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18001407 No.18001407 [Reply] [Original]

Is this lizard woman based? Where do I start with her? I heard she likes Trump and she's an old school feminist

>> No.18001440

Start by putting your Alexa speaker (I know you have one) in front of you and using your smartphone with the hilarious ironic device name to play the Red Scare podcast. Then put the shotgun barrel in your mouth and place the butt of the shotgun on the ground. If you can't reach the trigger use your toe. Then play the Red Scare Podcast Game. Every time you hear vocal fry from a 40 year old woman, pull the trigger

>> No.18001444


>> No.18001513
File: 50 KB, 850x400, quote-modernization-means-westernization-camille-paglia-109-97-76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn she based

>> No.18001531

"Only weak women cannot regonize the grandeur of men" - Paglia

>> No.18001534

She is an individualist feminist so she doesn't like late liberal feminism's "communitarian" bent, aka endless whining and crying and self-infantilizing until men fix everything for you, which is counter to the premise of feminism (which is that women are just as good as men). In that respect she is closer to old school feminists who demanded equal opportunities and equal participation than to new school feminists who demand to be disgusting childlike whores until they're 33 but still piss and moan endlessly about oppression at their mindless office jobs even though they run all the HR departments like a Maoist cultural trannification center.

She is mainly just out of step with modern culture because she doesn't believe in self-pity. In a certain sense she is weak on structural factors because of this, I mean she doesn't exactly focus on something like women's self-perception being structured by male culture the way a Beauvoir does, but there is so much fucking pleb-level Beauvoir shit dominating feminist discourse already that she is like a breath of fresh air to many. Any feminist who isn't bawling and begging men to be better, more indulgent daddies seems like a Nietzschean superwoman advocate by comparison.

She is also a gender essentialist or at least anima/animus essentialist who is okay with gender bending and self expression etc. She embraces difference while also leaving open the possibility for "play" (in a better way than Judith Butler does, since Butler wants to reduce all particularities to "play" in a bohemian daydream scenario that only works if you're a wealthy New York lesbian sexually experimenting into your 90s).

>> No.18001562

>She is mainly just out of step with modern culture because she doesn't believe in self-pity. In a certain sense she is weak on structural factors because of this, I mean she doesn't exactly focus on something like women's self-perception being structured by male culture the way a Beauvoir does, but there is so much fucking pleb-level Beauvoir shit dominating feminist discourse already that she is like a breath of fresh air to many. Any feminist who isn't bawling and begging men to be better, more indulgent daddies seems like a Nietzschean superwoman advocate by comparison.
>She is also a gender essentialist or at least anima/animus essentialist who is okay with gender bending and self expression etc. She embraces difference while also leaving open the possibility for "play" (in a better way than Judith Butler does, since Butler wants to reduce all particularities to "play" in a bohemian daydream scenario that only works if you're a wealthy New York lesbian sexually experimenting into your 90s).
Holy crap feminism is boring as fuck

>> No.18001639

She's just the exception. Most women aren't capable of this

>> No.18001683

Why are most relevant philosopher/feminist writers lesbians?

>> No.18001688

She's literally a pedo apologist and an advocate of Nambla. So no, she is not based.

>> No.18001722

amerimutt detected

>> No.18001758

dangerously based

>> No.18001762

So defending sex between adults and children "of any age" is a Euro thing? Glad I don't live in your shit country. Why don't you bend over for NATO more until they pound some sense in you.

>> No.18001797
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>> No.18001950
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>So defending sex between adults and children "of any age" is a Euro thing? Glad I don't live in your shit country. Why don't you bend over for NATO more until they pound some sense in you.

>> No.18001970

Fuck off with these posts

>> No.18001998

Because they can think without cock getting in the way.

>> No.18002024
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there is no a plurality of feminism. there is only one feminism and it's whoredom

>> No.18002026

One of my favorite takes Paglia had is that rape culture doesn't exist because culture itself is the thing that keeps women safe. Essentially, she argues that contemporary feminists are trying to smash the plate glass window that protects them from rape.

