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/lit/ - Literature

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17992131 No.17992131[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Pretty much summed it up in the topic. I'm 23, white, female, American, Jewish by blood. I know it sounds crazy. I went on a birthright Israel trip when I was 20 and converted shortly after I returned to the states.

I know a lot if not most of 4chan is athiest and Bill Maherish in terms of making fun of religion and thinking its stupid and I totally respect that. I am in grad school studying science planning on phd and many of my close friends are athiests. I believe in evolution btw. I believe in logic and science as my background is in mathematics. I just hope people respect I have my own reasons for having religion and that it makes me happy.

oh ya and btw I'm new to 4chan and i love the shit out of it. This place is amazing. This is my first topic so if there's stuff wrong, go easy on me....
Anyway I wanted some advice on how I can be a better muslim. Thanks!

>> No.17992154 [DELETED] 

great literature thread dude

>> No.17992157

Why are muslims such fags?

>> No.17992166

>Anyway I wanted some advice on how I can be a better muslim
Read al-Ghazali’s ‘The Revival of the Religious Sciences’

Also, check out the writings of Rene Guenon, he was born in France but became a Muslim and he has a lot of insightful things to say about science and modernity in his books “East and West” and “Crisis of the Modern World”. He changed my perspective on a lot of things.

>> No.17992168

read Quran and Prometheus rising by Wilson but also please beware the upcoming barrage of other posters who will insult you for being slightly different from the average poster

>> No.17992184

Thanks! Would you also recommend Evola? I ask because evola and guenon are mentioned together a lot here.

Thanks. But why prometheus rising?

>> No.17992189

Show bobs and vegene

>> No.17992197

do you have a paypal or patreon i could donate to?

>> No.17992205

I would recommend reading Evola only after reading several of Guenon’s books. Evola adds a political element which is absent in Guenon, and so it can be helpful to understand the Traditionalist concepts Guenon writes about on their own terms first before getting into the Evolian presentation of them which is colored by Evola’s political ideology.

>> No.17992215

>But why prometheus rising?
it completely unrelated i just like that book and recc it almost every post i make unironically

>> No.17992219


>> No.17992224

How would this help me become a better muslim?

>> No.17992225

Evola gets mentioned a lot, he can be hard to get into though because his ideas are very esoteric. Don't do what I did and start with Mystery Of The Grail just because it's short, it'll seem weird and rambling because it's lacking in context. You're better off reading some Guenon then going into Revolt Against The Modern World. It's a more political development of Guenon's more academic ideas, you might like it.

>> No.17992239
File: 21 KB, 258x330, absolutelyDegenerate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To answer your "question" just read:
the the Quran (given to Muhammad), the Torah (given to Moses), the Gospel (given to Jesus), the Psalms (given to David), and the Scrolls (given to Abraham).

>> No.17992240

Evola talks about how to live a Traditional life in a decadent and decaying society. If you're sick of modernity, you'll like it a lot.

>> No.17992246

all these coincidences are overloading my instruments

>> No.17992267

why are you telling me this

>> No.17992288

Because the writings of the Traditionalist school help reveal to people their underlying anti-traditional biases and false assumptions about the nature of things which were implanted into them by the modern education system and the general media culture of modernity, it can help you realize the subtle ways in which your own mind functioned according to an implicit pro-modernity, materialist or scientism attitude without you even considering it. Pulling out the root of these delusions wholly can clear one’s mind and heart and help one realize the importance of religion or the spiritual life over all else, no matter how much the modern world tries to deny this.

> It is no coincidence that the French traditionalist René Allé in one collection dedicated to R. Guenon compared Guenon with Marx. It would seem that there are completely different, opposite figures. Guenon is a conservative hyper-traditionalist. Marx is a revolutionary innovator, a radical overthrower of traditions. But Rene Halle rightly guessed the revolutionary message of each of Guenon's statements, the extreme, cruel noncomformity of his position, which turns everything and everything upside down, the radical nature of his thought. The fact is that René Guenon is the only author, the only thinker of the twentieth century, and maybe many, many centuries before that, who not only identified and confronted with each other secondary language paradigms, but also put into question the very essence of language (and metalanguage).

>The language of Marxism was methodologically very interesting (especially at a certain historical stage), subtly reducing the historical existence of mankind to a clear and convincing formula for confronting labor and capital (which, in fact, was a colossal revolutionary and predictive course, because it allowed many things to be systematized and brought together into a single, more or less consistent, dynamic structure). Being a great paradigmatic success, Marxism was so popular and won the minds of the best intellectuals of the twentieth century. But R. Guenon is an even more fundamental generalization, an even more radical removal of masks, an even broader worldview contestation, putting everything into question.

- Aleksandr Dugin

>> No.17992297

read Guenon(pbuh)

>> No.17992307

>Tfw no Jewish Muslim concert gf

>> No.17992417

Can a person still walk in step with the rationalist people after clearing ones mind of materialism?

