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18029630 No.18029630 [Reply] [Original]

Lately, I have been trying to discuss more philosophical topics and such with women. Yet the more women I talk to, the less I understand why women tend to reject or even ignore things that are not to their own liking. Blaming things as mansplaining, misinterpretation of data, ignorance, or the lack of evidence even when presented with evidence.

Is there a deeper meaning to this? Perhaps a philosophical differentiation from man and woman? Is the way we recognize facts, when not in our favor, somehow processed differently?

A very common, as well as one I heard recently, the phrase is thrown around is, "you don't understand it, you are not a woman." And that is fair enough, I am not a woman. But I find this to be counterproductive to arguments and rely too much on the vagueness of feelings. If you cannot use your own words, you yourself do not fully understand even your own argument. Yet even that simple retort causes a bit of disdain or even heckling from women I talk too.

What do you think anons?

>> No.18029835
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>What do you think anons?
I think that your picture accurately depicts how some men become deeply evil.

>> No.18029848

Women are biologically programed to avoid independent thought.

>> No.18029914
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Look at the Venus of Willendorf. These people understood gender more than anyone today.
It is in women’s bones to want to bear children and be taken care of. Overwhelming desire for security and family makes them more emotional than logical. Looking into what the endocrine field today will tell you something similar when one compares what estrogen and testosterone.
They are they are the egg and the mother

>> No.18029941

Some women are absolute brainlets but some are evil geniuses. I knew this one girl (17 years old, hot piece of ass, a natural dime) who was intellectually curious and always asked me to explain shit I was talking about. She was pretty cool. Wish I tapped that.

Usually though they're just brainlets.

>> No.18029956
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>In women, on the other hand, Eros is an expression of their true nature, while their Logos is often only a regrettable accident. It gives rise to misunderstandings and annoying interpretations in the family circle and among friends.

>This is because it consists of opinions instead of reflections, and by opinions I mean a priori assumptions that lay claim to absolute truth. Such assumptions, as everyone knows, can be extremely irritating.

>As the animus is partial to argument, he can best be seen at work in disputes where both parties know they are right.

>Men can argue in a very womanish way, too, when they are anima-possessed and have thus been transformed into the animus of their own anima. With them the question becomes one of personal vanity and touchiness (as if they were females); with women it is a question
of power, whether of truth or justice or some other “ism”—for the dressmaker and hairdresser have already taken care of their vanity.

>The “Father” (i.e., the sum of conventional opinions) always plays a great role in female argumentation. No matter how friendly and obliging a woman’s Eros may be, no logic on earth can shake her if she is ridden by the animus. Often the man has the feeling—and he is not altogether wrong—that only seduction or a beating or rape would have the necessary power
of persuasion.

>Anyone who still had enough sense of humour to listen objectively to the ensuing dialogue would be staggered by the vast number of commonplaces, misapplied truisms, cliches from newspapers and novels, shop-soiled platitudes of every description interspersed with vulgar abuse and brain-splitting lack of logic.

>It is a dialogue which, irrespective of its participants, is repeated millions and millions of times in all the languages of the world and always remains essentially the same.
~Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, pp. 14-15

>> No.18029963

>op gets beaten with women's rhetoric
I think you're shit at rhetoric.

>> No.18029977
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girls have like very, i don't know how to explain. you know like when animals know storms are coming, like strange kinetics. theyre connected to the universe, their cycles are based on the moon and stuff. they know things that we don't know. there's some witchiness going on there. it's that thing that, they use so much more of their brains than us

>> No.18030031

No doubt about it. But it's not chad's fault that the cuck next to him feels envy or ressentiment. It's on him to transcend negative emotions

>> No.18030167


Dude needs to get up and walk away. Sitting their burning with rage isn't helping anyone.

At this point go get drunk with the other guys who aren't getting laid tonight. Theres always one group who cares more about the drinking.

>> No.18030185

He is, but will never admit it

>> No.18030188

Or it’s that men use so much of their brain intentionally that they unintentionally shut off more of their unconscious.

>> No.18030392

I'd rather not continue the discussion on women who use women's rhetoric. For instance, if logic, critical thinking, analysis, data, and common morality is not enough purely because you do not agree. And your only reply to be "you are not a woman, you cannot understand", "stop mansplaining" or even worse "you only think this way because you are *some sort of -ist or -phobic*, thus your entire point is irrelevant". Of course I'll lose an argument to a person like this, after all at this point she/he is not conversing purely on logic, but rather on pure emotion.