>> No.18002028

>NOOOO!!!! Stop having sex, be an incel like me!

>> No.18002029
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>> No.18002067

How did people respond to this? It's true.

>> No.18002074

I don't get it. Because culture keeps women from getting raped, any culture is good even if it's a culture that still encourages rape?

>> No.18002081
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Her literary hermeneutics have a much wider historicist scope than many of her contemporaries. Sexual Persona worth reading for this alone imo. (You should also go read McLuhan and Northrop Frye after)

>> No.18002099

Not any culture is anti-rape, but white European culture(s) are/is.

>> No.18002125
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This. Strong women recognize their subservient role and like it.

>> No.18002180

Best to start with Paglia's Sex, Art and American Culture essays. They're short, articulate and scathing. They cover pithy commentary on all sorts of subjects, from 90s rape cases to pop culture icons, and there are some longer essays that absolutely demolish the corruption and inadequacy of the academics of her time and the degradation of education. This is Paglia at her best, holding no prisoners, colourful dressing downs, calling out the rot.

Sexual Personae is great if you want a broad 700-page analysis of world history and culture filtered through her main idea of Apollo vs Dionysus. Gets a bit much and repetitive but good to dip in and out of. Fantastic for an easy, entry level world tour that covers many disciplines.

>> No.18002262

>Apollo vs Dionysus.
fucking hell Nietzsche was a msitake

>> No.18002287

>culture filtered through her main idea of Apollo vs Dionysus
She uses a hermeneutic of historicized archetypes that she got from Spenser's Faerie Queene

>> No.18002324

>is a woman
>writes about sex and being a woman
what the fuck is wrong with these animals, every single time

>> No.18002416

Yeah but it can be even more so

>> No.18002419

>absolutely demolish the corruption and inadequacy of the academics of her time and the degradation of education. This is Paglia at her best, holding no prisoners, colourful dressing downs, calling out the rot.
Hello NYT book reviews

>> No.18002466

i really think you should put it into context you fucking schizo, Pagilia is very based.

>> No.18002528

America does it too, it's just only the elites get to enjoy it. The peasant class has been conditioned to not accept it so there's less demand. Seethe more.

>> No.18002773

Bit too much Freud for my tastes but decent literature interpreter.

>> No.18002800
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She's vicious, a great writer and speaker. Read Junkbonds and Corporate Raiders: Academe in the Hour of the Wolf.

pic related is a good buy

>> No.18003120
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>> No.18003153

What's funny

>> No.18003164
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how women are more inclined to accept their biological nature

>> No.18003204


>> No.18003206
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>> No.18003420


>> No.18003434

I read “it’s time you farted on dinner, lady”

>> No.18003437

My guess is that she is using platonic reasoning, so any "culture" that encourages rape isn't really culture, but something else.

>> No.18003567

All women with inteligence act manly. Manliness is the true expression of the Human kind

>> No.18003619

Not even the arab culture encourages rape. All cultures try to prevent it

>> No.18003660

What's the context?

>> No.18003744


Rush Limbaugh (R.I.P.) once told a story of how he attended a dinner with several mainstream media types who hated his guts (in the early 90s or so, when he was younger and more naive). They intentionally sat him next to Paglia, with (he suspected) the intention of manufacturing a shitstorm between a feminist and himself. The two got on just fine, had polite chit-chat and even managed to trade a few jokes. Some of the media types would linger nearby, waiting for the shitstorm that never materialized.

It must be said that when you're a white bisexual woman, you're playing life on tutorial mode. You can never be as angry at the world as a lesbian, or even certain straight women.

>> No.18003757


She has lots of contrarian (to feminism) quotes that male internet nerds are bound to like (as based and redpilled), but she also has a really good one about how all man-kind are abject slaves to the coomer imperative, and that there is no way for them to get out of it, really master it, overcome it, etc. She's quite right.

