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/lit/ - Literature

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18024991 No.18024991 [Reply] [Original]

>current book you're reading
>your age
>how you plan to make a living

>> No.18025001

I don't know what to tell you man, someone paying for your labor? You'll have to prove to the employer that you are a valuable asset. Take any criticisms that employer's have and use it to your advantage.

I make a lot of money right now :3 I took the time to look for a good job.

>> No.18025002

Why didn’t you start?

Crime and punishments

>> No.18025022

Hadji Murad

>> No.18025075

The Beach

>> No.18025084
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>> No.18025088

>Without Feathers - Woody Allen
>Going to school to become a teacher

>> No.18025091

>Symbolic Exchange and Death
>ideally with renting out apartments

>> No.18025092

Diary - Chuck Palahnuik
I buy and sell airplanes for a PE firm

>> No.18025872

I like the kitty.

>> No.18025892

>your business

>> No.18025907

>The Flowers of Evil, a biography on Napoleon and a book on the history of my country
I'm studying Law. I plan to live off that and if possible make a career as a writer. If I can be like Napoleon, even better.

>> No.18025910

Albert Camus - The Plague + the AAOS Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and injured 11th edition
Crypto , working as an EMT or firefighter seasonally, hopefully make some money writing books

>> No.18025923


Il deserto dei tartari
student, work at a call center

>> No.18025926
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The Left Handed Nookt Sellers of London by Garth Nix

Truck driving

>> No.18025940

>Mythology by Edith Hamilton
>Doing any job that I can find (currently a tradies apprentice)

>> No.18025943

Fuckin calm down Linus have some fun :3

>> No.18025950

omg i want to be a quantitative analyst too

>the assassination of juilius caesar (michael parenti)
>quant/math or cs phd

>> No.18025983
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I'm 20.

>> No.18026033

>just finished symposium, now reading phaedrus
>getting a degree in computer engineering and make/save enough money to hopefully completely remove myself from society by 2035

>> No.18026041

18 as of today
The Dharma Bums

>> No.18026049

and writing mixed with wage shit, hopefully

>> No.18026059

>Pilgrim's Regress
>IT work

>> No.18026132

computer science (if i fail academically i will rope)

>> No.18026236

Happy birthday anon!

>> No.18026257

I Shall Seal the Heavens
Military, Tank driver

>> No.18026292

>kafkas diary
>no idea, im a neet.

>> No.18026563

>sapiens + the republic
>school teacher

>> No.18026572

>confessions of a mask in 10 mins
>electrician after my apprenticeship is over

>> No.18026588

lots of terrible art history books coz everything related to this terrible subject is terrible

>> No.18026612
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happy birthday anon! how's your first day on /lit/?

>> No.18026622

>The Secret Agent
>I don’t know please help me

>> No.18026751

Me too :3

>> No.18026775

>Hadji Murat
>Older than you kids
>Computer shit, and I don't plan on it, it's sadly what I do

>> No.18027141 [DELETED] 

Divine Comedy
Working as a doctor

>> No.18027260

You are doing the right thing; culture yourself, ignore the pleb cunts, rage against the denial of spirit

>> No.18027652

Understanding Comics
Finish my degree and find a well-paid code-monkey job (temporary).

>> No.18027664

>just finished The Double by Dosto
>I plan to live off passive income. Currently a research scientist but am on path to no longer need to work for money in ~6 years.

>> No.18027678

>ender's game

>> No.18027698

Elric saga book 1
Working, duh

>> No.18027786

Thx anon

>> No.18027804

>Bostonians - Henry James and Farewell, My Lovely - Raymond Chandler

>> No.18027812

>ben hur
>no idea

>> No.18027820

based lecture

>> No.18027826


>> No.18027827

>I plan to live off passive income

>> No.18027898

>Mesopotamia: The Invention of the City by Gwendolyn Leick
>genetics (maybe even archaeogenetics) after my specialisation in the next 2 or 3 years
Happy birthday brother

>> No.18027941

Crypto is speculation, I use investments. I do keep 1% of my portfolio for "fun" which includes things like crypto and GME but it's not a significant part of my plan.

