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17997509 No.17997509[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do leftists seethe about this stuff? What's wrong with having police write poetry? Bizarre.

>> No.17997518

Why does Bob hate Plato so much?

>> No.17997520

why do retards feel the need to drag their twitter drama to 4chan? Bizarre

>> No.17997522

Leftists are antinomian. They inherently hate rules and rule enforcers.

>> No.17997527
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Don't post twitter screenshots on /lit/

>> No.17997532


If the skinny tattooed pseud faggots in black hoodies are forced to acknowledge the humanity of the police, even in poorly composed verse, are forced to see them as something other than a terminator, or a robocop, or a Capital-Machine, it makes it harder for them to maintain their focused and misplaced hatreds.

>> No.17997536

cops are fucking retarded, but who cares about this shit. Why the fuck are you on Twitter OP?

>> No.17997538


>> No.17997541

Leftists think they are the new police. Or better say the new police chiefs.

>> No.17997542
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Because Plato doesn’t like poets, obviously.


And being hit over the head by pigs. They’re not there to protect us or enforce law. Just order.

>> No.17997546

Leftists seethe about cops because they are volunteer cops for the regime themselves and they find it offensive that cops arrest people instead of letting Leftists choose who gets arrested

>> No.17997571

>Leftists this Leftists that
Leftists under your bed.
Leftists in your closet in your head.

>> No.17997575



>> No.17997588

AOC just sent the cops to arrest a guy who criticized her on twitter lol

>> No.17997615

Leftists don't consider their ideological opponents either deluded, misguided, brainwashed or even just degenerate or inferior, but they deny their humanity altogether. Policemen and fascists are none of the previous things, they're terminators wearing the skins of humans, some anomalous non-human, but human-seeming creature, like another anon said.

>> No.17997629

white genocide is real. They don't want you writing or publishing books. They want your culture extinct.

>> No.17997633

Back to your containment board.

>> No.17997638

Keep it to your gay little discord

>> No.17997736

There was a brief segment on the average IQs of people in different careers. The average cop in North America scored 100. Basically, we give a tonne of power and authority to people who would struggle to maintain a C+ average at a mid-tier college, then act surprised when they see the essence of their job as some heroic "thin blue line" powertrip instead of the responsibility to maintain public trust.

(Protip: If you ever get stopped by a cop for something you can talk your way out of...telling a male cop you just found out your gf/wife is cheating on you will work every time. They have a high divorce rate and the younger ones will take it as a chance to act like a chad and give you a cliched pep talk).

>> No.17997753

I agree let's institute IQ tests for government positions, this would actually solve a lot of problems. Companies should be allowed to use IQ tests for hiring too, it was silly this was forbidden

>> No.17997760

IQ is pseudoscientific. That being said, I believe that in Australia at least in one state to begin training as a police officer you must hold a minimum of a BA which means that the cops there are generally not meatheads which is a good thing.

>> No.17997870

>wants the state to dictate all aspects of life
>hate rules and rule enforcers
You can't help but hate them.

>> No.17997873
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Damn AOC.

>> No.17997881

You do know they’re not the same people, right?

>> No.17997883

>using imagined college grades as a metric for the quality of a person
holy midwit

>> No.17997890

You're a retard if you think that. It's a psychometric that's been refined through decades of research and thousands and it has been rigorously studied in thousands upon thousands of academic papers.

Having a high IQ doesn't mean you're a good person; it also doesn't protect you from becoming an ideologue. A higher IQ does mean that there's a higher likelihood you can handle abstract ideas (i.e. working as part of an apparatus that needs to use power/violence to maintain public order) beyond base level perceptions (i.e. my job is about having a gun and being the alpha in every encounter I have...I'm a hero!)

P.S. I didn't mention it before...but it was a section in Peterson's class (from the half that's not on YouTube).

>> No.17997897

I actually knew Bob Holman back in the day lmao. He owns (owned?) The Bowery Poetry Club. He eventually turned it into a burlesque club and built himself a balcony so he could jerk off while he watched the strippers.

>> No.17997907

No, they aren't.

