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18025434 No.18025434 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here with ADHD? How do you manage to read and write? I average about two books a month if I force myself but writing is the hardest thing.

>> No.18025444

adhd isn't real stop being a bitch

>> No.18025454

put something on in the background
also try pomodoro

>> No.18025465

I know this is bait, but it's really fucking with me anyway

>> No.18025513

ADHD makes it very hard to focus on something you are not 100% into and even then a distraction can make you forget about it. I am currently slow brain from drugs for said condition but I find that reading in bits works. This place is hard to pull away from due to said condition as well.

>> No.18025539

Take the candlepill. And also don’t take (((meds))). I have diagnosed depression and schizophrenia and I’m fine without them.

>> No.18025561

Yeah, no thanks. I would be dead without medication.

>> No.18025564

Im just lashing out because i'm depressed and suicidal. I just feel a general aversion to medical terms that treat anything abnormal about a person as a sickness that needs to be cured.

>> No.18025582

Understandable but labels can be useful to separate shit like normal bad focus and wired wrong in the head bad focus.

>> No.18025647
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>> No.18025680

>wired wrong in the head
I don't believe that's possible. there is no right and wrong.

>> No.18025704

I cannot function in normal society do to physical and chemical malfunctions in my brain.
I promise you it is, and there is.

>> No.18025722

>there is no right and wrong
not that anon but you do understand that "bad" doesn't just mean "morally bad"? you do understand when somebody says "i have a bad leg" they aren't saying "my leg is a morally wrong entity", and that they are trying to suggest that their leg was injured in some way and now in an abnormal way. w/r/t to mental health, where is the line for you? surely you agree that schizophrenia is a real thing and that terry davis suffered? so if you can acknowledge that "bad mental health" is a useful category, then you already agree that it is possible. also unless you are typing that from an actual cave in a stateless nation that you grew up in then every action you have ever made has betrayed what you just said here.

>> No.18025734

Meds will help but the side effects can be shit. I took dexamphetamine and it seriously fucked with my mental health because I also suffer from anxiety and I kept taking more and more to get that 'high' and careless feeling until the point I wouldn't sleep for 3-4 nights and I had psychotic breakdowns and shit.

Honestly the best thing to do is meditate twice a day for 20 minutes. Work out, eat healthy and minimize background noise while reading / writing. Avoid porn, alcohol and other drugs.

>> No.18025739

i do see what you are saying but the adhd brain got “fucked” during development in such a way that it makes it harder to do all the focus oriented tasks that society demands. so what do you do about this? take medication and try to force yourself to be different or just accept how you are and figure out life the same way everyone else does?

>> No.18025751

Oh and to add to this: dex and other ADHD meds fucked with my writing because it makes you think too fast, without any reflection. You'll write like a madman but it will be worse than slow writing. The focus is god tier though

>> No.18025755

read two books simultaneously

>> No.18025759

I just get hyperfocused and end up reading the the entire book while forgetting about anything else I had to do that day. Or I take meds, which I hate doing.

>> No.18025768

Thanks. I try to keep a routine but it's a struggle. I sometimes wonder just how disciplined I'd be without this but then I'd probably just be normal because the reason I push myself is due to always getting called lazy. Can't wait to get meds. I dunno how much longer I can cope without them.

>> No.18025769

The ADHD brain didn't get fucked during development, as it is largely determined by genes. The best option is to force yourself to live a regular and disciplined life. Meds can be a tool for help but taking stimulants your whole life is bad for your heart and blood pressure

>> No.18025780

two books h'ain't bad.

>> No.18025803

Meds will increase your focus but not your lifestyle and discipline in my experience. The focus is great but the side effects (sweating, insomnia, no appetite) will definitely suck. I am off meds now for more than half a year because I abused them, but once I get my life back on track I'd give it another try. But, and I can't stress this enough: take them exactly as prescribed. They'll likely start out with a low dose and then build it up until it will work for you. That shit is like speed or cocaine if you take lots of it, and it will fuck with you.

