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18003637 No.18003637 [Reply] [Original]

Who is your favorite mystic, /lit/?

>> No.18003643
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>> No.18003644

Thank Lord, you dont have penguin version.

>> No.18003659


>> No.18003677

>nooo I ate this pear I’m sorry god

>> No.18003712

Hildergarde von Bingen
Baal shem tov

>> No.18003771

>Hildergarde von Bingen

>> No.18003903


>> No.18003910

Kek how accurate is this?

>> No.18003952

He didn't eat it

>> No.18004075

It's taken out of context, but yes he confesses that he stole pears from his neighbor's tree as a lad with his friends

>> No.18004085

Pro tip OP, when you post a photo from your phone it will rotate 90 degrees when posted. Therefore, any pic you take that you want to make a thread with: shoot landscape

>> No.18004096
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>> No.18004107

Jokes aside...would anyone accept a mystic or prophet who did genuinely abhorrent things, and then had a revelation that changed him? I mean like truly evil things. Would make for a funny character in a book, a priest or something who is universally beloved and then it comes out that he was a murderer-rapist in his youth.

>> No.18004112

He did far worse things than stealing some pears. It was just the first sin he remembers.

>> No.18004122

>Would make for a funny character in a book, a priest or something who is universally beloved and then it comes out that he was a murderer-rapist in his youth.
wow, i bet this have never happened irl

>> No.18004125

What’s wrong with it?

>> No.18004147
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Guenon, St Anthony the Great, St Ephrem the Syrian

>> No.18004167

Im thinking it's probably pretty rare if it exists at all tbqh, I should have specified not just a priest, but like a straight up religious figure tier guy, someone considered a holy man, a saint, a mystic.

>> No.18004278
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>> No.18004435

desu for how much this book is shilled here this is the first post that has ever made me want to actually read it.

>> No.18004521

quite rightly

>> No.18004538


>> No.18004560

I think this is the friendliest I've ever heard someone say this.

>> No.18004575
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I don't want to spoil a 2000 year old book but you might like the New Testament.

>> No.18004579
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For me, it's Paul Stametz

>> No.18004651

>well, I ate the pear, off to the rapemurder thunderdome

>> No.18004664

Aṅgulimāla was a mass murderer who tried to kill Buddha but became converted and is revered nowadays.

>> No.18004690

Bait aside I really hope no one thinks fungi brain stamets could be considered a mystic.

>> No.18004786
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Kind of the reverse