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/lit/ - Literature

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17994069 No.17994069 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Japanese people write amazing stories but always screw up the ending?

>> No.17994099

>Why do Japanese people write amazing stories


>> No.17994104

Kikes forced him to change the ending, hence why he didn't even bother writing an afterword and his editors had to do it.
It stopped being Isayama's story over a year ago.

>> No.17994110

If you're judging that based on anime and manga, you should know these follow certain rules that can screw up quality.

>> No.17994127

This belongs to /a/, not lit. Also, it's because the people in charge of the production in the manga industry are ding-dongs that overwork their mangakas and don't let them end their story when they feel like it. And because japanese people, the primary consumers of the manga industry, have shit taste. You can find good modern japanese books, most of them are shitty light novels poisoned by the anime culture just like this board nowadays but there are gems.

>> No.17994209

The only part of the story that seems unchanged is that she buries eren under the tree. He was originally going to kill almost all the characters

>> No.17994226

>This belongs to /a/, not lit.

>> No.17994229

This anime was trash

>> No.17994256

/a/ - Anime & Manga
> op pic and obviously related complain : snk
I guess the producers aren't the only ding-dongs around.

>> No.17994259

Well it tried to be a grand strategy/conspiracy anime which I think is really neat but I think the author intended to prolong the suffering of the characters to get his message across.

>> No.17994268

Because most manga are serialized and the author isn't usually allowed to end the story when they'd like to, it either gets axed early and they have to shoehorn an ending, or its successful and they have to drag it on far past the ideal end point.

>> No.17994271
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> amazing stories
> anime
Very fucking rarely.
French animation however is always great.

>> No.17994283

Take your Contrarianism to /v/ and shove it up your ass.

>> No.17994285

French art has been nothing but vapid degeneracy for hundreds of years now.

>> No.17994288
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>come up with amazing and inventive concepts
>always fumble the characterisation and relationship/dialogue due to their weird, fucked up culture

The Japanese have some of the most clever premises I can think of but then invariably screw it up in execution. Some exceptions but I always walk away disappointed.

>> No.17994299
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>> No.17994314

>Why do Japanese people write amazing stories but always screw up the ending?

If they have screwed up endings they aren't really amazing stories, are they?

Coming up with a compelling plot idea is actually not hard. A compelling ending is far harder. Japanese are hack writers.

>> No.17994323


>> No.17994328

The reality: people are afraid of tragedy today. You can have happy endings, you can have sad endings, but what you can't do is represent anyone's life as a tragedy.

>> No.17994331
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I’ve been on 4chan since 2007 after discovering it during Chanology and the only anime I’ve watched are the Ghost in the Shell movie, Neon Evangelion, Akira, Samurai Champloo and Cowboy Bebop. Never read a manga.

I’m honestly so glad and proud of myself that I never became an anime or manga hobbyist because hoo boy do the people that do seem like HUGE insufferable faggots. I’m also pretty sure anime, like video games and dungeons and dragons, is a gateway into tranny and pedophile/sex offender shit.

Such as? I’m curious about this.

>> No.17994338

built for BBC

>> No.17994352
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What is this unholy abomination? This style is Pixar-esque and has a Japanese-like obsession of the "cute". Even the "plain yogurt" has to be cute and modern - it's fucking PLAIN.

>> No.17994357

Nice blog. Where can I subscribe?

>> No.17994359

because it was never good

>> No.17994365

It's not even tragic it's just pure suffering what the main characters go through.

>> No.17994373

>proud of himself for not watching a cartoon

lofty aspirations i see

>> No.17994383

Because they were nuked. Twice.

>> No.17994417 [DELETED] 
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I’ve noticed this too. Everything produced in the Anglosphere is really fucking sterile and inoffensive now. Very few artists are willing to engage with reality in a mature way. I think it honestly has to do with the infantilisation of western people. People in their 30s act like teenagers still. Nobody wants to invest in a piece of art that doesn’t comfort them or soothe their anxieties or possibly prevent them from questioning their relationship to capitalism. Just keep on consooooooming!

I sound like an incel now I know but one of the most refreshing artists of the last 10 years to me is Sam Hyde unironically. I love the way he parodies and critiques the overly saccharine or optimistic carefree psychological programming that advertising/public education instills in retarded Western people. He reminds people of their vanity, decadence, narcissism, arrogance and self destructiveness.

Western people have this really grotesque ethos of “I don’t want to leave a pretty corpse” or whatever and that translates into engaging in the most excessive fucked up type of behaviour. And as part of their puerile mindset they don’t really understand consequences or if they don’t they don’t think they apply to them.

Everyone’s a big old retarded mediocre man baby now

>> No.17994422

Check your mother’s phone. She’s my biggest fan.

>> No.17994433


>> No.17994438

>always screw up the ending?

NGE had a perfect ending you loser.

>> No.17994450
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>> No.17994462

She is a special ed teacher, after all.

>> No.17994482

>Why do Japanese people write amazing stories
pic unrelated i presume

>> No.17994492


>> No.17994513

manga are written on the fly, they have a lot of time to make the beginning but they focuse on making the story goes as long possible during the run of the series instead of thinking of an ending

>> No.17994538

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.17994810

Manga is usually published in magazines. That means it starts with something like a pilot episode and if the publisher likes it, the author can get to work. The story and themes have to be adjusted to the audience, usually teens, with their questionable taste and everything.
The story has a basic outline, but due to episodic nature of these works and editors chiming in with their ideas how to make it more marketable, it can go through constant changes that can make the author lose grasp of plot. If the audience reacts well to the manga, it gets extended, sometimes to soap opera levels. If ratings aren't that great, it gets the axe and a rushed ending (sometimes it just gets axed and that's it, no end).
This is quite different from a book, where the author writes everything to the end and only then gives it to editor to see if it's good. The writer of book already knows how it will all play out, and if in the middle they want to change something no one will really know. Mangaka writes the story as it's published monthly or weekly, so any differences in direction are quite visible, since they can't go back in time to change what they already turned in.
Anime takes any problems manga might have had and adds on stuff like censorship, because television is more available, budget too low to make a really good product, lots of filler that doesn't really add onto story for more popular shows, sometimes original characters or minor adjustments, I presume to make it more attractive to audience...

>> No.17994820

What’s so amazing about this story?

>> No.17994832

books were serialized for a long time, see dostoevsky's and dickens's bibliographies

>> No.17994843

it's amazingly trite. it really makes you think about like your own actions and morality and good vs evil and war. it

>> No.17994902

Yes, I know that, didn't feel like mentioning them because they were written for different audience and those writers probably didn't get nearly as harassed as mangakas these days.
Early 20th century had some serialized work that was made with the budding movie industry in mind, and those were sometimes of lower quality while still being popular.

>> No.17994923

The ending of Mishima's Sailor Who Fell From Grace is great.

>> No.17994986
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Kobo abe has some great ironic endings in his stories. Also, best anime ending coming trough

>> No.17995096

Watch the anime. You will understand. It's crescendo.

>> No.17995184

>Amazing story
>with bad ending

A bad ending already makes it a bad story, anon

>> No.17995197

They never know it's over until you drop the big one. twice

>> No.17995272

That's just Japanese dramatic structure
