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/lit/ - Literature

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18014450 No.18014450 [Reply] [Original]

Why is 4chan of all places the best literature board online? The rest absolutely suck.

>> No.18014454

This place sucks too

>> No.18014467

of course everything online sucks
here it sucks much less

>> No.18014505

Forums in general are better than aggregate reviews site since the focus is on the discussion rather than signalling your credentials by increasing a score or making punchy memeable reviews to share with your followers
Why this forum would be better than all other places I wouldn't know

>> No.18014523

Because we're all a bunch of losers who hate ourselves and don't give a fuck about bolstering our credentials or humble bragging

>> No.18014530

Because of it's freedom and popularity. It's rule structure and crowd of people it generates is, on one hand, faggots, retards, ect. But because it allows for that instead of trying to regulate any conversation, and also because it requires no account for anyone to post, it's the freest most diverse platform for this type of talk (that I know of).

>> No.18014562

Because the open internet is a failed project much like most neoliberal projects. Turns out humans are not that great.

>> No.18014586

Best literature is the literature that's never discussed unfortunately, encyclopedias are some of those greatest books.

>> No.18014625

Anonymity, accountability or lack thereof. A fear is deeply ingrained in the monke hidden in your brain, for a single social faux-pas could mean getting lynched by other monkes. Being Anonymous frees the monke. In worst cases the monke gets enlightened and becomes a special kind of monke, what french calls a Guenon. Guenonposting is the price to pay for the quality of this board.

>> No.18014652

I wanted to find this book/novel I haven’t read since I was a kid. It was about this boy with a falcon who decides to live among nature and creates devices to survive (also showed pictures of what they’ve made). Book was likely from the 90’s.

Do any of you guys know what this is?

>> No.18014669

My Side of the Mountain?

>> No.18014683

Show me 1 (one) good thread on the board right now.

>> No.18014699
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It's due to how things operate here. First, it's less popular that other sites, so the effect of groupthink is much less.

Additionally, the anonymity allows us to say what we think with relatively little repercussions, so there's less incentive to conform. The only ones that have reputations are tripfags and their reputations are that they are fags.

Finally, there's no "upvotes" or "downvotes" or ways to catapult posts to "le front page :DDD". Posts that rise to the top are specifically the ones that generate the most discussion. It's not perfect, and many good threads die with 2 or 3 replies, but combined with the other aspects previously mentioned, it creates a system that tends to bring forward better content than, say, r*ddit.

>> No.18014702

This one is fine unless you have retarded standards >>18001407

>> No.18014747


That’s it, thanks anon

>> No.18014777

Reddit is a popularity contest.
The old format message boards are for the most part dead.
On 4chan you have a collection of outcasts and wastrels: luddites, hermeticists, heresiarchs, pseuds and so forth coming together to speak their mind knowing full well they will be assayed and, like Silver in the furnace, tempered of their retardation.

It is the means-by-which.
The cauldron of collective human subconscious.

There's a reason I always sign on to this site when I see shit going down, /lit/ is merely the intellectual manifestation of that collective ethos.

>> No.18014795

/r/books is OK
I've had a few good discussions in the comment section of YouTube too

>> No.18014810

Because you can say nigger here.

>> No.18014827

1. Make an account on World Literature Forum
2. Bully out the redditor woketards that infected it last year
3. You have a better place to discuss literature than /lit/.

nice b8 m8

>> No.18014837

These two capture the reasons that most discussion online is awful. Karma system + usernames & ego = banal repetition.

>> No.18014839

>Turns out humans are not that great
And yet you think communism is going to work.

>> No.18014852

Because it's dominated by men. Unironically, most of the racism or misogyny was mainstream 50 years ago and though I think racism is disgusting, rampant sexism seems to be the only reason /lit/ has still some highbrow literature discussion.

>> No.18014853

I'm a classical liberal, so no I don't

>> No.18014866

>and though I think racism is disgusting
There's no such thing as racism. It's nothing more than a pejorative used against white people.

>> No.18014870

because we can say nigger. it unironically makes a difference

>> No.18014873

To expand on this, it seems like beyond women accounting for 10% (nothing for the general population), aesthetic taste stops being a hierarchy and becomes random: https://oneroomwithaview.com/2016/08/10/imdb-analysed-men-womens-favourite-films-differ/

>> No.18014878

You're talking to a seething non-white

>> No.18014898

What do you think the difference between neoliberalism and classical liberalism is?