>> No.17992493

Remaining a rational person who exercises their judgement and reason with care is not the same as the “rationalist mindset”, you can abide by the former and reject the latter. This doesn’t prevent you from working and engaging with committed rationalists, materialists etc. Wolfgang Smith is a more modern member of the Traditionalist school who taught math as UCLA and he has written books following up on some of the same ideas as Guenon, talking about how modern science has erred by denying God and the metaphysical.

>> No.17992500

Wholesome post, alhamdullah.

>> No.17992663

Thanks for your help!

>> No.17992672

Wow that's crazy and all but didn't ask

Have fun being Jew 3.0

>> No.17992680

>kike roastie converts to islam

>> No.17992697

It wouldn't necessarily. What you ought to read is as deeply as you can the entire religion and I'd recommend for you in particular the rights of women in Islam in accordance with the sharia and insha'Allah find yourself a good husband who knows his deen.

Much of Evola's ideas are counter to Islam, Evola was not a muslim. Islam is egalitarian and anti-racism.

>> No.17992704

>Islam is egalitarian and anti-racism
Keep your modern labels to your modern ideologies and leave religion alone.

>> No.17992719

Define those terms and they exist without conflict within Islam. Allah has given us this perfect religion until the end of time.

>> No.17992743

So your
>Thanks lit for converting me to islam didnt work
so now you are going with the
>teehee cute jewish girl here who converted to pisslam, why dont you do the same goy?
What will it be next week?

Fuck you faggot tranny.

>> No.17992745

That is interesting. What made you decide on Islam?

>> No.17992760

/lit/ threads

>> No.17992766

Can you prove that you're actually a person? This post seems like a masterclass in bait.

>> No.17992767

What about/lit/ threads? Care to be more specific?

>> No.17992827

Fake and gay thread

>> No.17992874

COPE. Evola said that Islam is the superior monotheist religion. Also:

>> No.17992880

Oops, I'm not OP.

>> No.17992931

Are you really asking OP if they're Jewish? They already stated they're Jewish by blood.

>> No.17992957

>*holds up spork*
fuck off to /x/

>> No.17992971

You are now

>> No.17992981

Would you be a wife #4?

>> No.17993011
File: 60 KB, 600x580, 2C07661B-B8FD-49EA-AB96-F3009C449404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good bait thread

>> No.17993017

show bob please thank you sir

>> No.17993030

I went into Palestine and really connected with the people there. THen I went to a mosque in a small Palestinian settlement called Ein Rafa and I just felt so at peace. Later I read the Qur'an and converted. I know it doesn't make sense to a lot of people but... it helped me clean my life up. Before Islam I didn't put too much good into the world... I guess it gave me a reason to be a better person. And I Just felt happiness from the Qur'an

>> No.17993041

No. I just wanted to point out a kind of common misconception a lot of Americans have... they have this view like all Muslim men are these dominating and controlling guys... and even if that's true I tend to believe its more because they are asians.... no offense to Asian guys but I am talking middle eastern and dudes from the INdian subcontinent, tend to be this way regardless of religion. It's more cultural than anything. Believe me, every single one of my friends is Asian with the exception of one person. It's a different fucking world over there

I can't say much in terms of Chinese, Vietnamese, far east Asian countries etc because I don't have so many close friends from these areas but like I said... middle east and southeast Asia... regardless of religion... this is how the culture is between men and women.

>> No.17993055

please sit on my face

>> No.17993101

Why did you delude yourself that much? You're literally egg came back to roost

>> No.17993107
File: 28 KB, 623x408, IMG_9579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men are supposed to be the dominant one. That's natural hierarchy acknowledged by Islam. By Allah, there is no place for your feminist nonsense!
.t Turk

>> No.17993113

>Evola said that Islam is the superior monotheist religion
Why didn't he convert!

>> No.17993118

Because he wasn't a monotheist. He preferred paganism and occultism.

>> No.17993119

In Islam the only right a man has on his wife is conjugation.

>> No.17993139

Was he a pagan and a magician? The more I know about that guy the less I'm inclined to read him, as a Muslim.

>> No.17993155
File: 735 KB, 1137x830, trad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as a muslim
The more reason to read him!

>> No.17993259

He believed in perennialism, the idea that there are many valid paths to God. This is absolutely compatible with the idea that one path is the right one, and others are just approximations to it.

>> No.17993270

>he was born in France but became a Muslim
many such cases

>> No.17993416

I don't see why you want to be rude. I don't walk behind anybody and I usually run wherever I go. I wear a hijab and I enjoy that. I know its one thing many people don't understand but I'll say this... all growing up I was a tomboy and had mostly all guy friends... as a teenager and young adult things changed for me in that all the friendships, the guy usually ended up there was some crush or feelings, etc. Or some guy became friends for the wrong reasons. It was annoying. All the guy friends I have now I don't know... I know its for the right reasons. No body approaches me for the wrong reasons and that is something I enjoy.

And by the way there are many people who don't consider the hijab a compulsory part of Islam but rather from the hadith which I don't tend to follow anyway.