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18030648 No.18030648 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the analytical Heidegger?

>> No.18030652

I guess MacIntyre.

>> No.18030655

Wittgenstein, but people (analytics, mostly) keep fighting this connection for some reason.

>> No.18030726

I had that same feeling honestly. Especially when reading his What is Metaphysics. Everything from his style to his intention reminds me of Wittgenstein.

Carnap hated him though and the Vienna Circle was pretty influential in analytic philosophy, laid the foundation in a sense, so most analytic philosophers - which are most philosophers - dislike Heidegger, haven't read him and would never make this connection.

I mean, hell, Wittgenstein plays the same word games Heidegger does. In On Certainty most of the book is constructed in such a way as to make you think.
They also had the same influences in Kierkegaard and the existentialists in general, and novelists and poets more than other philosophers; reading rather the Greeks and such, instead of - overwhelmingly - Kant and Hegel, like people at the time used to.

>> No.18030727


>> No.18030773


>> No.18030784
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>> No.18030795

what you don't realize is that wittgenstein lived in the same godless world as the analytics', but also thought that a complete philosophy needs not just truth but also meaning in a very specific sense (> language game theory).
he himself wrote that in the tractaus he dealt with truth, while afterwards he dealt with meaning.
i personally will never understand what existentialists, postmodernists, etc find in wittgenstein's books.

>> No.18030803


>> No.18030806

please tell me 1 specific idea about which you agree with wittgenstein.

>> No.18030835
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>i personally will never understand what existentialists, postmodernists, etc find in wittgenstein's books.
They find antifoundationism, the linguistic underpinning of metaphysics and a sense of "everydayness"

Lyotard uses Sprachspiel to describe the fragmented discourses of sciences, disciplines and informatical systems in the postmodern condition

Derrida picks up on the gaming aspect of language as well and much more

>> No.18030886

> antifoundationism,
so were meinong, caranp, twardowski, etc
also existentialists made of foundationism the core of their system, as well as mystics and believers in general.
> the linguistic underpinning of metaphysics
there is no "metaphysics" in wittgenstein. on this respect , he is radically anti-existentialist. for wittgenstein nothing is factual/true outside "languages" (broader meaning).
> a sense of "everydayness"

>> No.18030933

>so were meinong, caranp, twardowski, etc

>there is no "metaphysics" in wittgenstein.
I haven't said that, what some postmodernists see in Wittgenstein is a weapon against metaphysics

"everydayness" as in ordinary language philosophy and everyday experience outside of the theoretical and academic plenums of philosophy - which very much coincide with for example Heidegger's project in SZ

>> No.18031365
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Heidegger is the analytical Heidegger
>Being and Time Part One
>Division One: Preparatory Fundamental Analysis of Dasein