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1801512 No.1801512 [Reply] [Original]

Bonus points for good TWEESTS

>> No.1801516

A straight guy turns gay.

>> No.1801519

ITT: Story ideas, captcha edition

Pay Riteli

A man down on his luck asks the mob for a favor. When he doesn't repay the favor, he is chased across the country by the Riteli family.

>> No.1801520

A love story.

It's Hitler and Eva.

>> No.1801522

Don't think I didn't see you fuck up the first time. Also, you posted this last time (unless this is a new joke or something).

>> No.1801524

An anonymous, lazy poster starts a thread with a stock image repost. Other anons sage or bump with insipid replies.

In three volumes.

>> No.1801525

>icarly tri

A guest on the iCarly show uncovers a conspiracy figureheaded by "The Tri", or Freddie, Carly, and Sam to control the media market and teach children to shit their pants. He must take them down.

>> No.1801527

A BOY IS STUCK IN A JAR AND RESORTS TO WRITING STORIES AND dies of suffocation before he finishes his first tiny book.

>> No.1801528

Projects Ntheas

A Lovecraftian inspired horror. Marine biologist Paul Kemp partakes in a diving expedition over the location of the infamous "bloop" with some other scientists. In the middle of the night, the boat gets attacked by some crazy monsters.

>> No.1801530

sounded good until
>the boat gets attacked by some crazy monsters

>> No.1801535

Vaguely irritated man crosses a railway track. Should NOT be any longer than one page.

>> No.1801538

Fuck it, it's an idea inspired by a captcha.

halvallti 1711

A historical-fiction novel that takes place during Cary's Rebellion. Tells of the story of Cary's hilariously failed attempt at retaliating against the governor told from the perspective of the fictional Quaker Walter Halvallti.

>> No.1801546

Italian sculptor and paintor Michaelangelo Vittici holds a house party and wins the limbo contest.

>> No.1801548

captcha was
>vittici low

>> No.1801552

> Fascinated by the rituals and horrific witchcraft of magic, Medivh’s thirst for the greater power ahead never wanes; unable to obtain the success he has imagined with the materials able to find in his original forest, Medivh takes pilgrimage to a flashy city, notable for it’s showstars, stage preformers, and of course, magicians. Medivh is after much more power than a few magic tricks, and as so, after meeting and recounting with his setting and past within the beginning, takes a short refuge with a woman similar to him. Immediately he is attracted to her, but she is a complete lunatic, unable to realize she has actually been killing herself mere days before his arrival by injecting gold into her bloodstream in order to complete a ritual.
> After 3 days, she dies to Medivh’s shock and annoyance, yet he takes this opportunity to steal her apartment for his own along with use her things. Without a test subject, Medivh recruits the neighbor across the woman’s to assist, who is a laid off mentally handicapped construction worker. As Medivh slowly drives deeper into lunacy and bloodlust, the worker finds himself more and more deformed mentally and physically, yet finds Medivh his “only friend.” As the experiments reach a high point, Medivh feels that magic has betrayed him, and that perhaps he wasn’t trying hard enough. He recalls speaking to an old friend of his, who happened to be a doctor, mocking the idea of magic as something just to replace hard work and reality as fantasy.
>Filled in vengence for success, Medivh subjects himself to the same attempt of magic as the previous woman, injecting gold into his veins and beliving himself to be “stronger than any planet, dead and cold in space lying there”. Fudd, the mentally handicapped test subject, finds his friend dead the next morning, crying in mourning over "veins, begging for royalties coated in blood to be all theirs."

old concept of mine, currently working around with it

>> No.1801555
File: 31 KB, 207x287, 1266279429877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting for captcha story
>get well thought out and original content instead

>> No.1801558
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>> No.1801560

>trees idedific

a new phylum of tree is discover on romote pacific isle. botanist and physician visitors go crazy over apparent miracle healing properties of its sap. unfortunately whole island burns down one day in huge forst fire because someone forgot to put out their cigarette. only a single jar of the stuff remains in one man's new york apartment. if he drinks it he can become immortal forever, or he can donate to science for the possible good of humanity. What does he dO? story ends with this question unanswered: it is up to the reader to decide.

>> No.1801562
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hanasaku Iroha - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.25_[2011.05.08_15.21.18].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that ending

>> No.1801564

Man wakes up in a crumbling prison cell. He realizes that his psychokinetic powers have been harvested by a syndicate. The world consist of three enormous nations and one of these nations is ruled by one of the men who stole his powers.

