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/lit/ - Literature

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18001392 No.18001392 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a dude, if I fap less will my writing become better because of vitalistic yin retention?

>> No.18001403

>I'm a dude
balls or gtfo

>> No.18001414

post those nuts right now. make sure the seam is visible.

>> No.18001426

show seam

>> No.18001432

you know the rules OP

>> No.18001433

Why channelers, why

>> No.18001469


>> No.18001474

amen sister. i hope he posts those plush and ripe balls soon.

>> No.18001526

There are no women on 4 chan

>> No.18001532

you’re only worth your balls now post them or leave you worthless XY subhuman

>> No.18001546

>declare gender for no reason
>you girls stop sexualizing me!!
Why are penisoids like this?

>> No.18001554

Average male post on 4chan
>I fap ladies, ladies did I mention I fap, I'm a dude by the way

Why do men even come here?

>> No.18001593

It's a bit disrespectful to ask for balls only because he is a male, we so rarely see men around here... These incels, I swear...

>> No.18001645

He won’t fuck you, stop degrading yourself for a walking dildo

>> No.18001691

>no!! don't objectivy the moid!
dildo detected

>> No.18001698

absolutely an undercover XYlet. fucking pathetic.

>> No.18001705

I hate women

>> No.18001708

oh look, the dildo wants attention. balls and taint or begone.

>> No.18001729

bad b8

>> No.18001756

Are you that new here?

>> No.18001802

Just because women don’t feel the need to ejaculate their gender every five seconds doesn’t mean we don’t dominate this board by far. Not that you will ever understand, your whole existence revolves around attracting female attention to that flesh stick between your legs, you are literally and demonstrably worthless in every other facet of life. It’s not your fault really, it’s just biology. Just go back to /r/AskMen, this place is not for your kind.

>> No.18001833


>> No.18001836

this is my favorite thread

>> No.18001841

look pal are you going to let me slap your sack or not?

>> No.18001850

i succ ur benis

>> No.18001860

ladies i HATE them so fucking much but i can’t stop imagining gently flicking my tongue against a penisoid’s nipple until it becomes erect, i want to bury my face in those fucking retards’ taints and ballbags, i want to lock them in a little basement and make them beg me for food and water, i want to praise and curse the creator for making walking dildos—WHAT DO I DO?!

>> No.18001862 [DELETED] 
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Sound your pen & write with it in your cock for direct access to the yinergy

>> No.18001875

That's why this board is so ... limited. Talking about the same books, the same authors. How... Predictable.

>> No.18001920

>a straight woman on lit
I don't believe it

>> No.18001934

Why do men... Write like this... They’re so... Fucking... Retarded

>> No.18001935

Don't. It's just faggot white knights mimicking what mainstream media outlets told them incels talk like as a joke.

>> No.18001955

i will ram my cunt against your nose again and again until i hear your nasal bones break. you have no value beyond your flesh rod and your manual labor. you are a sex toy that unfortunately learned how to talk. quiet now.

>> No.18001957

The joke back in the day, when 4chan was dominated by men, was that girls would never come to this disgusting place. When someone claimed to be a women, it was a trap, IE a tranny. This waslike 12 years ago, before gamer gate and all that.

But keep the misandry coming. You're winning, just like Trump

>> No.18001967

Misandry is no different than misogyny.

>> No.18001973

>when 4chan was dominated by men
lol where did you read that, encyclopedia dramatica? fucking newfags

>> No.18001979

We dont care what leftists think.

>> No.18001984

ok that’s nice now post cock and balls

>> No.18001990

You'll make fun of how small they are, so no.

>> No.18002000

You will care about my left tit once I shove it up you ass and fill you with my milk, whore

>> No.18002006

kek@this thread

>> No.18002017

Dangerously based domina

>> No.18002036
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>when a roastie thinks she's subverting my ability to sexualize her posts with irony but i sexualize the irony instead

>> No.18002037

Are you a breeder?

>> No.18002046

Where were you when Gats had the rainbow drip?

>> No.18002051

that’s nice sweetie

>> No.18002063

No proof of any male presence in this thread so far. Keep larping.

>> No.18002098

Na dude, but you can choke on my shade after I knock your teeth out

>> No.18002126

Anons are not grasping the levels of irony of this thread.

>> No.18002136

mash mash mash mash craccccck snaaaaaap

>> No.18002281

ITT: newfags

>> No.18002389
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It's so weird that no one will actually address op's question

>> No.18002414

>she thinks reversing rules is smart
please think before you act

>> No.18002510

>losers pretending to be women
Nothing ever changes

>> No.18002558

balls or be quiet

>> No.18002586

its actually nice being desired and sexualized by the opposite sex even if it is ironic shitposting. this must be what womemes under the cloak of anonymity feel when they're posts receive respect and thoughtful responses

>> No.18002664

oh my god shut the fuck up if you won’t post anything hot

>> No.18002670

absolutely correct, anon

>> No.18002677

lmao oh shit

>> No.18002710

that’s what happens when you derail a thread with your lush balls and cock. of course nobody will fucking respond to your actual post. don’t post gender next time.

>> No.18002711

You'll never be a man you fucking plastic shaft.

>> No.18002733

I’m loving it. I wish real life was like this. If only some virus eradicated 90% of the male population...

>> No.18002926
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>i actually really like being sexualized tehee :3
>doesn't post balls
I hate men so fucking much.

>> No.18002936

Do you really want to see my balls? I'll post them if you really REALLY want to see my scrotum.

>> No.18002944

No, but do it because it seems like you already believe it will help and placebo is a motherfucker. good luck anon

>> No.18002956

You're just a larping lesbo anyway, prove me wrong

>> No.18002998

yes retard, how many times do we have to tell you to post balls

>> No.18003020
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>> No.18003378

Tell me if you find it interesting

>> No.18003413


>> No.18003446

probably because the question is retarded

>> No.18003458


>> No.18003476

oj danon

>> No.18003502

It's not about christianity, it's about Sexual promiscuity