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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 80 KB, 519x544, grant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18006102 No.18006102 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good books on the future of real Americans? Everything I see on the descendants of old stock Americans (and the northwestern European immigrants who were assimilated and are not indistinguishable from them) is 100 years old, pessimistic, or hostile to our existence so I'm hoping to find something more whitepilling. I've seen a few people discuss the topic here before but usually those conversations carry an air of pessimism with them too. Is there any hope for our survival or are we doomed to be assimilated into the new, brown progressive vision of what an American is? How can we save our people and reawaken our sense of ethnic consciousness?

>> No.18006163


>> No.18006202

Gore Vidal unironically

>> No.18006214

Any specific books?

>> No.18006277

Are there any examples in history of an ethnic group making a comeback from conditions comparable to Americans? I can't think of any. Maybe the Persians but their circumstances were still extremely different.

>> No.18006337

Pretty much anything about white nationalism applies to this because in the US, white nationalism usually just means American ethnonationalism. It's a bit more inclusive than what you're describing since it also includes white ethnics like Italians but it's close enough. If some kind of ethnostate would ever be created in the US, it would be a de facto American ethnostate, not just a generic white one. At least 75% of the people living there would be American.

>> No.18006395

His essays on America. I know there's a book on Amazon with his collection of essays. I'll link it later.

>> No.18006441

Medieval Italy. Brown migrants from the Roman period got phased out by Germanic invasion and growth of old rural populations.

>> No.18006459

Thank you. Where can I read about this? Do you think this will happen with America? I'm less worried about Europe, not because I care less about them but because I'm more confident that they will just reassert control over their nations and then commence remigration.

>> No.18006613

I read somewhere that the Romans had blue eyes and even the Germanic invasions weren't enough to regenerate their fair features after all of the migration that occurred during the imperial era but I have no idea how they would determine that so I'm highly skeptical.

>> No.18006644

That sounds like nordicist we wuz bullshit

>> No.18006660
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>> No.18007366
File: 143 KB, 1200x1200, native-american-leaders-gettyimages-640483795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real Americans?
You mean this guys?

>> No.18007373

I have an American citizenship but have only ever been to America twice. The first time to get my citizenship. I took a photo and read a silly pledge in a small local government office, my dad laughed when the pledge of allegance began.

Am I a real American?

>> No.18008183
File: 896 KB, 3000x1699, know nothing flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, most of them didn't even have citizenship until the 20s. The people we call native Americans today are made up of many different nations that were conquered and ethnically cleansed by the Americans.

It doesn't sound like it. Why did you even get citizenship?

>> No.18008294

as long as old americans don't commit suicide the new americans are doomed. the globohomo model requires perpetual infusions of people to exist. the second the population uomp is switched off it sputters and dies

>> No.18008311

White Americans aren't an ethnic group

>> No.18008333

How do you prevent old Americans from commiting suicide though? Many of them don't realize they are part of an ethnic group, instead embracing either a civic nationalist identity, globalism, or individualism. A great number of the children of the old elite WASPs have been swept up in this wokeness craze and now curse their own people and their ancestors. This is especially worrisome because elites are the ones who actually have influence. It's most important to keep ethnic consciousness alive or reawaken it among the elites.

>> No.18008359
File: 27 KB, 1230x925, five races of america.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes we are. People used to refer to white Americans as native Americans. The old Native American organizations like the Know Nothings is where the term Nativist comes from. Everyone used to accept that there was such a thing as an American ethnic group. There are a few groups within white America that you might exclude from real Americans like some of the Italians on the coast who still haven't truly assimilated or the amish but there is a group of people who have been here for a very long time and are their own distinct branch of the white race, a mix of many different northern European groups with a solid Anglo-Saxon foundation.

>> No.18008780

Is Madison Grant actually worth reading?

>> No.18008803

Son of a thieving chink probably.

>> No.18008823

What does he say in them?

>> No.18009630


>> No.18010176

Just have a lot of children. Revenge of the cradle is all we can do for now. Well, that or try to become a billionaire somehow.

>> No.18010541

Basketball American is a dead meme but this is pretty accurate.

