji Ito?

>> No.18034741

Shintaro Kago

>> No.18034954

all jap horror fiction is garbage.

>> No.18034991

Dempow Torishima. Also what a coincidence that you posted Kafu, I was just reading his wartime diaries.

>> No.18035010

Edogawa Ranpo

>> No.18035228

Numa Shouzou

>> No.18035233

Kakagawa Misasho

>> No.18035695

Kowabanga Okinawa

>> No.18035716

Seconded (though he’s more of a Poe/Gorey)

>> No.18036801
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A better question is, what would the pet cat of the HP Lovecraft of Japan be called?

>> No.18036818


Oh no he's not.

>> No.18036830 [DELETED] 
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Still Niggerman.

>> No.18036868

Japs are tedious little manlets. I wish you weebs would get some taste.

>> No.18036870


>> No.18036982


>> No.18037645

The same losers on this board that like Lovecraft also seem to like Mishima, so Yukio Mishima.

>> No.18037677

Not him, how are they? What is he writing about?

>> No.18037784

/lit/ reads nothing but the same 10 entry level/flavor of the month authors and calls everyone else plebs. This board is honestly a joke.

>> No.18037787

So what do *you* read, anon?

>> No.18037791

*Ecchi peee Rovvucurafuto

>> No.18037796

Obvious but true answer

>> No.18037803

reading the confidence man at the moment.

>> No.18037813

t. 28 year old woman

>> No.18038087

Yuumeno Kyusaku wrote a great horror book called Dogra Magra has some Lovecraft style.
eg. the protagonist goes to a mental asylum and goes progressively insane.
There aren't any decent English translations which is a shame.

>> No.18038336

He was a civilian at the time, so he didn't see frontline combat. It's about wartime poverty, censorship, the effect of war on Japan's social relationships, the duty of one to speak the truth in the face of danger, even if just to himself, the political mood in Japan at the time, etc. Cool stuff.

>> No.18039856


>> No.18039865