>> No.18025815

nah this is just bullshit. it is a developmental condition. genes wouldn’t curse you like that. if there is any genetic component it is just your degree of sensitivity is higher but if a sensitive baby and child is grown up in a stress free environment they won’t get ADHD. Genes don’t explain why ADHD (and autism and most mental illness) rates are blowing up astronomically and the only counter argument to that is muh better diagnostics. So please stop regurgitating what your therapist told you. The ADHDers are natural hunters argument is a cope too. Same with depression. Depression isn’t genetic. It isn’t useful. If you are a depressed fuck you are going to pass on your moods to your children because humans empathize. Think about it anon.

>> No.18025843

>but if a sensitive baby and child is grown up in a stress free environment they won’t get ADHD
I was literally a sensitive baby who grew up in a stress free environment. My dad also has ADHD and his brother too. It's definitely inherited, like with most mental issues.

>> No.18025846

How is ADHD even real lmao just sit down and read nigga

>> No.18025879

I walk while reading or pace at a bare minimum, this cancels a lot of distractions and nervous energy. I listen to low key but slightly energetic music that forms a backdrop to the reading without distracting from it, like chillwave/synthwave or chill out mixes with basic bitch pop. Sometimes just being outside in a varied but calm area, with nature distractions but not people distractions, can help.

I also think it is important to build up multi-tiered interests over several years so that you're never just "reading," you are always reading with a purpose, you need to read that book for some reason. Then when your nervous energy starts distracting you, you have reserve energy in another tank, your brain switches to the "we're doing this for a reason" feeling unconsciously.

For example make it your goal to read through the history of the Russian novel and write an introductory guide to Russian literature at the end, or simply an essay on some facet.

Years of doing this will broaden your horizons and open up more projects, making it easier to set your sights on a project you care about, which in turn makes it easier to complete them and this in turn makes the whole process easier, exponentially. All the practice you will be getting also gives you opportunities to train discipline and focus.

Modern therapy is desperately missing the fact that some people can't live unless it's out of duty and purpose. Their only metric is happiness and their only cure for anything is increasing happiness, short-term payoffs. I think a lot of ADHD sufferers would be curable without medication if they integrated their behavior into overarching structures of purpose with multiple layers and tiers which they can strategically shuttle energy between when the the distraction urge is mounting. For example when I put down one book or project, it's to take up another that I have ongoing and that I put down a day or hour or week ago. It may take me 5 times as long to complete my projects this way, but I will complete 5 all at once when they do get completed, and I may even go faster because the flip side of my ADHD is manic overcommitment, so I'm always manically overcommitted to something or other.

>> No.18025885

It is no wonder you're depressed and suicidal.

>> No.18025917

they passed it on to you in your development. you ignored my point about how mental illness rates are blowing up. THINK about how mental illness forms. it’s not some random genetic mutation. all mental illness comes from your environment. if somebody murders the love of your life in front of you and your whole life is shattered then you are at risk of developing depression. you are trying to argue that some people just have a random mutation that makes them depressed. retard, that is just a comfortable thing to believe but it makes no sense.

>> No.18025919

I've known a few people who went into paranoid schizophrenia from abusing ADHD meds, prescribed or otherwise. Psychologists are fucking crazy when they prescribe those to gifted, driven people. Of course they are going to use them as nootropics. You think everyone is like you and only wants to be "normal" and "get through the day?" Of course they're going to over-use them so they can read 5 books in one day. Fucking irresponsible shrinks.