(Also, protip if you want to integrate with normal human beings don't call yourself a classical liberal in real life)

>> No.18014908
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No problem, fren

>> No.18014928
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>there two types of film that are divisive along gender lines: low-brow, juvenile comedies and films with female leads.
What a soi interpretation.

Do these women movies look high-brow and mature?

>> No.18014967

I think you misread. He's saying that all of the movies in that pic are low-brow shit, but that that sort of movie is where the gender divide is most prominent. Like men prefer one sort of low-brow shit and women prefer another sort of low-brow shit.

>> No.18014983

Those 1/10 for Ghostbusters are coming from people who hated their favourite movie being into into an SJW production.

>> No.18015009

I'm trans btw

>> No.18015021

Familiarity causes people to overestimate the value of things, desu.

>> No.18015025

probably this but also freedom of speach

>> No.18015029

Go away freak

>> No.18015053

the descruction of the old usenet/forum culture by social media.

>> No.18015111

Rather the opposite

>> No.18015129

The anonymous, non hierarchal structure of 4chan makes it possible to receive without offering anything in return. It's a completely no strings attached arrangment. This seems like it would be counterintuitive to quality, but it actually seems to make people more generous with their knowledge. That plus people here are more receptive heterodox opinions.

>> No.18015130

Classical liberalism had an understanding of free speech, ethnicities, and borders

>> No.18015159

An ideology doesn't have an understanding of anything. You haven't answered the question.

>> No.18015173

Is it tho

>> No.18015194

It isnt.
Redditors actually read books and refrain from criticising what they dont know. Off topic shitposts are discouraged, ignored and deleted. Since people are bound to an identity they have to show some restraint because they cant just write the most idiotic shit without a hit to their reputation.
Its also why everything history related in reddit actually blows /his/ out of the water.

>> No.18015213

Worrying about reputations leads to dogmatic academia which is why the American university system is royally fucked.

>> No.18015219

i wouldn't say that it's people being more generous with their knowledge, but it does make people more willing to engage in conversation I've always felt. In turn, it keeps out the brainlets because people quickly identify those who have just a passing interest in a thing and they are quickly shunned because they can offer NOTHING of value to the conversation and there is absolutely no incentive to participate in that conversation. (Well, there used to not be. I feel like it's gotten worse in the last 7 years or so, see /mu/)

meanwhile, open up leddit, and everything is a quick clickbait type of title and you get WOW JUST READ MY FIRST NIETZSCHE! and people will freak out about how cool it is and it ends up on the front page. Despite what most people think, low quality threads generally fall off around here because there's no point in having the same basic level conversation you can find anywhere. I hate to say reddit really ruined forum culture but all of those neat little forum pockets are more or less gone from the world anymore. Replaced with twitter, tumblr, facebook,reddit, etc. I don't know where I'd go if anonymous image boards disappeared from the internet, I really don't. This is the only place I feel I can ever be unapologetically genuine in my opinions and interests. This is also the most genuine place on the internet.

>> No.18015234

I was thinking more about people not straight out disrupting the discussion by baiting and trolling with frogposts or shitting in some thoughtless one line pile of crap.

>> No.18015280

Read the whole article and look at the big chart.
Yes this.
No - it's because they're shitty movies.

Movies rated promarily by men have a more objective rating than if rated primarily by women. Lit benefits from this. If you had a male only literature board, my guess is you would see a similar boon.

>> No.18015297

There's an extra thing that redditors learn in whatever successful sub they frequent, no doubt. That is: what the orthodox opinion is, and they learn this by looking at controversial (dogpiled) posts. Here, every post is controversial, and you are a fag.

>> No.18015304


>> No.18015381

thoughts on r/TrueLit ?

>> No.18015390

Do we browse the same board? even decent posts are one in a thousand. Most threads are just whining about being a loser or discussionless request threads. If you post a thread that requires people to have read a book it gets 10 replies and then dies. Faggots endlessly jerk off over culture war twitter screenshots. The second you ask someone to substantiate an opinion they vanish. And despite everyone's insistence that that anonymity with no upvotes creates a utopia of honest, egoless, and diverse opinions, you will find people here are among the most conformist, posturing, (you) chasing fiends anywhere on the internet. But they think, because it's a "based" and not an upvote, because it's an opinion opposite to some other website, it's different.
At this point i can only assume the praise given itt is some battered-wife effect where people will overlook every shitty aspect of the place because sometimes they get a kiss of effort-posting after a long night of batter and rape by low-effort, no-effort twitter news article screenshot drivel. Replace "it means he actually loves me" with "it means /lit/ is actually good".