>> No.18027957

happy birthday

>> No.18027962

>trying to get into a phd program. if i don't i'm moving to korea to teach english and trying again next year. if i don't get in next year i'm gonna devote my life to violently destroying the united states of america

>> No.18027992

the brothers karamazov

>> No.18027999


>> No.18028001

>The Stranger
>I’m going to marry my rich boyfriend and I have two sugar daddies on the side

>> No.18028004
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happy birthday fren

>> No.18028036

Not me :3

Me :3

>> No.18028051

happy birthday m8. here's to a successful writing career, and never coming back to this hell hole again after your first day

>> No.18028061

As I lay dying
I'm teaching English as a second language in a school. I wish I could leave my country but I have no other skills besides making English easy to learn. I'm afraid locals would be better at it.

>> No.18028130

>The Master and Margarita
>Sys Admin.

>> No.18028144

there's a lot of other countries you could do this. these skills are transferable. i kno there's a local namefag who shall not be named who was teaching english in asia i believe

>> No.18028334

>"Black Wings Has My Angel" by Elliott Chaze
>Technical writing and consulting in industry

>> No.18028367


remarks on the foundation of mathematics
somehow convert my creative writing mfa into enough clout to get enough things published that i can just keep shilling my past publications with new publications, also standup bc plutocrat

>> No.18028401
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Bolo’Bolo, P.M.
By replacing/destroying state-capitalism

>> No.18028425

Heaven Open to Souls by Henry Churchill Semple
Factory Labourer

Im mostly doing the job for work experience and to keep my parents happy but the cash is ok.

>> No.18028488

>Mere Christianity. Just finished History of The Occult by Collin Wilson
>Welder, soon to be self-employed welder

>> No.18028512

Happy birthday, friend.

>> No.18028601

> augustine's confessions
> 25
> mathematician

>> No.18028615

Mythology by Hamilton
Currently an analytical chemist. Making really good money but the job is boring. Never liked chem but it was lucrative so I figured why not.
Just got engaged too so I’m not sure where my future lies.

>> No.18028702
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lmao hope you're enjoying your fantasy posting, you didn't even bother to respond to the post retard

quant what?

don't you mean owning apts?

you mean you're in leasing right? don't try and church this up for anons

quant what?

chandler is great

lol wtf? do you plan to have enough MLPs/REITS income to live on?????

let me know if you're looking for investors and if this is passive income

good work anon

best of luck anon

>> No.18028737

Society of the Spectacle


Private Investigations/Due Diligence (banking on finding someone to blackmail and cashing out)

>> No.18028773

if you don't know what quant means then want?

>> No.18028829

Fuck. Point me in the right direction, Anon. I can't die in this shithole.

>> No.18028845
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>Moby dick
>Charitable service, something where I can help people

>> No.18028851

>working for a living
I did this for a while; what I found out is that it’s pointless. You are dealing with people who have no interest in doing actual work. All they care about is indulging the perversion of currency. They are all perverts, and they are fetishes Of currency. So in reality, if you want to get work done, then working for a living is totally out of the question.

>> No.18028890

quant is short for quantitative, quantitative is not a Job or profession. I'm asking for specificity, not buzzwords

>> No.18028922

>Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>A STEM field

>> No.18029026

>Moby dick
>possibly charity
Can you find the other thread I’ve been posting in

>> No.18029035

>Critique of Pure Reason
>driving forklifts

>> No.18029039
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this same thread you melt. stop giving me dora flashbacks

>> No.18029048
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>> No.18029050
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The rest is none of your business.

>> No.18029154

learn fintechfaggot

>> No.18029226
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>America against America by Wang Huning
>waiting tables

can you make and maintain friendships doing this?