>> No.18025981

You ever get a sleep study? I did, turns out I have sleep apnea, still not fixed that yet but it’s set me in the right path

>> No.18026009

Mental illness rates are blowing up because we have begun to consider that dispositions that were previously considered merely abnormal, but not a threat to potential productivity, are now a threat to productivity. In the increasingly exclusionary economy, every whiff of something that can be medicated against to help integration is pursued as something to be snuffed out. Its not that ADHD rates are higher, its that the standards by which we judge attention are most demanding. One did not have to respond to the same level of stimulus we receive today. The condition is genetic, but society exacerbates it to the point where its the problem. Funny how we never stop to consider that its our trajectory as a civilization that is to blame for the surge in mental illness, suicide, and to some extent, gender dysphoria.

>> No.18026020

I agree with you. I already take hour long walks nearly every day to compose my thoughts and help me read. I've gotten into a routine of this being basically the only time I read though which is hard to break. I try live a structured life juggling multiple goals. I actually find I'm one of the most structure oriented people I know, I just really fucking suck at it. It's out of necessity to not be miserable.

>> No.18026030

Absolutely nailed it

>> No.18026048


>Here the theoretical reduction of unmanageable multiplicity to comprehensible unity becomes the practical reduction of human diversity to subhuman uniformity, of freedom to servitude. In politics the equivalent of a fully developed scientific theory or philosophical system is a totalitarian dictatorship. In economics, the equivalent of a beautifully composed work of art is the smoothly running factory in which the workers are perfectly adjusted to the machines. The Will to Order can make tyrants out of those who merely aspire to clear up a mess. The beauty of tidiness is used as a justification for despotism.

>Organization is indispensable; for liberty arises and has meaning only within a self-regulating community of freely cooperating individuals. But, though indispensable, organization can also be fatal. Too much organization transforms men and women into automata, suffocates the creative spirit and abolishes the very possibility of freedom. As usual, the only safe course is in the middle, between the extremes of laissez-faire at one end of the scale and of total control at the other.

>During the past century the successive advances in technology have been accompanied by corresponding advances in organization. Complicated machinery has had to be matched by complicated social arrangements, designed to work as smoothly and efficiently as the new instruments of production. In order to fit into these organizations, individuals have had to deindivid-ualize themselves, have had to deny their native diversity and conform to a standard pattern, have had to do their best to become automata.

>> No.18026057

>The dehumanizing effects of over-organization are reinforced by the dehumanizing effects of over-population. Industry, as it expands, draws an ever greater proportion of humanity's increasing numbers into large cities. But life in large cities is not conducive to mental health (the highest incidence of schizophrenia, we are told, occurs among the swarming inhabitants of industrial slums); nor does it foster the kind of responsible freedom within small self-governing groups, which is the first condition of a genuine democracy. City life is anonymous and, as it were, abstract. People are related to one another, not as total personalities, but as the embodiments of economic functions or, when they are not at work, as irresponsible seekers of entertainment. Subjected to this kind of life, individuals tend to feel lonely and insignificant. Their existence ceases to have any point or meaning.

>Biologically speaking, man is a moderately gregarious, not a completely social animal -- a creature more like a wolf, let us say, or an elephant, than like a bee or an ant. In their original form human societies bore no resemblance to the hive or the ant heap; they were merely packs. Civilization is, among other things, the process by which primitive packs are transformed into an analogue, crude and mechanical, of the social insects' organic communities. At the present time the pressures of over-population and technological change are accelerating this process. The termitary has come to seem a realizable and even, in some eyes, a desirable ideal. Needless to say, the ideal will never in fact be realized. A great gulf separates the social insect from the not too gregarious, big-brained mammal; and even though the mammal should do his best to imitate the insect, the gulf would remain. However hard they try, men cannot create a social organism, they can only create an organization. In the process of trying to create an organism they will merely create a totalitarian despotism.