>> No.18010870


>white nationalist thread receives calm discussion and generates actual, on-topic literary recommendations


>> No.18011109

What if I’m none of those

>> No.18011188

If you’re talking about the image, it’s just a joke but it does cover all but about 10% of the US population. What are you, East Asian, MENA, Australian Aboriginal, indigenous, mixed? If you’re asking what should happen to you if you’re not American, that depends. Assuming the country doesn’t break up, I think the indigenous nations and African Americans should be given their own places where they can preserve their culture similar to the already existing Indian reservations but with more autonomy. Post-1965 immigrants should be paid to return home. The remaining white ethnics are already mostly assimilated and their grandchildren will be Americans. It’s also possible that the USA will Balkanize, which could result in many non-Americans remaining in North America but in California or New York instead of the American homeland. I'd prefer for things to be solved as peacefully as possible.

>> No.18011235

And I honestly think balkanization would be better than what the elites have planned for us right now(pod,bugs,etc.).

>> No.18011775

>become a billionaire
damn, why didn't i think of this before?

>> No.18011857

What did you expect? With no rules against prejudice/racism (though I disagree with that label) unlike other websites, anons here are free to discuss whatever they like as long as it's not against the law like Cheese Pizza.

>> No.18012483
File: 182 KB, 640x483, Trump fertility.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The group you're calling real Americans (American whites of northern European descent) are actually doing less poorly than you might think. The Alternative Hypothesis did a breakdown of the white vote and whites from Protestant Europe (English, Scottish, German, Scandinavian) voted Republican more often than whites from eastern and southern Europe. Republicans have higher TFRs than Democrats. Also, the states which have higher concentrations of northern Europeans (the Dakotas, Utah, Idaho) also have the highest TFRs. Unfortunately, this does not appear to apply to the classic east coast WASPs but I guess you can't win them all. If the flow of immigrants could be stopped, the demographics would gradually fix themselves over many generations, especially considering the increase in white nationalism and how much nationalists encourage high birth rates. Millenial and zoomer nationalists are going to be having twice as many kids as their anti-white, progressive counterparts, many of whom arent going to have any at all because they'd rather live a hedonistic consumerist childfree lifestyle. This decade is going to be rough but I'm optimistic for how things will turn out.

>> No.18012543
File: 119 KB, 676x445, country of origin voting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's how different whites voted.

>> No.18012548

Or what party they're affiliated with, my bad

>> No.18012582

Are you descended from the founding stock? If so, you're ethnically American no matter where you live.

>> No.18012589

Greg Johnson's books are good. Start with The White Nationalist Manifesto.

>> No.18013076

Does Johnson have children? I hear that he's gay but I don't know if that's been confirmed. I don't really have an issue with gays who act normal, especially if they are pro-white but it is sad to see someone with his genes not reproducing.

>> No.18013365

This is like a reversal of how things are in Europe. Swedes in America are based and Hungarians in America are cucked. Why? My best guess is that it's because the Hungarians arrived later and are more concentrated in cities or it's counting Hungarian Jews as Hungarians. As for the Swedes, no clue other than them being in the country longer. Are they more rural?

>> No.18013381

ethnogenesis occured in america sorry u braindead kike, american (see white) was understood as an ethnicity until the past like 15-20 years. you’re brainwashed and retarded.

>> No.18013383

Holy FUCK this board sucks now

>> No.18013395

Hey now be nice. I know it's frustrating but try not to be too rude. You will just drive people away.

If you have a disagreement with anyone in the thread, just spreak your mind. I asked for literature related to the topic and that's still what I'm hoping to find but if you see something you disagree with, you're free to explain why.

>> No.18013424

I'm pretty sure he's gay but he keeps it in the closet, which I respect. I think the days of gays pretending to be straight, marrying women and having kids are long past.

>> No.18014646

You are not looking for literature ok the topic, and even if you were it is a pathetic venture
You are in control of your destiny. Most anglo americans are doing just fine and enjoying a great amount of material wealth and will still be this way for hundreds of years, you are just unsatisfied with yourself