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18011990 No.18011990[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do the eco-fascists and Kaczynski-tards roam 4chan if they hate technology so much?

>> No.18011999
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*uncle Ted’s kids

>> No.18012066

In modern society, depriving a single person of technology wouldn't change anything and it would also put them at a huge disadvantage compared to their peers who they must compete with. Meanwhile, depriving everyone would be extremely beneficial and wouldn't place a burden on any single individual.

>> No.18012120


>> No.18012137

I hate it so much because I can't fucking get off.

>> No.18012151

Because completely disregarding technology is not the goal. The goal is to dismantle industrialism and the way it negatively influenced society.

>> No.18012181
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Eco fascism is oxymoron

>> No.18012195

because they're stupid and childish. how else can you explain posts itt.

>> No.18012203

Because they're not clever enough to keep pigeons.

>> No.18012256
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>Eco fascism is oxymoron

>> No.18012286

To spread the ideology

>> No.18012296

>Eco fascism is oxymoron
What did he mean by this? We certainly going to get anywhere ecologically thru liberalism

>> No.18012297

I don't think they hate technology itself. I think they've grown to hate how comfortable they are in the modern age. The world really doesn't ask much of the average young person in the anglosphere. Houses are hot in the winter, cold in the summer, all food is at the store year round, electricity is cheap, we flush potable water down the toilet, and if you have half a brain you can make a decent wage sitting at a desk all day.

Somehow, Ted has become their guy. I don't think many people who like him have actually read his manifesto and actually just obsess over that one line (you know what line).

I think living with the seasons is an easy way to be fulfilled in the modern world without being too extreme. Preparing for winter by chopping 2-3 cords of firewood, then only heating your chilly house with a woodburner while waiting on that first warm spring day brings all sorts of fulfillment. Then when spring and summer come you can enjoy the seasonal harvests, and then move into fall where they harvest the apples and have festivals.

This makes you feel part of some greater whole. There's no need to do away with technology. I see the modern world as a prison where the door is open--people just need to get over their bitching and get to addressing their dissatisfaction with modern life.

>> No.18012301

Some are hypocrites, some are legit stupid, and most are trolling.

>> No.18012302

Statism is against nature. The best they could do is force “green energy” and carbon taxes. Dead end ideal from the 19th century

>> No.18012308
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>We certainly going to get anywhere ecologically thru liberalism

>> No.18012326

It's the peak of human arrogance that we are going to fix the problem with the very thing that started it

>> No.18012330

Butterfly hahahaa that's... based... what the fuck?! ITS BASED :3

>> No.18012367

We need a total ban on plastics

>> No.18012381
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They thin- Get this! They think they're going to dismantle technological society by posting on a greenwich whip-cracking forum! Can you believe it?! AHAHAHAHAHAHHA

>> No.18012386

Because it's a larp, and Ted was the greatest larper of all.
The only worthwhile thing he said was the leftist psychoanalysis which is mostly useless once you realize it's just something to prove your own validation.
The entire thing is a deflection from his autism, and then an imagined halcyon. Truly pathetic.

>> No.18012389

Fascism has absolutely nothing to do with "being one with nature". It was for the march of progress, technology and science. It was Mussolini's and other Italians understanding of Nietzsche's philosophy applied to the level of nation state which and thus doomed to failure because of Mussolini's insistence on holding democratic (popular) support and not upset the way of life people were used to. He did not industrialize as much as other groups wanted him to, he didn't strip the church of it's power despite being anti-clerical himself. Basically he thought he could create a new man from the rabble, an impossible task. Combine that with general incompetencey, lack of innovation and an outdated war doctrine thr fascist state fell. The Italians at least understood Nietzsche far better than the Germans did though.

This is fake butters so probably bait but nothing is against nature, everything is nature. Even if statism was against nature it's just naturalistic fallacy.

>> No.18012439

Law is fiction. States are unnatural and do nothing but harm.

>> No.18012451

They're contemporary Luddites.

>> No.18012480

The same reason Buddhist have statutes of Buddha. They know their ideology is retarded.

>> No.18012503

Of course laws aren't real. Neither is the state.
The state is an imagination, it's not actually real. I am just more powerful than you so from where you're standing it below me it looks like I'm taking something from you or causing harm, which I am not.
You are too weak to fight the state, which is such a powerful fiction that everyone believes it is real.
To actually destroy the state you'd have to kill yourself btw because you're just as much the state as I am.

>> No.18012505

It is fiction? What do you mean it's fiction? This vague pithy accomplishes more questioning.
'natural,' is that the basis for morality? for life? what is natural, unnatural?
Harm? What do they harm? Who do they harm? Is harm bad?

>> No.18012520

What do you mean the law and states are not real? Is God not real? The law/state/God have has an impact on human life whether they are beings or composed of matter or not is irrelevant.
Why is it fiction?
I'd probably agree with this down the line, but let's hear it.

>> No.18012648

>What do you mean the law and states are not real?
They are not material things. They're an imagination, a hallucination. Just as a chair is "not real" but am arrangement of material we simply refer to as chair.

So to the anarchists: laws, police buerocracy is "state" when in reality it is just an arrangement of materials (people) in a particular way that we simply refer to as the "state" for simplicity's sake. Fascist ideology is a metaphysical idealism in which nothing can be percieved outside the subject, mind and nature are connected and subject and object are one. The fascist "state" is the whole everything, the universe is the state.

We are all basically God, an expression of God, God exists in part of us and is internal to us. Bible says something similar, luke: 17:2.
Everything is God.

>> No.18012649
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>> No.18012671

Luke 17:20–21,

>The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you”

>> No.18012673


>> No.18012841

Butterfly, you’ll never be as pretty as her. Even in your prime, you were less than her right shoulder, and now, everyday, you age more and more ugly.

>> No.18012857
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>Pretending it’s still the 1760s this hard.

>> No.18012873

Butterfly, you’ll never be as pretty as her. Even in your prime, you were less than her right shoulder, and now, everyday, you age more and more ugly.

>> No.18012885

Butterfly, you’ll never be as pretty as him. Even in your prime, you were less than his right shoulder, and now, everyday, you age more and more ugly.

>> No.18012912
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>Meanwhile, depriving everyone would be extremely beneficial and wouldn't place a burden on any single individual.
How are you going to stop people from exploiting proscribed technology in secret?

>> No.18012997
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Fuck off disgusting tranny filthy beast nigger ywnbaw

>> No.18013328

I don't care about eco-fascists but saying "Kaczynski-tards" hate technology misses the point entirely. The point he tries to make is that Industrial Society as a supra-entity is an utterly despicable convention that has sullied civilization as a whole, and if humanity has any hope as a species they would seek to destroy such a system rather than support it.

>> No.18013333

>How are you going to stop people from exploiting proscribed technology in secret?
Ted literally doesn't care, he only cares if the industrialization efforts of technological development is destroyed. Did you even read Ted?

>> No.18013419

‘why do u partake in capitalism if u dislike it’ hurr durr eat shit you braindead cunt. you’re too retarded to explain it to.

>> No.18013430

>he doesn't know the world ecology was coined by a literal nazi
>he doesn't know the vast majority of the pioneering ecologists were literal nazis

>> No.18014330

Fascism is revolutionary nationalism - after that it can take many forms i.e. corporatocracy, state capitalism, etc

The single unifying thing about Fascism is that it is revolutionary Nationalism. It has been and will continue to be different every time it develops around the world.