>> No.18026163
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I'm 28 and was just finally diagnosed with ADHD. Doctors always said it was just depression and anxiety, and after going to medical detox to stop drinking, a psychiatrist straight-forwardly said "buddy, I knew you had a fucking attention order within fifteen minutes of talking to you." I don't know how I never read anything about ADHD, but after looking into it, it was wild, -- completely understanding/relating to stories other people told online about their struggles with it.
I don't know if it's nature or nurture, or a little bit of both. I have uncles on both sides that seemed like they have/had it. But also, my mom was a teenager when she had me, and all she wanted was to really feel like a mother, but apparently I wouldn't latch and breastfeed from her. The doctors told her to just use formula with me, but apparently that didn't make her feel authentic enough. So when she took me home she didn't give me anything at all for a couple days because she thought in my baby mind I'd go like "whelp, guess I have no choice but to suck the titty", which I didn't, and then got super sick and had to go to ICU for a week. So maybe that did it, too. I don't know.
I'm a midwit, and people mistake my cleverness and result of hyperfocusing on things as high intelligence.
Also, I'm an INTP, I don't know what you other ADHD anons are, but I wouldn't doubt it's the usually for this site -- lots of INTPs and INTJs, with small sprinkles of other types.
kek, is that the pokemon rap guy?

>> No.18026179

I'm one of those small sprinkles. And, who woulda thought, an ENFP.

>> No.18026182

Did you write this? If not, can I have the source? I'm fascinated.

>> No.18026199

Nah I wish, that's Huxley's Brave New World Revisisted, a non-fiction book in which he reviews BNW several years later and sees how European society has borne out his predictions or not.

>> No.18026225

Hell yeah, thanks for the source, anon.

Just looked up ENFP, seems like they tend to be pretty creative, so it makes sense you're here.

>> No.18026234

You should look into enneagram, instictucual variants and cognitive functions if you don't know them already.

>> No.18026250

Read Evolutionary Psychiatry, and stop saying such obviously false shit about genes. Educate yourself before spreading misinformation.

>> No.18026299

Sorry to ask, but can you tell me a good place to start? Like I said before, I don't know why things things happen, so that's why I don't claim any postulations as truth. Be my guiding rail and set me loose as a camel in the desert, anon.

>> No.18026380

Don't really know sources aside from just looking them up but here's some jumping off info

The types are numbers between 1 and 9, with their being two types of each number with the number next to it i.e 4w5 and 4w3, 3w4 and 3w2. Each type shares a different core fear and core motivation. So a 4's main fear is lack of originality, while a 5's is lack of knowledge and intelligence.

There's three instinctual variants and you have a dominant one, a secondary one and your weak point. They're all to do with your social preferences and general way you go about things. There's sexual (sx) which just mean you like intimacy and one-on-one relationships and connections the most. Social (so) where you prefer group relationships, friend groups, family, and you are focused on societal things at large. Self preservation (sp) is when you're more concerned with yourself and are content being by yourself. This also ties into enneagram because you can be sp/so 9 or sx/sp 9 for example and look completely different.

Cognitive functions is just the actual theory MBTI is based on by Jung and an amazing way to learn about people. MBTI without it is basically bullshit.

>> No.18027755

Wrong board.
/r9k/ = ADHD
/lit/ = latent schizophrenia
/x/ = psychotic episode
/pol/ = APD
/fit/ = NPD
/g/ = autism
/b/ = learning disability

>> No.18027819
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how long did it take you? im 25 and i undoubtedly have it (also my mom got diagnosed with it some months ago even though that is not at all what she went to the doctor for)
>my mom was a teenager when she had me
>I don't know what you other ADHD anons are
infj altho im ambivalent to mbti. there are some types that i can immediately recognize, like intp, which makes me think there's something to it

adhd is only really suffering for me because my life revolves around reading, and being a stem grad. there really is not enough time in a day. i do not know how the world functions. if it was full of people like me society would collapse immediately. but the streets would be empty also

>> No.18027913

First make sure your diet is pretty healthy. Junk food and the inflammation it brings can affect some individuals' moods and focus more erratically and dramatically than others

>> No.18028090

I have ADHD and can read for 5 hours a day without my medication, I just have to set my mind to it. In fact, while on my medication, I can never read; I prefer to do more active things on it, utilizing my medication as a tool, rather than letting it control me. If you have adhd and take your medication everyday, you will only become dependent on it. Drug use is epic and based, actually. If you deny this you are probably coping for the fact that you do not have the will or presence of mind to use them effectively.