>> No.17997927

Liberals are not leftists. Leftists are not liberals

>> No.17997934
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Who said having a high IQ makes you a better person?

Law enforcement is a complex societal role. A state has to monopolize authority in the law; human actors are required to do so. Patterns of human behavior are going to make for situations wherein the agents of authority are corrupt. It's a very complex problem when it comes to affording natural corruption while maintaining necessary order through an organization like an active policing force.

There are systemic and human elements. Distinguishing between them is something society is pretty bad at doing; as far as I can tell training that stresses the idea of responsibility over authority has to be developed (which is actually more difficult than it seems because culture leans toward elevating the status of police officers; cops see themselves as heroic actors). It also requires a fair degree of abstraction and the idea that a group plucked from baseline intelligence isn't going to be up to that task.

Most cops see themselves as (pic related); I don't think we can expect much out of them as a group.

>> No.17997941

Like a single one of them would even touch that book.

>> No.17997946

>IQ is pseudoscience but having a BA is a good metric
just lol

>> No.17997953

>I'm a cop. Do you like my poem?

I don't kill blacks
But I should

Rid my area
Of the hood

>> No.17997954

because your idea of "the left" is twitter liberals

>> No.17997956

I've been gone for a while. Are you the same butterfly that's always posting here or are you a new one? Your posts seem to have even less effort than usual.

>> No.17997959

>working as part of an apparatus that needs to use power/violence to maintain public order
Is this what you think the police are for?

>> No.17997978

is this some kind of trick question?

>> No.17997982

Having a monopoly on violence is one of the biggest responsibilities of being a police officer. It's also the major element in play when it comes to negative public perception of the police. It's a fundamental necessity and part of the core of a policing body.

What, do you want me to say that I think the only role police have is to be violent aggressors, bootlicking operatives of state authority? Look up the word "nuance."

>> No.17997984

>care about feelings of leftist scum
this is how they try to convince you that they have feelings
don’t fall for it
they are uneducated ruffians

>> No.17997996

do you think they're there to protect YOU?

>> No.17998015

Maybe he never noticed guns and other various weapons are literally part of their uniform.

>> No.17998020

>spilling all that meaningless word soup to compensate for being called a midwit
Their job is to enforce the law not interpret it. It doesn't matter what they think as long as they follow the rules. IQ doesn't make people less susceptible to corruption or delusions of grandeur you'd know that if you spent less time circlejerking on twitter and more time in the real world you little melvin.

>> No.17998038

I understand the necessity of speaking in absolutes until you get called out on it. How's that for nuanced.

>> No.17998064

>Their job is to enforce the law not interpret it.
I'm the midwit?

>IQ doesn't make people less susceptible to corruption or delusions of grandeur
No it doesn't. It also doesn't stop you from getting PTSD by having to deal with insane shit as part of your daily job. It does however indicate the ability to deal with levels of abstraction and, therefore, a potential prowess when it comes to designing and implementing training programmes that deal with character training and de-escalation.

Wait...you're not a midwit. You're just a moron.

>> No.17998072

Where's the absolute?

>> No.17998099

Yeah that's pretty good man.

>> No.17998152
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>blah blah blah we need these grunt officers to be ultra high iq enlightened progressives like me so they can talk down the nigger gangbangers with I-messages
lol just shut the fuck up faggot everyones tired of listening to your retarded whining

>> No.17998171

AOC sucks so bad

>> No.17998219
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If you have trouble with ideas, maybe you should get make an Imgur account.

>> No.17998235

In the UK the ordinary police don't carry guns.

>> No.17998292

>you should get make
esl detected

>> No.17998898


>> No.17998908

Then conservatives aren't capitalists either.

>> No.17998969

There's a pretty high concept poem in there by a cop call Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau.

>> No.17999004

Why does it make you seethe so much that somebody with less of an education or IQ than you is occasionally in a position of authority over you?
Behind all the anti-cop BS there's a very real class war going on. Most of the most vocal supporters of this crap are always unemployed college (or higher) grads struggling to reconcile the world as it is with their inflated sense of self importance.

