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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 18 KB, 300x300, marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18032687 No.18032687 [Reply] [Original]

>"all that is solid melts into air"
>"the tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living"
>"a specter is haunting Europe"
This guy is an amazing wordsmith. Why do we hate him again?

>> No.18032691

Communism is LITERALLY bad

>> No.18032725


Literally propaganda

>> No.18032737

Too many redneck Americans on the internet

>> No.18032773

stalinism poisoned the well

>> No.18032782

Blame the mutt liberals

>> No.18032787

All 19th century moderately well read gentlemen were like this.

rhetoric and annunciation was incredibly important.

>> No.18032792

Stalinism cleansed the well.

>> No.18032803

You mean his translator is an amazing wordsmith. Remember that according to autists on this board a translation is an entirely new creation with little relation to the source text.

>> No.18032843

for his reductionism

>> No.18032851

Sounds like a middle schooler

>> No.18032854

nazism is intersectional

>> No.18032869

If Stalin had personally cannibalized Kulak babies we'd be colonizing the sun by now

>> No.18032876

Powerful stuff.

>> No.18032879

by which you mean society would be too retarded to consider the facts and we would be shooting our best men into a ball of flaming gas.

Stalinists are worse than nazis.

>> No.18032886

no it's just underdeveloped

>> No.18032915

i think very few people who argue about marx actually understand his arguments and ideas

>> No.18032946

he built on some fairly valid critique by putting forward some blatantly short sighted, non functional theories that people turned into their new bible and used it to destroy several nations and countless millions of lives

>> No.18032954

Thank you.
Back to twitter you raging faggot.

>> No.18032959

Yes? he was a political philospher, what would he write if not propaganda?

>> No.18032962

how is it relevant

>> No.18032968

Wordsmith? Are you fucking retarded? The second quote sounds good. The others are boring and bland.

>> No.18032969

when will you people get it through your thick skulls that stalinism is inherent to communism, there is no getting around it, you dont get to just invoke supreme authority to the revolution in order to remake society ground up on a massive scale and get upset when the end result is a savage dictator. communism was NEVER going to end any other way

>> No.18032984

that depends. do you mean Kulak as a colloquial term used in Russian society, or the legal term used by the Soviets?

>> No.18032985

I wonder if arguing about communism every day, repeating the same points over and over again will ever get tiresome for people. My guess is no.

>> No.18032992

What exactly does Marx actually advocate for? I know he expected the revolution to happen in an already industrialized nation like Germany rather than an agrarian backwater like Russia.

>> No.18032998

>The others are boring and bland.

Oh, the irony.

>> No.18033006


I meant, the reason people hate him, is literally because of propaganda meant to make people hate him. The dude wrote so much it really doesn't make any sense to boil it all down to any single judgement at all. He's not easy to get into in spite of how supposedly influential or relevant he is and there should be more, not less, effort to "popularize" him in the sense of making people understand it. But propaganda does get in the way for political philosophy, like you just said

>> No.18033016

In the way the Soviets used the term, I didn't know it had another meaning, do tell

>> No.18033020

>uses twitter as an insult
the newchans is so boring

>> No.18033032

>this offhand remark has allowed me to understand a great deal about your character, how quaint
Yeah yeah back to twitter you go

>> No.18033036

his essential argument was that capitalism was necessary, but ultimately temporary mode of production, since he believed the inherent contradictions in capitalism woudl eventually doom it to cave in on itself. he imagined a transition to a method of ownership and production where "the workers" were in charge and produced according to the needs of the population rather than the profit motives of capital holders.

>> No.18033052

underdeveloped things that undermine themselves during development are bad.

>> No.18033073
File: 314 KB, 713x713, 70983bff462836fb8026f6bfb5d20c5e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Es geht um die Welt ein Geflüster...
Arbeiter, hörst du es nicht?

>> No.18033090

it doesnt have another meaning lmao

>> No.18033095

Aesthetically, Communism attracts one because of its daemonic celebrations, its spine-tingling justifications. Marx himself characterised his apostatisation as a will to destroy, to "reign over Heaven and Earth".

Never mind its logical inconsistencies and failures, it attracts people because it is a world-orientation denying a present world-orientation.

>> No.18033107

Imagine thinking this qualifies as "amazing wordsmithing." Are you 14 and this is your first book or what?

>> No.18033110

Fellow /leftypol/sters, is this the raid thread today?

>> No.18033111

Mein deutche ist nicht ser gut. Du bist sprechen sei english?

