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18006506 No.18006506 [Reply] [Original]

>We're all animals competing to reproduce
What author can help me cope with this?

>> No.18006513

UG Krishnamurti

>> No.18006545

Cops with what? That’s literally false.

>> No.18006651

You don't; acceptance is the only adequate solution.

>> No.18006751

No we’re not, we’re not cows, and even cows show behavior that falls outside of just the need to produce offspring. Have you ever heard of epigenetics?

>> No.18006758
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>We're all animals competing to reproduce
/fit/ sticky you cheeto munchin faggot

>> No.18006765

Just castrate yourself and live beyond the petty animalism of the herd

>> No.18006809
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Why would you want to find a way to even cope with such a blatant oversimplification of this reality? We aren't *just* animals competing to reproduce, not anymore, abstraction and our capacity to reason has pretty much butchered this aspect of our existence. Every major first world country has dwindling birthrates. Sex remains a goal, sure, but it is all vanity, a bonding exercize, a side quest. We still are animalistic, competing to own a bigger share of resources, one of which is a compatible partner (another, your own body, looking at you, /fit/poster). Of course if one feels cornered one may still go apeshit, but these subhuman drives, while mirror tribal struggles of dominance, are largely disconnected with a uniquely modern twist which makes these paralells between human and animal struggles mistaken at best and retarded at worst.

>> No.18006916

It really isn't, your illusions of society and of self are just the result of a hundred million year survival drive.

You are a disgusting little flesh creature, learn to accept it.

>> No.18006951

Modern twist is more related to the extreme fear of mortality. Fearful animals are competing to gain more symbolic power in order to signify that they are much more than food for worms.

>> No.18006985


>> No.18007021

Well, no animal suffocates under the constant fear of potential dire futures quite the way humans do.

>> No.18007030

What is there to cope about?

>> No.18007032

This is the dumbest post I've seen in weeks. If you're such an animal go and live in the woods you fucking sad retard, get off this board

>> No.18007038

Yes you are right. But human are slip into two. The symbolic self and the animal body. And this is the contradiction at the very core of human beings.

>> No.18007042
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Reductionist to the extreme.
Most ants and bees will never reproduce, they don't have the capability. Their life is meant to serve the swarm as a whole by providing utility and defense.
Yes it is in service of the queen who reproduces, but claiming that their life is about competing to reproduce is the same as saying your life is in service of making scientific advancement. While it does provide foundation to allow that to happen, youre making large assumptions and attributing a minor role as being absorbed by it.

You are not a prized pig being bred for its meat, nobody could care less about you or your spawn. You are not competing for reproduction, you're merely competing for a base level of happiness you're too flawed to ever achieve. Even a worker ant has discovered its purpose in life and is content with doing.

>> No.18007512

arent there creatures that shiver with anxietyt constantly learned helplessnes terror ptsd trauam hellfuck rape fear murder jaws semen blast infusion

>> No.18007756

>believing in evolution
>believing in biological imperatives

>> No.18007763


>> No.18007774

The illusion of free will is nothing more than a force multiplier for the function of reproduction

>> No.18007786

Have you never heard of a whale beaching itself?

>> No.18007794
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>> No.18007797
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Just meditate and do NoFap until your libido dies off. You will become indifferent to girls as your brain realizes that you never stood a chance in this competition.
t. 21 years old kissless virgin who has never even been on a Date before but on day 167

>> No.18007811

Life itself is a force multiplier for quantum phase changes

>> No.18007862
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You can't seriously imply that whale suicides are proof of them possessing human-like clairvoyance. Unless... Anon? Are you secretly a marine mammal?

>> No.18007887
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Here y'go.

>> No.18008070

Perhaps my body has adapted to survive in the modern world

>> No.18008134

But Hegel disproved evolution in the PoS and also his PoN