>> No.18029241

Inherent Vice
Going to college for a Biology degree, hoping to get into medschool & become a doctor

>> No.18029243


>> No.18030498
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Lightning Flowers (almost done, she has good insights on globalism, but a fascinating blind eye towards American politics)
I'm a psychiatrist

Disregard the omnipresent neuroticism of your peers the best you can. Med school is challenging and fun. Residencies don't care about which med school you went to so long as you get high quality clinical training (i.e. tertiary care hospital) so go to a cheap one.

>> No.18030507

>John Cowper Powys - A Glastonbury Romance
>I'm purposely gaining weight to get on disability

>> No.18030511

>The Grand Chessboard
> businessman

>> No.18030519

>>I'm purposely gaining weight to get on disability
How did you managed to have such a low self esteem for yourself??

>> No.18030692

>Gravity's Rainbow
>technical writing after i get english degree

>> No.18030697

>don't you mean owning apts?
yes and making money off the rent that my tenants pay me. I'm ESL so maybe I worded it wrong

>> No.18030813
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y-y-you're a heckin landlord

>> No.18030816
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Several but Frankenstein is the least likely to make people hate me
Teaching and writing hopefully, thinking I'll also use summer vacations to start a small business that I'll transfer my time to if I get sick of teaching.

>> No.18031626

The Last Tsar
Idk probably an hero

>> No.18031671

>Suttree (again)
>I’m a cop and I hate it. Daydream of publishing a novel that makes just enough to quit my job despite the fact I can’t write lmao.

>> No.18031712

that's the goal. I like how it would make leftists seethe, even though I'm on the left

>> No.18031724

ego and his own
capital gains

>> No.18031752

>The Master and Margarita (just finished Bronze Age Mindset lul)
>Law or civil service

>> No.18031777
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>portrait of the artist as a young man
>freelance musician/professorship

>> No.18031802

>personal support worker (aged care), maybe a future nurse

>> No.18031825

Hey anon, is analithycal chemistry a good career? I'm finishing the degree and currently interested in doing a master, but I don't know what to do.

>> No.18031870 [DELETED] 

>The Naked Ape
>Forest Service Officer

bist du Indische?

>> No.18031886

>Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka

>> No.18031930

>Foundation and Empire
>Forwarding agent

>> No.18031942

>American Psycho, for the 6th-ish time

>> No.18031974


>> No.18032018

>Blake - Marriage of Heaven and Hell
>Working on my masters in computer engineering. I love the craft but despise the profession, so I will probably settle for menial physical labor.

>> No.18032088
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>the conspiracy against the human race, postcapitalist desire, the castle
>fuck knows in this stupid economy, I hope to at least be able to make movies though

>> No.18032113

>>fuck knows in this stupid economy, I hope to at least be able to make movies though
your own fault

>> No.18032705

not gonna fall for this sorry mate

>> No.18032806
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>Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha
>Software Dev, but its not a plan Im already doing it and its fun

>> No.18033180
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Dune Messiah
I'm a farmer

>> No.18033239

Why did you take up art then?

>> No.18033261

>Kitchen - Banana Yoshimoto
>I already make a living as a chef. But I'm probably going to do a Masters in Pedagogy in a few years and teach.

>> No.18033321

How is banana? Worth reading if you love japanese classics?
>thousand cranes by kawabata
>schooling to get into addictions counselling

>> No.18033359

Culture of Narcissism and Wind in the Willows (I generally read 2 books at once)
Merchant mariner for a little while and then hopefully transition either to foreign service or agriculture in my late 20s

>> No.18033401
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Gravity's Rainbow
I'm a cyber sec analyst, but I hate it.

>> No.18033555

I really enjoyed it actually, although I haven't read any of the classics to really answer your question.

The prose in the translation was good, sort of a blunt romanticism, you would never say it was purple prose.
But I will say it actually made me feel something. It was cathartic. Also finished it in around 4 hours and something so I'd say it's worth the time.

