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18028443 No.18028443 [Reply] [Original]

Why does German writers dominate so much in modern philosophy?

>> No.18028474


>> No.18028528

idk where you get these cute girls.
I used Tinder passport and europe and Asia were full of ugly women. I think I only matched with a girl from brussels or whatever that was kind of cute but not that cute.

>> No.18028548

Pretty sure that bitch is a model.

>> No.18028556

youtuber. lives in japan. obviously very popular as a result of, you know, genetic lottery

>> No.18028729
File: 41 KB, 480x480, ff1f56e6b80943e30288b87c4cdc62bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try eastern Europe hot girls grow on trees there

>> No.18028733

What's her name, bro?

>> No.18028747


>> No.18028837

Elizabeth "Ella Freya" Liefkes

>> No.18028850

Thanks, bro.

>> No.18028856

*Why do

>> No.18028858

looks like a female reviewbrah, you vile coomer fuck

>> No.18029149
File: 193 KB, 701x1440, 1618462352543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she's Dutch

>> No.18029177
File: 206 KB, 1080x1350, VXT65U4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her sister has more masculine features, shows how Ella is a freak case and in general germanics produce masculine men but ugly women

>> No.18029232

tried 3

>> No.18029238


>> No.18029239


>> No.18029420

What's that Heartiste thing where if a woman tells you she hates X in a man, you can bet your weight in gold she's desperate to find X

>> No.18029426
File: 21 KB, 597x559, EcaEJPVXsAIF0Im.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all that game shit is bullshit. so if she says she hates bald manlets she wants to get dicked down by Danny DeVito ?

>> No.18029438

you are tisitively retarded

>> No.18029442

Depends on the context I guess, but I can definitely see cases where women intentionally say they hate something they actually want so that men will give them it

>> No.18029448

Like what

>> No.18029479

I used to admire people who are really attractive, even when they seemed narcissistic. Now I instinctively want to punch them. Not exactly sure why.

>> No.18029484


For example

>> No.18029490
File: 999 KB, 1543x4845, 69etv7j19tl11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you wouldn't fuck a hot liberal girl or if they don't like you're music but are still DTF? what is the point here ? I guess girls really like pedos too

>> No.18029495

Because they won at life by doing nothing except being born with the right genes for a few mm of bone this way or that see >>18029177

>> No.18029499

You sound upset friend

How is the hrt going

>> No.18029668
File: 139 KB, 900x1200, D7Sh54OWsAMLpGb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masculine features almost always improve a woman, her sister is more attractive. Women that are too feminine look freakish in real life - like that woman from the chess movie in Netflix, stupidly small feminine face with wide eyes that make it look like she has a genetic disorder

>> No.18029679

Resentment towards higher caste individuals.

>> No.18029705

I'm bi btw.

>> No.18029922

>copyright law & publishing actively suppressed in England
>Absolute free for all in Germany
The Luddite impulse in its infancy began with enclosure

>> No.18030018

You are correct.

>> No.18030663

No, he's not. Fuck off trannies.

>> No.18030674

That's a man

>> No.18030713

>all that game shit is bullshit
is not
but there is difference between "feeling repulsion" and feeling a sort of "combative atitude against"

that's why you see tons of leftists chicks jumping on rightwinger dicks after going ballistic in a stupid argument

no so much different from a lioness biting a lion asking for a good dicking

>> No.18030723

Yes, women are whores and shouldn’t be in politics
We know

>> No.18030733

Out of 35 posts, a single one is about OPs question, as opposed to about the webm.

>> No.18030741

He should have known better and posted a better image.

>> No.18030744


You'd be angsty too if the world stopped you from taking your rightful place as rulers of the world and forced you to censor everything for generations to little effect

>> No.18030846

Take your meds, we know Ella Hollywood is a man.

>> No.18030856
File: 8 KB, 355x345, 1515443996615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rightful rulers of the world
Do Huns really?

>> No.18030870

mentally ill bitch

>> No.18030929


>> No.18031319

Why is this thread still up?

>> No.18031402


>> No.18031479


>> No.18031559


>> No.18031786

I hope she eventually changes her mind and has white children but at least if she does have hapa kids they will be in an Asian country instead of a white one.

>> No.18031997

The Holy Roman Empire was capable of tolerating and cultivating a wide variety of thought. The decline began with Prussian annexation hence there is little or no innovative work in German philosophy today.

>> No.18032238


>> No.18032306


>> No.18032318

Not Holy, not Roman, not an Empire. Seethe, cope and dilate Fritz.

>> No.18032511

How did they win life? Still women imagine your entire life and value being based off how you look, you’ll never know if people like you for your looks (which will fade) or for who you actually are. It’s a sad life and most people here are pathetic if they think being a women in any way or shape is “winning”.

>> No.18032529

>pictish phenotype

>> No.18032543

Lasts 1000 years
>French "Empire"
Lasts barely 10 years

>> No.18032555

>elbows too pointy

>> No.18032684

that webm makes me feel lonely but also gets me very hard.

>> No.18032746

>some small dicked Nip is dumping his seed in there
feels bad

>> No.18032789

>bunch of Krauts shit-flinging each other
>"lasts 1000 years"

>> No.18032922

lel cope

>> No.18032930

But that makes it better

>> No.18032942

Yes, and you are already a spiritual Hun btw, so they are succeeding.

>> No.18032982


I love our women. You suck.

>> No.18033871

Wanna bet that she will end up with some south European amigo?

>> No.18033919


>> No.18033925

What is it with the Dutch and wanting to COLONIZE everything they come across which isn't them?

>> No.18033927


I wish

>> No.18033935

Go back to /biz/

>> No.18033978

Are there books or articles about it anon?

>> No.18034004

Any sources about that Bois?

>> No.18034044

She already fucked a mid 20s dude while underage. That pic is likely bullshit.

>> No.18034223

typische kankerhoer

>> No.18034256

Germans as Huns is a propaganda meme. The Huns were asiatic invaders and the Germans has as much conflict with them as anyone else.

>> No.18034261

well if you want to invest in a good son you better fuck a masculine woman

>> No.18034295

heard that dutchmen? prepare for getting RICED

>> No.18034302

>Why does German writers dominate so much in modern philosophy?
Compound words

>> No.18034317

some east germans as well as some poles do have asian and finnish face features. sometimes its easy to tell if you compare brandenburgers to something like schwaben

>> No.18035194


>> No.18035285
File: 1.07 MB, 1200x2682, this picture makes the norman normie seethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kipling introduced it by calling them Huns in response to the Hunenrade speech given by Wilhelm II wherein he gave the Germans license to behave like Huns when they invaded China, I believe during the Boxer Rebellion. So it's not exactly propaganda considering he was using the Kaiser's own words.

Of course some token poltard is going to say this is based and redpilled.

>> No.18035347


>> No.18036198

This and long-ass sentences.

>> No.18036210


>> No.18036950

Big book of cope

>> No.18037888

They don't.

>> No.18038126


>> No.18038215

They’re very attractive.

>> No.18038358

cope faggot, she's already married

>> No.18039020

Germans and Slavs are so ugly

>> No.18040541

>is dutch
every fucking time. she's not even that pretty for a dutch

>> No.18040570

why is it always the fucking dutch

>> No.18041642

'Why do'