>> No.18003819

Western culture ignores it when brown men are the rapists.

>> No.18003829

She's hot

>> No.18003848

>is black
>writes about mean whites and being black
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.18003876

Honestly, you newer generation Eurocucks and Amerimutts are the same shit at this point.

>> No.18003884

I think so too. Has this aura about her, bet she's absolute pleasure in bed.

>> No.18003891

Pagilia is an amerimutt pedo, so I don't see how that makes her based:
"By what ethical reasoning have you determined that the American way of life, which I too love... "
She outright states multiple times she prefers "American way of life".

Do you people even read?

>> No.18003930

loling @ this non-american seething.

>> No.18003939

Red Scare listeners should be shot on site.

>> No.18003949

I love the American way of life of sexual freedom and being cucked by niggers.

>> No.18003968

Fallocentric thought of heterosexual/bisexual women a priori rules out any presence of Logos.

Women who are not under the spell of The Cock have no choice but to adopt Logos.

>> No.18004166

>well, in context, really her defense of pedophilia is...

Pedo detected.

>> No.18004234

Yes. Anyway, age consent is a thing of the past

>> No.18004407

It's here and here to stay, pedo

>> No.18004734
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>> No.18005424


>> No.18006352


>> No.18006504

Probably start with Sexual Personae. Definitely the most stimulating and best of her works (I believe it's a 10 year expansion of her college dissertation.)

Actually I believe the very first essay in Sex, Art, and American culture is actually the unpublished first chapter to Sexual Personae that was cut during the edit. It's an introduction to the framework of the book and she explains her philosophical/methodological approach. I found it really helpful but only discovered it after I finished SP, and had wished I had read it before.

>> No.18006524

The Nambla thing is a stupid conspiracy. They basically quote sections of her book where she says post-pubescent teens have been sexually active in almost every culture in history including with adults. That's not "defending sex between adults and children"

>> No.18006674


>> No.18006679

Sounds like a bullshit story. Those celeb faggots don't sperg out at a high profile dinner over some words. Everyone acts elegant.

>> No.18006682

When you're a woman, you're always on easy mode

>> No.18006684

Who's gonna read 700 pages from a hole? She may be based for a woman but come on now

>> No.18006794

>Probably start with Sexual Personae. Definitely the most stimulating and best of her works
it probably is her best and deepest work, but i'm not sure it's the best place to start
one of her essay collections (sex art & american culture?) is much less likely to filter you
>Who's gonna read 700 pages from a hole?

>> No.18006799

Thank you. Finally someone with some sense. Women should stick to poetry.

>> No.18007516

Feminism is dope

>> No.18007533

I hate women, but I hate incels more than I hate women.

>> No.18007742

That is boomer theory we moved past that in the fucking 80s lmao

>> No.18007764

and shakespeare is a boomer author we moved past in the 17th century

>> No.18007923

Nothing is more pathetic than men and women who blame the other for their problems.

>> No.18008372


>> No.18009006

there isnt any the anon claiming her to be a pedo just has a hate boner for her
so no context? no quote or video link?
you have to first give evidence of her being a pedo retard.

>> No.18009066

Frye is actually incredible, it's a shame he got buried by trendy French psychoanalysis fads and then Americanized French pomo. He was basically trying to do transcendental depth psychology through literature and culture studies.

>> No.18009408

How do you think they responded to it? Emotional screeching. No one has any good arguments against Paglia, they just scream.

>> No.18010288

What's different about her position? It's just liberal conservatism + some feminism

>> No.18010651

Male and female sociopaths who crawl around online aren't that different from each other as they'd like to think from what I've seen. They repeat and repeat the same general stuff

>> No.18010725

that's what it should say

>> No.18010741


>> No.18010757

One thing I found interesting was she noticed millennial students didn't seem to have long/great boozey conversations in bars/pubs like previous generations did and they were missing out because that was one of the big idea generators of university life. They still drink but in different ways which don't really utilize alcohol in arguably it's only positive way, i.e. to lower inhibition's and have great chats with random/new/interesting/smart people.