>> No.18033558

A month in the Country

>> No.18033671

Just do credit card fraud

>> No.18033810

>Kitchen - Banana Yoshimoto
Is this any good, second time I've seen it mentioned this week.

>> No.18033822

>Storm of Steel/The Magic Mountain
>I just got a promotion and a pay raise to Data Science Analyst. I want to retire on crypto soon though

>> No.18033838

Parallel Lives (just started today)
Being a corporate lawyer and hopefully getting into politics and government when I'm older

>> No.18034201

USMC officer, aquatic/stream restoration manager if it falls through

>> No.18034274

I plan on moving in with mom and scraping together enough income from writing whatever to survive

>> No.18034288

I enjoyed it, I don't hold myself to the highest standards.
But I think it's worth reading.

Also the film threads main pic is based on one of her books.

>> No.18034290

>I'm a farmer
Where and do you like it? I spend some time working as a hand on a farm for a friend. I really hated it which surprised me since before that I was one of these people that come here and talk about dropping out or going off grid and how I hate cities or whatever.

>> No.18034310

Doesn't seem to have an ebook so I guess I'll have to wait till libraries open up here again.

>> No.18034326

War and peace, Tolstoi

>> No.18034378
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Yeah i like it, it's a small farm with 10 acres of orchards and some beehives. Pretty comfy since i have no beasts to tend to.

>> No.18034417

were you born into it or did you choose it? if so was there a degree or whatever?

>> No.18034420

how profitable is it? are you starved for money or do you make a comfortable living?

>> No.18034428

Conceptual Thinking: A Logical Inquiry
Working fast food and parents

>> No.18034435

Give a rought breakdown of the economics of something like this.

I want bees and a fruit tree. Ideally plums.

>> No.18034459

I don't usually like talking about what I read and my living that much. It's very cringe.

>> No.18034461

>Being and time

>> No.18034469

>Master and margarita
>im a tech consultant

>> No.18034473

Alchemy: The Dark Art and Curious Science of Creating Magic in Brands, Business, and Life

>> No.18034479

Don't worry man, i'm older than you and I make pizza everyday.

>> No.18034481

>were you born into it or did you choose it?
I was born into it, tried law school for a bit over a year then realized studying just to spit everything back on exam day was a fucking awful way to spend 5 years. So i quitted and took back the business

It's somewhat profitable because i sell everything in my own small shop instead of getting fucked by the big guys. I can easily take care of myself, my parents and my brother and save a neat amount of money every year. Nothing extravagant but enough.

What do you mean by economics? How much to get started from nothing, or how much it costs to run something like that for a year?

>> No.18034509

I suppose in rough terms your incomings and outgoings on a monthly basis to support yourself.

I.e. how profitable is the farm and how much work is it?

Do you do farmers market stuff or contract to a larger company?

>> No.18034629
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I earn something like 40-55k a year, but obviously it fluctuates heavily depending on a variety of factors. Like this year, France just got hit by the biggest spring frost in several decades, so fruits will be insanely expensive if i manage to grow some anyway.
I have roughly 30k of expenses for my business (loans, electricity, pesticides, taxes) plus whatever it costs for my family to actually eat and live.
There is a bit of work, but a large part of it is related to my shop. Outside of it, there are the three big yearly jobs : pruning, thinning and harvesting that all take about a month, and a few minor ones like tending to the orchards and to the bees and harvesting honey.
Everyone in my family helps me in some way, so i'm never swamped and i have a lot of free time (at the very least i'm not working before 9AM or past 7PM), even more in the summer.
I'm completely independent business-wise, no cooperative farming, no outside market, no company, nothing. Everything i produce i sell directly to my customers, so i get the most money out of my products. Well at least i'm independent on the selling side, but i myself buy stuff like nuts, potatoes and other local products to have a nicer shop.

>> No.18034670
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>The Unique and It's Property and The Machiavellians: Defenders of Freedom

>Turning 24 tomorrow, apparently

>Property management and landlording

>> No.18034704

That sounds like the comfiest thing, anon. I wish you the best!

