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18013652 No.18013652 [Reply] [Original]

What book would you recommend your son who has just found out his ldr ex was cheating on him all throughout the relationship?

>> No.18013690

>long-distance relationship
>someone cheats on someone
what a fucking surprise
never happened before

>> No.18013715

The Stranger, the Sisyphus myth and a philosophical lexicon.

>> No.18013720

whats the point if all it takes is distance to cause a person to commit evil?

>> No.18013732

if it's a matter not only of distance but also time (e.g. you don't see each other for weeks or even months), then it's retarded to keep the relationship alive anyway

>> No.18013735

not everyone is satisfied with a platonic relationship, unless you're married and have children then no amount of virtue can keep partners from cheating in a long distance relationship

>> No.18013737

we saw eachother once or twice a week. she said i had poor stamina and needed her sex fulfilled.

>> No.18013745

sex is all that women think about
if you were lacking in that department then no wonder desu

>> No.18013747


Get better at sex then. And find another bitch.

>> No.18013759

practice on prostitutes

>> No.18013765

Came to say this

>> No.18013768

I did not enjoy sex because it felt like a chore. I liked caring about someone though, even if she does not like me.

>> No.18013773

Start jogging problem solved

>> No.18013784

then it was a platonic kind of love and, if you want to be honest with yourself, then realize that she simply didn't attract you sexually either
you're both better off without each other

>> No.18013786

Just go on tinder and apply for a sugar daddy position then, I'm sure many girls would like you to take care of them in a non sexual manner

>> No.18014042

The Count of Monte Cristo.

>> No.18014114

I hope it's not the slapper in your pic OP, she looks absolutely fucking mental, eyes like a looney

>> No.18014175

The Manipulated Man

>> No.18014496

The Rationale Male.
Memes aside is a good read for a teenager / young man.
/r/TheRedPill/ -> Read the sidebar

>> No.18014624

People might laugh at the rational male but men have been trying to solve women for centuries. This book should be a classic if only for its' parcicality.

>> No.18014679

I'd recommend he grow a fucking pair, move on, and never consider so-called "long distance relationships" ever again.

>> No.18014846

what is the point of relationships if all it takes is a meagre distance to betray its trust?

>> No.18015007

blackpilled again
spoiler to make you feel better: not all girls will do that. majority will, but it's your job to find a good one

>> No.18015016

Point him toward literorica's "Loving Wives" section.

Girls cheating on you is inevitable, it is their nature. Embrace it and enjoy it

>> No.18015244

Where do you even get a photo like this from you sperg

>> No.18015257

She never loved you. If she had loved you she would have demanded more sex from you or tried to seduce you harder if she wasn't satisfied. People cheat for emotional reasons generally. There are the troglodyte types that just fuck everything they can and there are the severely damaged types that fuck around but generally cheating is for emotional fulfillment, not strictly sexual.

Not to say it's your fault (kinda is for getting into LDR though desu).

>> No.18015272

How do you find a good one? How do you know when you do find a good one? I have noticed that I cannot trust the words of anyone, not even my own thoughts, because they are infected with selfishness.

>> No.18015291

She said she loved me on month into talking. I knew I would get hurt but I thought the enjoyment of companionship would outlast the pain of betray of my own principles and her self-destructive behaviour. I wanted to make it work because I thought that her approval made it worth the stress and gaslighting I experienced.

>> No.18015295

your son is a retard, correct it. start him off with the greeks and have him work his way deep into philosophy

>> No.18015352

Man, this is a sad thread. I hope you find love in the future, OP.

>> No.18015382

Oof that hairline

>> No.18016205

He shouldn't have forgiven her, the only purpose it served was to improve his mood desu

>> No.18016247

It's easier to cheat on an idea of a person than on a person. Distance makes it so that you need to keep the idea of the person alive by communication but the physicality makes it real

>> No.18016256

I didn't see my exchange semester abroad sweet heart for over a year (we were poor, recently graduated students) and we still stayed faithful and together.

now we are engaged. of course, we have a roman catholic upbringing, non-divorced parents, and pretty rouge pilled (she's french.)

inb4 some low confidence, early twenty something thinks he's clever and calls me an unwitting cuckold.