>> No.18033116

You said there was a way it was used colloquially in Russian society so I thought that it might be a different way of using the term

>> No.18033130

Yes, now shut up.

>> No.18033136

The Soviets used the word Kulak to mean pretty much the middle class of peasantry and above, not just the richer ones. For example, if you own a cow, a butter churn, a windmill, or any mechanical device for agricultural production, then you're a Kulak. If you sell merchandise, then you're a Kulak. You didn't even have to employ anyone to become a Kulak, just run a successful farm and invest in its deveopment.
Originally the word Kulak meant a wealthy, greedy, fat, but enterprising faggot, who got his wealth through seemingly unfair means, like buying the land off his poorer neighbours, or moneylending, and often employed his now landless neighbours on his fields.

>> No.18033177

Isn't that Hayek?

>> No.18033184

Well I'd say the meanings overlap, even if they are different

>> No.18033203

/lit/ is the only board that has leftists because rightoids can't read

>> No.18033213

Most of /lit/ is right-wing.

>> No.18033235


>> No.18033245

/fa/ and /mu/ have some leftists

>> No.18033262

Well obviously they can't read comrade, only marxpilled free-thinking individuals are capable of reading toilet paper.

>> No.18033282

/mu/ is probably one of the most leftist boards because every other normie hipster visits the board to find music they can impress their friends with

>> No.18033310

>every other normie hipster visits the board to find music they can impress their friends with
seeth rightoid

>> No.18033392

its just a fact bro, most my peers are in the local music scene and the only time ive ever heard 4chan mentioned irl is hipsters talking about /mu/, and while i dont browse there much, it really does show

>> No.18033428

Imagine if you've never heard any of these phrases, imagine if you half-heard some chudjak incarnate say it - I imagine they wouldn't quite hit the same, if anything, they'd just come off as edgy.

In other words, stop worshipping icons and idols and start thinking for yourself.

>> No.18033450

garbage wordsmith, literally sound like sentences from Eragon

>> No.18033479

>start thinking for yourself
you mean be an empty inconsistent contrarian

>> No.18033486

how do you know what sentences from Eragon sound like?

>> No.18033512

>Why do we hate him again?
because decades of red scare propaganda did their job really fucking well.
99% of people criticising marx on here have absolutely no clue what he was about other than what mainstream media and /pol/ has told them, which obviously isnt accurate.

>> No.18033522

I'm a communist and I actually don't like Marx and Engle's flowery language. Its good for highly literate people but for understanding it its now. I think the bulk of political or philosophical literature should be straight to the point and at a 4th grade reading level so anyone can understand it.

>> No.18033534

Do these types of replies come from bots? It's like a script detecting certain phrases and always responding with mildly varied forms of the same sentences every time.

>> No.18033549

absolute kino
this. whenever i peek into rightoid threads they are discussing schizo conspiracies about the jews and trannies that live rent free in their heads, while lefties are discussing and quoting actual literature. (mostly)

>> No.18033580
File: 76 KB, 1200x1200, eeehhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18033587
File: 147 KB, 500x567, the-left-cant-meme-sorry-we-re-too-busy-educating-29129220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it do be like that tho

>> No.18033589

it needs to be repeated until at least one of you faggots picks up a book and reads it
and are we just gonna ignore the actual botting and astroturfing on this website? im just waiting for the "why do all leftists hate white people?" reply

>> No.18033610
File: 35 KB, 400x476, ogporky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a really shit meme tho. didnt even take me 10 minutes to read it all, that cant be a genuine leftist meme.

>> No.18033631
File: 94 KB, 750x1052, EoZjmKGW8AA7zRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /marxist fascist/ here?

>> No.18033645

Stalinism is literally the only best kind

>> No.18033650


>> No.18033654

literally self-contradicting

>> No.18033661

Memes are supposed to be short and funny

>> No.18033739
File: 62 KB, 896x807, cooming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get all pumped up listening to this. Sounds like some communist dark souls boss theme

>> No.18033759
File: 59 KB, 450x419, 1605040613346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw asking leftist friends how they feel about gun control


>> No.18033781

>people turned into their new bible and used it to destroy several nations and countless millions of lives
This is a thread about Marx, not Martin Luther

>> No.18033798

Leftists are always disappointing.

