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18007108 No.18007108 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that argue against philosophy?

>> No.18007110

Deleuze & Guattari.

>> No.18007118

Which one of their books? All of them?

>> No.18007132

Colossians, bible

>> No.18007312

F Engels & K Marx (1845) Theses on Feuerbach.

>> No.18007322

Neo-reactionaries are against thinking in general - so yes

>> No.18007333

Van til was a retard so him.

>> No.18007371

there's a world of difference between mathematical-scientific thinking and speculative-philosophical thinking that reigns supreme in philosophy departments of major universities. neo-reactionaries champion the former (the most popular ones are scientists and STEMfags themselves) and reject the latter

>> No.18007446

What's wrong with reading the penguin classic version of philosophy books, they make it easier to understand.

>> No.18007541

A short history of decay >>18006936

>> No.18007555

>me want to sit all day and think about unanswerable questions because it makes me feel smaht
This is why no one takes philosophers seriously. Philosophy has led to the destruction of the world as we know it.

>> No.18008421

Ludwig Klages - Of Cosmogonic Eros

>> No.18008474

Nietzsche basically does

>> No.18008476

Those who think philosophy is a waste of times are the slaves and goat herders of today.

>> No.18008513

How would you argue against something that isn't even a position or a claim? It's like arguing against walking. Or against thinking. Or against a rock.

>> No.18008541

I really hate Kant. Is there anyone who shat on that faggot? Everyone seems to think he's the bees knees

>> No.18008570

nietzsche calls him cant

>> No.18008573

I've been reading Gilson lately and he's mentioned Comte in a couple of books. I'm not really familiar with Comte himself other than that he was a major proponent of Positivism which he said would end metaphysics for good. Considering that the only people I see who really seethe about philosophy are more science oriented people who cite Positivism, it would appear to me that Comte's legacy is one of anti philosophy.

Gilson also mentions "Discourse to the Greeks" and "Derision of the Philosophers" as early Christian polemics against Philosophy

>> No.18008582

Every philosopher argues against philosophy(of other philosophers).

Every work starts off like: "Philosopher x said a lot of great things...truly a lot of great things. But let me tell you why it's all bullshit..."

>> No.18008584


>> No.18008615
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>> No.18008630

To argue against philosophy is already philosophy, so basically every philosoph.

>> No.18008654

stfu commie

>> No.18008662

Frege, Spengler, Einstein, me,

>> No.18008672

You literally cannot conceive of a world that hasn't been under some sort of philosophical sway, because philosophical pursuits are intrinsic to what makes human beings what we are. This is aside from any trends within the academy. Any world you think is ruined by philosophy was itself philosophical.

This. Raging against philosophy is the sign of someone who hates thinking so much that they don't even want other people to do it.

>> No.18008681

sextus empiricus Adversus Mathematicos

>> No.18008771
File: 365 KB, 1181x1181, KantEinstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18008774

Most people just dont know what philosophy is. They think it's like some artsy fartsy shit where you just write about your feelings. A slightly more nuanced person thinks it's just primitive science. I think the real problem in our society is a lack of philosophy

>> No.18008786

>I think the real problem in our society is a lack of philosophy
Imagine unironically thinking this

>> No.18008824

In what part of society is philosophy oversaturated?

>> No.18008970

I don't get this meme. Doesn't relativity actually help prove that Kant was right?

>> No.18008999

A lot of people argue that it proves Kant wrong since it posits that the phenomenal universe operates according to non euclidean geometry

>> No.18009103
File: 506 KB, 1579x1600, Heidegger-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The most thought-provoking thing in our thought-provoking time is that we are still not thinking.

>> No.18009116

Neo-kantianism tried to solve that problem.

>> No.18009163

>Doesn't relativity actually help prove that Kant was right?
lol what? are you retarded or just pretending to be? Relativity literally proves that everything Kant said about time was complete and utter bullshit.


>> No.18009221
File: 331 KB, 1920x1080, peter-lustig-in-seinem-wohnwagen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18009882


>> No.18009914

>argue against philosophy
Nice philosophy, nerd.

>> No.18010563

Zum beispiel?

>> No.18010598

You’re gay and you like penis

>> No.18010609

Well, it’s simply that philosophy is dead because it’s spread too thin into various sciences. Bound to collapse imo. You can’t have society specialize into infinity.

>> No.18010639

Jacobi - Doctrine of Spinoza, Letters to Herr Moses Mendelssohn, Jacobi to Fichte in 'Main Philosophical Writings and the Novel Allwill

>> No.18010657

Philosophy is learning to think properly.
You're right, in so far as it isn't needed in society today, just consume product, yell at spectacle and become part of the specialized and alienated work force.

>> No.18010959

Ecclesiastes kind of

>> No.18011145

Read Feynman

>> No.18011157
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Its literally this meme. Philosophers why say why x philosophy is wrong and in doing so they are just making another philosophical system. There is no way to refute philosophy without doing philosophy