>> No.18016352

It sounds like there is a seriously messed up story behind this. Would you mind sharing it with us?
Also, if she was cheating on you throughout the relationship, then she never had any intention of being loyal. Anything she says is a mere rationalization of her own depravity.

>> No.18016426

The main character in Lost Highway did nothing wrong, you degenerate cucks.

>> No.18016657
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>> No.18016674

She is bipolar drug addict and I’m a creepy ocd psychotic incel

>> No.18016690

Run away.
>Drug addict
Run away.
You're not an incel. I suggest that you scrub your vocabulary of that term.
Follow your principles and live the way you would like to live. Roam widely, make trips to other countries, and make sure to spend time in venues where people like unto yourself are likely to appear. Do this, and you will one day succeed.

>> No.18016752

is that Siri?

>> No.18016760

I thought I could fix her. I kept trying to prevent her from her drug use. I even paid a therapy session for her. I really tried and in the end she said she didn’t care whether I stayed or went. I could put up with it all except that

>> No.18016784

I think you know the term for guys like you. You cannot fix anyone. Don't make the same mistake again.

>> No.18016821
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>I thought I could fix her.

>> No.18016999

How would he know? Could be someone tryna break them up.

>> No.18017151

War and Peace, not even memeing. Otherwise some PUA stuff like the Rational Male, dunno

>> No.18017167
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>I thought I could fix her.

>> No.18017204

Well, take this as a learning experience.

>> No.18017222

Why do people like this even seek out relationships? Do they ever stop and consider how immoral their behaviour it? The older I get, the more I begin to think that once large scale genetic engineering becomes feasible, we out to diminish the coupling impulse. So many people are completely unsuited to being in relationships.

>> No.18017259

How many people stop to consider morality at all?
No, people sometimes feel bad about things, but they never stop to consider why. They get drunk, pop a Xanax and scroll through instagram looking at pictures of smiling people.

>> No.18017267

madame bovary

>> No.18017294

My diary desu

>> No.18017296
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If you want something light and easy, go for either Sputnik Sweetheart or South of the Border, West of the Sun (both by Haruki Murakami). Both of them are about going after an unattainable relationship; both have a melancholy tone (but Border does it better).. stuck off from a theme about how we're alone because relationships can just be idealized expressions we make for ourselves (i.e. is alienation caused by an unattainable relationship or the fact we built it up so much?).

I'd only give Sputnik a 2.5/5 and Border 3.25/5...but they're probably what you're looking for. (Border gets a LOT better in the last 20-30 pages...I'd give that part a 4/5; the book is really saved by it's payoff)

>> No.18017298

Was the human race a mistake?

>> No.18017332


Also, Border is more centred around rumination on loss whereas Sputnik is more about the manic pursuit of someone you've idealized.

Like I said though...if you're like me you won't think the book is hitting as hard as it could (but it's all about the last 30 pages or so...the book goes from a 2/5 to a 4/5 or higher).

>> No.18017350

Of course not, you think it would be better if we were monkeys? They don't have the intelligence to contemplate morality. If nothing else we are at least capable of conceptualizing a higher state of being.

>> No.18017543

A monkey can't fail to be a good monkey though. Humans can and more often than not do. Most people just make the world a more complicated and hectic place by being in it.

>> No.18017559

Yes he can, he easily fail to be a good monkey by dying before passing on his genes.

>> No.18017669

Lol, that sounds like modern Am*rica, alright. Might as well call yourselves negroes too.

>> No.18017733

no book in existence is going to unfuck his bullshit
hed need the black phillip show

>> No.18017907

You gotta get to al-anon

>> No.18018365

Okay I'm now convinced OP is shitposting, it's way too cliche. You got me for a moment, OP, so well done on that front.

>> No.18018386

I mean she is French

>> No.18018441

lol, anon doesnt know shes been taking it up the ass the whole time

>> No.18019196

So is successfully reproducing a moral imperative for chimps? I'm talking about goodness is the moral sense.

>> No.18019354

Long distance is like having an erotic penpal. The concept of such a thing (unless you were upper class and married) wasn't even realistic until the invention of the telephone.
If neither of you are willing to make the sacrifice of being physically present in a relationship, what are you doing exactly?
Better to just be honest about your priorities and move on with life. Or just see other people and enjoy the mutual companionship that an erotic penpal offers without taking it so seriously.
If you want monogamy then you have to make sacrifices for it. Idk what you're expecting otherwise.

