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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.88 MB, 4912x4400, bookcels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18003302 No.18003302 [Reply] [Original]

hey everyone welcome to the bookcel general i would like to start of with some discussion topics

-best books to impress women
-where to meet /lit/ girls

>> No.18003314

I'm not Incel.

>> No.18003331

I had sex many times and even turned down several girls after I no longer had interest in fucking.

>> No.18003341

Which board do you think has the least ugly users?

>> No.18003351

pol definitely

>> No.18003358
File: 539 KB, 1639x1323, 1565142311806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pol definitely

>> No.18003360

Fit and pol. Users there just got a very bad personality thats why no one will fuck them.

>> No.18003408

Most of the guys on /fit/ are skinny-fat larpers.

>> No.18003418
File: 3.60 MB, 4912x4400, 1617995475992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18003424

ok then when this thread hits the bump limit you can make a new one with that pic

>> No.18003440


>> No.18003471

Probably some random obscure board like /trv/ or something

>> No.18003566

these days /pol/ is full of actual 40-70 year old boomers. for sure it's the oldest board on this site by far. a lot of those guys have ex-wives and kids so yeah I'm sure it's /pol/.
I used to go there all the time in 2015. crazy how things have changed over there.

>> No.18003574

Don't do that.

Memeing with the photographs of users is of bad taste. /b/ and reddit would stand by it because "lol xD", /lit/ should not.

>> No.18003615

Is it bad that I want to fuck the creature with the Gadafi book?
Straight male here btw

>> No.18004058

>old boomers with ex-wives
>least ugly

>> No.18004102

Imagine posting your face on 4channel. Like, how vapid and dumb do you have to be?

>> No.18004121

I was gonna say something like this but then i remembered that these retards really posted their face on 4chan. kek

>> No.18004139

No, I agree with >>18004102 and >>1800412, if you don’t want your pic reposted on 4chan don’t post it.

>> No.18004165

For some reason I always envision the people I interact with on my main boards as being clean cut, decent looking fellows like myself.
Most of the people on this site are of above average intelligence, seriously ugly people are usually not very smart

>> No.18004180

/fit/ or

>> No.18004195

> Don't do that.

go back faggot

>> No.18004215
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>> No.18004241
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just woke up

I appreciate being part of the gang

>> No.18004272


Holy based our girls are kinda cute desu

>> No.18004315

nipples please I asked last thread but you ignored me º3º ewe

>> No.18004346

??? I don't have hot nipples

>> No.18004348

Didn’t Gadafi get a knife shoved up his ass?

>> No.18004359

>??? I don't have hot nipples
Are they pink? Pink nips are hot desu

>> No.18004363

holy fuck i know people who post on this board and they will see my pic up there fuuuuck i didnt think id get edited into a fucking incel comp lol

>> No.18004469

honestly man who cares, it's an embarrassingly funny story at worst

>> No.18004499

i'm the red shirt guy, holy based, living meme time. oh also

>he doesnt have sex with a girl while forcing girl to quote husserl

god damn you guys are plebs

>> No.18004601

This plz post

>> No.18004653


>> No.18004660

yoooo is that gardner with those weird ass eye tattoos?

>> No.18004677 [DELETED] 

oh noooo i have the same meme headphones as that guy at the bottom, i just bought them cuz some autistic guy on irc said they were good, they actually suck don't even have bluetooth 4.2 so you can monitor the battery level and the plastic on the usb charging cable cracked, but the sound is pretty on point for the price level tho. can't wait to get my money right so i can cop those apple airpod max with sick surround sound that stays in place when you rotate your head because the gyroscope and h1 chip.

>> No.18004680
File: 151 KB, 500x360, 1546297660352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weird ass eye tattoos?
made me think of this lol

>> No.18004683
File: 26 KB, 669x651, 1501751963116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get into meme pic
>my pic is stretched beyond recognition

>> No.18004686

I said Abelian the last time because you look a lot like that 2016? /mu/tripfag

>> No.18004687

mine is too kek

>> No.18004712

oh ok, never heard of the guy

>> No.18004726
File: 86 KB, 720x480, yl1441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yung lean in pic
absolutely based

>> No.18004879

They're the eyes from the billboard in the of Gatsby movie iirc

>> No.18005026

jesus you people are uhly

>> No.18006044

Black and white “girl” in top left is a well known femboy on /b/ for posting their lickable asshole

>> No.18006634

Then leave us alone

>> No.18006650

Bro you should sleep more

>> No.18006653


>> No.18006656

/soc/ pls go

>> No.18006727
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>> No.18007051
File: 37 KB, 708x480, 1519340238795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly outside of the mestizo creatura, walmart houellebeq and the fatty that looks 50, everyone is chad af. The rest of them are bait pics.

>tfw no /lit/ gf
Qt in the left corner next to that pic of yung lean pls

>> No.18007061
File: 237 KB, 673x900, 1609391614187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

>> No.18007065

That's me bottom left ^_^

>> No.18007086
File: 1.28 MB, 1536x2048, 20210123_143025(0).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to reply to these two. Bottom left.