>> No.18015396


>> No.18015405


>> No.18015407
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>> No.18015409

It's fucking shit. Populated by deadbeat faggot cunts.

Shut the fuck up. No one's reading this shit, you dog cunt. Never post here again, you're a subhuman piece of shit.

>> No.18015410

I did but you're retarded

>> No.18015436
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>And despite everyone's insistence that that anonymity with no upvotes creates a utopia of honest, egoless, and diverse opinions, you will find people here are among the most conformist, posturing, (you) chasing fiends anywhere on the internet. But they think, because it's a "based" and not an upvote, because it's an opinion opposite to some other website, it's different

>> No.18015442

Essentially /lit/ rejects who instead of philosophers attempt to discuss women and minority writers
I guess it's fine if you just want a sanitized version of /lit/ taste but that sounds very unappealing to me

>> No.18015564


>> No.18015632

Stay frothing mad, autist.

>> No.18015644

He's right on both counts

>> No.18015646

Confirmation bias?

Post2016-/lit/ is garbage. Half of the board isn't even related to literature

>> No.18015661

/lit/ has been pretty much the same since 2012 newfag

>> No.18015670
File: 25 KB, 256x256, tumblr_03c9c4e622ea91f85460ad681dc0cb2d_5b06b359_640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post2016-/lit/ is garbage. Half of the board isn't even related to literature

>> No.18015685
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>Confirmation bias?

>> No.18015689

If the board has been garbage for 5 years, why are you still coming here, you shitbreathed, drooling retard?

>> No.18015716

literature is boring as fuck so it's good to have not just interesting literary discussions, but also some retarded shit that may or may not be mildly related to literature inbetween. here anyone can say whatever they want and call you a faggot so we find the perfect balance

>> No.18015717

You are here forever anon

>> No.18015737


>> No.18015746

compare with Reddit: reddit is a bizarre social experiment that is mostly based on exploiting free labor (moderators) by offering them the opportunity to abuse power and bully strangers on the Internet. 4chan doesn’t have this idea of exploiting free labor. If it did, then 4chan would become a publicly traded corporation. So the difference between 4chan and reddit is that on one side you have high octane exploitation of free labor and on the other side you have janitors who are also exploited but who have no virtual identity. In fact, it is certainly a subject of study and literature to understand the difference between the 4chan and reddit free labor exploitation systems and why reddit produced the strange behavior that we observe on it.
My Suspicion is that for 4chan janitors are held to a substantially higher standard than Reddit moderators, and the users benefit from that gap in competence and trustworthiness.

>> No.18015762

cringe. not reading that.

>> No.18015763

this place is waaaaaay better than r/sorceryofthespectacle

>> No.18015766

>Movies rated promarily by men have a more objective rating than if rated primarily by women
in defense of women i will say that, assuming it is true, this doesn't necessarily mean they are naturally inclined to give more arbitrary ratings. it can also be explained because of the particular situation in time they find themselves in, where historically women never rated films and just weren't present in the medium and so on and now suddenly they get into the new field which is new for them and puts pressures on them which aren't there for men. men have had all their history for their tendencies to stabilize.

>> No.18015818

this desu

>> No.18015823

blah blah okay retard

>> No.18015838

you only proved anon

>> No.18015847

>where historically women never rated films and just weren't present in the medium
>men have had all their history for their tendencies to stabilize.
Film in the sense of the current medium is only around a century old you fag.

>> No.18015849

>implying those posts are bad
>implying those posts or similar would not have happened in pre2016
you miss the point of what makes this board good

>> No.18015864

Discount /lit/ with none of the fun.

>> No.18016122

That's true, but you can just learn to filter the shitposters.

>> No.18016280

You can say nigga, nigga.

>> No.18016311

If rdt is a daycare center, this place is too, only with more chaos, contrarianism and about the same level of overall education, sophistry and maturity.
Honey-glazed shit, is nonetheless shit.
Nobody attempt to be better, and even if they, they are trampled by the masses of attention-seeking children.

>> No.18016349

People who read books are deviants.