He sets out for payback.

>> No.1801566


>> No.1801568

>otelop journeying

A science-fiction tale about the otelop, a majestic and wonderful creature not unlike a pegasus, but more like a friendly bear, that is used for transport. The main character abandons his normal way of life to ride on his otelop in order to discover his true identity. The story is a series of vignettes that elaborate on the culture, organisms, environment, and other details about the fictional planet that the story takes place on.

>> No.1801569

My ending:
>he donates it to science
>scientist thanks him, laughs evilly and swallows it all
>scientist proceeds to screw the guy's girlfriend
>man dies alone

>> No.1801585

My ending, same as your ending except:
>it wasn't sap, it was the guy's semen
>yfw it still makes total sense

>> No.1801591

> A woman sends letters to a man telling him histories of her travels.
> The man follows her around the world.
> Finally, we discover that the woman is not travelling, simply taunting him
> Bitches, and whores.

>> No.1801594

Now that's what I call a TWEEEEEST.

>> No.1801599

A chemistry student in 1890's New England is drawn into a string of murders of wealthy socialites. The victims are killed by numerous small cuts to their limbs, resulting in death by exsanguination. Aided by his mentor, the Jewish lecturer Herschel Marxow (a Communist), he is compelled to investigate when a young woman - the daughter of a local pharmaceutical magnate - with whom he is obsessed, becomes the latest victim.

Through a series of twists and turns, and thanks in part to the machinations of the Yellow Press, the student succumbs to anti-Semitic sentiment and begins to suspect Marxow of the murders as some act of radicalism. In the denouement, it is revealed through investigation that there is no killer. The pharmaceutical magnate has been manufacturing high-grade cocaine; the deaths are the result of self-inflicted wounds brought on by formication (the delusion of insects crawling under the skin, a frequent symptom of cocaine psychosis).

>> No.1801602

That is probably the tightest, most well-thought-out plot I've ever seen in one of these threads.

>> No.1801603

>read 1st paragraph
>"uhm, interesting..."
>read 2sd paragraph
>explain this bullshit!

>> No.1801609

This too is good.

>> No.1801610

Which bit d'you want explained?

>> No.1801611

>mfw you didn't say "Shenanigans ensue."

>> No.1801612

Uestryr His.

A criminal mastermind with a cleft palate disorder and a speech impediment builds a massive tower, only to find his brother building an identical one across the city. He gathers up every demolitions expert in town to destroy his brother's tower. The twist is he has no brother, and he's not a criminal mastermind. He's just a homeless man who screams incomprehensible orders at people and then assumes things were done due to his orders.

>> No.1801613
File: 31 KB, 247x313, fdefd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure he just meant "WHOA" and doesn't actually have any questions. Good stuff, though. If he does have questions he's a little wispy in the mind.

>> No.1801616

both of these are good

>> No.1801617


>> No.1801621

Journal Rciena

Lost journal of Robert Ciena is found in a storage box in an attic. A young girl reads it and finds a tale of adventure as he talks of Italy during the time of Garibaldi.

>> No.1801625

>Range Remaysi

Story of a group of Japanese soldiers hunting for a man wanted for espionage in a country under martial law.

Takes place in the Range Remaysi mountains in Japan in 1952, when the second world war is in it's 13th year, after America failed to counterattack after Pearl Harbour.

>> No.1801627
File: 12 KB, 468x377, owsessclassical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Owsess Classical

Modern day horror set in 'romantical habidashery' era of the roaring twenties. Amidst a class clash between the low and high, the poor and rich, the sober and drunk, three young men take to the country to build a tower to come closer to the star of Bethlehem - they find the perfect spot using a star-locating procedure passed down generation to generation and learned by one of smart lad of the trio. Little do they know they are not the first to try such a feat - 2000 years ago a man called Owsess attempted a similar building, and failed, and was highly scorned by his high-brow community. He made certain that nobody else would ever have to go through such shame and so he booby trapped the exact spot that is the most perfect for gazing at the star of Bethlehem - on his deathbed he foolishly told his young, foot-rotten cousin, that the perfect spot for gazing at the star of Bethlehem is 'such and such' sadly, and foolishly, Owsess passed away before he could share the distressing news that he had booby trapped such spot. Owsess Classical, the groundbreaking novel by young 4chan writer, explores the traps of classical thought when 'stumbled upon' by youth trapped in gaudy vortex of modernity.

In stores soon. Also available online.

>> No.1801634


I'd just like to say this is the best one in the thread.