>> No.18028117

What’s the candlepill

>> No.18028142

wow bro kick me while im down, does that make you feel strong?

>> No.18028150

Stare at a lit candle for 30 minutes every morning and you'll become a master of your own mind

>> No.18028151

he's referring to some shitpost from a year ago. the candlepill involves staring into a candle fire for 30 minutes every morning in an effort to discipline the mind

>> No.18028158

Kek I would love to see a screen cap

>> No.18028174

I don't necessarily disagree with this but it's unhelpful. I see twitter leftists argue that mental illnesses are constructs of capitalist society but that seems dismissive, and it doesn't address the problem of what to do *now*. Regardless of whether or not society is responsible for my adhd, I feel as though I cannot function very well at it gives me significant distress. Other than meds, what I am to do until the revolution, until the day of the rope, until we return to monke etc.?

>> No.18028235

>how long did it take you?
to do what?

and yeah, the older I've grown, the crazier it is to see teenage girls and realize that was pretty much my mom when she had me, and then it totally makes sense why she shouldn't have been a mother, kek.

I just hate feeling powerless, and feeling like my will is impotent, no matter how much I know I need to focus on something.

>> No.18028274

>to do what?
>I'm 28 and was just finally diagnosed with ADHD
the diagnosis, donut. maybe if you're in the US that question doesn't make sense, but in bongland afaik it's a journey to get a diagnosis, at least through the nhs

>I just hate feeling powerless, and feeling like my will is impotent, no matter how much I know I need to focus on something.
yeah it gets rough. i spent like 3 hours the other day imagining someone breaking into my room and stabbing me in the groin while staring at the words of a book and rereading the same passage 25 times over. it's not always so bad for me tho

>> No.18028427

>Anyone else here with ADHD?
No but I have OCD.

>> No.18028638

I have this problem as well. I have no problem finishing a book once I pick it up, but the process is suffering because I do it in a night and wreck my sleep schedule and usually my body from sitting so long.

I want to read, but I'm adverse to it because I'm afraid I won't be able to put it down.

>> No.18028692


>> No.18028848

ahh, gotcha. The psychiatrist I met diagnosed me within fifteen minutes of talking to me, and that was this last January. So I made it 28 years before I was officially diagnosed, hah. My bad for not understanding, I have covid right now and a crazy fucking fever that's making me nod on and off, it's probably time for me to crash. Also, I feel you with the reading in a way. I'm such a slow reader, but I remember fucking everything I read, like having low processing power, but high memory. If I begin reading fast, next thing I know, it'll be several pages later and I'll not remember anything I just read, and more than likely was thinking about something else while reading everything.
Anyways, I gotta head out -- have a good night, anon.

>> No.18028865

night, stay safe

>> No.18028871

The judeo-medical programming that people undergo to believe they need all kinds of elixirs to solve their 'mental' problems is utterly demoralizing.

>> No.18028977

just because you're an npc, doesn't mean anyone with a neuro-divergent brain is a victim of jew magic

>> No.18029003

just fucking lol

>> No.18029014

I'm also ENFP but it's probably bullshit.

>> No.18029179

i don't know what else to say, anon. enjoy the rest of your life as a faggot. good luck out there, and please clean your toilet, too.

>> No.18029295
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Personally if I'm reading in public or something I try and find a decent audio book on youtube till I leave. It's really helpful but I wouldn't count on the audio books being quality. So be careful

>> No.18030042

i force myself, the more I read the less distracted I am
I listen to HNW, really helps focus

>> No.18030545

Audiobooks are easier to focus on