>> No.18016365

>soijack is good and it existed before 2016
neck yourself you retarded phlegm

>> No.18016378

THIS is the best online forum for literature? Look at the catalog, consider the number of repeated obsessive threads about a half-dozen meme philosophers who have funny portraits. There HAS to be an alternative, or maybe this thread can be saved? Thoughts?

>> No.18016383
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This place is unironically garbage. /lit/ hasn’t been good since 2016. It’s pozzed from all the redditors and zoomers. And this is coming from an oldfag who’s home board was /lit/ for years. I don’t even really come here anymore. Fuck all of you.

>> No.18016391

there are two alternatives I've thought of and they are discord or twitter and both are fucking disgusting

>> No.18016405

no one cares.

>> No.18016417

so how can we save this board? I think there does in fact exist a consensus on what "good and bad" threads are, for instance, looking at the catalog:

threads that are obviously race bait? trash
threads that are about how ---this author/philosopher--- was the most based/genius/etc? trash

threads that include long passages about books to prompt refutation of specific ideas? good
threads about prerequisites to understand advanced works? good
threads that keep track of recommendation lists, flowcharts, etc? good, but nonexistent

have i accurately captured a consensus about thread quality? if so, the next quesiton is about how to push this board towards the latter group.

>> No.18016443

Ban frog and wojack posters, /rp/ board for religion & philosophy, ban requests. So easy yet chink moot and mods won't do it.

>> No.18016462

Just use the filter tools

>> No.18016474

I don't see a boundary between literature, religion and philosophy. as for frogs and wojacks,

has neither and is, to me, a metastasized lesion on this sick board. I think real solutions include

default filters

of the kind that a behavioral economist would recommend, that can be turned off.

that's an approach, but there's also value to getting more and more people on productive threads. just like how trading hours in stock exchanges are limited in order to ensure high enough volume, if those posts still exist for most people then valuable thought is diluted.

>> No.18016527

its prob because most people who say they are reading a book or creating one are horrible people who just want to get laid

lit is like worse than fine arts its the ultimate i want to get laid art

at least people on 4chan are honest about it and honestly is almost as good as beauty at being truth

>> No.18016550

Any community that reads women/minorities/jews and takes them seriously is necessarily wrong an worthless, so that rules out all mainstream communities

>> No.18016585

That's a request thread and should get pruned. The "philosophy is everything" posters are probably the worst, it's a carte blanche to talk about off-topic shit. Might as well merge /lit/, /his/, /pol/ together since all books contain history and/or politics, whether the author was aware of it or not.

>> No.18016589

>says "an" instead of "and"
>leaves off punctuation
>talks about taking others seriously

>> No.18016599
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>Identifying with any political group irl
Bad idea, muchacho.

>> No.18016606

Hello guys, i am looking for the website where i can read books for free (Educational Books). i saw it posted here. looking specifially for german books.

>> No.18016618

my point is that I don't believe the people in charge of this board have any intention of "cleaning it up", despite a consensus about what constitutes a bad thread.

maybe if i post more threads with
1) long passages about a speicfic book (or set of books) to filter attentionspanlets
2) in those threads, never personally respond to anyone like >>18016550 or give them (you)s
3) do it consistenly enough and never reply to trash threads, this board might be helped? Idk if it's worth even trying though, maybe there does need to be active cleaning.

have you tried libgen? I think the current url is like 1lib (dot) us

>> No.18016708

>tfw always have great lit times on 4chan
>tfw samefag
It's a good life.

>> No.18016791

Seethe brainlets

>> No.18016885

>he still didn't develop a 4chan brainfilter that skips low effort shitposts

>> No.18017077
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This place is pure and utter shit.

>70% of threads aren't related to literature
>20% are pretentious douchebags """discussing""" philosophy
>9% of threads are jezebel/tranny-posters
>1% of threads are of books that are mentioned all the time here, rehashing the same boring shit

It was better 10 years ago when you could actually find new books and get good recommendations. Might as well just burn this place down.

>> No.18017086

>don't give a fuck about bolstering our credentials or humble bragging
That's like 80% of the threads here, you dimwit.

>> No.18017134

I think it's terminal, despite your suggestions. All of those ask too much of the current /lit/ crowd. It might be for the best if more oldfags and people whose brains haven't been destroyed by memes left /lit/ to spend more time reading books, learning languages, engaging in a productive hobby, etc. The charts and reading lists made before the decline should keep anyone occupied for decades.