Lol, absolutely delusional. Its easy to have decent relationships with people, but you need to be willing to understand them and accept them as they actually are, instead of expecting them to live up to your fantasy expectations.

>she's french
Hon hon hon hon hon
Anon, I don't know how to tell you this....

>> No.18019447

french women are whores. even more so than american women.

>> No.18019765

all modern women are whores

>> No.18019786

>roman catholic upbringing and red pills will protect from cheating
Look upon this unwitting cuckold and laugh

>> No.18021003

Pleasing women in bed is really not that hard idk how so many people are so bad at it

>> No.18021023

They hate them

>> No.18021065

Romantic Love is just a mimetic scam
Evil doesn't exist
Islam is right about women, and polygamy is based

>> No.18021076


>> No.18021186

No, polygamy. Idk why women act like its a double standard when they literally have different bodies.
Woman know that a child is theirs, men don't.
It's really that simple. Polygamy and polyamory are not at all comparable and its pure female hubris to argue otherwise

>> No.18021193

take up hiking and forget about women

>> No.18021198

Long distance relationships are such horseshit. Any man who trusts a woman at a distance is a retard. Women are bad enough when you can keep an eye on them.

I would maybe trust some autistic moralfag girl not to cheat but those girls have ten billion neuroses anyway so you they usually already don't like casual sex. Any woman who enjoys sex and attention in a basic bitch way is going to cheat the first time her hormone cocktail causes her to look at or interact with another man and feel "special." Been having a rough month together like every couple does from time to time, and she got flirted with by a doctor when you're not around? Bam, she cheats, at the very least emotionally. Been having serously trouble in your personal life, and you've temporarily ceased to be charismatic and entertaining to her? She will start letting her beta orbiter "backup" male friends flirt with her a little more and talking shit about you.

Never trust a basic bitch. If you go long distance with a girl you might as well offer to prep the bull right then and there.

>> No.18021220

Bronze Age Mindset by Bronze Age Pervert

>> No.18021227
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Which is why we say no. No harems

>> No.18021229

The count of Monte cristo

>> No.18021497

Most women are functionally in harems with Chad anyways, they just don't get the benefits or dignity of married life.

>> No.18021600

Conspiracy Against The Human Race.

>> No.18021612
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The truth.

Otto Weininger Sex and Character

>> No.18021849

>Woman know that a child is theirs, men don't. It's really that simple.
>Which is why we say no.
Now you're explicitly saying you want men to raise Chad's bastards.
You're getting good at this, no one out of the /lit/ loop would know you're not a woman.

>> No.18022143

something deeper was at issue man. a normal would not behave this way. I'm sorry

>> No.18022152

nothing really
your son is a sensitive idiot who will get more intelligent with time

tell him to read Nietzsche and make something of his life

Also, Moby Dick. It helped me personally to take my mind off a woman.

>> No.18022360

Please god tell me this picture isn't real, how can someone be so ungrateful.

>> No.18022393

The Bible

>> No.18022406

Its not the distance itself its that modern society propogates the idea that cheating one someone because theyre far away is 'okay' because you have 'needs'

>> No.18022446


>> No.18023288

just because you do something nice for someone it doesn't give you smashing rights in perpetuity

guy literally payed for his gf to far exceed himself what the fuck did he expect.

>> No.18023291


Men leave women all the time. They know how to raise their, and other women’s children on their own or with other women. I know one who raised her siblings.
Family is stronger than dicks

>> No.18023310

Getting into a long-distance relationship in the first place is stupid. No sympathy for anyone involved.

>> No.18023400

>youll never sail away with your much younger olive skinned cutie

Why even live

>> No.18023644

Your ex sounds like a complete whore and in 5 years you'll be glad that it ended when it did.

>> No.18023660

I'd tell him it will be alright and that he should read The Elric Saga.

>> No.18023698

His first mistake was trusting the word of a woman. They are subhuman monsters incapable of telling the truth. Your trust in them will always go unrewarded.

>> No.18023706

look at that make up, it's like a doll mask...