>> No.18034709

>norwegian wood/the odyssee

>> No.18034722
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Thank you anon, I wish you a nice life too.

>> No.18034739

Say nothing
I am a merchant

>> No.18034932

>current book you're reading
The Denial of Death
>your age
>how you plan to make a living
I’m a copywriter. I don’t recommend it.

>> No.18034974

You are communist swine?

>> No.18034987

>I’m a copywriter. I don’t recommend it.
why not?

>> No.18034992

Pickwick Papers
I unironically sell books

>> No.18035019

It exhausts my desire to read and write, plus I dislike marketing as an industry. It’s fun to test yourself as a junior, but making industries like financial services and label printing sound fun gets tiresome over the years.

The money is also garbage unless you freelance with big connections. The shift to SEO copywriting limits the scope of your web copy too, so you can’t be very creative.

>> No.18035082

Desert Solitaire

>> No.18035140

Why you choose to repeatedly visit this cesspit of college-age young men is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.

>> No.18035154

If you change any reference to religion to "Jew" in this book, it would be a hate crime.

>> No.18035255

Qur'an because it's Ramadan
I have two jobs, security and construction

>> No.18035336
File: 1.97 MB, 4032x3024, B0062726-B660-4C14-9F7F-991564B24659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Book: The Market Gardener
Age: 26
Job: Trying to open up an organic farm in a year or two currently work
for the real word version of Sneed‘s

Pic is a baby goat that’s going to live in the store for a few days

>> No.18035740

>Haunted, soon Chess Story
>graduating and finding work after

>> No.18035745

The Odyssey
I don't have a plan

>> No.18035820

Become a small scale farmer like me.

>> No.18035903

The structure of scientific revolutions
Physics research

>> No.18035985

We had about 15 horses and I didn’t really like the horses

>> No.18036081

The Prose Edda
by working.

>> No.18036092

>The Worst Journey In The World
>Not sure but I will be glad to be doing it in a warm place

>> No.18036643

simulacra and simulation
becoming hunter or farmer in my shitty village

>> No.18037261

Blood meridian
I don't know:(

>> No.18037267

>We had about 15 horses and I didn’t really like the horses
- Ernest Hemingway

>> No.18037273

>notes from the underground
By being academically competent to find a maximum wage job i guess

>> No.18037280

die massreplyfags

>> No.18037285

Professor/research on wireless communication/machine learning

>> No.18037307

>Working through Monte Cristo in french, finally getting around to BAM and also studying for exams
>idk i have a lot of options but I think ill probably die before 30 desu

>> No.18037457

Delivering fucking mail lmao

>> No.18038618

be my gf bro, you can live with me

>> No.18038697

>war and peace
>I don't I just get money where it's easiest to get it and I don't need much so I get my dole check and check out

>> No.18038743

Himawari - the sunflower.
I don't know.

>> No.18039053

the trial
still dont know

>> No.18039798

youre not ok either

>> No.18039838

>Kenneth Minogue - Alien Powers: The Pure Theory of Ideology
>Clinical Psychologist

>> No.18039900

Now I am become Death, the Destroyer of worlds

>> No.18039924

The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times by Rene Guenon
I will not have a job, I want to become m an ascetic

>> No.18040435

unfathimably basado

>> No.18040566

Fear and trembling
Clinical psychology, private practice

>> No.18040574


>> No.18041050

>monologium by st. anselm
>being very famous and clever

>> No.18041111

>the practice of everyday life
>night watchman

>> No.18041197

>Infinite Jest
>Teaching English (ESL, abroad)

I've got 40 pages left in IJ and I'll be 22 in a month lol

>> No.18041209

sound like a midwit mate

>Book of Mormon
>also a quant

>> No.18041363

>Historia general de las drogas, by A. Escohotado
>Want to be a chemist because chemistry is fucking lit