>> No.18010763

This is correct.
Paglia is incredible and prpbably the only women philosopher worth reading (Arrendt is a hack).

>> No.18012074


>> No.18012292

Not strictly wrong, but also a boring and superficial take.

>> No.18012352

why even bother writing a nothing post like this?

>> No.18012370

These men and women face different issues. Saying "they're just bitter hateful people" is correct but also doesn't say much.

>> No.18012378

What is Red Scare.

>> No.18012379

I haven't studied her closely but I would consider her quote unquote based. She isn't a mindless ideologist feminist like the rest of em. You can only trust someone who professes to be an expert in a field they are highly critical of. That means they're actually thinking.

>> No.18012384

The rare autistic female. A fascinating specimen.

>> No.18012396

>(Arrendt is a hack)

>> No.18012406

I think people know that generally. But at what point does it matter that much when talking about people who come from having completely given up their sense of the control to the external?

>> No.18012410

I'm a male internet nerd and i don't see this as controversial. If anything, it is yet another thing that blows away mainstream feminists, who completely ignore men's biological circumstances in their demands that men "be better".

>> No.18012432

Even the eunuchs who had their testosterone producers snipped off?

>> No.18013186


>> No.18013297

What's wrong with Arendt?

>> No.18014541

Philosophy is downstream of ethnicity.

>> No.18014701

A paedophile, like all sexual deviants.

>> No.18014705

Based. I know those fucking tranny faggots lurk here.

>> No.18014721


>> No.18015416

Shut up~

>> No.18015570

kek, good one anon

>> No.18015590

TERFs are hypocrites. They're people who cannot cope with the inevitable conclusions of the ideological framework they espouse and have to hold internally inconsistent views to serve their personal interests.
I can't help but feel schadenfreude whenever a TERF gets dragged by intersectional progressives. Reaping what they sow.

>> No.18015673

I dont necissarily think so. I think a lot of people dont have the dynamism to see the internal logic of different perspectives and a priori vindications. If you come from a thought without, you will inevitably see it as disjointed to some degree.

>> No.18015714

Feminists believe any shortfall in complete social parity between men and women is a result of patriarchal social constructivism, lacking any element of biological sexual determinism. And then they get pissy when people born with a dick appeal to exactly the same rationale for why their dick shouldn't affect any aspect of how they socialise, to the point of demanding entry to so-called women's spaces.

>> No.18015728

Basically, TERFs have implicitly replaced one constructivist framework with another. In light of this, their appeal to biological essentialism to bar trans people from womanhood makes no sense, because that very appeal reinforces the social manifestations of biological sexual dimorphism that feminists sought to challenge in the first place.

>> No.18015944


Being a "TERF" hangs on the notion that the feminist is radical, no?

Doesn't sound like Camille Paglia is radical at all.

>> No.18015962

>old school feminist
So you mean she's just another part of the problem, but 40 years behind the program of the Kikes and Slave races?
No thanks. Only white women deserve rights, and even then, those rights are on loan from their men.
''Paglia'' as an Italian I am suspicious of this dyke-kike in disguise.

>> No.18016006

I look at internet intellectuals like Paglia, Peterson, the Joe Rogan types, and I feel a pang of disgust that must be comparable to what a father feels upon finding out his son is both gay, and a bottom.

These people had a moment in history when they could've done some serious damage to the status quo, they were woke on racial issues, and they all cucked. They all cucked and yield to middle-ground, lukewarm stances of ''CIVIC nationalism,'' ''OLD SCHOOL feminism,'' etc... They were weak, they cucked to the powers that be, and even in the case of Peterson with his former allies, he threw them under the bus.