>> No.18007127


>> No.18007148
File: 56 KB, 600x600, denzel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>facefagging on /lit/

>> No.18007154

based international femboy

>> No.18007293
File: 17 KB, 260x194, 259F7222-9FC9-4858-9BA3-E150EF51B1E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I think I’ll have top right desu

>> No.18007302

You get the real uggos on reddit and tumblr

>> No.18007310

A lot of these could get pussy if they put the slightest effort into their appearance and stopped being crazy

>> No.18007339

Maybe they should start reading to impress women

>> No.18007549

exactly, they talk about facial bone structure as if the 5% of guys who have that type of face are the only ones who get girls.
If you told them that they'd look a lot better if they got rid of those school shooter glasses and started taking care of their hair, their skin, their body etc. they wouldn't believe you because their brain is too full of bullshit statistics and redpill cringe to even consider the fact that people can sense their coomer lifestyle before they even see them.
>inb4 "that's normie thinking"
fuck off. You'd have to be absolutely delusional to believe that working on yourself does nothing. People can tell if you take care of your appearance which is a big factor when someone is looking for hook-ups. They can see your pimples, greasy hair, ugly moustache, the cum stains etc, which says a lot about you. No sane person would want to be with someone who lives like that.
If that's "normie thinking" then normies must be absolutely right. Evidence: They actually get hooked up unlike you.

>> No.18007607

>cum stains

>> No.18008058

why are you wutting him cum does stain you idiot

>> No.18008069

but is that a thing
ive never heard of it until now

>> No.18008113

one time in school I went home and jacked off in my free period and got a lil bit of cum on my trousers and someone pointed it out and everyone laughed at me and to this day is one of the most humiliating things in my entire life

Cum stains are 100% a thing

>> No.18008129


>> No.18008643

that’s a man

>> No.18008729

Maybe /cgl/ if you ignore the femcels

>> No.18008755

/out/. It’s also the only board not cluttered with degenerates.

>> No.18008762

Is that Yung lean second row, second from the right?

>> No.18008766

the left

>> No.18008808

LIT by a far margin.

>> No.18008825

I thought that was a girl (with a vagina)

>> No.18008903

I want to fuck gadafi book girl and cuddle her afterward.

>> No.18008916

bunch of fucking degenerates

>> No.18008977

/int/ is tranny central.

>> No.18009130

>if only you knew how bad things really are: the board

>> No.18009191

Most already look fine.

People who lack socialization often develop some crazy standards in regards of what men should look like.

>> No.18009208

That's normie thinking.

If people do all those things because they want to feel better, great, go ahead. If they do it because they want to get pussy, they're still faggot who submit to what the worlds wants to make of them.

Man up and be whatever the fuck you want to be, not what other people want you to be. And if they don't like it, they can fuck off, they're assholes anyway.

>> No.18009217

Thats a man and he posts on /int/

>> No.18009229

>stop being crazy
It's not that easy

>> No.18009279

I agree that there are better ways to live life than to submit to society's ideals, but we're talking about incels here, any lifestyle even if it's conformist is far better than inceldom. If you're an incel you're either rope, or start shooting people, or becoming a hiki. The normie 9-5 life is definitely better than those 3.
And I'm not saying that they should just start dressing like tik tok boys and pretend to like things they don't enjoy. I think it's pretty obvious that there's a lot of middle ground between the stereotypical chad and the incel. Just taking care of yourself is enough to at least look presentable in social situations, but incels don't even try that.

>> No.18009364

I think this is a little unfair I’m not an incel per se but I don’t have friends or had a gf in years and I’m willing to bet I’m happier on my own doing my own thing than a lot of normies I have a pretty comfortable life where I can mind my own business and read books and go on walks and for the most part I am happy although a gf would be nice

>> No.18009384

I like how people are calling me an incel, as I'm featured in this picture, and I have a wife and children. Lol

>> No.18009404

Are you the guy with his feet out?

>> No.18009443


You're good. Yes, I'm the feet guy. I'm 36 and have been in a relationship with multiple women since I was 13. I believe the only time I was "single and sexless" was two months after my first divorce. I also have an advanced degree in literature. I am who this board should be aspiring to capture the attention of so we may have some crisp and concise dialogue about writing and craft. But no...lol

>> No.18009479

you have nice feet

>> No.18009489

what does pussy feel like man? you seem like you write well and must have felt a few pussies in your lifetime... what does it feel like bro? like is it warm and shit? hot damn hopefully by the time im 36 ill be neck deep hahaha you know what im saying?

>> No.18009491


Appreciate it. I try to take good care of them. I've been slacking on my hands and my weight during Covid but I get a pedicure every so often with my wife.

>> No.18009508

Like someone else said an obscure hobby board that people only use for convenience of a community like /trv/ or /vp/

>> No.18009514


I never said I was neck deep and you shouldn't want to be neck deep as STDs and child support exist. Your sarcasm is palpable.

>> No.18009531

this is so sad

>> No.18009532

youre a quick one haha but you know its a aride or die world out there brother thats the rule of the game if i die with red pimples all over my dick then so be it i would have lived 'neck deep' which is enough for me

roll tide

>> No.18009539
File: 86 KB, 898x899, nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a cringe fest

>> No.18009546


I don't necessarily support hedonism but I'm not going to lie and say I've never partaken in it. So, do what thou wilt.

>> No.18009555

I get that but that has nothing to do with incels, because they very much define themselves by their involuntary virginity and loneliness. They're obviously very bitter about their situation, dating attractive women and having sex is their desire which they believe cannot be fulfilled unless they look like the stereotypical chad. Otherwise they wouldn't spend their days whining about it on forums and image boards.

>> No.18009561
File: 5 KB, 976x256, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bunch of twinks
haha hey

>> No.18009865

not one single blonde, lol. this site really is mutt central

>> No.18009922
File: 54 KB, 900x900, 1587170789205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im literally as anglo as it gets mate

>> No.18010218


I'm half Jew so I'll give you that.

>> No.18010282

Wait till you find out black people browse this board too

>> No.18010349

i'm half danish half greenlandic so you're not wrong