>> No.1801635

An emotionless, overtly-rational young man is starting his carrer as a judge. Not that he cares very much, as he knows he will be a good judge but never a great one. He has no passion for the law, and only went to law school for lack of a better option.

He loves philosophy, but lacks humanity. Loves music, and in fact plays very busily, but prefers to study the logic of music theory behind a classical piece than to perform it. Loves cinema and literature, but lacks the imagination to write something of his own.

He always believed that a man should live only for himself. For if a man can achieve happiness in loneliness, then is he truly free. What does it matter if his lover left? He was content alone before her, and he will continue to be content after her. In the end, he knows he has lost nothing, because no one can ever add anything to anyone else.

But lately, he feels the need to test if his ability for withstanding solitude is really a product of his own self-sustaining intelect or an excuse for social fear and insecurity.

So he embarks on a lifelong plan: to form an intense loving relationship with someone, preferably one which results in children and 20 years from that day, see if he would be able to put his hat on, walk the door, and never look back again.

>> No.1801639

I don't have any questions. I'm just saying the set-up to the story was really interesting but the ending sounds like something out a bad conspiracy movie starring Gene Hackman as the bad guy.

>> No.1801647

> ingroju from

"Ingroju, From" is a novella detailing the life of a Japanese sailor, who is a mute, being detached from his town and life when his ship gets destroyed in a storm. As he floats around the rubble of his ship, he's able to grab on hold to a box, swimming himself west till he finds a small island of unknown origins. With nothing to his name, he looks inside the box to find only two materials: a brush and a bounty of ink bottles.

The story continues on through the format of letters he writes to his wife while slowly deteriorating mentally.

End twist? He never had a wife, he's referencing to himself in all the letters.

>> No.1801648

Immortal protector gets exiled to dangerous planet. Lives in caves with natives to protect them from the outside, at first they rely on him to help them and protect them. Over generations they no longer need him. He grows insane from isolation. Native cave people turn violent, arguable if they are actully violent if it insane protector has visions. He eventually dies. Main themes are immortality would make you a pariah and old age. Like a grand parent no longer being needed and slowly becoming mad.

I had a better idea of it but I have forgotten it :(

>> No.1801649

(shrug) It's not wildly implausible; formication is a real phenomenon.

>> No.1801651

The Dragon Ball Z Cell Games saga told from the perspective of a slab of cement written in a hybrid language of Klingon and Elvish. Also, there is a sequence involving a giant spider and Colonel Mustard with the lead pipe in the Conservatory.

>> No.1801654
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captcha: etammiti which

>an asian whore has prepared for her client to meet her in her room at the brothel
>instead of showing up with his wang out he feeds her a sandwich
>this makes her realize that she would rather make sandwiches so she gives up prostitution
>eventually the client finds her again and rapes her and leaves her in a ditch in the russian winter where she slowly starves to death
>corpse found 10 years later, nobody cares because she was a hooker who ate sandwiches

if you dont like that, this story about slugs will do

>> No.1801940

Would read. Would the story actually detail the experiment?

>> No.1801973

My story's set in this dystopian future where war with Israel who have become a superstate with Russia has completely ravaged America. Because the economy and infrastructure was crippled, all corporations were dissolved and handed over to the state, and all corporate outputs was turned to food and arms. As such, the USA began to notice a 40% increase in suicides across the country and decided to combat this through distributing stimulation drugs. Happiness becomes artificial, and everyone becomes blind to the grey, austere war-ravaged world around them. Anyway, the main character is a munitions worker whose personal "happy drug" distribution unit breaks, but once he stops taking the drugs, he starts to see the world for how it really is, but everyone else is too doped up to see it. He then goes on a pilgrimage cross country to find the last real pleasure, until he realised it's all too ephemeral and returns back home to work in the factory and remains on the drugs.

>> No.1801993

Interesting. That whole drug part reminds me of Brave New World though.

>> No.1802003

Earl the Rooster wakes up one morning and realizes he's a huge cock. He then travels through a magical, colorful land of midwestern corn fields and tornado-ravaged houses strewn with the limbs of children to find the secret to make him not a huge cock. Also something about the CIA trying to stop him.

>> No.1802117

I would read this to my kids at bedtime; when do you publish?

>> No.1802121

Of course. It would be written in the 1st person and would mostly be concerned with his philosophy of deriving strenght from solitude and rejection/fear of depending on others as a way to achieve ultimate freedom.

>> No.1802130
File: 25 KB, 480x360, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi! I'm Ed Winchester