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File: 54 KB, 500x394, drinking makes me sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18030956 No.18030956[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the connection between alcohol and /lit/ ?

>> No.18031022

The Western canon is nothing but substance abuse

>> No.18031040

Alcohol helps you dissolve the barrier between the subconcious and the conscious. Making you much more honest and open.
Just theorizing, I have never drunk alcohol

>> No.18031046

Western Culture is just substance abuse - society is just a thing veil that justifies alcohol consumption on most of europe and america

>> No.18031135

What is the reason that you never had a drink?

>> No.18031154

>miserable people have a lot on their minds they can't cope with
>drugs help you cope
>now you can cope a bit better and express what you feel/think
it's also purely selection bias at play, for every good drug abusing writer there are two bad ones

>> No.18031161

I have never been offered one.

>> No.18031213

There is no connection. It's just an arbitrary connection made by the decadent writers of the fin de siecle to indulge their lack of discipline and self-control. It is the proto-idolisation of weak mental constitution.

>> No.18031469


>> No.18031480

The glass to my mouth

>> No.18031868

>proto-idealisation of a weak mental constitution
Like a punch to the gut. Thanks anon

>> No.18031995

lol who hurt you

>> No.18032400

I chose a pill habit over alcohol

>> No.18032430

you people are abusive filth

>> No.18032433

Hey son... I heard you were having a rough time... how about you come with me and my pals on our hunting thrip this weekend and you can have your first beer?

>> No.18032478

im drinking beer now, rough day. But really, why i drink is to relax for the most part, and what alchohol does it gives me another mindset from the normal one. Im always in my head and so aware of everything, alchohol fucks my selfawareness and i can just be lost without knowing im lost.

>> No.18032502

Neither have I. I just decided to go to the liquor store and drink one day. I bought a bottle of Smirnoff(only thing I recognized) and drank glasses of it until I blacked out and puked all over my desk.

>> No.18032659

Writers must invariably be drunks.

>> No.18032711
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>> No.18032716
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I cant read when Im drinking, lose focus immediately. Alcohol is only good before sleep or in a good company. Drinking alone is depressive af and only makes you sleepy.

>> No.18032740

You should write about it, seems fun.

>> No.18033049

because alcoholism is particularly tragic. I've read drunken paragraphs on internet forums from raging alcoholics that were borderline /lit/. I'm not an alcoholic but alcoholism is about as soul crushing and consuming and miserable as life can get. Complete physical and emotional dependency on a drink that robs you of your brain and gives you the shakes. Alcoholics are slowly but surely watching their bodies fall apart in real time

>> No.18033181

And creative

>> No.18033200

Alcoholics = cringe
Heavy drinking = based

>> No.18033227

Once you become a succesful author with steady income from already published books, you get the freedom to be a functioning alcoholic. You can binge all day, you can binge the entire month or even a year. Yet you still remain an author. This is why many try to become authors in the first place.

>> No.18033623
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Being drunk helped me realize how incredibly amazing it is being sober and conscious of my own actions, existence, effects on others, and many more. I have so much power in my fully conscious mode state, I really can do anything I can set my mind too. I can't do that while intoxicated.

>> No.18034298

If love and thougts are chemical reactions in our brain, doesnt it make it more real, not less?

>> No.18034544

Alcohol releases GABA, increasing depth of thought at the expense of breadth. In other words, it gives you the tunnel vision needed to concentrate on one thing at a time.
Caffeine releases acetylcholine, causing the opposite effect. Very high volume of thought at the expense of wisdom and critical judgement.
When the Roman aqueducts stopped working, Europeans had to drink from wells and rivers, resulting in cholera. To avoid disease, they started mixing all their water with alcohol. Thus everyone was tipsy for a thousand years, resulting in the best /lit/erature ever achieved.
Then coffee was imported, and moralfags jumped on it as an alternative to alcohol. The result was a plague of pretentious French faggots worshipping their own reason and smelling their own farts. Successive generations would later discover harder stimulants, resulting in Existentialism, Postmodernism and entire university departments suffering from mass psychosis.

>> No.18034569
File: 208 KB, 1200x1200, hith-10-things-voltaire-painting-104418281-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the smug face of a caffeine addict. He was on 80 shots of coffee per day.
His maidservant had to select a cup from his collection each day to serve it in. Then he would demand that she provide a non-arbitrary reason for selecting that particular cup.

>> No.18034579

His smugness pierces through your heart causing you to seethe wildly in despair in an attempt to cope? Is this not based on a deep understanding of the supreme nature of reality?

>> No.18034593

the connection is that i like to drink it

>> No.18034641
File: 141 KB, 800x675, Thomas-Aquinas-Black-large-800x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contrast this to the thoughtful face of an alcohol drinker. Look into his burning eyes as he ponders the human condition. Watch as he selflessly gives his life to prayer and service, so that others may benefit from his teachings.

>> No.18034737
File: 89 KB, 1000x1278, kc-bourbon_1000x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else here drink because they legitimately enjoy the flavor, and not for the sake of getting drunk? I unironically really like bourbon.

>> No.18034758
File: 7 KB, 223x226, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a shame lad have a pint on me, in fact make it pints all round land lord!

>> No.18034781

I'm drinking NA beer and the occasional glass of scotch while I'm trying to lose weight

>> No.18034809

yes. I got like 30 bottles of whiskey and rum, a couple bottles of wine, and always some beer around.
Get actually drunk maybe a couple times a year.

>> No.18034872
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Based low-IQ take.

>> No.18035078
File: 1.96 MB, 4032x3024, 3BE3C47E-A875-4D27-9756-8C50ECD3E51F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a big bourbon drinker. I also recently found this Irish I really like that's aged in bourbon casks and finished in sherry.

>> No.18035086


>> No.18035106

a lot of people come to lit for "self improvement" and they tend to try and avoid alcohol, they are just cringe larpers thou

>> No.18035607

monkeys colonized by yeast? making us fun guys?

>> No.18036160

The monkey deterritorialized the yeast as a foodstuff. The yeast reterritorialized the monkey with addiction.

>> No.18036347

Any book on this anon?

>> No.18036442

many writers are loners and the booze becomes a friend

>> No.18036639

Michael Pollan wrote the book on it:
He sees it as a good thing though. An accelerator of scientific progress.
The idea that there might be negative repercussions was proposed by a few friends of mine, and since then I've been looking into the neurochemistry behind it.
If I ever publish, /lit/ will be the first to know.

>> No.18037225

>I've read drunken paragraphs on internet forums from raging alcoholics that were borderline /lit/
any saved?