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18028762 No.18028762 [Reply] [Original]

Which books will help me internalize the philosophy of the Cart Narcs?


>> No.18028842

Just the typical miserable middle class white male reaching for sensationalism to give purpose in his empty life.

>> No.18028867

nah man, I don't think you're really seeing it with open eyes.

>> No.18028909

loser with nothing better to do sits in parking lot filming people to high horse which doesn't go well because people don't like being criticized, especially over some extremely dumb shit like a shopping cart

>> No.18028936

He probably browses reddit
they're extremely autistic about shopping carts

>> No.18028948

Asshole that doesn’t put up their shopping cart

>> No.18028952
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>> No.18028966

Not that guy, and I always put up my cart, but this guy filming this is definitely a very sad and pathetic person.

>> No.18028971

>riots happening around america
>homeless people suffering everywhere
>more people distrusting the capitalist system then ever before
Want to know how I can tell you're a milquetoast liberal?

>> No.18029037

it's a fight against apathy and decadence. Its beautiful.

>> No.18029051

Any tips to write better fight scenes? My current fight looks like this, names are long so I replaced them with letters
>A aims for B's crotch and kicks him there, but B manages to avoid it by a hair strand, flipping backwards. A charges toward B. B, during a moment of disorientation while trying to regain his composure, receives a punch in the gut from A, sending him to a wall, crashing it. The wall cracks, small bricks chip off the wall and hitting B's shoulders and dust covers the whole area. A thinks he won, slowly approaches B, little does he know that B silently appears behind A, surprises him. B grabs A by the neck, tossing him airborne...

>> No.18029055

that's pretty amatuer dude.

>> No.18029056

a man who hangs out in a parking lot is the last person who should complain about apathy or decadence.

>> No.18029082 [DELETED] 

why doesn't this fag stop worrying about shopping carts (something that actual teenagers are PAID to do by the stores themselves) and not pester people about littering? that's a far bigger problem. imagine seeing pepsi cans and cigarette butts littered around the only patch of grass in the nearby vicinity, just disgusting.

>> No.18029086

He's doing it for the good of society. It also shows how indignant and aggressive people can be when they are clearly in the wrong. It incapsualates everything that's wrong with society and the futility of resisting it in a microcosm. Even you who defends these lazybones are an example of what's wrong in the world.

>> No.18029093

why doesn't this fag stop worrying about shopping carts (something that actual teenagers are PAID to deal with by the stores themselves) and pester people about littering instead? that's a far bigger problem. imagine seeing pepsi cans and cigarette butts littered around the only patch of grass in the nearby vicinity of the concrete roads, just disgusting.

>> No.18029119

>He's doing it for the good of society.
No he's not.
>It also shows how indignant and aggressive people can be when they are clearly in the wrong.
Display a single culture on Earth where citizens are open to being humiliated in public by strangers.
>It incapsualates everything that's wrong with society and the futility of resisting it in a microcosm.
It does display something fundamentally wrong with modern society but definitely not in the way you think.
>Even you who defends these lazybones are an example of what's wrong in the world.
Cringe, utilitarian cuckold.

>> No.18029292

unironically The Scarlet Letter

those dudes are exactly the same kind of high horse puritans who get off on shaming perceived moral inferiors

>> No.18029747

t. lazybones. Put your cart back, degenerates.

>> No.18029815

The Denial of Death.
Read the chapter about slave instinct.

>> No.18029986

how else are we to shame subhuman behaviour and encourage diligency though. he wouldn't need to do it if they weren't subhuman and in such a society while we would agree with him we would find his behaviour just as distasteful. how do we improve the standards, sense of aesthetics, and community-feeling of the whole?

>> No.18029995

the reason people don't put their carts away is the same reason they litter.

>> No.18030014

>watches a comedy bit about a guy acting like an asshole about following bullshit rules to make even stupider people have tantrums on camera
>writes a serious political response to it
Want to know how I can tell you're an autistic burgerperson?

>> No.18030048

I really hope it's done ironically to piss people off. Because it is hilarious

>> No.18030070

He sounds like a zoomer cuck

>> No.18030075

I'll punch you with my gun if i ever see you leave a cart behind

>> No.18030081
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Based cart narc watering the tree of cooperation with the blood of free-riders

>> No.18030090

1. Don't write a fight scene.

Also from personal experience fights are chaotic and fast as fuck - keep it brief. Only children care about the action of the fight scene - the point is how did the fight affect your character and how does that effect the overall story?

Only if you get a satisfying answer to those two questions should you write a fight scene and if you do it make it brief and non-autastic.

>> No.18030095

This is why you will never be able to experience true love, because you are incapable of engaging with the world authentically.

>> No.18030099
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>> No.18030584

It absolutely is

>> No.18030592

I think Sanderson touched on this but fight scenes in books are more about tempo and character development. Don't elaborate on every action or the reader's going to feel like they're reading a list, which isn't tense or interesting. Highlight key points in the fight and narrate its progression while also trying to say something about the characters.

>> No.18030599

you sound like a Class 1 LAZYBONES.

>> No.18031417
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>littering is the same as leaving a shopping cart in the paved parking lot of the store that pays people to deal with shopping carts
high iq post

>he wouldn't need to do it if they were't subhuman
you have a very retarded definition of subhuman

you wouldn't do a thing pussy

inauthenticity is conflating your puritan amusement with the obvious and self-evident fact that nobody is doing anything wrong here

>He's doing it for the good of society. It also shows how indignant and aggressive people can be when they are clearly in the wrong.
WOAAA people get mad when they're criticized over dumb shit!!! woaaa!! big surprise, you definitely would not get pissed off if some guy with a camera ran up to you while you j walked and shoved it in your face and high horsed you about what you just did. the only reason you take this dumbfuck position is because you read it in a youtube comment

>> No.18031869

some people just cant be reasoned with, keep fighting the good fight brother.

>> No.18032486

Why are you so mad? There are cameras everywhere. You lack integrity. Our society lacks integrity and it is the source of the rot. Cart narc is a tragic hero who will be gunned down in a CVS parking fighting against the selfish horde. If only we were all cart narcs we could live in a utopia.

>> No.18032521
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>Why are you so mad? There are cameras everywhere. You lack integrity. Our society lacks integrity and it is the source of the rot.
notice how you responded with zero substance to my claim that those people did nothing wrong. you have no actual point here

>Cart narc is a tragic hero who will be gunned down in a CVS parking fighting against the selfish horde. If only we were all cart narcs we could live in a utopia.
it's so obvious you would not being saying this if some smug dipshit walked up to you shoving a camera in your face over something that is neither illegal nor immoral. if you can prove it is immoral then by all means, i'd love to hear you apply the categorical imperative to a guy leaving a fucking shopping cart in a parking lot