Nothing revolutionary will come out of an academic's mind. They are engineered nowadays to not think outside the box, and are selected for high agreeability and complacency.

True change will come when we start executing Jewish bankers in the streets, and cooking their children in stews.

>> No.18016163

>executing bankers in the street
Sounds like a job for the narcos.
Another good reason for opening the borders

>> No.18016186
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You're almost there, but the concept of rights is part of the problem. When you speak of them being 'on loan' you are acknowledging that a right for one person necessarily imposes an obligation on another. Traditionally then, we understand society not as rights, but as an exchange of duties (e.g. husband/wife, liege/vassal, church/state, etc).
Enlightenment liberals loved the idea of rights, because it gets you something for nothing. You can demand a duty of society (other people) without performing a reciprocal duty in return. It's the perfect ideology for parasites.
>tldr; human rights are a dirty trick

>> No.18016528

Howsaboutchu shove that book learning where the sun dont shine

>> No.18016590

Rights can only exist within an envelope of the political protection of a society, which is maintained through military force. Thus all promoters of 'rights' that are not also militarists are hypocrites.

>> No.18016620

You're almost there but consider the source of these responsibilities to each other:

"Participation in long- distance trade, gift exchange, and a new set of cults requiring public sacrifi ces and feasting became the foundation for a new kind of social power. Stockbreeding is by nature a volatile economy. Herders who lose animals always borrow from those who still have them. Th e social obligations associated with these loans are institutionalized among the world’s pastoralists as the basis for a fl uid system of status distinctions. Th ose who loaned animals acquired power over those who borrowed them, and those who sponsored feasts obligated their guests. Early Proto- Indo- Eu ro pe an included a vocabulary about verbal contracts bound by oaths (*h1óitos-), used in later religious rituals to specify the obligations between the weak (humans) and the strong (gods). Refl exes of this root were preserved in Celtic, Germanic, Greek, and Tocharian. Th e model of po liti cal relations it references probably began in the Eneolithic. Only a few Eneolithic steppe people wore the elaborate costumes of tusks, plaques, beads, and rings or carried the stone maces that symbolized power, but children were included in this exceptional group, suggesting that the rich animal loaners at least tried to see that their children inherited their status. Status competition between regional leaders, *weik- potis or *reģ- in later Proto- Indo- Eu ro pe an, resulted in a surprisingly widespread set of shared status symbols. As leaders acquired followers, po liti cal networks emerged around them—and this was the basis for tribes."

-David W. Anthony. (2015) "The Horse, The Wheel and Language", Princeton University Press, Woodstock UK, p191.

>> No.18016646

Maybe they do recognize that the elite like top bankers are magnitudes more wealthy and more widely influential than any medieval king could have even dreamed of. But it's too much of a doomer thing to say that there's no no real way to hold them accountable anymore because they have so much at their disposal and the peons are either too comfy to risk anything or just don't have the funds/connections/resources to actually assemble in significant numbers with enough force. There is a great lacking in the urgency of a real threat over the necks of the elites if they act maliciously or misbehave, because they consistently misbehave and get away with it again and again.

>> No.18016781

>Feminists believe any shortfall in complete social parity between men and women is a result of patriarchal social constructivism, lacking any element of biological sexual determinism.
Paglia doesn't believe that and she's a feminism

>> No.18016932

it has now been pointed out to me twice that Paglia is not a radfem in this respect, so I stand corrected.
I still disagree with her.

>> No.18017278

Pag is basically exactly how a keyed-in man would live his life if he had the body and experiences of womanhood. She's ace.

>> No.18017778

She's just an old dyke who pawns off her image to reactionary mongrels. Of course this thread proves a lot of you bought in. But I don't understand what Bloom saw in her. Was it just the mere conceit of the con that he found so detestable that he couldn't help but smile at it? Or did he himself fall for her scheme after getting called a misogynist for not including enough twitzy-preemed acadames?