>> No.18017153

I find recommendations here all the time. You don't know how to use /lit/

>> No.18017246

>classical liberal
Nice cringe you got there faggot.

>> No.18017248

Projection: The post

>> No.18017280

it’s pretty good ngl

ignore the retards who said it’s about women and minorities. most shit in there is discussion on pynchon, moby dick, gaddis

only women ever mentioned there was lispector but she’s kino

i use the weekly rec thread and weekly reading thread. it’s good stuff. avoids the annoying politics of this board and is generally moderate leaning

>> No.18017286

This is the best there is? Christ.

>> No.18017299

>despite a consensus about what constitutes a bad thread
there is no such consensus. if people don't want a thread to live, they don't bump it. you are just unhappy that people in this community don't like the same things you do, and would like that everyone in the community changed their preferences towards you. that's called being a fag

and yes the best thing you can do is those 3 points, but please stop whining when it doesn't work and trying to tell people what they should do

>> No.18017374

>if people don't want a thread to live, they don't bump it.
Don't really believe that, I think people are easily baited by experienced shitposters. You're right though that I shouldn't be prescribing changes to a community like this, but I do believe there is latent desire for a change here.

when's "before the decline"? i.e., whats the latest list here
that should be consulted?

>> No.18017395

/lit/ doesn't discuss literature at all.

>> No.18017410
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Lack of freedom in other places foremost. Plus it attracts the right people: Frustrated intelligent men. I don't want to talk with my normie colleagues about books and politics, I rather enjoy the dregs of society here.

Good points, 4chan is social media for a lot of people. In terms of public English speaking literature boards it's still better than the other somewhat known active ones. I read/find good posts every 100-300 posts. Just filter more. Don't look into threads you're not interested in/where you don't expect novel information and skip all short posts if possible. The best posts usually have at least medium length and the first two or three sentences are usually enough to find out whether it's worth reading the rest.

>Post2016-/lit/ is garbage.
>/lit/ hasn’t been good since 2016

>It was better 10 years ago when you could actually find new books and get good recommendations.
Maybe /lit/ has given you everything it could give? A lot is repetitive here and it's not like the recommended books have changed a lot. It isn't a good place for book discussions but you know that already.

>> No.18017411

>I think people are easily baited by experienced shitposters
not so easily, and i'm sure oldfags specially are very hard to bait. but anyone can feel like purposely getting baited once in a while so it doesn't really matter. but yeah my main point was let people live, search for better places if you don't like where you are

also that it's good that this place has a balance between what you call good threads and bad threads, and that in my opinion the balance is ok right now

>> No.18017415

>I find recommendations here all the time
So do I, just not good ones, which is what I was talking about. You're probably one of them fags I was talking about.

>> No.18017422

There are no earnest heterodox opinions being shared on /lit/, so inasmuch as earnest posts exist at all, there remains an orthodoxy. But I suspect that the reality is that /lit/ trades purely in noise, so questions of orthodoxy are pointless.

>> No.18017446


>> No.18017472

>let people live
i don't find it unethical to exert some tiny push of my own will onto this board to make it more edifying to myself.

no heterodox opinions? there's a popper thread dying somewhere near the bottom of the catalog, I bumped it but to no avail. idk if it's earnest though, i think that might go against the mechanisms that are effective at getting bumps and (you)s, but we can still use those threads as substrates for exploring outside topics.

>> No.18017489


this litherally the last website where you can say it, kek.

>> No.18017895

>Maybe /lit/ has given you everything it could give?
Could be, yeah. Shame, since many of my favorites are recommendations I got from here. Thankfully this isn't the best place or we'd all be screwed.

>> No.18017933
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Maybe because we discuss things related to literature, while other places tend to eventually stray because it's not profitable enough?

>> No.18018001


>> No.18018008

i want to eat that girl's ass 21 times in a week

>> No.18018016

If you need more recommendations don't waste your time scrolling through shitty threads.
Just ask and/or use the archives consistently, it's not that the people that can answer your question will do so immediately. The more specific your request is the better, it works for any topic. /lit/ is still excellent for that.

>> No.18018023

She wouldn't let you because it's not vegan.

>> No.18018054

/lit/ hasn't been the best since Sunhawk left. Thoughts on this?

>> No.18018065

Where is zummi now ?

