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18008602 No.18008602 [Reply] [Original]

We add more to the midwit core. Add one author yourself each post.

>> No.18008626

chomsky is there only because you disagree with his politics.
What he did in linguistics is way beyond the midwit zone.
I guess same could be said about Dawkins and his work in evolutionary biology.

>> No.18008631

Why is Freakonomics there? It doesn't really try to take any hard stance for or against anything, it's just
>huh, ain't that neat?
the book.

>> No.18008637

Stirner isn't midwit.

>> No.18008646

The chart is authors midwits like, not that the authors have to be midwits themselves.

>> No.18008647

that's not what they're appreciated for by most people so that's completely irrelevant.
>mu-uh linguistics chomsky is a genius you can't criticize!
dude nobody cares except linguists.

>> No.18008648

t. midwit

>> No.18008650

Farenheit 451, literally only "tv bad book good", on par with the Hunger Games in thematic dystopian worldbuilding
Fuck you I'm not editing it in

>> No.18008728

I am a fourth year linguistics student and turns out a lot of linguists hate him. Generative grammar is a dogma

>> No.18008782

Midwits don’t read Eco

My top things for midwits:
Bad Feminism by Roxane Gay

Rise of the Creative Class by Richard Florida

Neil deGrasse Tyson

Hamilton the Musical


The Subtle Art of not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson

Grit by Angela Duckworth

Every recent book about ‘Democracy in Decline’, I’m thinking of Tim Snyder, Anne Applebaum, Francis Fukuyama, Bruce Mequista etc.

Te-Nahasi Coates

The Bad Faith Podcast

Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahenman (it’s an excellent book, but midwits definitely love it)

All books written by hosts of MSNBC, especially Rachel Maddow and Chris Hayes.

>> No.18008796

Remove Spencer from the list.

>> No.18008801

at least they read.
and you're here shitposting instead of reading.

>> No.18008811

Linguistics is extremely uninteresting. How many langs do you speak?

>> No.18008813

Remove Eco, or at least put just his meme book on fascism, the way Machiavelli's Prince is on there and not the whole opus. The rest of Eco's work is by no measure midwit.
With that exception, the pic is excellent.

>> No.18008814

Eco is midwit? Explain that one

>> No.18008817

Define midwit please. I have never encountered anyone in real life who even know who Stirner is.

On the other hand people like Sargon, Rogan and Oliver etc. don't fit either in my opinion since they are all very mainstream and considered hack or lowbrow by most.

If midwit is supposed to mean people who are aware of mainstream pop culture intellectuals and have read some of the classics it seems like a way too broad category to be meaningful.

>> No.18008831

I agree. Richard has his flaws but I don't think he or most of the people who have stuck with him are midwits. The majority of the dissident right dislikes him at this point so if hes just supposed to be a stand in for midwitted white nationalists, he's a poor choice. I don't really like him myself but he's smarter than people give him credit for.

>> No.18008870

>Midwits don’t read Eco
Every Redditor midwit is obsessed with his article on fascism.

>> No.18008879

Again the list is not calling Eco a midwit it’s saying midwits like him

>> No.18008908

You are a midwit if you think Stirner should be associated with the others in this picture

>> No.18008912
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>> No.18008914

And that's a tiny aspect of his work.

Still doesn't apply to Eco. How many midwits read his stuff on medieval aesthetic philosophy, or even something as popular as Name of the Rose?
In the same way Machiavelli is popular only through one single text, the Prince, while the rest of his influential and once-popular work is totally ignored by the midwits. It's good to draw that line, and appropriate to only put the Prince and Eco's book on fascism on there.

>> No.18008929

I fixed it in the above pic.

>> No.18008943

He’s definitely a leftist midwit obsession just like Hoppe/Sowell are rightist midwit obsessions.

>> No.18008966

Subtle art of not giving a fuck is tardcore not midwitcore

>> No.18009034

Delusional God is a midwit book. Even if the Selfish Gene isnt.

>> No.18009051

I never saw someone talk about Piketty oy Mill. Harry Potter is a must

>> No.18009096

Godel Escher Bach is midwit-core? I highly doubt that, but I don't talk to real life people about books so I have no calibration.

>> No.18009241

This thread is fucking trash
>Inb4 t.midwit
Cope and seethe, the concept of midwit has been tossed around just for shit talking against other people so many times it has lost any real meaning by niw

>> No.18009242
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Midwits would be the ones who engage in rage politics and superficial analysis such as Sargon, Ben Shapiro, John Oliver, Joe Rogan, pretty much any political youtuber, and so on. Non-midwits would be actual high-IQ accomplished thinkers/academics/writers like Chomsky, Pinker, Sowell, maybe Taleb, and so on.

>> No.18009246

But that's what I was asking. I don't see his books having midwit appeal. Name of the Rose , for example, is his most famous book, and is pure medieval catholic kino that I can't see some "I fucking love science" redditor appreciating

>> No.18009834

What he did to linguistics is worse than anything he ever wrote about politics.

>> No.18009991

Is this the worst thread /lit/ has ever produced?

>> No.18010066

I am not a linguist and I disagree with Chomsky politically and i think his linguistics work was watershed, so there

>> No.18010071
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>> No.18010776

Is the shock doctrine really a popular book for midwits?

>> No.18011142

His article on fascism like I said

>> No.18011178

Olavo de Carvalho, Leandro Karmal and Mário Sérgio Cortella

>> No.18011274

You are an insufferable faggot.

>> No.18011407

Olavo is definitely midwit but Karnal and Cortella are something below it alongside Pondé.

>> No.18011458

>he doesn't know about psycholinguistics

>> No.18011498

Add the Wikipedia logo

>> No.18011621

The more logic I learn the more I hate the book. That aside I hated the tone too. I know someone smart who likes it so maybe it's not midwot but he likes a lot of stuff that *is* midwit-tier for some reason.

>> No.18011655

Did you get Vonnegut and the guy who wrote master and margiritA?

>> No.18013292

if you can't intuitively tell who is a midwit, it's probably because you are a midwit yourself

>> No.18013296

Cool, I only like one of them.

>> No.18013313

Wouldn't it be better to make a list of people who aren't midwits? People we could all agree on like Joyce and Tolstoy

>> No.18014035

>Alan Watts
shit chart

>> No.18014185

Also 48 laws of power is a good book despite its midwit audience

>> No.18014284

this, but its used by everyone just midwits in particular

>> No.18014304

>Delusional God
Confirmed for not having read said (shit) book.

Or even tangentially registered its actual content.

>> No.18014345
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Hoppe/Sowell are so effectively marketed
But pic related is Sowell's Magnum Opus...yes it skirts the truth on certain /pol/ related truths but you learn how to please publishers by hearing the strained way certain presentations suddenly bend over backwards to please conservatives.

>> No.18014836


>> No.18015145

You can add Mushashi for the typical weeb midwit.
And remove Eco, his history of beauty is highbrow as fuck.

>> No.18015550
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In a way, not paying any mind about what or who a midwit is has a 50/50 chance of implying that the individual could be of higher thinking or of blissful ignorance propelled by a lack of intelligence, or even a combination of both

>> No.18015825

Based and correct

>> No.18015890


>> No.18015948

almost go me there

>> No.18016765

what logic books do you recommend? i've read some analytic philosophy (mostly popper), but in the vein of GEB i've also read "infinity and more", which i think suffers from very similar psuedo-deep masturbation without edification.

>> No.18016819

It's missing Paul Auster.