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18003708 No.18003708 [Reply] [Original]

>see threads about people identifying with dmitri and alyosha
>finally read the book
>realize I am Ivan


>> No.18003716
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>identifies with Grand Inquisitor

>> No.18003740

wow fuck you then

>> No.18003742
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>identifies with Jesus

>> No.18003770
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Grand inquisitor chapter was just one giant hit piece against Catholicism wasn't it...

>> No.18003793

Ivan and the Devil was the best part of this book, though Grand Inquisitor comes close. I was less emotionally engaged than anons here led me to believe I would be, desu. I dunno how anyone cries at this, it's just generally melancholy. I will say though, Dostoevsky did manage to make me feel spiritually inquisitive, and it left a lasting impression in that regard.

>> No.18003803

Smerdyakov also thought he was Ivan

>> No.18004049

>tfw you realize you are a combination of Grushenka and Katerina

>> No.18004056

That's the point though

Ivan thought he was Ivan too

>> No.18004100

Im just like Smerdyakov. Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor

>> No.18004279

Post tits

>> No.18004308

OP is a Kolya if ever I saw one.

>> No.18004314

Joker (2019)

>> No.18004550

>The part where he mocks his teacher for not knowing who the founder of Troy was but he doesn't actually know himself.
He's literally me.

>> No.18005438

Dude, Stavrogin is in "The Devils" not Karamazov.

>> No.18005448

Post dick pic first

>> No.18005907

anyone who doesn't identify with Ivan doesn't belong to 4chan

>> No.18005939

Smerdyakov was a modest who mistook his cynicism for intelligence

>> No.18005946


>> No.18006016

daily reminder that it was all that whore Grushenka's fault

>> No.18006033

Grushenka did nothing wrong though. If Papa K and Dmitri didn’t simp over her, nothing would have happened. She never actually put out either. She was one of the strongest characters morally by the end. Now, Katerina was a bitch

>> No.18006042

she was taunting them the entire time until it boiled over. if she just stopped being a whore for 10 seconds it would have been fine.

>> No.18006098

can someone explain why jesus kissed the inquisitor?

>> No.18006123

isn't that Jesus's motif? he always forgives

>> No.18006134

She was a flirt, not a whore and the two men lost their minds. It’s like if a driver flips off another driver and the second driver shoots the man who flipped him off. The flipper started it but the reaction isn’t justified. Grushenka just had a hustle that they both fell for. If they weren’t simps nothing would have happened either

>> No.18006146

Everyone knows the both Mr Karamazov and Dmitri are clowns. They are not in control of their own actions at many times, and in fact they often act in ways that will damage them greatly. It is their nature.

Grushenka knew this but still decided to purposely push them to the edge.

>> No.18006152

>hasn't read the New Testament
Kissing is an act of intimacy between close friends. The Grand Inquisitor hates Jesus with the heat of a thousand suns, and Jesus has every reason to return that hate. But he kisses him because he forgives him, he loves him despite all his anger and sin. From the book of Matthew, Jesus preaches
>Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.
So the Grand Inquisitor, though spiteful, cannot bring himself to hate one who loves him.

>> No.18006164

There is no point in debating a fictionalized book but how was she to know that a third party would come in and kill someone? She was financially shrewd and had to look out for herself. It’s clear that in the end she has regrets over the situation so she isn’t a monster

>> No.18006190

>There is no point in debating a fictionalized book
> how was she to know that a third party would come in and kill someone?
She wasn't but anyone with a brain knew that messing with the Karamazov's was sure to get a bad response. She especially knew that Dmitri was liable to go into manic episodes since she had partied with him during those episodes.
>she was financially shrewd and had to look out for herself.
She had a finacial backer, that old merchant dude. She just wanted to have fun with the jester Dmitri.
> It’s clear that in the end she has regrets over the situation so she isn’t a monster
She's feeling guilt because she knows she is morally responsible.

>> No.18006219

These are fictionalized 2-D characters that are borderline stock characters. It’s kind of a pointless argument

Anyway I always had a theory that Dmitri is the true hero and a christ-like figure. A reference is made to the wedding of Gallee(sp?) where the moral is that Jesus celebrated happiness and not just suffering. Dmitri is the partier who is always looking for happiness. By the end of the book, he becomes a martyr for his lifestyle, just like Jesus did for his. It would have been interesting to see where Dostoyevsky was going for in part 2. One of the biggest what-if’s in literature

>> No.18006224

>These are fictionalized 2-D characters that are borderline stock characters. It’s kind of a pointless argument
You might be thicker than Smerdyakov's mother

>> No.18006228

i identify with smerdyakov

>> No.18006243

Anyone else nearly drive themselves insane by determinism looping through every thought

>> No.18006245

They are basically the holy fool, bacchus and Bazarov- the spirit, the body, the brain. They weren’t lifelike figures at all. Real people are much more nuanced. That doesn’t mean that it makes it any less than a masterpiece

>> No.18006255

>being the only one who identifies as Fyodor

>> No.18006256

It's more the fact that because they are simple characters that makes the argument pointless? for what reason?
Certainly the idea of who is to blame must be addresses. Ivan almost died because of the guilt he felt for leading Smerdyakov astray

>> No.18006283

Should we dig up the corpse of Dostoyevsky and ask him to be the judge? These are characters he created and only he would have the answers. I just think it’s pointless to point solely at Grushenka when literally every character played a part in the murder unfolding to some extent. I think the two chief ones were Dmitri and Fyodor. If you don’t, it’s no skin off my back. This is going nowhere and is unproductive so I’m out

>> No.18006392

Please get to the part where you kill yourself

>> No.18006539

You will never be a real woman.

>> No.18007111

Did fyodor pavlovich actually rape lizaveta?

>> No.18007961

Yeah. That's why Smerdyakov hates him so much.

>> No.18008627

fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky also identifies with fyodor

>> No.18008640

no he didnt it was consentual and smerdyakov did not give a fuck about his mom or anything thats the point of his character

>> No.18009063


To add, Jesus isn't going to use logic win an argument. That's what Ivan would do.

The reader leaves the chapter siding with Jesus, because his kindness and love holds more weight than intelligence and logic. There's something spiritual about compassion that touches us more than logical reasoning.

>> No.18009180

If you actually see yourself in any of the characters in this book then that should be a sign that you should change some things about yourself. If you think you're Ivan you're probably not a super intelligent person, you are probably just recognizing that you're both pretentious know-it-alls. The fact you made a thread about a TBK also supports this.

>> No.18009188

Wow when i came in this thread I thought op was far and away the stupidest post I would see today. Thank you for proving me wrong and killing my faith in this board.

>> No.18009198

Why are you on lit if you don't want to argue about fictional characters?

>> No.18009328

Ivan is a sadist who thinks he's an empath and I believe many people with masturbation addictions can relate. After living a life of reviling pedophiles and wishing them a bitter end, it is rather ironic that in the end I have become one as well.

>> No.18009369

adding to what >>18009063 said, that idea is expanded by the teachings of Father Zosima. The beauty of this book is that it makes two of the most solid arguments for and against Christianity. These teachings can even apply for atheists. A love of mankind and knowing that we are all guilty before the whole world will make you a better person and is a step towards finding happiness.

>> No.18009422

You will never be a real man

>> No.18010093

He acts like he doesn't care, but secretly he does.

>> No.18010095
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I've been recommended this, is it worth reading? The last book she recommended was I,Claudius which I loved. I've never seen it mentioned here or anywhere else, but it seems to get good reviews.