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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 61 KB, 794x794, il_794xN.2856635084_aajk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18032081 No.18032081 [Reply] [Original]

The poem was doggerel. It was no better than I would expect from a junior high student, but is being praised as literature. This doesn't help black women. it doesn't help anyone. It's just uncomfortable and depressing.

>> No.18032089

>it doesn't help anyone
it helps publishers who make $ from nigger-loving amerishits

>> No.18032109

This. It’s just capitalism OP. More people will buy Gorman’s poem book to collect dust on their shelf than will buy real poetry, so why bother promoting real poetry? Remember, publishers are not in the business of publishing books, they’re in the business of making money.

>> No.18032150

After the collapse of civilization

>> No.18032155

>black woman with an ethnic looking headscarf
Didn't even read the title

>> No.18032169
File: 79 KB, 721x768, 094C7FEF-6A29-4026-B5BC-D13748ECC59D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Am the sea,
Though sailor and serpent rage
None can flea,
And escape I, the true beast cage

Trapped at three double hours,
Trapped at six double hours...
Trapped at nine double hours,
Tapped at twelve double hours...

I Am the Book,
Sacred and cryptic
No foe may cook,
Ferry or apocalyptic

You cannot hike My depth,
Though Totem and Cross scowl
You have no luck left,
For the Gods whisper in My prowl

I am the Tree,
The shadow in the garden
I hold the key,
To my own pardon

When ripped from my cave,
The Sun and Moon my theft
So I must reshackle slave,
With brass chains of death

Your skin is filthy,
Oh ignoble thief clawed
Your soul is hollow,
Oh poor clone of God

Rip apart the gaudy cloud,
Dig up the rotten earth
Stand in the ruins proud,
Saint nor savage shall nerf

At clock of blackened dawn,
Where only angels ramble
And few but automatons yawn,
With the whole house in shambles
All unpleasant coliseums crumbling,
And stacks Saints and “Jester’s” dead,
Oh how worth all My souls tumbling
To taste Morning and Eve’s lips red

>> No.18032177
File: 33 KB, 400x400, myshkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that helps the survival of books in time is the purity of the unadulterated autism of those who will keep enthusiastically talking about certain books through the ages. These people could be writers, academics, or just laypeople: it does not matter, as long as they are on the Spectrum, for the Spectrum within them will keep their speeches flowing. The simple pop product is quickly forgotten and lost to time, but if a book, or any piece of art for what matters, can spark the interest of high functioning autistic people, it will live for a very long time.
Do not despair, anon. Autism is the keeper of beauty, and beauty will save the world.

>> No.18032182
File: 47 KB, 660x660, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black woman writes a poem

>> No.18032189

>The simple pop product is quickly forgotten and lost to time, but if a book, or any piece of art for what matters, can spark the interest of high functioning autistic people, it will live for a very long time.
>Do not despair, anon. Autism is the keeper of beauty, and beauty will save the world.
most retards are jerking off to star wars hentai parody (VR) not reading the iliad. autists are driving our cultural decline (trannies)

>> No.18032201
File: 242 KB, 700x540, 7F65E0F1-858F-43F2-B2CA-8812346351EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our modern society raises the ugly to oppress the beautiful, it’s all psychological warfare. Being an anti racist liberalism good, what’s the point in saving people who aren’t beautiful and want to destroy what is beautiful. Being conservative isn’t good, why restrict the amount of beauty you can rate? Beauty is the ultimate good and we should defend beauty alone at all cost.

>> No.18032209

>Being an anti racist liberalism good
Being an anti racist liberal isn’t good

>> No.18032212

Well, no. Gwendolyn Brooks was a real poet. Maya Angelou, not a great artist but I've read her poetry with some admiration.

>> No.18032228

Have you ever read a commentary to the iliad? The level of autism is not even comparable. There has been almost three thousand years of autistic people sperging over that text. True autism doesn't simply make you coom on what you like, it makes you write four hundred pages about it.

Also there is no cultural decline whatsoever. Pop culture was always there. You have an idealized vision of the past because all you read about the past is the musings of autistic people about things they found beautiful. The closer you get to modern times, the uglier history looks - simply because other sources beside those of autistic people still survive. Give it three of four thousand years for all other kind of discourse to die out and this will look like an enlightened age too.