>> No.18030402

no doubt logic destroys intuition, because it is something beyond logic.

>> No.18030413

How do you define rhetoric, and what role does intellectual honesty play in it?

>> No.18030437

>B-but their argument convinces more people that's cheating
Bit late to appeal the tower of Babel
However you want and none at all.

>> No.18030444

You're a moron for not catching on.

>> No.18030454

What are you talking to these women about, formal systems? The validity of mathematical proofs? If not then no argument can be purely logical anyway, and by pretending that yours are you are probably committing some form of naturalistic fallacy. Read some continental philosophy from the last 60 years my dude.

>> No.18030456

>what role does intellectual honesty play in it?
It plays the hemlock

>> No.18030459

OP, your problem isn't women. Your problem is that you are going up against the cultural consensus. Men who hold those beliefs respond in exactly the same way. What you are dealing with is not rhetoric, but the common cliches that are used to evade, ward off, and delegitimize any discussion of the tenets of their worldview that does not accept them at face value. When you call these "women's rhetoric" or make the problem about women, you fall into the trap that this society has set for you and are on your way to becoming the caricature of what they think people like you are - hateful misogynists. The answer is to ask why all these people in so many parts of the Western world respond to the same assertions in precisely the same way and follow that line of enquiry wherever it takes you.
I recommend taking a look at books dealing with the role, structure, and creation of public opinion, books on ethics, and books on the intellectual history of the West more generally. I cannot help with the last category, but for the first two, see Jacques Ellul's Propaganda, Antonio Gramsci's Prison Notebooks (start with the selections!), Walter Lippmann's Public Opinion, and Alasdair MacIntyre's After Virtue.
As more immediate practical advice, I suggest that you stop worrying about these things, stop talking about them with people who do not agree with you, and instead focus on building a life in which you are as insulated as possible from the kind of people you would like to avoid. Curtis Yarvin has said much about this, and you would do well to read the first few chapters of Gray Mirror at the very least.

>> No.18030463

Those aren't arguments. Those are bald-faced assertions with nothing to back them up.
Very disingenuous of you.

>> No.18030466

>B-but their argument convinces more people that's cheating
It doesn't really convince people more than end the conversation as it usually ends in irrationality. For instance, if you told me "gay men should have a concern for aids" and I call you homophobic, even if your statement related to the conversation at hand, what are you going to do? List all the things you've don't to help homosexuals? You could, but in the eyes of an irrational person that would rather attack the person than confront the point made, it won't get you very far.

>> No.18030482

>misinterpretation of data, ignorance, or the lack of evidence even when presented with evidence
>he thinks only women do this
the only way anyone would come to this conclusion is if they only talked to women, and only for the purposes of attempting philosophical discourse. seems too autistic to be real

>> No.18030496

Of course it is not something that only women do, but in most cases men will give up if backed in a corner. They will claim defeat or even ponder on it more later. And usually those that don't can be seen miles away. Yet in my experience, women seem to be the most stubborn when it comes to discussion that they do not agree with.

>> No.18030528
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>> No.18030544

It’s more of evolutionary thing. Man has to has something beside having XY chromosomes. Men has to have some extra leverage and has to possess one of those qualities in order for him to be able to mate. Qualities like being interesting, funny, wealthy, smart, intelligent, humorous, etc. On the other hand, women never needed anything beside her feminine and physical beauty to find a mating partner.
In short, life force men to be more than just men, while women just has to be some present.

>> No.18030582

Lookup "Reality Tunnel Theory".

"Reality tunnel is a theory that, with a subconscious set of mental filters formed from beliefs and experiences, every individual interprets the same world differently, hence "Truth is in the eye of the beholder"."

What you described is someone using mental gymnastics to push away any thought/dialogue that would challenge their current reality tunnel.

When you were told you were mansplaining, or can't have an opinion because "you aren't a woman" this is her justifying that no matter what you say you will never be right therefore any facts or logic you may present is irrelevant, it's a self defence mechanism where their own brain tricks them into thinking they are right to protect their entire world view from being challenged.

(These types of peoples world views tend to be deeply woven into their identity, so any change in belief means they must also change themselves which they absolutely do not want to do.)

What you will find among these types is hypocrisy, despite you being unable to comment about a woman's experience, I'm sure this person could lecture you for hours on end about patriarchy and how men are evil despite never spending a day in a mans shoes.

