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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 177 KB, 666x900, Joseph Christian Leyendecker04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1801294 No.1801294 [Reply] [Original]

I looked on the recommended reading list and got nothing.

Could /lit/ give me some good history books please? I'd like something that is neutral to start with, because things involving recent history get really bitchy at times.

Any documentary recommendations would be super cool too.

>> No.1801302

1) History... of what?
2) There is nothing neutral under the sun
3) Your image depicts baby bondage. This worries /lit/.

>> No.1801303

The History of the Peloponnesian War

>> No.1801304


Villains of all nations

Marcus Rediker

I am going to start promoting this book hardcore starting today.

>> No.1801305
File: 18 KB, 265x400, Decline_of_the_West_1922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1801314

>Villains of All Nations

Check out a Modern history of China or Russia. Jonathan D Spence did a great one for China.

Huge fan of Margolis's American Raj: America and the Muslim World

People often like to talk about Zinn's People's History of United States as neutral history, but that is wrong. Zinn provided an alternative history, now basically mainstream at my University.

Documentary recs:
Not strictly historical, but anything by Werner Herzog and his good friend, Errol Morris.

>> No.1801328
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>> No.1801348

I think of Howard Zinn's work is like going to Versailles and only looking at the broom closet.

Check out David McCollough's books liike John Adams and 1776.

>> No.1801360



>> No.1801377

Word. I was very unimpressed by it, especially after Matt Damon wouldn't shut the fuck up about Zinn.