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18004260 No.18004260[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you submitted to evolutionary biology like the rest of us? How can you escape from reality when this is all there is?

>> No.18004282
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By being a volcel

>> No.18004293

this has nothing to do with literature

>> No.18004298
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I got a 95, looks like I'm out of here.

If only.

>> No.18004305

They think looking muscular will get you women.


>> No.18004310

>evolutionary biology
I believe it is relevant to your book worm endeavours Anon.

>> No.18004320


>> No.18004358

This is lanklet cope, no women want a 6'4 freak

>> No.18004364

This is manlet cope, no woman wants a book worm below 6 feet.

>> No.18004367

Do normal, well-adjusted people think like this?

Because I don't think they do.

>> No.18004372

I WISH it was that simple

>> No.18004381

You're retard. 6'4 isn't even that tall.
I'm 6'4 and every single woman I've been with has commented on my height and said something along the lines of "so glad you're not short".

>> No.18004383

>They think reading books makes them smart

>> No.18004392


>> No.18004394

>They think looking muscular will get you women.
It will get more women more attracted/interested in you. 100%.
t. Been a non-lifter that became a lifter and personally experienced the change. I was also not a virgin before weight training.

>> No.18004396

You should be ashamed of yourself, this is the shit nietzche warned us about, this is nihilism.
People aren't people, people are numbers, they are height, they are social statsz they are body fat percentages, we don't care for someone we care for their highest stats like looking for a pc, this is degenerate and you all who believe in this niggermaxx bullshit should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.18004406

Why would I cope?
You're an incel, I'm not.
COPE more.

>> No.18004408

>well-adjusted people think like this?
I hope not. However, with the current epoch women only want the best. Men are merely goods for their consumption. Low value men will obtain nothing in the current sexual market. Money and good-looks (including height) is all that matters. I would argue this is a reinforcement of evolutionary biology in the current era.

>> No.18004434

It’s not that difficult to get an attractive woman.
I’m a borderline obese effiminate manlet (5’9”) but I still have a 9/10 wife.
How? I became a doctor and I make $200k a year.

I know my wife is only with me for the money, but I don’t care.
Girls don’t want looks, they want money.

>> No.18004438

>height score halved because I have body of a YSL model
Lmfao, small brain small testicle roid tards stay mad, Imma make that a +25
Wont bother with the last one because I already win

>> No.18004446

I don't think it's either, but other people (society) usually force them to accept one of those.

I think what everyone really wants, is someone to love them and someone to love :3

>> No.18004448

They want look if they can help it, nobody wants ugly kids, nor do they want to have sex with ugly men, but some women will make the trade with you. But she'd take an attractive doctor over you if she could.

>> No.18004453

I'm pretty sure ugly girls would pay me for dates. I've had them aggressively pursue me before, but I am really not into them.

>> No.18004455

No, if you're extremely tall and gaunt that means you belong on 4chan.

>> No.18004458

Says the lanky freak trying to make excuses and feel like women like him

>> No.18004460

> I think what everyone really wants, is someone to love them and someone to love :3
If it’s so simple why is is so hard?

>> No.18004488

I'm unironically well over 90 and I'm absolutely not an alpha. Any girl no effort required my ass. Social status is far more complex than lul these characteristics good.

>> No.18004494
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Based and Christpilled anon!