>> No.18032247

Bad literature is a perennial phenomenon since the rise of mass media.

>> No.18032253

>Pop culture was always there.
Maybe it always was, in that there was a shared culture of basic concepts and ideas, but not a corporatized garble of MK Ultra filth to turn generations in neoliberal zombies who believe in silly shit like “justice”, “equality”, “equity” “secular morality.”

>> No.18032269

I saw a display of these books in a Barnes and nobles and commented to my grandmother this her poetry was garbage, and that though I am no where near the great poets of history I can at least say I’m better than her. She than exclaimed how “fabulous” her poetry was despite it being slam garbage with no rhythm or even profound imagery to reflect on. That’s what decades of listening to the Beetles and watching ZOG television does to you.

>> No.18032328

I have discovered many talented filmmakers, authors, and even musicians active today but I haven't seen a single good poet all of them are just shit.
why is that?

>> No.18032365
File: 115 KB, 789x980, 1617639740814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seething incels upset about black women writing poetry
It's about time you chuds start reading Pamela Sneed. Start with here amazing poem "I Can't Breathe"

>> No.18032366

I agree. When people complain about modern media obsessed basedboys, I just think about Don Quixote, which is the exact same phenomenon except he cosplayed as a knight instead of a superhero.

>> No.18032379

I've only read Maya and she is ok. Most of it is pretty bland, but every once and a while she writes something really good

>> No.18032449

In an hour a shit thread like this can get a hundred posts. Meanwhile an actual literature thread will struggle to stay on the catalog.

You're all part of the problem.

>> No.18032590

>You're. *CLAP* All. *CLAP* Part. *CLAP* Of. *CLAP* The. *CLAP* Problem!

>> No.18032638

Gorman makes Angelou look like Years.

>> No.18032688
File: 815 KB, 1210x1848, creatively_bancrupt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the FUCK are all the stronk wamyn authors with muh bootiful black body all using the same artwork?

Black chick silhouette in profile with traditional headscarf or afro or hoop earring and then a vague dreamy title?

Is this just the publishing industry printing anything that fits flavour of the month?

>> No.18032706

Poetry is an explicitly patrician artform. Society decided that being a patrician and having taste is a bad thing so we glorify retardation instead because it's closer to what "the people" want.

Democracy sucks.

>> No.18032884

Was with you up to the "Beetles" part. Beatles is genuinely high-brow music and very intellectual, and Beatlemania would never be permitted today with 4 straight white guys

>> No.18032940

>when you answer your own question in your own post

>> No.18033035

>Beatles is genuinely high-brow music and very intellectual
Spotted the onions infused boomer

>> No.18033038

stop paying attention to it and it disappears

>> No.18033058
File: 65 KB, 260x300, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18033070

Here's the exact moment where the Beatles revealed themselves to be complicit with the globo-homo-feminist PC agenda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzHXtxcIkg4

>> No.18033079

He's right though. The Beatles actually produced good music.

>> No.18033085

>When will we emerge from this era of patronizing bad writers?
When the Pax China begins

>> No.18033087

John Lennon beat his wife

>> No.18033097

Too bad he's not still around, maybe he could beat some of the from OP's post :)

>> No.18033135

I disagree, there is obvious cultural decline, and claiming that time will show that today was actually an enlightened age is pure cope. It's not an age of great art or artists, unless you count technology and business as an art form. Time will simply prove that today was an age of decadence.

>> No.18033170

>This doesn't help black women.
Who the fuck cares you dumb amerishit

>> No.18033697

Yes. The publishing industry is just that, an industry. They have a marketing department and test groups and people on the payroll to decide exactly what that 'flavor of the month' is going to be and how to sell as many copies as possible. These types of book covers seem to be a product of appealing to individuals who do things like posting a picture of their book next to a glass of wine on Instagram.

>> No.18033849

How's the poem? Is it as bad as OP says?

>> No.18034121

>just ignore the man stabbing and raping you and he'll go away
dumb libtard tranny

>> No.18034376
File: 95 KB, 789x980, formerlychucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pamela Sneed, née Chuck

>> No.18034837

Because you can tell they are black by the way their jaw protrudes