>> No.18018058

Lay off the herbs

>> No.18018822


>one of her essay collections (sex art & american culture?) is much less likely to filter you

Good point. I should have perhaps provided that I came upon Sexual Personae first prior to knowing of any of her other work because I was trying to research the history of androgyny in art (and practically no other great work exists on the topic that isn't either affected by religious moralist bias or pseudoscientific postmodern "gender studies")

SP is quite long and takes a while to digest, so I agree the general person may be better starting with her essay collections.

>> No.18018853

If by "moved past" you mean adopted self-defeating pseudo-scentific, pseudo-historic, pseudo-epistemological 'theories' that replaced synthesizing a wide range of sciences with vague solipsism.

>> No.18018868
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Even then, these military forces only exist due to the net tax contributors who pay for them. Calling the resulting protections "rights" obscures their origin, which will eventually allow liberals to cuck your society.
Interesting. I'm not well versed in PIE etymology, but the idea that feudalism is a kind of default societal model makes a lot of sense. It does, after all, tend to return after empires collapse.

>> No.18018873

>feminist of any kind

>> No.18018877

Except second-wave feminism was only considered radical in the '60s, and isn't even remotely radical today (in fact the triumphs of second wave feminism are now the dominant conventions almost everywhere in the West). I have no idea how to interpret the rest of your critique but it doesn't seem to describe Paglia's views at all.

>> No.18018914

I suspect you haven't encountered any of their (Peterson/Paglia; Rogan as an intellectual type? wtf?) actual academic work prior to internet gossip and YouTube clips

>> No.18018922

TERFs are actually the only feminists who stay consistent in their (garbage) ideological framework.

Of course, i'm talking about actual TERFs unlike you.

>> No.18019420

I've been in McGill for 7 years, I'm surrounded by academics. Some of these niggas even came to our campus to lecture, Peterstein comes from here.
I knew about this problem before enterring college from reading Ted K's manifesto during my teenage true crime / serial killer phase... a lot of what he wrote seemed crazy at the time. It made perfect sense to me the second I turned 18 and landed on campus. Now I'm staring down a master program and have to keep hiding my true beliefs around these cretins, these warped genetic monsters and oversocialized feminized men..... I can't stand it.
This experience has pushed me to wanting to work for the military industrial complex. I don't care if I'm building bombs to kill brown kids for Israel, as long as it keeps me away from academic Jews.

>> No.18019427

>I've been in McGill for 7 years
>Now I'm staring down a master program
nigga why did it take you 7 years to complete undergrad

>> No.18019432

I switched programs halfway through, and took a year off to work and hike.

>> No.18019517

If you're governed by disgust from your racist ideals rather than actually understanding ideas and rebuting them with criticism, wtf are you doing in university for?

>> No.18019564

why are you so desperate to broadcast your beliefs? I don't have mainstream beliefs either but never feel like I have to "hide" them since I don't bother engaging with the retards you speak of. You're just the other side of the same coin they are.

>> No.18019571

That doesn't make any sense.
The entire basis of patriarchy and the reason for feminism is that women's physical being is able to be oppressed by men, because they're smaller and weaker and get pregnant.

>> No.18019774


Certainly. Those same eunuchs carry a lifelong knowledge of objective inferiority, and have been socialized into a world which contains sexuality as an aspect. One does not escape the coomer imperative through "the eunuch calm", any more than the schizoid escapes social interaction through his own calm. Both are helplessly socialized into a world with intersubjective and sexual aspects, which are annoyances of which they are daily reminded.

>> No.18020227

TERFS are not hypocrites, they are just liars and theyr lie got out of control.

They are ok with sissiefying males out of spite and to reduce the sexual competitors, but they are not ok with a 6'2'' gorilla in a dress forcing them to suck his (her) femenine penis.

It's actually pretty consistent.

>> No.18020238

>True change will come when we start executing Jewish bankers in the streets, and cooking their children in stews.
Sadly true
And also extremely based.