>> No.18033824

no, since fascism is predicated on natural hierarchies and not arbitrary relations that serve blind system

>> No.18033878


>> No.18033882

It's literally how your pre-neolithic revolution ancestors lived.
Maybe you should go back in time, and say this to their faces, see how they react? Say them that they are bad for sharing their hunt. They would crack your face open with a stone axe.

>> No.18033902

>predicated on natural hierarchies
fallacious appeals to nature are incompatible with marxism, anon. you proved your own point.
please learn the difference between leftism and liberalism, its honestly painful to keep reading this shit over and over again.
"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary" - carl marks

>> No.18033907

>you proved your own point
*proved my point

>> No.18033928

marx would laugh at you for this
marxism only resembles caveman tribalism at the most superficial of levels

>> No.18033947
File: 109 KB, 680x680, leftMemes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18033950
File: 1.83 MB, 1178x1595, Mencius Moldbug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inequality is the very nature of things

>> No.18033953

>please learn the difference between leftism and liberalism, its honestly painful to keep reading this shit over and over again.
Who'd you vote for, comrade?

>> No.18033958

please learn the difference between liberalism and american 'liberalism'

>> No.18033964

In societies where everyone believes they're equal, the inevitable superiority of a few makes the rest feel like failures.

>> No.18033965
File: 197 KB, 600x578, 1586361561827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those neolithic chuds spoiled everything

>> No.18033967

I used to write political essays for my AP US History class with these kinds of bombastic metaphors. Aced it everytime and even *actually* got an ovation by the class for it.
>and then everybody clapped
Actually happened to me. It's really that easy to drive up political fervor. Just write in bombastic, colorful metaphors that confirms the biases of the audience.

>> No.18033987

How embarrassing . . .

>> No.18034003

>Amerimutts are retarded
What else is new under the sun?

>> No.18034062

only in america would a "leftist" support biden

>> No.18034090

Fuck off Roland Barthes.

>> No.18034131

luckily im not american kek, my country has a communist party
american "liberalism" is a part of Liberalism, just a distinction from the also Liberal "conservatives"

>> No.18034162
File: 120 KB, 647x721, 1617670434979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Changes Marx from an idealist into a materialist by making him seethe
Psssh, nothin personnel, spook.

>> No.18034194

What does this post even say

>> No.18034226

go on then, share something better you 'dirty jew of negro blood'

>> No.18034240

he's implying rightoids dont read and thus have no reason to visit the literature board of 4chan
how you couldnt figure that out leads me to believe you cant read

>> No.18034241

le carl markses cant deal with the global burgerezie

>> No.18034249

If rightoids can't read, leftards literally have no irony.

>> No.18034263

how ironic

>> No.18034273
File: 568 KB, 1262x1440, Franco Communism Meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18034283

I cant read thid shit

>> No.18034294

The personal ethos of the followers of Marx mirror the personal ethos of Marx. There is no divesting the sweet words on the page from the cold reality of the street.

>> No.18034322

Yes it is.

>> No.18034325
File: 551 KB, 640x640, joker dugin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whenever i peek into rightoid threads they are discussing schizo conspiracies

Now let me explain to you why this thread is trash and doesn't belong here
This thread isn't discussing literature,it's just
>marx good
>why don't you all love him?
All the leftypol redditors involved need to go back to watching youtube/twitch streamers (or something else your brain can handle without overheating)
These threads can only create /b/ tier political discussion(which doesn't belong here either) :

>> No.18034330

That's the Manifesto. Nobody with a 5th grade level of reading comprehension ought to read Das Kapital anyway.

>> No.18034381

Why are modern marxists so humorless? Marx was crackin mad jokes

>> No.18034408

cope and seethe

>> No.18034609

>... ist der Krieg gegen dich, .... PROLET!
staunch national socialist racist anti feminist anti communist etc. etc. but that song is a fucking banger.

>> No.18034635

Consume your Chlorpromazine.

>> No.18034756

Then why don't you just tell us what country you're from? I want to see what disagreements are present, because our American Communist Party exists solely as a Soviet Realism film club.

>> No.18035058

Human evolution involved men killing the babies of other men and raping women.
That's communism?

>> No.18035081

>>"all that is solid melts into air"
Amazing epoch-defining line.
>>"the tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living"
Too wordy, morbid, romantic.
>>"a specter is haunting Europe"
Pretty good, but lends itself too well to formularity and cliche.

>> No.18035626

>Maybe you should go back in time, and say this to their faces, see how they react? Say them that they are bad for sharing their hunt. They would crack your face open with a stone axe.
you have no understanding of anthropology or history.