>> No.17999018

Remember, leftists want a state apparatus that uses power/violence to maintain public order filled with 140 IQ giganerds.

I'll take a dumb jock with a mustache and the can-do attitude of a golden retriever any day.

>> No.17999042

>Most cops see themselves as (pic related)
They really don't. Lots of normal people do see them as heros though. That's probably what you're really mad about you lefty faggot, they project an image of strength and confidence and they didn't even have to spend four years taking glorified Q tests to do it. I bet that really grinds your gears.

>> No.17999078

>I'm the midwit?
Yes. Do you have any idea how stupid it would be to require all cops to be lawyers? There's an entire court system, appeals, body of law, etc. that comes into play when interpreting the law and its (necessarily and thankfully) a very long and drawn out process.
All cops need to do is be the first boots on the ground, hand out parking tickets, and arrest people so they can be processed by the legal system. The cops are just a small part of the state monopoly of violence, they arne't the whole thing and if they were it would be a hellish police state regardless of how high IQ the people in charge are.
>a potential prowess when it comes to designing and implementing training programmes that deal with character training and de-escalation
There are many well educated social workers who work on exactly this. You don't even know what you're talking about.

>> No.17999079

>They inherently hate rules and rule enforcers
Look at the constant witch hunts, moral panics and cancellation the left contantly preoccupies itself with. They love rules and rule enforces.
The reason they hate the police is because it's one of the few rule enforcing institutions that is mostly out of their hands.

>> No.17999123
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Doesn't seeth me at all. Their job is a societal pillar and they have to deal with more terrible shit in a week than most people see in a decade. My prior job required that I work with them frequently and I only met one or two I disliked as people.

However, I'm referring to systemic problems in policing that have to do with the authoritarian aspects of their role; their cultural perception of themselves being an impediment to overcome such.

Honestly, I just wanted someone to present some decent criticism that the low IQ level isn't as big of a hurdle as I posited it to be. (Of course, I could have just listed negative personality traits that are amplified by the fact the profession attracts a certain type--but then retards like you two would have taken that as a statement all cops are like that because you don't understand the difference in nuance between individual cops and a general trend). I guess I expected too much.

>> No.17999168


>> No.17999173

Who said cops have to be lawyers? Big jump there; usually indicative of a small mind.

>>All cops need to do is be the first boots on the ground, hand out parking tickets, and arrest people so they can be processed by the legal system.
What a midwit thing to say. You know the job requires a lot of personal judgement as well as social manipulation (e.g. discretionary enforcement of infractions, manipulating people into giving information, etc.).

>>There are many well educated social workers who work on exactly this
And they haven't made very much progress over the last 50 years. Besides, we're talking about active police officers and not social workers (I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you're aware of their role in developing training programmes (even if it is pretty minor)).

>> No.17999183

>American conservatism
That's not conservatism.

>> No.17999518

>IQ is pseudoscientific
It measures your ability to recognize patterns.

>> No.17999615
File: 73 KB, 385x363, 1617757024252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18000027

Vi odio, cari studenti
Vi odio come odio i vostri papà

>> No.18000066

>Why do leftists seethe about this stuff? What's wrong with having police write poetry? Bizarre.
You are vastly overestimating the intensity of emotion it takes to take a picture and fire of a tweet.
Why do you think you would need to feel some sort of strong emotion to do this?

>> No.18000079

>a blueprint for a Utopia that's reachable

>> No.18000200

>didn't mention it before...but it was a section in Peterson's class
Either very subtle bait or stroke of genius

>> No.18000204

90% of cops are psychopaths

>> No.18000209

>shitposting their lives away for retweets
That's even worse.

Yes I'm aware od the irony of my post.

>> No.18000210

They seem to love making up rules and hierarchies tho. Far more than anyone today bar the state (which largely pretends to be impotent).

>> No.18000255


>> No.18000306

>They inherently hate rules and rule enforcers.

Only because they believe that they should be the ones making and enforcing the rules. Antifa apparently hates cops, yet they dress up like riot cops and go around trying to enforce their morality upon people who want nothing to do with them.

>> No.18000580

could you BE more wrong?