>> No.18018118
File: 796 KB, 2018x1512, 085A2441-82D4-46B3-B013-8A020E0313C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who said this was a utopia? yet you are here, and you are doing this.
even your comment of an analysis is a recognizable type in itself here. ive seen the type. just as my comment critiquing your critique is a type. it is no different. but its also very different, isnt it? arent you just(you) hunting right now too? You might not “””like””” it, but are you engrossed by it? you spent a few effort points typing that, and so am I. we are all dialectitions here. I am engrossed here just because its more volatile due to anonymity.

also Based.

>> No.18019663


>> No.18019886

I think /lit/ has a bunch of sociopaths but also they can be funny at least, sometimes

>> No.18019949

Maybe you should read better books

>> No.18019957

HOW do I updoot this?

>> No.18019960
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Used to be better even.

It certainly isn’t the anonymity.

>> No.18020417
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He does it for free!

>> No.18020507
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>Unironically admits to using reddit

>> No.18020556

Speak for yourself. I have a very grounded life with a loving wife and kids.

>> No.18020561

Honest to god, it feels like 4chan is the only place left on the internet that is mostly frequented by sane people. Anywhere else and it doesn't even feel like I'm talking to real people.

>> No.18020582

>real people
If you want to go down that rabbithole, then this place isn't likely to be exempt, either. Maybe on some boards more than others, but still.

>> No.18020696

Why are people so mad at this post? I thought this was all obvious. You faggots don't actually delude yourselves into thinking this board (or even this site) is still good do you? Reee-ing at the post en-masse proves his point even.

>> No.18020728

Why does the deadbeat keep coming back to the dive bar? Because I belong here you fucking faggot. Just because I'm here though doesn't mean I'm pathetic enough to trick myself into thinking this isn't a shithole.

>> No.18020761

Reddit literature is actually good but gets no traffic and few posts. Reddit books has more actual discussion about books but it’s all surface level and schlock. Very anti-intellectual. Lit is a mess with very few discussions on books but they do exists albeit in low post threads. Lit is the opposite of Reddit in that is very contrarian, pretentious and snobbish

>> No.18020765

With friends like these who needs marriage?

>> No.18020960

imagine the smell of her organic shits

>> No.18021057

Do women shit like men or is there something nicer about their shits because they are women

I can't imagine women producing the shits I make, evil shits. Theirs must be lighter and disappear quickly.

>> No.18021333

/lit/ is just /pol/ "lite"
I'd hardly call it good

>> No.18021525



their top 100 list is better than ours lol

>> No.18021535

What are other lit online boards?

>> No.18021758

/pol/ is good

>> No.18021779

go back to plebbit trannie

>> No.18022129

there are imageboards with way better /lit/ boards than here
which is why i'm not sharing them

>> No.18022154

not /lit/ related but you can also say it on Rpgcodex and a bunch of other non-gay non-video games forums

>> No.18022155

evil in a different way

>> No.18022430

We inform each other deeply across political divides here. /Pol/ just inflames prejudices and drops good stats

>> No.18022719

Everyone who has posted in this thread likes it here, whether they admit it or not

>> No.18022754

I'm subscribed. Should I unsubscribe? Is this the start of the downfall for her channel in terms of literature content?

>> No.18023374

Does the falcon eat bacon?

>> No.18023395

Communism has never been really tried.

>> No.18023446

It seems so in contrast with other 4chan boards that are literal cesspools like /b or /pol.

>> No.18023624

tired b8 faggot

>> No.18024950


>> No.18025008
File: 237 KB, 1080x1049, 1612594165525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it here because it's anonymous and I'm retarded, so all the retarded things I say don't follow me around forever.

>> No.18025566


>> No.18025585

Free, anonymous speech. A lot of the posters will here would unironically be better off on Reddit though where no one will say anything they disagree with.

>> No.18025765

> 4chan of all places the best literature board online

that's embarrassing lmao

>> No.18025782

/lit/ sucks kangaroo assholes as well.

>> No.18025903
File: 451 KB, 772x858, Screenshot_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it creates a system that tends to bring forward better content than, say, r*ddit.
Bait threads
>Finally, there's no "upvotes" or "downvotes" or ways to catapult posts to "le front page :DDD".
pic related
You can also use bait

>> No.18025969

N word Jim

>> No.18026027

Don't forget the cumulative effect of attracting posters who are fine with having no identity and no reward for posting other than the accolades they get for specific good posts. This gets rid of all the attention seeking faggots and weak queers who put "inclusivity" before excellence and who don't see that excellence is what gets you included in a group in the first place.