>> No.18030589

people on lit don't like women enough, and it's probably the most important thing there is

>> No.18030695

Im only hearing your side of the story. If I heard the woman's side of the story, I might make an unbiased judgement.

>"you don't understand it, you are not a woman.
This makes me question your story, as it probably means you are discussing women's issues, and any man too interested in women's issues has probably some issue of their own.

>"you don't understand it, you are not a woman.
Is used by various groups
>"you don't understand racism, you are not a black man.
>"you don't understand inceldom, you are not an incel.
>"you don't understand ghosbusters, you are not a man.

Your problem is not women, but the common fallacies people make.

>> No.18030752

I agree with this sentiment, but why do people here always classify it as chad and virgin? This concept of dominance you hold is completely wrong. Social Hierarchies do not work the way you think they do.

But I'll use your terminology.
Maybe "chad" would be willing to help out "virgin", maybe being a "chad" wingman is one of the things "chad" is willing to do.

But people never think to ask for help, or fear rejection... Regardless of what you think, it is always best to ask for knowledge, if somebody does not want to impart knowledge upon you, then they are not your friend.

But you won't find this out unless you ask.

>> No.18030850

Miscommunication is one hell of a thing.
Women are physically weak and are more likely to agree with what you're saying even if they don't understand you. You need to test out to see if they understand what you're saying. Same thing applies with men by the way just to a lesser extent because they're smarter on average.

Happens a lot actually this miscommunication stuff.
Sometimes person a thinks word c means d
Sometimes person b thinks word c means c
You won't pick up on this unless you ask people to define the words they're using.
You can however bypass this communication barrier by using basic English, you can toss in a complex word but only if you adequately define it within the context of the sentence.

That being said:
Women have less muscle mass,
Women are smaller,
Women have smaller brains on average,

>> No.18030867

proper weirdo

>> No.18030877

I would like to tell you something else, but I believe you're surrounding yourself with the wrong type of women. Don't feed the femtrolls.

>> No.18030905

I have asked my 6'2" chad best friend many times to introduce me to girls or at least help. Guess what happened? They all fell for him instead of me haha...

>> No.18030912

ahahaha white boi forreal

>> No.18030926

One of the problems OP has is miscommunication. Very obvious, very blatant.

>> No.18030939

Yeah, I am literally the guy on the right in OPs pic.

>> No.18030945

>n-no the world has always done the sensible thing and politicians have never been emotive or successful in bending the truth
Behold the power of autism.

>> No.18030957

Try switching roles, try introducing your friend to women pretending to help him out instead of the other way around.

>> No.18030969

Make sure your "friend" doesn't know the person beforehand in both cases.

>> No.18030974

Its simple OP, feminism has poisoned her brain and she believes she is better than all men, including you.
She is disagreeing with you so that you know she doesnt want to fuck you
If she wants to fuck you she will agree with you
The content of the conversation is irrelevant

>> No.18030990

>you don't understand it, you are not a woman
Have you ever considered you don't understand it because you're not a woman?

>> No.18030994


>> No.18030996

Every board is /r9k/ + a specific interest dude.

>> No.18031004

I suspect that you're talking to women who aren't interested in what you're trying to talk about.

>> No.18031025

Women are just stupid, stop wasting your time

>> No.18031067

Try saying things like; "Wow you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen", when you meet them. They dress up like that cause they want to be perceived as beautiful. Then switch onto a topic about yourself and drull on for atleast 1 hour until they're sorry they got latched on. Then repeat with the next woman "Wow you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen." Make sure the other girl hears you. Keep repeating until somebody calls you out for using that same line every time.

>> No.18031074

There are many reasons for this but I'd say this is mostly due to the way women socialize.

Most people are not very intelligent, regardless of gender.

Amongst the less intelligent men, most are likely to completely give up on anything remotely intellectual, instead drinking beer and watching sports or watever is the "manly" thing to do.
Amongst the less intelligent women, many will try to compensate with their social awareness and higher ability for manipulation.

Intelligent men end up mostly sociallizing with eachother, the idiots having already been filtered. This gives more opportunities for hight intellectual emulation.
Intelligent women risk ending up sociallizing with retarded pseuds and getting tricked into the comfort of logical fallacies.

Also, a man wanting to talk to an intelligent woman might end up getting tricked by a fake.
Of course, this kind of shit can also happen with men. Take a quick glance at /pol/ and you may see what I mean.