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File: 1.02 MB, 980x1785, giordano_bruno_campo_dei_fiori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18025761 No.18025761 [Reply] [Original]

So was he a contrarian theist, a chad pantheist or just a i love science reddit guy?

>> No.18025778

"Redpill me on x" was bad enough. I never thought zoomers would sink lower and start making even worse threads.

>> No.18025784

He liked to fuck with people

>> No.18025953

He was a terrible heretic. Who was terribly burned.

>> No.18026026

He was a moron.

>> No.18026055

Buttblasted christcucks spotted. Bruno is laughing at you from the high heavens of freedom of speech as your jewish religion is slowly fading away and kicking and screaming as it dies

>> No.18026070

Bruno is only being laughed at by Cantor and Pascal for using infinite numbers and probabilities he didn't understand to fuel heresy.

>> No.18026079

He was a pantheist and hylozoist.

>> No.18026080
File: 97 KB, 800x449, caso-bruno-borges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

giordano is alive and well.

>> No.18026097

Also based but you're mistaken. Bruno did not use much mathematics and infinitesimals weren't around during his time although he sometimes vaguely hinted at them in his dialogues. Sometimes he justified his reasoning with geometry and he certainly knew algebra from Cardano

>> No.18026134

A God that castigates his men with eternal hellfire when they make use of His gift of free will is nothing more than a lousy demon. Congrats for outing yourself as a walking contradiction.

>> No.18026160

There is no amount of sniveling and it-was-a-different-time that can save the argument for everything happening in the universe, which was already proposed and mocked before. Especially when such retarded arguments are then used to make false claims on theological questions (that don't even follow from his first errors).
He's also incompatible with the most basic modal logic. No wonder Leibniz hated him.

>> No.18026194
File: 25 KB, 480x480, soyyack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the high heavens of freedom of speech

>> No.18026198

You're gonna be so sorry when we'll find conclusive evidence of multiple universes and you'll no longer be considered YAWEH's little special boys, I give it a couple of decades before cucktianity will be eradicated after the multiverse theory will be deemed real.

>> No.18026204

>A God that castigates his men with [headcanon]

>> No.18026212

>multiple universes
An unsubstantiated metaphysical claim without any substance behind it.

>> No.18026227

I forgot your dad wasn't there to look after you in your childhood and you're LARPing as an authoritarian faggot on an anonymous forum as a consequence.

If God is omnibenevolent and omnipotent he should have extended his gift of creation to infinity instead of lying on his ass after 6 days of hard godly work.

>> No.18026255

>I forgot your dad wasn't there to look after you in your childhood and you're LARPing as an authoritarian faggot on an anonymous forum as a consequence.
If you were really truly the anarchist like you LARP as you would realize concepts such as "freedom of speech" ARE spooks. You are a slave just like the rest of us.

>> No.18026270

Multiverse is outside of empirical foundation and has no eidetic basis either. It is also not the doctrine of Bruno, at least not what is today called multiverse in reddit philosophical speak.

>> No.18026296

>If you were really truly the anarchist
I never said that
>at least not what is today called multiverse in reddit philosophical speak.
It's a precursor to those reddit theories

>> No.18027316

Bruno was right about everything, but you need very high intelligence to understand it.

>> No.18027392

Bruno didn't say anything about multiple universes

>> No.18027406
File: 10 KB, 220x293, Girolamo_Savonarola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burn it.

>> No.18027417

He was the first to conceive the idea, you retard

>> No.18027468

No, he conceived of multiple planetary systems. I've read him a long time ago and of course to people educated in Aristotelian-Ptolemeian synthesis the Solar System was the entire universe so I don't disagree that he was using the term multiple universes (I don't remember) but that's significantly different from the reddit multiple universes

>> No.18027690
File: 21 KB, 590x334, medivh-590x334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dude looks like he's gonna open a portal to another world

>> No.18027697

What's the thing with savonarola? Why does lit like him?

>> No.18027734

What about his art of memory? Was or is it useful?

>> No.18027738

didn't several presocratics talk about there being infinite worlds?

>> No.18027742

Can that anon post that manga with Savonarola and tell its name again?

>> No.18027954

a schizo who happened to be right on some things by coincidence

>> No.18028169

Yah I’m thinking based.

>> No.18029250

Who doesn't?

>> No.18030139
File: 130 KB, 470x545, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't read it for its usefulness (and yes, it is) but to understand and experience the Renaissance mindset connected to the philosophy of symbols.

>> No.18030219

Mostly reddit.

>> No.18030227

>A God that castigates his men with eternal hellfire when they make use of His gift of free will...
...in error is extremely based.

Fix't it for you.

>> No.18030406

Edgy contrarianism. He fucking destroyed some of the most beautiful paintings of the Renaissance.

>> No.18030628

I can't even imagine what they mean by multiverse in their theories desu. If they are somehow accessible from where we are, they are still part of the same world. Maybe if they mean by universe the expanding observable universe we can finally abandon the stupid Big Bang theory as secular creation myth

>> No.18030760
File: 63 KB, 960x540, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing deep in that shit. Multiverse theory is literally pic related.
>dude what if we are in this circle but there's another circle outside or even more than one cirlce lmao
Yes, postulating the existence of another universe that remains inaccessible is as dumb as postulating the existence of another accessible universe. If it is inaccessible, you can't prove it exists; if it is accessible, it's not another universe, but the same in which you are.

Doesn't take Harvard to reason about this shit.