You can also see this in how 4chan interacts with meme formats. Every post that survives on 4chan is naturally selected by the group for being a novel twist or subversion on the old formula, a genuinely funny "coup" achieved by means of the formula rather than just wearing its husk. Other websites do the exact opposite, funny images are just the same format rehashed again and again, usually with signal loss rather than signal gain as retards can't even understand the full format (because there is no expectation to).

This makes retards more comfortable, which makes them more vocal, which makes excellence rare. Excelling is not only rare on a shithole like reddit, it is punished, because even if you go against the current and choose to excel among retards, you will still have to share the victor's podium with retards, and the retard audience claps and affirms you all as if you're the same. Anyone with the flame of excellence in them is offended by this even if he isn't aware of it at a conscious level.

Low standards beget lower standards. Simply by being intolerant of retards and faggots, 4chan goes in the opposite direction. Despite all the shit 4chan has been buried beneath over the years, it still has the basic ability to humble the retarded and sift for the excellent. That shows you how powerful elitism can be. This is how empires used to be founded. It's the secret weapon that the levelling pseudo-elites don't understand.

>> No.18026063

There's millions of forums around the internet with actual educated adults that talk about literature with one another and you think /lit/ is suppose to be impressive?

>> No.18026068

trueliterature is fine

>> No.18026085

You're mentally 12 years old.
I can tell at least 30% of the users on that site is clinically obese.

>> No.18026093

You don't like racism?

>> No.18026096


>> No.18026099
File: 426 KB, 931x682, dab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it invites polfags and other mental children

>> No.18026106

racism is bad chang

>> No.18026110

t. adult in arrested development who still thinks South Park is funny and edgy

>> No.18026120

might you direct me to just one single example?

>> No.18026124


>> No.18026130

What does South Park have to do with racism? Race differences are scientifically verifiable and the n-word is a useful term for black people misbehaving just like white trash is a useful term for white people misbehaving.

>> No.18026135

didn't think so

>> No.18026137

>Race differences are scientifically verifiable
that doesn't justify racism tho

>> No.18026142

don't want your type

>> No.18026143

Depends what you mean by racism. You didn't address the other thing I said, that the n-word is a useful and meaningful word. Some people just plain enjoy saying it. What's the big deal?

>> No.18026146

There's racism and there's "Hahaha NIGGER!"

>> No.18026165

>heh not true racism checkmate
you're just scared of differences likely from a sheltered upbringing.

>Some people just plain enjoy saying it.
yeah and those people are losers

>> No.18026172

sure, buddy. strange that you're here when there are millions of secret, superior literature forums you could be on

>> No.18026187

no, i like to laugh at morons like you

>> No.18026191

The differences are pretty subtle. Some people are saying it just to exercise their free speech by showing they can. That is semantically interesting.

Hard to understand this post. I grew up around low income blacks and very much don't like them, I would call them n-words but I don't consider myself racist. But I know many racists who aren't losers.

>> No.18026205


>> No.18026219

that's nice

>> No.18026277

Even though we disagree in almost all the details of our worldviews I'm engaging with you in good faith and you're responding in a snarky petulant way. This shows a misunderstanding on your part. The only point of being snarky or petulant is that the target wants something from you, either they want your cooperation or they value your company, so you are in a sense holding your cooperation and company hostage, trying to coerce them into being nicer or apologizing or something.

But I don't want anything from you. I am/was talking to you solely on the chance you would respond in good faith. If you don't, I don't suddenly go "this fucking random guy I've never met and will never meet!! How dare he say 'that's nice' to me! It's far more than nice!! Value what I said, random person!!" I just shrug and conclude my gamble, that you would respond in good faith too, was lost.

Same with this post. I'm sure you will not reply meaningfully (you're clearly posting from your phone very quickly to everyone who replies to you, as if this is a chatroom), and probably not even read it. But on the off chance you do read it, maybe you will learn something about why you have such a bad time on this website, and only come here to gawk at people you hate. Maybe it will percolate through your unconscious and one day you'll realize that entering enclaves of people you already disagree with just to go "nuh uh! says you!," as if they care, for a few minutes before leaving again, is meaningless.

If you want to combat racists online, being a petulant cunt in their spaces is the worst way to go about it. I am more inclined to say nigger after this exchange because it's made me remember how people like you need to be resisted.

>> No.18026281

dope book

>> No.18026313

reddit posts tend to serve the posters, meanwhile 4chan serves the general spirit of the respective boards. it's an interesting dynamic, and the type of post you cited (whoa i just read the will to power and im blown away :DD) highlights it very well.
and there's just a greater sense of camaraderie here

>> No.18026342
File: 120 KB, 582x625, classic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pure, unvarnished elitism
it makes everything better

>> No.18026374

4chan is full of narcissistic neets, it's shit

>> No.18026382

Much better than this shithole in terms of serious discussion.

>> No.18026393

>good faith
you don't know the meaning of the term

>> No.18026408
File: 65 KB, 556x604, 1616976067880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18026429
File: 68 KB, 683x683, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would call them n-words but I don't consider myself racist

>> No.18026438

You should have posted the clown.

>> No.18026487

>you will find people here are among the most conformist, posturing, (you) chasing fiends anywhere on the internet
That's a too bold of a claim. Using internet for 10 minutes on reddit or youtube will invariably reality check what you wrote.

Although I know you know this, reason why people (most of them) aren't as histrionic, is not virtue of it but because they are irl schizoid losers that have chronic loneliness and have convince themselves they dont "need" attention.

There I said it.

>At this point i can only assume the praise given itt is some battered-wife effect where people will overlook every shitty aspect of the place because sometimes they get a kiss of effort-posting after a long night of batter and rape by low-effort, no-effort twitter news article screenshot drivel. Replace "it means he actually loves me" with "it means /lit/ is actually good".
Presumption of behavioral and cognitive convergence of thousands of people. I can already detect shit with a sentence into a post. Although to think that people come here mainly for academic studies of life mysteries is laughable. People come here for simple dopamine rush like anywhere else, there fore what you describe is part of those shots. It's also why you can't leave, even if you (pretend) to hate it.

>> No.18026969

he kinda proves what is being said. maybe you only see it once in 1000 posts, but you don't see this kind of honest self-analysis anywhere else.

>> No.18027198


>> No.18027740

It's still mostly garbage. Most of the people here do not have a mature sense of canonicity or any cultivated taste and just read whatever the fuck they want.

>> No.18027782

Damn, imagine reading what you want to read. That's crazy

>> No.18027828

Because women post on Reddit, and there aren’t many others places online to discuss books (maybe some Twitter networks, maybe some Facebook groups).

The problem with Reddit is that the vast majority of users don’t vote comments up or down. The ones who do are self-important and impassioned women. So this 1% are casting 99% of votes and the result is a discussion completely domineered by ugly progressive women. And who the hell cares about the views of ugly progressive women?

The best place to discuss books is probably talking to a stranger at a book store or to a stranger at a speaking event

>> No.18027939

You've got to eat your spinach and broccoli, kiddo, just as you must keep lifting weights on schedule to make gains.

>> No.18027953

/lit/ is shit, but most other places are as shit or more shit.

>> No.18027976

Life's too short to slog through shit you don't want to. Unless it's shit that is absolutely essential to reading something that you do, which when is that REALLY the case. I can eat fruit and veggies, just pull the lower hanging ones from the trees all around. Still healthy and delicious

>> No.18027994

Literally half the posts are "based"

Also, if you cant into the implicitly and absurdity of 4chan and you try to over intelectualize it without some of the light hearted flipancy and recognizing that you are not seperate from the whole, you probably dont "get it"

>> No.18028007

It's always been shit. Guenon, Dostoevsky, Houellebecq, Bukowski, etc. The only thing that has changed since your arbitrary date is the Hispanic chauvinists.

>> No.18028311

They're cheating on you

>> No.18028320

yeah hahah fuck outgroup

>> No.18028329

the truth revealed to you occludes the truth you dont want to actually reveal yourself

>> No.18028530

been told before I misread MacLuhan, when I claim this is what he meant when he says the medium is the message. Still not convinced I'm wrong.

>> No.18028596

i have gf and i like it here :)

>> No.18028598

ingroup > outgroup

>> No.18028699

respective to who ingroup is yes this is correct

>> No.18028709


>> No.18028718

Read a book mongo

>> No.18028741

World Literature Forum? The Goodreads group?

>> No.18028772
